
Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. Neal

    Neal Rear Admiral

    Nov 23, 2016
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    As i wrote before (somewhere) i think a SV should never be able to destroy a 10x bigger CV, at least not when both are fully functional.
    I see little worth in artificially creating a "balance" between SVs and CVs.
    Both should have their own use, SVs in planetary atmospheres (and possibly as Dropship), and CVs in Space (fulfilling various roles and tasks).
    I know most players are used to have a trinity, like stone, scissor, paper, but i have never seen that very useful TBH, especially when realized in single player games.

    The game should offer enough variety within each category (HVs, SVs, CVs, BAs) so it won't get boring. But to have SVs be so strong (Offense and defense) so one SV could take on a CV would be blatant nonsensical imo.

    I seriously hope that Energy shields (when introduced) will definitely make CVs and BAs much more resistant and durable than HVs and SVs (Speaking only about space combat). If not, we can only for the day the devs will allow Mod support.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.

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