weird sv flight

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Aaron(Wakfu), Apr 2, 2022.

  1. Aaron(Wakfu)

    Aaron(Wakfu) Commander

    Jun 1, 2021
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    anyone ever encountered an sv, that couldnt fire its rear thrusters while firing its side ones? like one has to stop first before the other can...just experienced this on a larger than normal sv. cant figure it out
  2. Fenris

    Fenris Commander

    Jul 19, 2018
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    I've never run into that personally. Is this in vanilla? Do you have enough power? Although, redlining shouldn't do that as far as I know.

    Maybe if no one can figure it out, post the craft and let others tinker with it to see if it can be figured out. If no one can figure it out after that, sounds like a bug report needs to be made.
  3. Aaron(Wakfu)

    Aaron(Wakfu) Commander

    Jun 1, 2021
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    whats weird is the forward speed has to reach zero before it will engage the side thrusters. so if im going forward, and hold down d, only after letting go of w and the forward speed reaching zero does it go to the right. same thing opposite, if im strafing right. speed must go back to 0, before it will move forward.

    nope, its reforged eden. the blueprint is

    think i figured it out. the ship didnt have enough power, while on the planet, to run the thrusters. and it didnt go into excess power usage (like red line). i added more generators and it works now. guess not enough power to push forward, stay in the air and use either of the side thrusters at the same time.

    maybe the overload would have xploded instantly, and therefore a fail safe kicked in :)
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2022
  4. Fenris

    Fenris Commander

    Jul 19, 2018
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    Oh ok, I wasn't sure if not having enough power would do that or not. I'd just assumed that you'd lose efficiency with your thrusters. I've made a couple T1 craft that will redline slightly if multiple sides are firing at the same time, but never worried about it because as soon as I go T2 I can take care of that.

    Good to see you solved it.
  5. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    There is a weird flight quirk that can be seen clearly in the following situation (example):

    Your ship has a forward artificially-limited top speed of 50ms and an upward top speed of say 30ms due to mass/thrust ratio. If you're flying forwards at under 30ms, pressing space will see the vessel rise at up to 30ms. However, if you're travelling forwards at over 30ms, your speed is already in excess of your artificially-limited theoretical vertical top speed. As a result, while moving forwards at over 30ms - let's assume it's 50ms - then pressing space does nothing.

    This is another way how the artificial speed limit based on thrust & mass breaks the flight model. The old (and better) flight model would just see acceleration impacted by thrust and mass and not place an artificial (outside of atmospheric drag) speed limit on things.

    This can make flight behave very wonky indeed. Basically, while a vessel can hit it's artificially-limited max speed in any one direction, trying to thrust in an additional direction while already at max speed in another can lead to unexpected results.

    For me, this can most clearly be seen when flying across a planet at an SV's hard cap speed limit of 70ms. I might have massively more downward thrust, able to accelerate up to that 70ms hard cap far quicker vertically than horizontally. However, despite the stronger downward thrust, pressing space while already travelling at 70ms forward can result in ZERO lift.

    I notice this a lot on my vessels and the effect is of course exaggerated as the top speed if further limited due to mass. Note this is NOT a symptom of aerodynamic drag I'm talking about here as it also happens on airless moons and the like. You can also see it in space.

    Another good way to demonstrate the effect this can have in space is to turn the auto-brake Off. So, starting from a stationary position, thrust forwards to the fixed speed cap (so, not any artificial mass/thrust ratio cap) then thrust in another direction. Any forward speed will bleed off to the speed cap in that other direction.

    In essence, if travelling forwards at top speed - be it the artificial mass/thrust ratio limit or the hard cap - it can be very difficult to change vector if already at top speed using thrust alone. In atmosphere with a Small Vessel, wings can make a huge difference to perform aerodynamic turns where the player steers the ship to a new vector. However, trying to turn at speed purely using thrust - i.e. trying to quickly strafe to dodge an incoming attack - really doesn't work any more. So, rather than dodging left or right while at top forward velocity, the player would have to slow that forward speed in order to get the vessel to respond to a left / right strafe.

    Long waffle on the subject I know, but I do find this quite irksome. While aerodynamic drag and lift were a great addition which we were expecting, the whole mass/thrust artificially limited top speed that was stealthily added at the same time was a real backward step in my view. I loved the feel of mass and momentum in a laden vessel, but having the top speed artificially capped because of it really not.

    Note: I get the hard cap for vessel speeds, I'm fine with those. It's just how my laden vessels have their speed cap reduced along with their acceleration. I mean, if my unladen ship can hit the speed cap quickly, my laden ship should still be able to hit it, it'll just take longer - that's how it used to work.

    I used to get great joy zooming across the landscape in a heavily laden HV while still reaching the craft's top speed but it took me a while. I'd then be doing huge drifts, anticipating direction changes long in advance to avoid obstacles. It was hilarious. Now, in the same situation, my HV might limp along at 10ms. Boring.

    I'm resigned to the fact that they'll never remove this artificial speed limit now, though I really don't know why they like it do much. The fact that a laden vessel acceleration more slowly - like with real physics - was enough. All this has really resulted in is the creation of vessels where more of their CPU cost is dedicated to pure thrust, to overcome that artificial limit. This leads to vessels that, when not loaded up, near instantly hit the hard speed cap, which can be pretty horrible to fly as they're far too twitchy. All just to they don't bog down entirely when loaded.

    Damn, I had more waffle in me evidently :)

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