
Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. Alo

    Alo Captain

    Oct 20, 2015
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    You're entirely right. Since I'm no balistics expert I read up a little on 12.7mm and I see I was quite wrong to flat-out asume it was simple sniper-rifle ammo.

    So fair game, this baby is meant to tear through anything anything that doesn't have 25-30 mm of armor (the numbers varied on several websites, but this is what it came down to. With armor made of steel).

    Scrap what I said earlier about the sniper-rifle :)
  2. Necra

    Necra Commander

    Dec 23, 2015
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    Not sure if it has been mentioned. But since the range nerf on sv weapons. Dog fighting in space is very annoying.
  3. =TCR= Big_Red

    =TCR= Big_Red Rear Admiral

    Nov 16, 2015
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    You would think in the 24th century we would have missile lock. Then are ships can stay crappie as a fighter.
    Necra and Eviscerator like this.
  4. Battlepaw

    Battlepaw Ensign

    Dec 25, 2015
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    In PvP bases have no real defense against weapons, especially against offline raiding. Pretty much any weapon well out-ranges detection distance and response time that the turrets employ, and heck even if you take a hit it rarely does massive damage if you build your ship right vs the one shot kill you get on attacking turrets with 4 rocket launchers....that is if the defending turrets ever actually land a hit. A shield system that is immune to rockets and distance related weapons, but able to be breached on foot or more heavily damaged the closer you are would balance this a bit better. At the very least it would force players to get into response range of the turrets. The AI tracking on the rocket and plasma turrets is horrible, making a beam type turret you can only mount on bases, would probably help a bit.

    The individual hand weapons are er ok, though I think no one really bothers with the laser rifle except with use against drones, as it's harder to hit things with, and the extra damage really isn't worth it compared to the pulse rifle, or a minigun. It would be nice to turn that laser pulse into a beam that flashes for a few seconds. Same with the pistol.

    It would be nice to have more option in terms of personal defense armor, and a nice variety of armor, depending on personal playstyle and preference, such as some armors being better for space, or against certain weapons, or balanced towards protection vs weight, etc. Ground players are very slow and vulnerable vs attacking ships, about the only thing that keeps them alive is they can be hard to hit in PvP which is often laggy. This is often a framerate lag issue, not ping. (Especially in Space... yea)

    Weapon ammo.... yea. I'm assuming the plan is to add weapon ammo to ships eventually, and I'm all for that. You know my gripe about just out-ranging bases and weapon spam? Well if it is expensive to waste rocket ammo, yea I'm all for that. They should do more damage, and be more expensive to operate with. And add overheating to the pulse/plasma based weapons, and let us fire the weapons in groups, or in sequence. Right now you really can't get the full capability out of a ship's armament at the same time without mashing keys to constantly switch between types to try and bring your full firepower to bear. It would also allow you to fire weapons in groups, so you can put weapons in say a broadside position on your ships and have forward facing weapons, so you can fire different groups depending on how your fighting.

    Also, SVs need more selection than just rockets or miniguns early on. The mini gun armament is ineffective to say the least, and rockets are nice, but limiting. This is painfully evident on full pvp servers. Cannons, would be nice, or a slow firing and very expensive ammo type of torpedo for use against CVs would be interesting especially if you can load different types of ammo as you get higher tech or for certain situations. Same with the other weapons, if you could upgrade the ammo over time to get more range, or trade range for spread, explosiveness, etc.
  5. BoomPanda

    BoomPanda Lieutenant

    Jan 5, 2016
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    Weapon costs need to be rebalanced. Why do hand held weapons (laser pistol, pulse rifle) require ore (Zar) that can only be found on one very very very hostile planet?? I can build a laser rifle without a power coil, but not a pistol? or the less powerful pulse rifle? .

    Make them so they need materials only found in space (asteroids or the moon) but the end planet materials should be reserved for power CV weapons.

    Also, the laser rifle (range of 300m, dmg 105) vs the rocket launcher T2 (range of 100m, dmg 180) .. seriously, why would I even bother with RL ??
  6. Battlepaw

    Battlepaw Ensign

    Dec 25, 2015
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    The laser rifle in general needs a bit of a look. Compared to other weapons it is a bit out of wack, along with the pistol. It has a decent range but yea better DPM damage than the rocket launcher as it fires faster and has more ammo in a magazine. If it's scaled just above the pulse rifle, and set to a higher level and make the pulse rifle take a flux coil instead of a power coil it would be a bit better balanced. And yes I think it's odd the laser rifle doesn't take power coils either, but the laser pistol does, lol. Also, the rifle needs to get rid of that pulse, and needs an actual instant laser beam that flashes, so you can actually hit moving targets with it.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2016
    MechPilot524 likes this.
  7. Alo

    Alo Captain

    Oct 20, 2015
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    Some feedback regarding ammo boxes on SV/CV/HV. As always, this feedback is written with the intention to improve the game and not to lash out at the current game/developers.

    I'll start off by saying how happy I am that we now have actual ammo for our vehicles. People will have to think twice before firing now; overall this has improved my gaming experience. So thank you!

    Now then, on to the feedback. I have a heavy SV fighter mostly designed to take out other fighters (air to air combat). It's loaded with 6 small ammo boxes right now. The SV is geared with 9 Pulse Lasers (yes, I know we can place even more on them now but I haven't gotten around to redesigning it yet!) which means I can fire 466 shots (4200 ammo / 9 pulse rifles = 466.6666666). If I fully want to load said SV I need to fill 6 x 14 slots (50 charges per stack). Each chargestack needs to be moved from constructor/cargo box to my backpack and then moved from my backpack to the ammo box. This takes me 2 shift-clicks per charge.

