
Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    Except we wouldn't expect dinosaurs, and a knife has much more utility than a spear, so you'd see it in a survival kit. Escape pod and survival kit, remember. Not drop pod and military conquering equipment. You have to build the military stuff on your own.
    blooddragon606 likes this.
  2. Kaloriaa

    Kaloriaa Commander

    Aug 23, 2015
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    The best tool/weapons in my book would be a axe/knife cause you can chop down trees for firewood with the axe and with the knife you can tie it to a stick to make a spear. Spear fishing or you can also use the knife for other uses like cutting plant fibers to make rope or twine to make a crude shelter.

    But here it be kinda meaningless cause you got your ship for shelter and you got guns to hunt with.
    Eviscerator likes this.
  3. Monteknight

    Monteknight Ensign

    Sep 11, 2015
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    current weapons are fine since its pre alpha, but I think there should be a few more weapons - and weapons should be "extra" strong against certain things(X2 damage). I suggest 3 tiers for each weapon. also maybe add a flamethrower (tier 1) plasma thrower (tier 2) and idk, an ion caster (tier 3).

    as far as balancing goes, its already pretty balanced ;)
  4. stimdealer0001

    stimdealer0001 Captain

    Sep 14, 2015
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    I haven't seen really any posts on here regarding shipboard weapons.

    One thing I noticed was the ability to stay outside a tower's range and snipe all of the turrets with my rockets/plasma cannons before flying in to loot everything with ease.

    Seems a bit OP, and frankly kinda boring. Decrease optimal range of ship weapons that need it. More specifically, I can snipe turrets with plasma cannons, rail guns, rockets. I haven't tried, nor rarely ever use gatling guns of pulse cannons, so I can't really comment on those.

    Second thing, is will we be able to consolidate and group the weapons on our ships? If I have 3 rail guns, i'd like just one hotkey to fire them, not individual keys for each gun, since they all fire anyway. It takes up too much space when you want a heavily armed gunboat with multiple weapon systems.
  5. truehypershadow

    truehypershadow Ensign

    Sep 15, 2015
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    the max weapons on your ship (that works) is 9 , cause we only have 9 hotkeys

    if they remove that limit you will see people with 100 weapons ...

    i for one, want diffrent fire mode for my weapons

    i got 9 pulse cannons on my ship
    when i click they all fire at same time
    if i click and hold , they fire , reload fire, there is not consistent fire
    fire grapih : - - -

    what i want is ,
    i got 9 pulse cannons on my ship
    when i click they all fire at same time
    if i click and hold , only one fires, then second one fires, then third , then fourth and so on
    fire grapih : ------------------

    the fire graph shows , that my method will make continous fire
    it will help leading the shots in dogfighting
    HeadHunter likes this.
  6. The Notorious Teabagger

    The Notorious Teabagger Lieutenant

    Sep 9, 2015
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    For hand held weapons, I think the current types are good. I'd like to see more tiers of these weapons. Like T1-T5. So there is an equipment progression. Same for ammo.

    Ship based weapons is the same. Make tiers. Also can a brotha get some torpedos?
  7. Frankyln

    Frankyln Rear Admiral

    Sep 13, 2015
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    I would like to see customize able weapons (handheld / Ship mounted)

    -1 barrel Mod
    -1 Under Barrel Mod
    -1 Top Mount Mod
    -1 Gun Mechanic

    -1 barrel Mod
    -1 Top Mount Mod
    - 1 Gun Mechanic

    - 1 Clip type
    - 1 Ammo type

    Barrel Mod
    - Kinetic Accelerator Increase Kinetic Ammo Weapon Range
    - Precision Lenses Increase Energy Based Weapon Range
    - Silencer Decrease Noise a kinetic Weapon Makes
    - Spectrum Shift Cause Energy Weapons to be less visible
    - Extended Barrel Increase Range / Slower Aim
    - Bayonet Can Use as a melee weapon when out of ammo

    Under Barrel Mod
    - Laser Sight Better Accuracy with Cross Hairs
    - Grenade Launcher Single Shot Grenade / Long Range (Rifle Only)
    - Gyro Stabilizer Increase the Accuracy of Burst Shots (Kinetic Burst Weapons Only)
    - Flash Light Adds a Flash Light to the Gun
    - Cooling System Increase Energy Weapons Damage

    Top Mount
    - Laser Sight Better Accuracy with Cross Hairs
    - High Powered Scope Not Detectable X 12 magnification
    - Starlight Scope Not Detectable Limited Night Sight x 8 Magnification
    - Infra Red Scope Detectable Night Sight x 6 Magnification
    - Thermal Scope Not Detectable Night Sight x 4 Magnification
    - Gyro Stabilizer Increase the Accuracy of Burst Shots (Kinetic Burst Weapons Only)
    - Flash Light Adds a Flash Light to the Gun

