Weight and Volume: Best Thing Ever

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by downwood0, Jan 2, 2019.

  1. downwood0

    downwood0 Commander

    Jan 19, 2017
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    The addition of weight and volume adds another level of challenge to the game that it was sorely needed. A point I was making on our Discord last night is that the difference between an engineering simulator (kerbal, space engineers) and a game (EGS) is that in the simulator, the building and functioning of the structure is the challenge. Just getting your thing to work is the fundamental point. In a game like EGS, the building and constructing of your structures is a tool to allow you to overcome the challenges of the game.

    Now, some people are saying that weight/volume applies to the former, not the latter. "It's too hard to get my base to function now!" is the hue and cry from the masses. But no, not really. The actual problem/challenge here is now that you have to build a structure (BA/CV) that allows you to overcome the fact that late game mining and resource collection is too easy.

    Now you must carefully and with great consideration construct and design your tools to allow you to efficiently and correctly store and process this great amount of ore/materials. Getting the BA/CVs to function is easy. You just drop the blocks down and honestly, with few exceptions, the locations in the structure do not matter all that much. Centralize or at least balance your cargo pods on your CV and provide the correct thrust points and you're golden. You .might. need one or two iterations. My biggest difficulty with building cargo hauler CVs is, honestly, getting them air tight so I don't use my suit oxygen in the cockpit.

    Weight and volume, though, is the new late game challenge. The challenge shifts from acquisition of materials to storage and processing. And, in an interesting feat of game design, it's a challenge that actually gets harder the further into the game you get. The better you get at materials acquisition, the harder it is to properly store and process all the ore. It's an amazing design feature to challenge the logistics and design capability of the players.

    You now have to think about materials and storage when you go out to collect. I was well known on our server as the guy who had dozens of Autominers. I warehoused millions of units of ore. I developed sneaky SV cargo pods to insert into my CV to store ridiculous amounts of ore in a super tiny space. I was the #1 resource producing and storing player on the server.

    I can't do that anymore and I, personally, think it's GREAT.

    Now we have a different challenge. It's not a challenge you can solve with bullets or missiles. It's not a challenge you can solve by collecting more materials. It's a challenge that requires you to sit down, get a little creative, and make some new structures in ways you haven't made them before to overcome the new challenges.
  2. Ann|e Noa|m

    Ann|e Noa|m Captain

    Oct 21, 2018
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    I agree with the above statement. Albeit i feel a lot of the stuff needs a "finetuning" in regards of weight/volume. There are items in the game that imo has either to much weight or to big a volume (guess there could be items with to little as well, but those i don't detect :p), like as an example certain ammo-types.
    My only hope/wish is that Eleon spend some time (and also listens to us players) to finetune the weight/volume so that it better fits in and not make it so certain stuff never gets used.

    In a slightly different note i also have high hopes for the CPU-thingy if it gets done right and not severely handicap our builds. My favorite part of this game is still building ships and bases and i would hate it if there becomes a "hard cap" to what i can create.
    Im totally fine with there being increased fuel-usage, need for items to increase CPU etc... but please don't limit what we can build with it,
    Sephrajin and downwood0 like this.
  3. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    I agree with you and I'd add that processing and storing end game levels of materials is a lot less tedious with the addition of logistics too!
    Germanicus, Sofianinho and downwood0 like this.
  4. TheScaryOne

    TheScaryOne Ensign

    May 24, 2016
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    Honestly this is a change for the best. Balancing is heavily needed, and a better preliminary pass should have been done to address this. IMO we should be able to butt CC's together as long as their respective CE's aren't touching, and we need a deconstructor for something mobile, it's not hard to throw down a few blocks and a generator but it's silly. Components take up massively less space than fully assembled blocks and it makes more sense to encourage stripping POI's in-situ than trying to bring cargo loads of blocks to a processing facility, temporary or otherwise.
    dpburke2 likes this.
  5. hound

    hound Captain

    Sep 15, 2016
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    Another horribly complicated bloated system instead of you know maybe gameplay...but it is good right?
    Since we don't have any game content we can play factory sim.
    Its Just Steve likes this.
  6. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Not helpful man. :(
  7. StyxAnnihilator

    StyxAnnihilator Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    For me mass/volume are not harder or more challenging, just adds time fiddling with travel and building (and waiting), = grinding. So I will have it disabled as long as possible.
    I fear the consequences of developing this, will prolong the game release and some suggested "good" features will not be used time on. Along with bugs and issues that will be around even longer.
    I hope they do some statistics on how many that keep it on. Also will be interesting to see how long it will take to balance it, that is until almost no complaints or suggestions on changing numbers.
    dpburke2, Niteeye and Sephrajin like this.
  8. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    I think, based just on what I've seen so far, most players will leave it on. Many authors on the Steam workshop are already designing their blueprints with volume in mind. So far I haven't seen a single ship that says "for use only without volume".
    Germanicus, TmikeS3 and Sofianinho like this.
  9. Damocles

    Damocles Captain

    May 3, 2018
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    Im not so sure about the volume restriction.