    So, to fill up my SV I need to load (6 x 14 = 84 ) 84 slots with charges but since every charge requires 2 clicks I end up having to click 168 times in order to load up my SV. So maybe I overdid it. Let's cut the amount of clicks (ad thus, ammo required) required in half. I'm still left with 84 clicks (and 84 stacks, for that matter). Right now I can't even fit 84 stacks in one backpack which means I'll have to run back and forth at least twice (with an empty backpack) to load up my SV. Since clicking/moving items is, for me anyway, unfun for me I'd like to see the stacksizes increased. To keep it balanced the amount of slots on ammo-boxes can be adjusted accordingly.

    Let's do some quick 'n simple math on an ammo box

    1 Small Ammo Box = 14 slots
    1 lasercharge = 50 shots
    1 Small ammo box can carry 14 x 50 = 700 shots

    I'd love to see our stacks of 50 increased to 175. Why 175? Well in turn that allows us to reduce the amount of slots of our ammo boxes down to 4 which will mean far less clicking and we'll be able to carry more ammo overall in our backpacks. This also means that we won't need insane amount of cargo boxes for to hold all those charges . And yes, I know I could make them via the constructor when I need them but I don't like waiting for constructors. I like to build things I'll need in the future in advance and store them so I can grab them whenever I need them instead of waiting for the constructor).

    Edit: because my math sucked.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2016
  8. 2metragluposti

    2metragluposti Lieutenant

    Dec 26, 2015
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    Could you please just lower the weapon a bit when it's reloading? If there is already take out/put away animation, just adding this seems trivial.
    Rafe Andedare likes this.
  9. LiftPizzas

    LiftPizzas Rear Admiral

    Sep 28, 2015
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    I just want to know what kind of laser uses 8 times as much metal as energy just to fire. I'm glad all the laser pointers I own don't work like that.
  10. Irvash

    Irvash Lieutenant

    Jan 6, 2016
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    Look at it this way those lasers are soo powerful that it burns and propels metal components and that little glowy thing you hit enemy's with is parts of your broken "laser rifle" :)
  11. GlassDeviant

    GlassDeviant Commander

    Jan 10, 2016
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    I am really unimpressed with the ammo system of this game. When you are busy mining, it is much too easy to accidentally click the R next to the T and end up Reloading your Drill instead of picking up Ore from the ground. Oops, there goes your entire remaining clip of ammunition. So sorry, too bad sucker. The system is bad enough with a 10-round pistol, but with a 750-round mining drill this is unacceptable. Remapping the keyboard would not solve this problem as the standard "action" key (E) is used for the right roll action in off-ground vehicular movement, although setting it to F and remapping the flashlight to L would be a better solution from that perspective.

    Of course having a normal save system instead of ironman only would solve a whole lot of this games inherent problems.

    A simple solution is the "partial clip", this object would occupy a separate slot in the inventory, or fall to the ground if there is no room. It would look like a full clip with the top half greyed out, or something of the sort. You could not have multiples of it, as they would automatically stack and any full clip thus made would go back to the full ammo stack while any remainder would become the new partial clip.

    Or you could just not have reloading...when a weapon emties it automatically reloads, there is no manual reloading. This is far from optimal for a number of reasons, but it gets around the problem of the existing badly broken ammo management system.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2016
  12. =TCR= Big_Red

    =TCR= Big_Red Rear Admiral

    Nov 16, 2015
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    For the life of me I can't understand why you would fly around with so much ammo. You get shot down then what? You go back the next day because it's dark now and you have to get home to rearm. You get back to your ship only to discover it's gone. I mean disappeared. So all is gone. Lost finished caput. This just happened to me the other night. I now take what I need for a raid and that's it.
  13. Wustuv

    Wustuv Lieutenant

    Jan 11, 2016
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    Dear Dev-Team,
    right now I'm in the process of setting up a higly modded dedicated server. During this, I've noticed MASSIVE balancing problems with the weapons. I was going to set up a spreadsheet of how I think from past experience in balancing the values should be adjusted. If you are interested, I can copy the results over to here when I'm done.
  14. =TCR= Big_Red

    =TCR= Big_Red Rear Admiral

    Nov 16, 2015
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    Years ago we used to balance out and remove some weapons in Allied Assault (Spearhead ). Making the game fair for both sides. I have never looked but are there weapon files for Empyrion?
  15. Wustuv

    Wustuv Lieutenant

    Jan 11, 2016
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    As far as I have seen not separated. They're in the ressource files, you've got to mod it in Unity if I'm right.
  16. 2metragluposti

    2metragluposti Lieutenant

    Dec 26, 2015
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    Bump to make weapon models move down while reloading!
  17. Rafe Andedare

    Rafe Andedare Lieutenant

    Sep 15, 2015
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    I think about this suggestion every time I reload now. Just that small tweak would make an improvement to my feeling of immersion.
  18. Brain_Dawgs

    Brain_Dawgs Ensign

    Nov 25, 2015
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    Weapons still need to be centered on SVs by that I mean that the fire from weapons spaced apart from the center of the ship should converge directly in front. It's frustrating to have multiple cannons on your ship only to have them miss your target that's directly in front of you.
    Rafe Andedare likes this.
  19. Rafe Andedare

    Rafe Andedare Lieutenant

    Sep 15, 2015
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    Please give us a melee weapon option.
  20. GlassDeviant

    GlassDeviant Commander

    Jan 10, 2016
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    But where should they be converged? If you have weapons set to converge at 30m, they will cross and (if they don't annihilate) miss on both sides of the target. If you have them converge at 300m, at least one will miss a target that is too close. If this were late beta or release I might want weapons that auto-converge based on your selected targets range.

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