What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Foofaspoon

    Foofaspoon Commander

    Oct 28, 2019
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    @Track Driver In terms of block size, I know SifVert was able to set up small block CVs and bases on his server - when I was on there one of my faction built a whole base out of small blocks. Took time but allowed lots of detail. However, I think Sif stated that at the moment it was impossible to mix block sizes - he had to create a small block starter for those.
  2. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    What I'm talking about is somehow using small blocks in conjunction with large blocks. My interest is mainly for decorative piping and fittings, although there could be other benefits as well.
  3. Foofaspoon

    Foofaspoon Commander

    Oct 28, 2019
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    Yeah, I think that was impossible. Starship Evo has that, and it's cool. It does makes building a lot more fiddly though I find.
  4. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    Well, that's the question and that would be my hope. I once installed a fire suppression system in my ship consisting of a pump that was actually a SV extending piping throughout the ship. Really cool. But I couldn't save it as part of the BP of the ship. Bummer:(
    2018-04-10 (1).png 2018-04-10 (3).png 2018-04-10 (2).png
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2021
  5. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    byo13 and Germanicus like this.
  6. bluemax151

    bluemax151 Captain

    Sep 17, 2019
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    I'm back from my Cyberpunk, X4 and reading break :) Been working on a FOB for my current CV and reworking some of my designs after using them in Survival.
    Delta Base 01-22-2021 .jpg

    I think I've just about worked the best performance I can get out of my small SV but I'm still trying to improve my CV. I finally have the turrets and belly worked out to a satisfactory point but now I think I should totally rework the bridge/SV hangar section. Constructive feedback welcome.
    Medea WIP.jpg

    In Survival I have set up a presence in a System near Legacy space and I'm gathering resources for my next project. I need to finish off one of my WIP combat designs and then maybe finally start and complete a T4 mothership. I always end up with an overly ambitious design and get fed up part of the way through because of how large it gets. Lately I've been thinking maybe something like an Antietam or Columbus class from Gundam would be a good starting point. Basically something huge and boxy for the hangar space. I wouldn't do a 1:1 but just the general concept of 2 containers fused to a main body.
  7. byo13

    byo13 Captain

    Jul 13, 2020
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    Found myself an inferno planet with ultra difficulty.
    There were so many Zirax coming at me from all directions.
    For one moment I thought I was playing Serious Sam.
    It was awesome.
    Robot Shark, cmguardia and Germanicus like this.
  8. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Played around with particles systems in Unity... made this "terrain placeable" thing (with an "invisible" point light attached to it) :


    Sad thing how textures and materials look so different in game than what they look in Blender (even Unity "botches" textures...) . That's how it looks in Blender :


    No particles effects added in Blender, this is added in Unity and looks very "cartoony" without adding several layers of particles systems (flames + smoke + sparks). It's fun to tweak though, but I can see how it can chew through framerate quickly if not done right...

    All the rocks + ground + ashes are in fact 1 object, with no overlapping parts/ no holes, and the 5 wood logs are also 1 object, no overlaps. Games don't like intersecting geometry, so making small objects requires care to avoid piling up objects that have "crossing faces" with each other. It's easy in a 3d program to just make one object, copy it multiple times, put all copies in a tight pack and simply "join" them as 1 object, but that's a sure way to have a hard time making lower detail models for MOD levels, and it can glitch in game because of shared texture space.

    The actual "game optimized" way of doing this is to make objects separately, then join them with a short distance so some faces can be deleted, then re-created to "fill the gap" between the two "objects parts", then grab all the vertices of one part and move them in the desired position. Then UV mapping this mess requires to put delimiters ( seams) to be able to see parts correctly in the UV mapping interface.

    Last edited: Jan 24, 2021
    Sup, jepbindawernoch, Darinth and 9 others like this.
  9. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Hey @Kassonnade
    great things you are doing. I like to read your progress and discoveries! :)

    Regarding Blender I spent many hours with the export, one of the crucial differences about Blender and Unity.
    What format are you exporting your models out of Blender?
  10. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Thanks !

    I use the FBX export, and instead of making a complex answer here I will post a simple "tutorial" post in the blocks modding thread. Just give me a few minutes so I can put my screenshots together...

    Edit : I decided instead to make a more complete "tutorial" here:


    I will post other sections later today or this week, with some tricks I use and general info that I saw some players asking for regarding decals, playfields, modeling, etc.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2021
  11. Metallica_Hoop

    Metallica_Hoop Lieutenant

    May 22, 2020
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    Spawned Asclepius in reforged and realised it was well over CPU so after modification I got it to fly and went to trader space.

    I estimate I need about 300 more to add the things I want to the boat :) (I hope there is no crew limit!)

    IMG_20210124_172243.jpg IMG_20210124_172704.jpg
  12. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Nice:). Ever considered to use the F7 key to make screenshots?;)
    Alhira_K and Metallica_Hoop like this.
  13. Metallica_Hoop

    Metallica_Hoop Lieutenant

    May 22, 2020
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    My Screenshots go somewhere odd on Windows 10 I have great trouble finding them.

    I will persevere next time I found them...once!:)
    Germanicus likes this.
  14. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Real nice effects on your pictures @Metallica_Hoop .

    I just found a cool trick to make a "cartoon style" image from a screenshot (you inspired me!) ;).

    In Gimp I used the "edge" filter then tweaked a bit the hue/saturation and color balance. It looks a bit like the post-processing effects applied in "Borderlands" (contour lines) :

  15. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    Havent posted in a while, but currently having my most enjoyable EGS experience to date. A few months ago I joined a MP server run by XCal, and it has been amazing. I had never played MP before, and likely wont ever play SP again.

