What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. zaphodikus

    zaphodikus Captain

    Oct 1, 2016
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    I am so deleting this from my brain now.
    xtended2l, Fractalite and Kassonnade like this.
  2. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    Decided to start on the Arid starter in Eden 1.5 non-reforged. Am pleased with the Tyche Industries starter:


    Not as happy with the reforged Merc by J. He has better. It is something of an ungainly lumbering beast.

    Link for the Tyche building: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2216312352&searchtext=Tyche

    If you want to use it you will likely not be able to use Reforged Eden as it requires the player to dig out parts of its interior after sinking the building in the ground and Reforged Eden has slower drill speeds with the lower tiered drills(at least it was the last time I played it months ago.)
  3. bluemax151

    bluemax151 Captain

    Sep 17, 2019
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    I really like the overall work on TYCHE-Central Operations but my favourite part is the underground SV hangar. It was something I considered along with the "Iconic" Base - Level 5 PvE, Alpha 7.5 but the foot print was a little too large for the area I set up in on my Arid starter. The fact that TeeWRX82 has moved on from Empyrion is certainly a loss for the community.
    Fractalite likes this.
  4. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    I finally decided to take a crack at a project that has been wiggling around in my brain for a long time.
    ... Ever since the 13x7 hangar door CV challenge.

    A CV with a hangar large enough to park the smaller CV's into.

    It's a very rough draft at this point, I am using the Cerulean Star as a base and adding the hangars to the sides.
    Once I have the basic shape complete I will start trying to make it pretty, but my first priority is to make sure that the smaller CV's fit through the hangar doors.



  5. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Still working on the carrier.
    The bad part is that it looks like a pair of flying boxes, but I think I have the basic shape down.

    Now I need to figure out how to make it visually interesting, one of the things I am debating on is adding satellite CV's like I did in my convoy experiment.

  6. bluemax151

    bluemax151 Captain

    Sep 17, 2019
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    @Robot Shark

    I had the same problem. It was very boxy and already size class 8 which was too large imo. I went a slightly different direction than you did but the basic layout was similar (2 boxes and a center portion). What size class are you at now? I tried doing ribbing for detail which is also probably why the size class was so large.

    This was how my effort was turning out.
  7. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Size class 12....
    I added the hangars to an old build, and the Cerulean Star was already size class 7 before I added on to it.
    dpburke2 and Fractalite like this.
  8. bluemax151

    bluemax151 Captain

    Sep 17, 2019
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    @Robot Shark

    I wouldn't be too disparaged. Your build is coming out well. Size class 7 was a restriction I set for myself because from what I understand that is the "default" max size. Most players/servers have it set higher. I also get frustrated when working larger builds because so far I've found detailing them to be difficult and flying them to be a chore.
    dpburke2 and Fractalite like this.
  9. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    This one defiantly handles like a semi with the power steering out.
    It's a size class 14 now, and I am hesitant to add any more deco items to it.
    I think I am going to take break and work on it again after a bit of a rest.

    This is the current build.
    I did not want to remove the greenhouse dome or the angeled glass on the cockpit so I am experimenting with a heavy window "shield" in front of both structures.


    The main hanger with a Barracuda parked in it.

    The lower hangar with an Osanshouo in it.

    ... and the upper hangar with two escorts in it.


    I have verified that you can fly the CV's into and out of it, but the upper bay is a tight fit and I have almost gotten the escort stuck multiple times.

    I have been debating on designating the upper and lower bays for SV's and HV's (adding a entry ramp to the lower bay) but the size of the build makes me question giving it the ability to land.
    Any constructive feedback is welcome.
  10. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    Went for an Alien Planet start:


    Kind of a goofy looking base that has since had solar panels added to it but the planet persists in a cloudy and radioactive state so the panels are operating waaaay under capacity.

    Some pretty:

  11. bluemax151

    bluemax151 Captain

    Sep 17, 2019
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    @Robot Shark
    I like the antennas you made with the grating. It might be kind of hard to land something with a foot print that large other than in an arid dune environment. You would have to setup a lower small surface area with landing gears or you will get stuck on the numerous trees and small rocks that generally litter the landscape.
    Robot Shark likes this.
  12. DarkMaid

    DarkMaid Commander

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Currently watching a red dot continuously circle my 5x5 concrete box solar survival base on Day 3 of a snow planet start while I starve and figure out what to do (from map view because my base has no windows). I built the base about 120m south of the Heidleberg wreck.

    Korat-class cutter patrol vessel wandered over and shot out the generator of the Dart SV I had parked (it WAS my fridge). It's not shooting at the base (which has no defenses) but it won't leave either. It's circled the base about 8 times now (verrry slowly of course) at about 300m radius with me at the center. I have a T1 Sniper rifle and a T1 Shotgun and Light Armor. I'm down to one Canned Meat. That and 10 plant protein (already turned into energy bars and consumed) I fished out of the SV's fridge. Crafted a fridge for the base but now my power is about equal with the output from my 8 small solars now. Obviously impossible to forage for food ATM.

