
Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. Astra

    Astra Commander

    Jun 27, 2015
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    Am I the only one that gets lag when I am changing weapons? And reloading?
    it makes you have to think about being attacked. But if I reload, i cant change weapons while waiting for the reload sound.
  2. Subquake

    Subquake Lieutenant

    Jul 26, 2015
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    The colored weapon sights in my opinion are too much with the coloring. It makes it really hard to see the enemies and it would be nice if the transparency of the sights would be more seethrough than it currently is. And as others suggested, advanced weapons could highlight enemies.

    Option to add flashlights or alternative weapons with flashlights would be a nice thing, because you don't always have spotlights or ship nearby, that can lit up the area in the dark.
    Astra likes this.
  3. Michael Robison

    Michael Robison Ensign

    Jun 26, 2015
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  4. Astra

    Astra Commander

    Jun 27, 2015
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    Hello out there? Can anyone let me know if they are having the same issue.
    It takes time to switch weapons, and if you are reloading, it takes a longer time, especially the rocket launcher.
    Anyone else having this issue??
  5. Geneticus

    Geneticus Lieutenant

    Jun 27, 2015
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    Yeah the reload is a little long for basic weapons and tools. we also seem to have lost the auto reload when attempting to fire a weapon that is out of ammo with ammo in the inventory.
  6. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    Yeah, EGS said they removed that in the patch notes. Doesn't really bother me much as I tend to reload without waiting for the magazine to empty.
  7. WolfAmaril

    WolfAmaril Lieutenant

    Jun 14, 2015
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    Am I the only one who wants damage/rate of fire/range stats on the SV mounted weapons?
    It seems like it's nearly random how effective the weapon you're building is relative to weather or not it has more punch than the other weapons.

    I mean, the basic missile launchers seem to be the most destructive things you can build, and this is on a list that includes plasma cannons. THAT'S THE EQUILIVANT OF SHOOTING YOUR ENEMY WITH A MINIATURE SUN!
    I've just found it slightly annoying to go from "EAT PLASMA" to "CRAP CRAP CRAP boom" as your SV gets utterly destroyed by enemy missile fire.
  8. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    To be fair, plasma isn't like shooting your enemy with a miniature sun unless you have mastered gravity control technology to the point where you can compress the plasma and make it as dense as a star. Plasma would be really terrible as an anti-armor weapon, but pretty terrifying against soft targets like animals. Mmn. Pre-cooked meats.

    Rockets with shaped charge warheads or armor piercing warheads should be more destructive than plasma, but plasma does need a little something to make it stand out.
  9. WolfAmaril

    WolfAmaril Lieutenant

    Jun 14, 2015
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    That's a fair point, but I still want some decent damage stats on my weapons before I take them out and find out I'm functionally hunting armored death-bears with a squirt gun.
  10. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    *supported* Maybe it's too early to have those stats...weapons need to be balanced for a certain purpose. As Eviscerator said...
  11. WolfAmaril

    WolfAmaril Lieutenant

    Jun 14, 2015
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    True, though I think you can makr an argument for anti-armor, sun-firing plasma cannons. While true that you need gravity/density manipulation tech to even build them, with hover engine is at least some form of grvity negation, so the technology seems to be there.

    And if there's going to be FTL drives eventually, I'd say that gravity manipulation is almost mundane.
  12. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    Hover engine doesn't appear to be gravity negating, but appears to be more like a pressor or inverted tractor beam. Now the gravity generator for CVs is a good argument for gravity manipulation, but it requires a lot of power to make 1g. The power requirements for a 'sun-scale' plasma weapon would seem to be out of reach of SV and GV generators, using internally consistent technological application.

    However, it could make a hell of a spinal or fixed mount weapon for a capital ship.

    That said, not all enemies are implemented yet. We need to get all the features in place before we worry about balance. For now, I'm enjoying the miniguns, railguns, and missiles immensely. Kinetic weapons ftw.
  13. WolfAmaril

    WolfAmaril Lieutenant

    Jun 14, 2015
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    I understand that we need to wait for all the mobs to be in, but I'm slightly worried that, if what we're fighting right now are the lower end of the mobs in terms of power, that all the weapons may be just a touch underpowered. That may change with the inclusion of shields, I don't know yet.

    That being said, I absolutely LOVE the kinetic weapons so far, I'm just slightly disappointing that my best bet for defense isn't a hail of plasma blasts and lasers. I'm a bit of an energy weapons junkie.
  14. ObjectZero

    ObjectZero Commander

    Nov 13, 2014
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    The weapons as well will most likely be changed as well. This is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to weapons options for play, ships and bases.
  15. WolfAmaril

    WolfAmaril Lieutenant

    Jun 14, 2015
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    I'm personally hoping for the post-energy weapons and non-lethal/explosive stuff. How awesome would it be to be able to EMP the alien towers, then take out the AI core and dismantle the turrets to rebuild for your own base?
    Or a "Mass Accelerator" CV main cannon that could throw the smaller asteroids at oncoming ships, gravity cannons that you can use to blast enemies into other systems (Seriously, weaponized mass-effect relays, think about it).
  16. RobDog

    RobDog Commander

    Feb 27, 2015
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    [QUOTE="I've just found it slightly annoying to go from "EAT PLASMA" to "CRAP CRAP CRAP boom" as your SV gets utterly destroyed by enemy missile fire.[/QUOTE]

    Wolf, I've been in a few threads now where the problem you have is getting shot down in a SV.

