What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Dinkelsen

    Dinkelsen Captain

    Aug 2, 2016
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    No, I'd rather show them my fist than my finger. :)
    Germanicus and dpburke2 like this.
  2. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    Project Eagle continues...
    The Rescue/Medical Pod
    2020-10-01 (12).png 2020-10-01 (14).png 2020-10-01 (15).png 2020-10-01 (16).png 2020-10-01 (17).png 2020-10-01 (18).png 2020-10-01 (19).png

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  3. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    Don't know why some of the pics were duplicated. Can't edit or delete them. Response is very slow today.
  4. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    Thanks @Germanicus for showing me the artwork of Nick Macarty.
    Project Eagle continues...
    The Eagle Scout
    2020-10-02 (1).png 2020-10-02 (2).png 2020-10-02 (3).png 2020-10-02 (4).png 2020-10-02 (5).png 2020-10-02 (6).png 2020-10-02.png

    Though small, it has a large fuel capacity, ammo & O2 capacity and a shield generator. 3 power generators provide redundancy as well as taking the load for shield start-up.
    No head. :(
  5. Do you mean response from the forum website?
    If so, I've been seeing the same thing for the better part of a week now. The forum is extremely slow to respond lately, sometimes taking 10 minutes or more to load a single page without even having any pictures on it.

    I've tried 6 different networks and a few different browsers. Same issue with all of them. For some reason the website is just not cooperating lately.
    dpburke2 and malrose1 like this.
  6. Noob42

    Noob42 Lieutenant

    Sep 21, 2020
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    Uploaded my first Publish Create 1.jpg

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  7. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    That's exactly what I'm talking about.:confused:
  8. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    Very nice. Sharp, clean lines. Well done.
  9. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    Past couple days I have been working on adding paint jobs and texture work to some of my workshop blueprints. In the process, I also created some of the upgraded versions for a couple of the blueprints that are designed to be spawned in either at a lower level or perhaps without requiring the T3 extenders--depending on BP. Well, everything seemed to be all set as I was going about snapping screenshots and updating the blueprints. Then part way through, I realized that I had saved the upgraded version of my SV miner over the top of the base version. Since I was taking those pics in orbit, I scrambled back down to the planet to get a backup of the base model I thought I had planetside. Turns out that I had deleted that vehicle when I was cleaning up my work space some. So I scrambled to downgrade one of the upgraded SV to recreate the original base unit.

    Faith -- mining SV
    A12 Creative_2020-10-02_19-20-21.jpg
    Even without thruster upgrade, I have used the Faith to mine on worlds with 3.93 gravity successfully.

    Faith T3 -- thruster upgrade and expanded container.
    A12 Creative_2020-10-02_19-40-32.jpg

    Gun Labrum - defensive platform as a starting HV
    A12 Creative_2020-10-02_20-38-25.jpg

    Gun Labrum T2 - added 2 gatling guns and expanded container
    A12 Creative_2020-10-02_20-46-40.jpg

    Improve - my cheapest HV
    A12 Creative_2020-10-02_20-30-19.jpg

    Reveal - unlock 3 starter HV with detector and 2 gatling guns
    A12 Creative_2020-10-02_20-17-04.jpg
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2020
  10. bluemax151

    bluemax151 Captain

    Sep 17, 2019
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    It's funny because this even happens with spotlights which make them even less useful. In 1st person they cause horrendous glare and in 3rd person the only part visible is the spot/surface that is lit at the very end of the beam.

    I've been putting my new CV through testing in Survival. So far I've taken out an Imerat Class Destroyer and a Sunat Class Corvette. Also a few Space POIs including a Zirax gas refinery. What a POS that refinery was. I think spawners may be bugged in my game. I've noticed a single spawner will spawn 3-5 of the same type of unit at the same time occasionally. A Zirax commander for example. When you kill them only 1 will have loot. It's like the other spawns are ghosts. Was a pain in the gas refinery because the spawners are infinite and will spawn guys right behind or on top of you right after you just killed units from that spawner.

    My complement of weapons on the new CV are the below and I'm not sure it's the right distribution. I take shields down fairly quickly but after wards it takes some time to cripple the target. I didn't use any plasma because they seem to have really poor tracking but maybe I should be using some? or maybe more rocket?

    4 x Cannon Turrets
    2 x Minigun Turrets
    4 x Rocket Turrets
    5 x Pulse Laser Turrets
    4 x Sentry Guns

    I like the bridge view on the CV.

  11. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    Project Eagle continues...
    The Freight Pod (type 1)
    2020-09-15 (21).png 2020-09-15 (22).png 2020-09-17 (5).png 2020-09-15 (19).png 2020-09-15 (20).png
    Basically a box car. The O2 station is a holdover from the conversion of other pods. But then, you can never have to much O2 on the moon.

    The Freight Pod (type 2)
    2020-09-17 (2).png 2020-09-17 (4).png 2020-09-17 (10).png 2020-10-03 (1).png 2020-10-03.png
    Flat bed version to ferry equipment and small SV/HVs. It's a shame that the Cargo Pallets available for BA/CV builds are not available for SV/HV. They would look really good parked on the platform.:(

    Note: The flat bed is NOT an HV. It's not separating from the Eagle except by multitool or some other form of destruction.;)
  12. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    @bluemax151 There are others who are probably better able to discuss this, but as you were quoting me, allow me to respond.