    While weight makes perfect sense in a world where different vehicles/the player should have restricting on how much they can carry (while being mobile), volume is usually not much of a problem, unless someone transports cottonballs. But the game does not really use super low density items anyhow.

    Volume as a factor looks more like having a reason to also create limits for the base storage. (where weight is not a factor).
    But here, the game could just determine that containers can just hold a maximum of weight per piece, thus requiring more containers to hold more massive stuff.
    The other restriction being plain and simple the available slots in the container. (slots together with stacking -> this can balance certain items to be represented voluminous)
  10. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    I don't think an argument will help anyone. I'll just say that I like the new volume system and I think it will be good for the game once it's properly balanced.
  11. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    I disliked the mass/volume Thing when those 10 ppl were crying for it.
    I dislike it now even more.

    I feel it VERY MUCH limiting in freedom of sandbox Building.

    Because there is a HUGHE Difference between a Building game, and an RP space sim… which Eleon 'now' seems to aim for (at least from my Point of view).
    Specialy in cargo, specialy in slot spaces… specialy in CPU, specialy ..
    Thrusters still Needs to be balanced, RCS (T1/2) as well.
    Hovers still needs to be balanced!!!!!!!

    But true… Maybe those 2 will fixthemself once the mass/volume has applied.

    Fun fact…
    Ya'll ask for rebalancing CV's..
    Yet... only a FEW build CAPITAL ships…. given the time, effort, skill, enthusiasm, and love to detail a CAPITAL ship requires.
    Everyone else builds… a small ship with big blocks.
    (NO offense/insult intended)

    Sadly, the engine cant handly a single (Sci-Fi-) CAPITAL ship.
    Talking class 100++.

    So they (or you, who cried for it) wanted volume and mass, because true… those Tiny CV's turned way too fast.. because.. you remove EVERYTHING of the deko the author has put it... yet… leave all, or even ADD more RCS and then say.. it turns too fast...

    This needs (would have*) alot of fine work.
    Outside of a public Alpha.

    But we're here.. it sucks.. and ist an Early Access.
    We gotta accept the **** we chosen to sit in.

    I might just end my **** sitting.

    I've spent like 3500 hrs in a few days more than 1 year since i own the game.
    Spentseveral hundereds of Hours creating a hughe Scenario, dozens of hours per ship…. yet.. first vote my stuff gets is… a downvote…

    And now A9....
    dpburke2 likes this.
  12. TmikeS3

    TmikeS3 Commander

    Jun 26, 2017
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    looking at the poles that Elean did it looks like the more then 10 people wanted it. you might want to check your facts... I am not prapered to say mas and volume limits are a bad thing they make you think about what you take what you wait to grab tell later. and it forces you to make tools and veacales to help you. I may grant that its rushed and not ready but that's not to same thing as it wont in the long term be good for the game. also I think you will be able to trun it off under options
    Germanicus likes this.
  13. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    In addition of what you are saying I like to point out that every system, however complicated when applied, has first to be 'over complicated' including as many features as possible (to cover up all kind of demands) BEFORE you can start to simplify it by switching off some features.
    It is A9.xx now, the complicated System has been applied but not turned on yet(for reasons). The Simplification Process and the Feature Reduction can now take place and may take a while until Hardwired in the EGS Mechanics.
  14. StyxAnnihilator

    StyxAnnihilator Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    Pre 0.9 you could role-play and set rules for yourself (/server) to emulate mass/volume, mass blocks are still there.
    Mass/volume for cargo in devices creates more restrictions on how to play than without, if forced.
    You probably get forced early on to get a storage system, prolonging looting and resource gathering and exploration.
    Without it you can choose to do storage system or not, roam around nomad style or whatever before settle down and/or build a large CV.
    Wait, there are also NCP factions and might have to avoid certain areas too, at the start. Giving that with mass/volume you might have to build a base close to crash area, then a vessel (HV), before starting exploring and so on.

    Since now have become game elements, then probably will stay. Time will show what types of game play this will give.

    Visual nice vessels (and bases) can still be built, do not need to fill them with storage systems (and/or movement devices) that might be needed in a survival game play. Larger builds often have more than enough space to fit such though.
  15. ion_storm

    ion_storm Captain

    Jan 6, 2017
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    And now You're just trollig us, right? :D
  16. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    I have the feeling that this System will stay, one way or the other, with or without the approval of the Players/Testers:rolleyes:

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