    To summarize: The start was extremely rough. I didn't fully grasp the "persistent" part of a MP server and struggled to keep things fueled while I was gone. I finally realized why people put so much emphasis on fuel tank size, solar panel orientation, which foods to grow, and all sorts of things that dont really matter in SP, but are critical in MP. The starter planet was brutal...I think I died 10 times before I even put down a survival constructor. But with time, effort, and stubbornness I did finally make it into space.

    I found a nice temperate planet and spawned in a base that I had built in creative. I enjoyed clearing the planet, killing the drone base, and then just gathering materials. I was alone most of the time, but enjoyed seeing people talking in chat, and getting to know peoples personalities and the like. I started making friends, who I enjoyed seeing their names pop up when I logged in. I spent most of my time doing POIs, learning how to handle myself a bit better. Gathering more and more materials.

    I spawned in a Mining Capital ship called the Chisel that Xcal had built, and overnight my material needs were all but a thing of the past. I was able to mine more in an hour than I previously could in an entire evening using a mining turret. It was refreshing to not have "material" needs.

    I then looked to fighting in the stars over POIs. Spawned in a ship that was dedicated only to fighting, no survival elements at all, and was able to kill my first Dreadnought. It felt pretty amazing. But the battle was long, and the repairs tedious. I felt there was little point to killing a dread other than the accomplishment of it.

    Then one day a couple of my "friends" invited me to join up with them, and we became our own little faction. At the point the game became 100% more enjoyable. We gathered our stuff together in a home system, set up locations for each of us to park, organize, and prepare. They introduced me to "Quantum" hunting, and we went out together to kill legacy. I had fought them once in Vanilla, and remembered it being tough. So after a few outings I had gotten a few quantum cores and was hooked. These fellas gave me the confidence to strike out on my own, go find my own black holes and farm my own quantums. In short order I had gained enough to spawn in a true "end game" battleship. And with is, I have harvested well over 30 quantums. I used them to upgrade my ship, fight more, and expand my experience. I now engage Dreads on a relatively regular basis, when I have time for the long fights. Killing a Reforged Eden Dread brings in 4 quantums, plus all the other salvage.

    They then showed me that when you find the right traders, you can make an absolute ton of money selling off bridges, matrix, and other salvage. Our little group of miscreants has become one of the wealthiest on the server, and it showed me that I can avoid much of the grind of farming fuel and ammunition just by taking the proceeds of sucessfull battles and selling it for credits, then purchasing fuel and ammo from stations. As well as repairs. No more waiting an hour or more for a repair, a few hundred K credits and I am back to shooting bad guys.

    But more than just the fighting, my fellas put life into the game. The universe is now alive with other people. We fight together, plan together, achieve together, build together. We cheer each other on in victory, help each other out in struggles, and give each other massive heaps of grief because we deserve it. We are at the "end game" where we are constantly looking at bigger and meaner things to fight. But we are also looking forward to our next playthrough where we can experience the early struggles together as well. When we merged, we were all relatively set, so it will be fun to scrounge for survival as a team, take our first POIs as a team, take to the stars as a team, and build back to where we are. We will be armed with camaraderie and experience that will make it even more enjoyable.

    Heres to you Filberfarmer and DarkestWarrior!
  16. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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    Been busy with SV's the last couple days, feels nice to be on a creative hype again.
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  17. jadefalcon

    jadefalcon Captain

    Jan 30, 2018
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    can the transparency of heavy windows be changed anywhere?
  18. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    That would require modifying the model, because that's the way the prefab was made. The problem is worse for heavy windows than for regular because they have a double layer of "glass" which double the "dark tint" effect.

    When making transparent objects, it is a bit hard to make a subtle tint that will not interfere with the various lighting conditions in game and still be "visible". The "perfectly transparent glass" would not be very aesthetic as it would not show any shape and it would be "invisible". For example, a "round corner" window would not be round, we would only see its frame.

    The amount of "tint" these windows have could still be toned down easily, sure, but not by us...
    jepbindawernoch and Germanicus like this.
  19. bluemax151

    bluemax151 Captain

    Sep 17, 2019
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    Window transparency and spotlight glare is still a huge pet peeve of mine. Most of the time it makes 1st person piloting unbearable.

    I got side tracked while working on my CV. Started a new smallish SV Transport. I wanted something that would fit through the smallest hangar door and that could perform docking on the top or bottom for convenience in space. There was a slight hiccup when I was designing the internal cockpit I didn't realize the 2 seats had such drastically different perspectives when seated. Was quite frustrating until I noticed the difference. It turned out better than I anticipated. I'm pretty happy with how it looks in my alternative pastel paint scheme so I'll probably leave it. It kind of ended up looking like a speedboat which wasn't my intention but I'm happy with it.


    Attached Files:

  20. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    Started a new game (Reforged Galaxy). Half a dozen leaping spiders ambushed me from behind. There weren't 6 at first. I think my survival tool defense mode caused them to replicate!:eek: It certainly didn't kill or even deter them.:(

    It was interesting beginning with the byplay between IDA and Cmdr Track Driver (Hey, That's me!:)). At first, anyway. Toward the end of the initial conversation, the text was no longer waiting for me to respond!:mad: So I'm not sure what all was said. In that repect, I found the game very disappointing since it didn't start out that way. I'm not certain how I shall proceed. My retinal damage is not repairable. Excessive reading of time-limited text is a definite turn-off for me.

    Beyond that, I thought it was very impressive. Perhaps if the defense mode could actually defend, it might not have been so bad.

    I almost forgot! When i died, I selected to spawn at rhe nearest clone chamber (out of curiosity) to find myself in a trading post with squat to trade! Pointess, but interesting.:rolleyes:
    jepbindawernoch and byo13 like this.

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