    Didn't expect to meet a PV on the snow starter (wasn't in the description like it is for the swamp start). Taking a little break from my game I started in December I've been trying out the other starts. The arid was ok. The swamp start also had a PV that was in view the moment I crawled out of the escape pod. Took cover in some large wreckage but it still clipped me for 40% damage or so. But it wandered off and I was able to go about the game. So in this one I'm wondering if the PV will get bored of looking at my no-threat box base and go bother some Talons or something.

    Sitting here I've had time to think. Replace the SV's generator, take whatever I can load into the SV and carry (mass & volume is ON) and when the PV is blocked by the base quickly take off in the Dart back to the escape pod and build another little base there. Come back and see if the PV has moved away. Or give up this game as a learning experience and start a new one. I turn the drone base attack setting off but having a PV circle around outside is probably worse.

    The inside of my prison on a frozen world with a big floaty Zirax guard outside with shoot-on-sight orders :)

    Last edited: Feb 26, 2021
  13. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    @DarkMaid an unhappy event, for sure. The PV is on this sort of Starter World since its creation but was always stuck on hills or Mountain Ranges close to its Base so nowhere to see on the Planet. It was only 'freed' very recently and is now Roaming the equatorial Zone of the Planet.

    For Starting I prefer the Arid Planet above the Snow starter...but my first choice is always to build a small HV to carry me and my stuff around until I can manage a Base.
    The Dart can be upgraded to carry at least 6 Cargo Boxes. but if those are filled you need to replace the Place Holders with actual 4 (?)Truster.
    Its not much but it keeps you warm and moving;).

    Happy gaming:).

    P.S.: A fresh start from time to time helps indeed:D.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2021
    elmo and DarkMaid like this.
  14. DarkMaid

    DarkMaid Commander

    Jan 26, 2019
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    I had to go and do some RL stuff but here's an update:

    The SV needed a replacement genny and 2 thrusters. The rest of the SV was also shot up with big gaping holes, cracked windshield and twisted metal everywhere but I guess I was lucky the PV took out the genny in just two bursts without destroying any other equipment other than 2 thrusters.

    Crafted the items and installed the parts in two stages when the PV was blocked by the base. Then I grabbed about 500SU worth of resources to carry on my person. Waited for another go-around of the PV and made my escape. I powered the base down on the way out. Escape achieved! :) BTW, I tried powering down the base to see if the PV would lose interest but it kept circling. So it was back to the "fix the SV and getaway" plan. Plan B if I couldn't repair the SV was to just get on the bike and go back to the escape pod for shelter during daylight hail storms.

    Anyway, after getting away I circled around to a CV POI I had discovered the day before. It also was beside a hot spring and a little bit of swimming produced some plant protein from underwater plants. So starvation was averted. Cored the CV to get at the cargo boxes (unfortunately the CV is mostly buried). I've crafted another base starter block and am currently looking around for a good spot for my un-planned-for 2nd base. If the PV shows up at this one too then I can go back to the first base and vice versa.

    Gonna keep playing this one for now as it's definitely been one of the more challenging and memorable starts I've had. Arid start seemed too easy (I was surprised at how much those little condensers supply you with O2 and H2O). Swamp was cool too with a bunch of POI's I've never seen before.

    @Germanicus yeah I've upgraded the Dart a bunch of times now in starts and with a few extra thrusters and stretched a bit it
    can be very useful well into the game. The Hoverbike I upgrade to a tree logger. I used to build HV's too but ever since the Hoverbike/Dart/Heidelberg set-up was introduced I've not bothered with my own HV's at all. The two vehicles they "give" you are fine until I collect enough stuff for a bare-bones CV.
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2021
  15. xtended2l

    xtended2l Commander

    Oct 23, 2020
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    Well friends. My travels through andromeda, and with them, my torment continues. The Zirax beat the **** out of me again today.

    I have been preparing for a long time to attack the red sector in order to loot precious Legacy ships. For some reason, I could not jump directly into that sector, despite the fact that the warp engine seems to allow you to jump twice as far. Therefore, I had to first jump into the asteroid belt located closer. While I was collecting shells for the ship, I really wanted ... to go to the WC. I don’t know where I got the idea that it’s safe in this sector, but I just got up and went to do my business without even leaving the game. Already from there, scrolling through the pages on Facebook, I heard a rumble, but it seemed to me that it was my neighbors. When I happily was coming back I did not know what horror awaits me there. My poor CV was with no guns, no engines, no generators, and generally with a half of it. The main thing is that I am quite alive sitting at the cockpit and watching the Imirat and several drones circling around the ship. I thought for a long time what to do, and decided to quickly build a small teleporter until the Imirat could see. From there, I jumped onto my aircraft carrier.