    Gun Mechanics
    - Auto Re loader Auto Reloads / Reload times Slower (Clip based Weapons)
    - Quick Ejector Increase Rate of Fire Kinetic Weapons
    - Quick Loader Decrease Reload Time
    - Large Capacitors Decrease Rate of Fire Energy Weapons / Increase Damage
    - Fast Discharge Increase Rate Of Fire / Reduce Damage
    - Belt Feed Allows the use of Belt Ammo / increase Reload Time Load Time
    - Energy Feed Allows the use of Energy Packs / Increase Reload Time
    - Burst Mode Adds tri-shot burst to a non burst weapon / Decrease Accuracy
    - Spread mode Increase the amount of Simultaneous shots / Increase Reload Time

    Ammo Type
    - Light Bullet, Increase Range / Less Damage
    - Heavy Bullet, Reduce Range / More Damage
    - Explosive Bullet Splash Damage/ Increase reload time <edit>
    - Rocket Propelled Increased Range / Increase reload time <edit>
    - Hollow Point, More Damage to Unarmored / Less Damage To armored
    - Armour Piecing More damage to Armored / Less Damage to Unarmored

    Clip Type
    - Short Clip Less Ammo Per energy / kinetic Clip
    - Extended More Ammo per energy/kinetic Clip
    - Belt Vastly Increased Ammo per Kinetic Clip
    - Energy Pack Vastly Increased Ammo per Energy clip
    - Revolver Quick Load Allows Kinetic Weapon Mods
    - Revolver Heavy Load Decrease Revolver Ammo / Increase Damage
    - Revolver Light Load Increase Revolver Ammo / Decrease Damage
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2015
  8. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    This is the only part I really have an issue with. The only reason for there to be fewer rounds in a magazine is because the bullet or cartridge dimensions have changed.

    If they've changed, then they no longer fit in the gun's chamber. I suggest moving the balancing from magazine capacity to the time or resources required to manufacture.

    Honestly, I'm a fan of the way Fallout: New Vegas handled multiple ammunition types.
  9. Frankyln

    Frankyln Rear Admiral

    Sep 13, 2015
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    Yea Your right on the clip reduction, I'm not a fan of making it a resource option as it dons't directly effect the weapons performance, and I don't want the same give and take as other clips. Clip reload time maybe because there heavy, but is a few grams really going to make a difference.
  10. blooddragon606

    blooddragon606 Captain

    Aug 16, 2015
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    The laser rifle has a longer range than the sniper rifle, and does more damage than any of the projectile weapons. Once I have it, I ditch the others and make a metric s&&&load of ammo for the laser rifle. The scope has a rangefinder, and there's LOTS more prometheum than magnesium.

    I am a little reluctant to post this: I don't want the laser rifle to get nerfed...
  11. blooddragon606

    blooddragon606 Captain

    Aug 16, 2015
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    Free flight rockets are very easy to elude. Guidance would be nice. Basic IR guidance finds the hottest thing in the FOV of the lens, flies towards it, and detonates. Rocket fire in the current version is too easy to evade. Magnesium (or any other medal that burns white) flares make an effective countermeasure. Recipe: 5 units Mg powder, 2 metal plates, one oxygen can --> Flare. A countermeasure dropper might occupy a weapon slot.

    A common misconception about guided missiles: they generally do not collide with the target. They measure distance to the hottest thing they can see and when that distance is less than the value in the firmware (a meter--maybe 2): gersploosh.
  12. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    To specify, Antiaircraft missiles rarely collide with their targets. Anti-armor/building weapons generally do. The interesting question is whether or not our SVs, HVs, and CVs fit into either classification. Generally speaking, they're not quite as maneuverable as fighter craft, but they are far more heavily built.
  13. HeadHunter

    HeadHunter Commander

    Aug 13, 2015
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    Indeed, it depends on the warhead, too. A shaped charge is nigh-useless if it doesn't impact; a sabot even moreso.
    It would seem that the rocket launchers on an SV are most likely firing AGMs, certainly not AAMs. Which means when used against airborne targets, they do need to impact.
    Eviscerator likes this.
  14. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    Yes. A few grams extra weight being accelerated does add significantly to recoil. So the magazine reduction is still odd when you can 'balance' it just by messing about with the recoil, or giving the round a slower velocity to make it more difficult to hit at range. There are all kinds of balancing factors to play with without using ones that are obviously arbitrary.
  15. Frankyln

    Frankyln Rear Admiral

    Sep 13, 2015
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    Talking about missile is great but I would like to see counter measures implemented as well , Chaff, Electronic Counter Measures (ECM), Anti Missile Turrets, Flares, Hardened Electronics, Reactive Armour, force fields and other futuristic defenses. This may make rockets(unguided missiles) and other weapons more appealing.

