
Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. Menos

    Menos Commander

    Jan 2, 2017
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    Damage per shot is also an important stat in certain game-modes. Especially if you are capable of aiming well, the sniper weapon out-performs any other weapon in the game with a whoop-ass 1200 damage / shot (T2), or even 1750 d/shot if you use one of those epic snipers that seem to be thrown at you every other loot-box. With 2 shots / second, their d/second is twice the value as above, but there is rarely anything that survives the 2nd shot. Now compare that to the T2 shotgun, which does about 90 d/second... ;)

    There is still a long way to go for Empyrion, but as usual: balance comes at the end.
  2. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    & it's hard to get good DPS on stuff with no Head to Headshot, like SV Cockpits, so even for its intended role, it's hard to get enough damage outta Homers from T2 Rocket Launchers, or Plasma Cannons, or such.
  3. ei8htx

    ei8htx Lieutenant

    Dec 18, 2016
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    Perhaps this has been done already in this 19 page thread, but here's some SV weapon stats:

    		Damage		RPM		DPS		Max Count	Max DPS
    Gatling		7		600		70.0		6		420.0
    Rail		160		40		106.7		4		426.7
    Pulse		33		120		66.0		4		264.0
    Plasma		54		75		67.5		4		270.0
    Rocket		211		30		105.5		4		422.0
    The Gatling Gun is nearly the most powerful armament option in the game. One could argue it's the best considering resource cost (both gun and its ammo) and level required. Plasma and Pulse need some serious love. They're both expensive to make, expensive to feed, require high levels, and have worthless stats.

    I prefer the Rail Gun at mid-end game, but I can see the appeal of the rocket launcher (homing and dumbfire have identical stats) due to its damage radius.

    Also, to the conversation earlier, I'd REALLY love an epic chainsaw.

    EDIT: FFS, why allow a BB Code editing mode if you don't support tables!!
    EDIT: Fixed with tabs and a code block...
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2017
    macklberry, Ballard, Repier and 3 others like this.
  4. Requiemfang

    Requiemfang Commander

    May 13, 2015
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    Hmm did they fix ship railguns yet? Last time I tried to use them in SP they wouldn't damage anything.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  5. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    This is the first i've heard of them causing problems... has this been Bug Reported?
  6. Requiemfang

    Requiemfang Commander

    May 13, 2015
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    have to check to see in game, if they are still not doing damage then I certainly will report it as a bug.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  7. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    No problem with railguns on my side. For turrets they work great provided aiming is accurate, but for drones they're not very good, seems they don't even hit... Only a few minigun shots do the job, and I know many of them just miss, so I wonder how the railguns on my SVs, being placed close together, seem to miss consistently when shooting at drones but not when shooting turrets...
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  8. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Maybe Rail Gun Shots are hitting the Drones too simultaneously & it's making some of the Shots Bug fail at counting as a hit?
  9. AndyH

    AndyH Commander

    Jan 18, 2017
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    I admin a PVE server and have been running tests in creating challenging content for the veterans out in big boy space. In doing so, I keep running into the same problem: the alien turrets are just no match for what a player vehicle has access to if they know what they are doing and how to design. Even most planet POI's are no match for a solid SV/HV in a rush-smash-grab routine, the P1 Fortress being an exception simply due to its size.

    I did succeed in making a decent AI Cruiser that takes about 13.5 minutes to silence in a 1v1 CV/CV fight, however the number of AI turrets required just to stall the inevitable risks inducing frame rate drops and the end result is still in no doubt with minimal damage to the player CV. Ran a stress test against a space superdreadnought AI with about +200 laser and plasma turrets, max boundary length, and 5 layers of combat armor on all sides. It barely breached the outermost combat armor in 4 spots of my own in-character cruiser with its legal weapons load and equal armor thickness, but 1/4 the length, while this obscenity of an AI ship was wrecked.

    Obviously the devs have a roadmap, understand what the game faces in the grand scope of things, and are doing a great job. And I can understand if plasma/laser turrets are limited to semi-balance for player SV's as well. And rightly so, even when balance is not a short-term goal at this stage compared to everything else that must be made functional. It is just sometimes frustrating trying to make exciting content for our experienced players (which goes to SP as well), when there is so limited options to give to the bad guys. So I wonder if there is any thought to any place-holders or such for the AI turrets that can equal a player's? Heck, at this point I'd be happy with a cut-n-paste job to give the AI the same missile and artillery turrets players have to challenge what players can come up with.
    Tyrax Lightning and Repier like this.
  10. tehmashby

    tehmashby Lieutenant

    Mar 14, 2017
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    I agree, at the very least they need an artillery type weapon, pref with higher damage stats, something to spank the lazy and slow responders
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  11. Requiemfang

    Requiemfang Commander

    May 13, 2015
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    What we're lacking it seems are DRW or basically large freaking beam weapons.

    Like these.

    Second one is more reasonable lol in that the first vid you'd need that massive beam weapon to practically have the ship built around it. It's the orange beam being fired in the second vid is what I'm getting at.