    While in sympathize with you, and agree that weapons stats would be nice, it sounds like you need to learn how to fly and avoid incoming fire... I'm not putting you down or saying anything about myself here. I get shot down sometimes too. But you can take out a base turret with any of the weapons, you just have to practice and learn what type of flight or hovering attack works best with which weapon.

    The rail guns shoot farther than I can render the turrets (which is also outside the turrets target/awareness range), so I fire on them at the location I think they are supposed to be and have 80% success and mop up the last 1 or 2 up close.

    It helps a lot to think of the SV as a helicopter not an airplane. Use the vertical lift a to your advantage behind hill tops to pop-up, fire, and drop down. If you have to be close enough for detection, remember that the air targeting is currently trying to fire on you based on your movement. So strafe to one side for a second or 2 then stop and move the other way, stop and shoot, repeat. Use your vertical thrust to do this as well as combinations. Perhaps I should do a video of this for folks having trouble....

    Flying straight at your target to line up your shot and not getting hit is extremely challenging and I usually get toasted. I need more practice at it....

    Again, this is not an insult toward you in any way, just my thoughts on what the larger issue is that you are experiencing. And above all else, RAIL GUNS.... like 4 of em...
  17. WolfAmaril

    WolfAmaril Lieutenant

    Jun 14, 2015
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    Wolf, I've been in a few threads now where the problem you have is getting shot down in a SV.

    While in sympathize with you, and agree that weapons stats would be nice, it sounds like you need to learn how to fly and avoid incoming fire... I'm not putting you down or saying anything about myself here. I get shot down sometimes too. But you can take out a base turret with any of the weapons, you just have to practice and learn what type of flight or hovering attack works best with which weapon.

    The rail guns shoot farther than I can render the turrets (which is also outside the turrets target/awareness range), so I fire on them at the location I think they are supposed to be and have 80% success and mop up the last 1 or 2 up close.

    It helps a lot to think of the SV as a helicopter not an airplane. Use the vertical lift a to your advantage behind hill tops to pop-up, fire, and drop down. If you have to be close enough for detection, remember that the air targeting is currently trying to fire on you based on your movement. So strafe to one side for a second or 2 then stop and move the other way, stop and shoot, repeat. Use your vertical thrust to do this as well as combinations. Perhaps I should do a video of this for folks having trouble....

    Flying straight at your target to line up your shot and not getting hit is extremely challenging and I usually get toasted. I need more practice at it....

    Again, this is not an insult toward you in any way, just my thoughts on what the larger issue is that you are experiencing. And above all else, RAIL GUNS.... like 4 of em...[/QUOTE]
    Ok, I'm not saying you did read the thread, I'm not saying you didn't read the thread. But if you had read the thread you would have seen that this specific incident involved my ship getting blown in half by a missile that decided terrain wasn't solid and it could just fly through a mountain.
    RobDog likes this.
  18. RobDog

    RobDog Commander

    Feb 27, 2015
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    Ok, I'm not saying you did read the thread, I'm not saying you didn't read the thread. But if you had read the thread you would have seen that this specific incident involved my ship getting blown in half by a missile that decided terrain wasn't solid and it could just fly through a mountain.[/QUOTE]

    Nope, didn't read that.... missed it completely. Sorry about that. :-(
    Wouldn't matter where you were at if a missile comes at you through solid objects, sorry that happened to you.

    But seriously... Rail guns.. 4 of them....... 1 shot - 1 destroyed defense turret.

    And I want to say, please continue with your postings. Your ideas and opinions are pretty much the direction I would like to see things develop as well. And thank you for not taking my post in a negative way.

  19. WolfAmaril

    WolfAmaril Lieutenant

    Jun 14, 2015
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    Nope, didn't read that.... missed it completely. Sorry about that. :-(
    Wouldn't matter where you were at if a missile comes at you through solid objects, sorry that happened to you.

    But seriously... Rail guns.. 4 of them....... 1 shot - 1 destroyed defense turret.

    And I want to say, please continue with your postings. Your ideas and opinions are pretty much the direction I would like to see things develop as well. And thank you for not taking my post in a negative way.

    While the idea of 4 railguns does sound exciting, I'll stick to my 2x Railgun, 2x Chaingun, and 2x Missile launcher. Decent spread of accuracy and range.
  20. Captain_Brian

    Captain_Brian Commander

    Aug 5, 2015
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    My observations:
    • Sniper Rifle seems extremely underpowered. Usually faster for me to kill something with my pistol.
      • I think the damage should be 2x or 3x what it is now. Should be able to one-shot weaker enemies.
      • Also, the scope should be a toggle instead of having to hold down the right mouse button.
      • I love being able to hip-fire the rifle, makes me think of it as a battle rifle like a M-14 EBR.
    • Ammo in general seems very expensive.
      • I think the production quantity should be adjusted for many of them, perhaps by 2x or so.
    • Haven't played with the other weapons yet, but here are some ideas\expectations I have based on what I've read about them:
      • Shotgun
        • Should be able to one-shot weaker enemies at close-mid range
        • Would be cool to have the right mouse button consume 2 ammo but fire 2 shots simultaneously with a delay to refire
        • Should stagger and knockback enemies
      • Pistol
        • Seems ok as is, good baseline for other weapons. Ammo should be dirt cheap for it though, or rather production quantity might need to be upped.
      • Energy weapons
        • Personally, I think the ammo for these should require nothing more than energy to build
        • I think these should be balanced to be weaker than projectile weapons, but more accurate with only energy required to build their ammo magazines
    Of course, everything also needs animations, iron sights, polish, etc.

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