    As for missiles I would like to see customization's

    Basic Missile (Base Range/Speed/Payload)
    1 Warhead
    1 Trigger
    1 Engine Mods
    1 Fuel Tank Mods
    2 Electronic Mods

    High Explosive (Greater Blast Radius)

    Shaped Charge (Greater Armour penetration)

    Fragmentation (Greater splash damage)

    MIRV (Multiple Warheads)
    - Greater Spread
    - Less damage per hit

    Incendiary (Fire Damage Burns up O2)

    EMP (Disables Electronics)

    Magnetic Beacon

    Timed (Explodes After some Time)

    Contact (Explodes on Contact)

    Remote (Triggered as Secondary Option)

    Proximity (Triggers at specific Range)

    None (Basic Kinetic Rod)

    Engines Mods
    Decrease Payload
    - Increase Speed
    - Decrease Payload Damage

    Increase Payload
    - Decrease Speed
    - Increase Payload Damage

    Small Engine
    - Decrease Speed
    - Gain Electronic Mod

    Fuel Tank Mods
    Decrease Payload
    - Increase Range
    - Decrease Payload Damage

    Increase Payload
    - decrease Range
    - Increase Payload Damage

    Small Tank
    - Decrease Range
    - Increase Electronic Slots


    Electronic Mods
    Increase Payload
    - Increase payload Damage

    Extended Fuel Tank
    - Increase Missile Range

    Booster Engine
    - Increase Missile Speed

    Electronic Counter Counter Measures (ECCM) systems

    - Reduces Speed (Heavy)

    Evasive (
    - Reduce Range (Uses Fuel)

    Friend or Foe Target Identification

    Thermal (Locks On Heat Source)

    IR (Follows IR navigation Beam from lancher)

    Target Acquisition Guidance System (TAGS)
    - Follows External Guidance System
    - Player Weapon
    - Ship Mounted Weapon

    Hunter Seeker
    - Missile Attempt to reacquire Missed Target

    -Follows Signal Beacon
    - Player device , or missile / rocket payload
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2015
  16. Tripwire

    Tripwire Ensign

    Sep 10, 2015
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    Effects are good but need tracer rounds for the Gatling gun!
    HeadHunter likes this.
  17. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    That's almost too complicated. I think it would be better if you just consolidated the engine and fuel types since it's kind of a rarity to have a rocket engine that uses more than one type of fuel. You sure as hell wouldn't want to put chlorine trifluoride into an engine meant for liquid hydrogen and oxygen.

    Honestly, you may not want to use chlorine trifluoride at all. Stuff's crazy.
  18. Frankyln

    Frankyln Rear Admiral

    Sep 13, 2015
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    Thanks I original had the fuel/engine as one. But fuel may be a misnomer, it really should read fuel tank, the fuel is always the same substance. I updated my origin quote. I may want to add more fuel mods like different fuels, but that might require a research system which i'm not in favor of in a survival game.

    The main reason I like this type of customization is in a PvP environment the weapons all look the same but they are all customize, it make one think twice about what their charging into.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2015
  19. vsyeung

    vsyeung Lieutenant

    Sep 25, 2015
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    I agree with some of the comments here that the weapons system is not very interesting at it stands. I went through the game mostly with the assualt rifle I crafted in the beginning and the SV-mounted missiles.

    Perhaps one way to make things more interesting is to have the different types of weapons doing bonus damage to certain enemies? For example you can one shot a biological enemy with a sniper rifle but not against a drone? And then a laser rifle works better with drones than it is with biological enemies?

    Alternatively, may be different types of ammos will affect resource collection? If you blow up a dino with a rocket launcher, it doesn't make much sense that you can still harvest a whole lot of meat from it. But if you kill it with a sniper head shot, there should be some bounty that you can harvest? A whole hide that can be processed into trophy to put in front of my base sounds absolutely cool!

    Also, I absolutely support non-lethal (EMP for drones, flashbang for biological enemies) weapons. May be a real flare shot that doubles as a signaling device would be fantastic!
  20. RichO

    RichO Ensign

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Hi, I have a request.

    Could you please remove the tint on the scoped weapons especially the pulse rifle as it is really hard to see through it when you are in a dark area or a night.

    It would really be appreciated. :)
    HeadHunter likes this.

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