    Supercrab and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  12. Supercrab

    Supercrab Commander

    Jun 8, 2017
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    onother thing i want in empyrion, FIRE! so fires will start if you overuse you generator, or if you shoot the generator to bits, and also there is a little chance of fire if you shoot some eletronics like light, constructors, exct. i mean it will be really cool if you are fighting a POI and the POI starts to burn. and you can start fire manually by using the Flame thrower. the ground will burn and the trees will also burn if you shoot them with a flame thrower But your own stuff could also get burned. so if you want to set the fire out, you will need the Sprinkler, the sprinkler has 2 options, 1 option is for plants, you can use the sprinkler to sprinkle (shoot) the plants so they will grow faster. and the other option is to mmake fire go away and make everybody soaking. you can recharge the sprinkler for free if you are in water. this could be an option for hardmode and midium mode.
    Tyrax Lightning and tehmashby like this.
  13. tehmashby

    tehmashby Lieutenant

    Mar 14, 2017
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    +1 to all these,
    Fire needs to be more of a hazard in the game, I would also like to burn some plant monsters ( annoying little sods, they are) I love the idea of fire starting from overstressed generators..
    Fire in spaceships is the worst possible outcome, the oxygen rich atmosphere is perfect fuel. And would be an epic epic EPIC addition to space battles.
    Lastly this is survival, on a cold planet at night fire could be the only thing that saves you, on a jungle planet it may be the only thing that keeps critters at bay

    Fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire
  14. Supercrab

    Supercrab Commander

    Jun 8, 2017
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    more ideas about Fire= water sprinklers and Fire-proof ventilators. water sprinklers spray water and stop fire, cheep to make but only take out fire that is in range of the sprinkler. There are 3 types of fire-proof ventilators, which is hard to make and the fire-proof ventilator core can only be found in POIs (like Auto miner cores) the first version of fire-proof ventilators stop fire after something like 15 to 20 seconds, the second version stops fire in 10 to 15 seconds and the third version stops fire in only 5 seconds. fire-proof ventilators can be put in SVs, CVs, HVs, and BAs. the sprinklers is only for BAs and CVs.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  15. Supercrab

    Supercrab Commander

    Jun 8, 2017
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    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  16. Morrigan

    Morrigan Lieutenant

    Jun 12, 2017
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    You know, one way they could make what would effectively amount to spinal mount weaponry, is to give the capacitors a function. Check out this concept:
    Beam emitter block (Set of blocks- (1)1x2x1, (2)1x3x1, (3)1x4x1, (4)1x5x1, (5)1x8x1, (6)1x10x1)
    Each one would require a minimum number of capacitors to function, let's say each capacitor has a draw of 100 kw. The damage to a target would be based on the number of capacitors; each capacitor needs to be in physical contact with a non firing surface of the beam emitter block. Let's say (1) needs at least 2 capacitors, (2) needs at least 4, etc. Obviously, given the surface area of each beam emitter, there's a hard limit to the number of capacitors it can be powered by, and each capacitor has to draw a full charge for the emitter block to fire. Let's say that only 1 capacitor could charge at a time, so charging up a (6) would not be a small endeavor with the mathematically consistent assumption that it requires a minimum of 12 capacitors. Although for a weapon like that, the AoE of damage conforms to half the emitter length (So a (4) would have an aoe of 2.5, while a (6) would have an AoE of 5).

    Now, the upside: Let's assume the weapon deals 40 capital grade damage plus 25 per active capacitor. Just minimum capacitors on a (1) block would deal 90 damage with a smallish charge time, while logical cramming of all possible capacitors on a (1) would use 9 capacitors, probably have a 9 second recharge time, and deal 265 damage. Let's assume further that this is CV weaponry, although maybe there'd be a good case for making a 1/2 damage SV version. Since there's a block limit on everything else, let's assume there's a limit of 1 of these, since they're logically supposed to be enormous and a ship is supposed to be built around it, given the theme of spinal mount weaponry.

    Ah, so this is overkill, yes? Except it's introduced with a beam drone. Or a beam capital ship. Start off by giving the AI vessel weapons that are actually dangerous.

    So, that's the idea, largely fueled by the fact that I REALLY want actual beam weapons instead of underpowered energy pellet guns. Anyone wanna chip in on this?
    tehmashby and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  17. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Interesting thinking... though fyi: The CV Artillery Cannon does over 2,000 Damage per Shot. ;)
  18. Frankyln

    Frankyln Rear Admiral

    Sep 13, 2015
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    Assuming capital ship were slow to turn. I would like to see spinal weapons. These weapon would do mass damage, but should also have mass side effects. Also they would be huge block size class x CV and up
    Possibly limited to on weapon.

    Some examples
    • Very slow x seconds to recharge
    • Inability to use other weapons for x seconds
    • Shield fail for x seconds
    • Rcs system fail for x seconds
    • Complete power loss For x seconds
    Multiple spinal weapons would increase the seconds of the side effects, 2 spirals would be double the seconds

    These type of weapons are a strategic first strike weapon
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  19. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    So... for my first opening move... I wanna fire my Super Weapon & then be defenseless against the counterattack for many seconds after... I dunno about that... :p

    I think I may have had RPG Boss Monsters try such shenanigans on me in the past & it didn't end pretty for them. :D
  20. Frankyln

    Frankyln Rear Admiral

    Sep 13, 2015
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    Well if you fire this weapon and the enemy was expecting it then yes it will end bad for you. First strike weapons are meant to do damage and not have to worry about retaliation.

    Its like a sniper, fire and move if you stay to take a second shot your dead. Or like a Nuclear sub, launch your weapons and hope to kill the enemy's nukes. If you don't your dead.

    As for your rpg it probable worked on you the first time unless you had for knowledge of it.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.

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