    Full of anger and determination, I downloaded jrandall's Trebuchet ship from the workshop. From what I've heard, this ship is pretty good. Having hammered this ship to capacity with shells, I flew to execute my vengeance.

    I will not delay, this ship lasted 15 seconds. It turned out that it was absolutely not adapted to the new damage system, after the first hole the entire ship took off in nuclear blast including the core. You cannot imagine my face at that moment lol

    After smoking a couple of cigarettes I decided to tow remains of my cv's to my carrier. Next 3 hours I was playing hide and seek with Imirat trying to repair my CV'S using my Miner CV.

    Morale - do not leave your game opened.
  16. Grandirus

    Grandirus Commander

    Jan 24, 2017
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    Today I had found a planet with some "very large" ore deposits.
    Neodymiun deposit, after about 1 hour mining, gave me about 54k ores.
    Next I had found Titanium deposit. About 60k ores.
    The thing is, the two deposits had the same texture.
    All grainy white, like a salt deposit in real world.
    Don't know if it was a bug or something else, but I will take all I can. :p
  17. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    I got once an explanation for those coloring of Deposits:
    They depend on the number of used Textures on a Playfield/Planet. If the maximum number has been reached some textures will look the same.
    (I believe that that was the explanation but if this is still the case...?)
  18. Grandirus

    Grandirus Commander

    Jan 24, 2017
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    I'll finish the titanium deposit and look at the other deposits, to see if they has the same texture.

    EDIT: Neodymium, Titanium and Magnesium has the same texture. All others has normal texture.
    EDIT 2: Btw, Magnesium deposit gave me 82k ores.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2021
    Germanicus likes this.
  19. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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  20. DarkMaid

    DarkMaid Commander

    Jan 26, 2019
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    The parable of the pesky PV continues....

    Another session and another run-in with the PV. Barely finished setting up the 2nd base and only managed to grab some of the choice items from the Polaris-class CV POI before trouble arrived. Oh, the POI's ammo box had almost 300 rounds of 30mm so I figured I'd start mounting some cannon in case the PV showed up. This time I went with a Small Generator buried in a tunnel with the box base just outside. The PV seemed to have settled on a circular route west to east in the southern hemisphere while I was set up north. That didn't last however...

    Well, it indeed showed up at the 2nd base: surprised me while I was outside fiddling with a Portable Constructor. Same routine: it just kept circling around preventing me from working outside. The window of time of it being blocked by terrain was even less than at the 1st base. So I crafted one 30mm cannon and installed it with the F5 drone when the PV was furthest away.

    My turret fired off all of the ammo without disabling the PV. So I retrieved it and ran to the nearby crashed CV and laboriously salvaged about 300 steel plates from inside the POI so that I could make more ammo. My trigger finger was getting numb from holding down the button so long because I only had the Survival Tool (I did have a Multitool but I only had the charges that come with it and I saved those for retrieving equipment). It takes 20 steel plates to make 70 rounds of 30mm ammo (plus some cellulose or something which I had plenty of). I had to keep plunking down the portable heater while I slowly salvaged plates and hoped that no hail showed up. Thankfully there was no hail. Almost died to the PV while dashing back to the base, though, and used up the rest of my bandages.

    Crafted a second 30mm and about 900 rounds of 30mm. Installed the two guns and listened to the mayhem going on above my head. Result? I fired off all the ammo again and I believe I only knocked out one of its guns. The PV destroyed one of my 30mm despite my attempt to repair it from the F5 drone while the battle was raging.

    My attempt to destroy or disable the PV had failed and I was down to one 30mm turret again and no ammo and no plates to make more. Plus the roof of my base was damaged. Only a handful of uses left in my Multitool (no Promethium for multi charges yet). Retrieved the surviving turret (again) and put it back in storage. Transferred my perishables to the Dart and dodging the PV again jumped into it and limped back to the 1st base.

    So I've been chased away from two bases now; the 2nd one I even put up a fight but it was to no avail.

    Arriving back at the first base I was low on health and food so I did a quick forage circuit around the base; got back in and noted that the PV had left the 2nd base and was doing a random pattern around the planet (it wasn't sticking to the equatorial zone but zigzagging around). It got close to the 1st base again (about 1.2km away) but continued to patrol.

    I don't know. This isn't fun anymore -- it feels like the game is playing me instead of the other way around. The environmental challenge is tough enough without some nasty CV literally patrolling the surface and dogging my every move. Going to give up on this start and think about how I would play it differently knowing what I know now. @Germanicus you're probably right: don't bother with a static base until I can put one up with overwhelming firepower and a warehouse full of ammunition.

    I prefer to play without drone base attacks but thanks to this PV "feature" I get one anyway and it's far worse than any 2 or 3 little drones ever were when I used to play with drone base attacks on.

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