    My $0.02:
    Miniguns are great for anti-personnel use.
    Cannons are great early on, but I would trade them out for Flak Guns. Slower RoF but more punch.
    As for rockets, as soon as they are available, switch to Homing Rockets.
    Pulse lasers are a bit like projectile cannons. They're great early energy weapons. Plasma like flak guns slower RoF but a lot more punch.
    Depending on the size of your CV, don't overlook Artillery or fixed lasers and rockets for attacking the enemy.

    Good Luck :)
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2020
    bluemax151, Germanicus and dpburke2 like this.
  13. Noob42

    Noob42 Lieutenant

    Sep 21, 2020
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    I'm new and dont have all the logical answers but I agree with early on. Cheap ammo is cheap. If I wanna raid something guns blazing with cheap bullets....death and glory... I'll find the magnesium later
    bluemax151, Germanicus and dpburke2 like this.
  14. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    Frankly, I've died many times and glory never entered into it. I was either out gunned or out maneuvered, but more often than not, I couldn't keep track of where I was aiming because of the fricking cross-hairs getting lost in the action.

    Getting my ass kicked so frequently in the early years has caused me to adopt a maximum+2 armament program in all my builds. Currently, most of my BPs are in red presumably for excessive weapons. (there may be other reasons I don't know)

    As soon as a weapon upgrade is available, I go for it. For the time being, I ignore the various restrictions since I play SP for my own amusement and don't have to worry about the concerns of others. For now at least.
    malrose1 and dpburke2 like this.
  15. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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  16. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    Ya'll have some epic new dungeons coming. It's gonna be fun!
  17. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Today, visiting some friends.

  18. bluemax151

    bluemax151 Captain

    Sep 17, 2019
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    So I found that drone base on a moon in Zirax space. Pretty cool build. Parked my CV outside and flew my SV to a docking pad. Pretty sure something is off about the spawners but oh well :)


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  19. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    Weekend update:

    Spent most of my playtime busting a few Zirax POIs that I had never seen before. Stocked up a bit on more materials, fed the factory, and learned some more limitations of my current ship/gear.

    Engaged a Zirax capital ship last night, and found two epic weapons on board...the Multilaser and Rocket Launcher. So I now have a pretty nice set up of Epic weapons and a set of epic heavy armor. I am not playing with equipment degradation off (I will next time though), so gear wise I feel pretty set.

    I felt that was the final push to get me to seek out Legacy space. So I set course and after quite a few jumps I entered my first Legacy system. Now, my plan was to get into legacy space, find a planet and set up a base for ship repairs and equipment storage. I left almost nothing behind on my starter planet, so if the CV I am in now goes boom, then I just have what I am carrying. But I quickly realized that Legacy space has no habitable planets. Just super novas surrounded by asteroids.

    Feeling more bold than I should, I picked a fight with a Legacy "Abandoned station" in space and was given a false sense of strength when my guns cored it quickly and the reinforcements were called off. So I decided to seek out one of the legacy ship blips on the map. I believe it was a Decimator that I came into contact with, and I saw my shields melt away far quicker than I have ever seen before, and its were still at 50%. So...I ran...I mean "I made a tactical withdrawal".

    I found the Legacy homeworld, and still feeling bold I went in to take a look. Man, after months of playing it was pretty awesome to have a new sense of dread when exploring a world. The planet is dark, stormy, and covered in enemy POIs. And boy do these new POIs pack a punch. No more just hovering nearby and letting the CV cannons take out turrets.

    So now I am in my planning mode. My >plan< is to set up a space station in a system one jump out from Legacy space and dump all of my "spare" stuff into it. This station will be my fall back point. If something goes >really< bad, I at least have this station. From what I can tell, there are no friendly factions for at least a dozen jumps, so if I need to repair or refit, then its on me. Combat wise, my Kimonohashi XS has been excellent for a general use mobile base, and is able to handle anything the Zirax throw at it. But I am concerned it wont be able to handle the Legacy. After my first scrape, I feel that relying on shields to keep me safe isnt going to work. Battles with them are going to be armor melting slug fests. The warp core/fuel tanks/O2 on the Kimonohashi may be too exposed. I am considering going back to the Skaar Raider, as it has a nice combat bridge to fight from.

    Either way, I plan on spawning at least 1 new CV at my Space station in neutral space as a back up. Once that is set up, I will invade that first system. Once that system is pacified, Ill spawn another station and repeat the process. Island hopping work for us in WWII, so maybe it will work for me now.

    Alternate plan: Set up base on Legacy Homeworld...Leeroooy Jenkins the crap out of it.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2020
  20. bluemax151

    bluemax151 Captain

    Sep 17, 2019
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    I'm interested in how your foray into Legacy space goes. I've watched a few streamers and it seems pretty brutal.

    Personally I'm contemplating setting up 2 fall back points when I get there. A terrestrial base just outside of Legacy space and a Space Station in it. Plus a bunch of teleportation relays back to populated space. Will probably set up a Xeno Steel battleship for the space combat. No frills, just guns and armor with a bit of storage for looting the wrecks.
    Fractalite, dpburke2 and Robot Shark like this.

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