What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Sun Rise seen from my Base on the Arid Starter Planet

  2. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Glad you liked it, I was worried about the "blast shields".
    I also linked the other ships that were used in the 13x7 hangar door challenge.
    I know my builds will fit, but many of them should fit as well.

  3. DarkMaid

    DarkMaid Commander

    Jan 26, 2019
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    On close fly-bys by Waldo I've been able to note the damage my attempted base defense did to him (her?). From observation and Googling the vessel it's armed with four projectile turrets: one mounted dorsally and one ventrally on both wings. When it was besieging my (other) base it was circling clockwise and so its right (starboard) wing took most of the damage from my two turrets. Both of its starboard turrets have been destroyed plus most if not all of the thrusters also in that wing. Through my sniper rifle scope I can also clearly see its core now so quite a few hull blocks have been destroyed and damaged as well.

    Three projectile turrets with lots of ammo should finish it off (maybe even one or two because of that exposed core) but I'm assuming replacement PV's will show up so the flak tower is going to have eight turrets -- no fooling around this time. :)
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2021
    MeyerX and jepbindawernoch like this.
  4. Darinth

    Darinth Commander

    Jan 11, 2021
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    I've never seen a replacement PV show up. So take solace in the fact that once you kill this monster, you're probably in the clear.
    Fractalite likes this.
  5. DarkMaid

    DarkMaid Commander

    Jan 26, 2019
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    ^^ Oh, ok. I just assumed the base it comes from would spawn more and posts in other threads seemed to indicate that more would show up but maybe things have changed from when those posts were made.
    Fractalite and zaphodikus like this.
  6. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    There was a time that a replacement PV would spawn in after a period, or at least that I recall as my experience back around alpha 6 - 7ish. However, much has changed about the game since then, so I could not say what happens now.
    DarkMaid likes this.
  7. DarkMaid

    DarkMaid Commander

    Jan 26, 2019
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    RIP Waldo

    Just to conclude this little series. Waldo the pesky PV finally strayed within range of my 8x turret flak tower. Knocked out the thrusters but one turret survived so there was a little more shooting before silence returned to the tundra. It came down outside of logistics range of my bases but I was able to loot the cargo boxes of some minor items (computer, electronics, etc.). Salvaged the cockpit. Ran to my base to get the Dart with its extra cargo and had time to grab a whole RCS and all that remained afterwards was the hull for plates, which I got all of it and salvaged my core at the very end.

    So that's that. As far as the game goes there is a "Zirax Cargo" POI I've never seen before as well as the PV base with its defenses so I'll keep playing for those and then go back to the game I started in December.

    This one has been very cool (no pun intended). Looking forward to another snow start in the near future (love hunting those snow golems). Once I got my hands on a bit of gold to make an EVA suit upgrade the novelty kind of disappeared aside from the snow backgrounds and mountains, though. I really enjoyed the early challenge of constantly battling the cold with the portable heater, drinking warm beverages and being cognizant of the deadly hail storms. The urgent scramble for shelter felt real and the added PV threat had me constantly checking the map for that dreaded red dot possibly approaching in my direction.

    Waldo meets the flaktower.

    The wreck before I completely salvaged it. I've upgraded the DART about three times at this point, including a shield.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2021
  8. jepbindawernoch

    jepbindawernoch Commander

    Dec 19, 2017
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    Hello, I don't know if you've ever had a visitor. So I'll tell you the following little story: I once had a non-docked invisible ship in my CV. I had the CV moved and then I was able to fly it. Landing, ambushing the enemy and returning to the ship was carefree. However, I couldn't start again. I left the server and continued my game the next day. Again I had my ship moved because I was not allowed to take off. My memory reminded me that a colleague had the same problem a week earlier. On the third day my ship could not be moved again. On the fourth day it worked all at once. What happened? After thinking about it for a long time, it occurred to me that a colleague, sitting in my CV, has gone offline. This colleague was now online. Could it be that the de-registered colleague was referred to as an "undocked ship"? Could it be that his data was saved in my ship? Saving it makes sense since there can always be "disconnects". Otherwise, some people would fall out of the ship all the time. Well, I'm not a programmer, but that's what I imagined for this situation. (Somehow I'm not entirely satisfied with the translation. I hope it fits)

    Hallo, ich weiß nicht, ob du mal Besuch hattest. Daher erzähl ich mal folgende kleine Geschichte: Ein nicht angedocktes unsichtbares Schiff hatte ich auch einmal in meinem CV. Ich ließ das CV versetzen und konnte es dann fliegen. Landen, den Feind überfallen und wieder zum Schiff zurück verlief sorglos. Starten konnte ich allerdings wieder nicht. Ich verließ den Server und setzte mein Spiel am nächsten Tag fort. Wieder ließ ich mein Schiff versetzen, da ich nicht abheben durfte. Meine Gedächtnis erinnerte mich daran, dass ein Kollege das selbe Problem hatte, eine Woche zuvor. Am dritten Tag ließ sich mein Schiff wieder nicht bewegen. Am vierten Tag funktionierte es auf einmal. Was war passiert? Nach längerem Überlegen viel mir ein, dass ein Kollege in meinem CV offline gegangen ist. Dieser Kollege war nun online. Konnte es vielleicht sein, dass der abgemeldete Kollege als "nicht angedocktes Schiff" bezeichnet wurde? Kann es sein, dass seine Daten in meinem Schiff gespeichert wurde? Die Speicherung macht ja Sinn, da es immer mal zu "Disconnects" kommen kann. Andernfalls würde manch einer ständig aus dem Schiff fallen. Naja, ich bin halt kein Programmierer, aber das ist das was ich mir zu dieser Situation ausgemalt habe.
  9. Foofaspoon

    Foofaspoon Commander

    Oct 28, 2019
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    Finally completed my POI series for the 'faction' suggestions. Found doing the space-based ones really interminable, has taken nearly 6 months to finish with lots of stops and starts! I'd posted earlier versions of the ground based ones ages ago, but have since redone them a little, and chosen a colour scheme! Will upload them to the workshop in a bit! POI Piccies_2021-03-05_20-35-59.png POI Piccies_2021-03-05_20-38-18.png POI Piccies_2021-03-05_20-41-14.png POIs_2021-03-05_20-52-04.png
  10. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    I appreciate your input. However, in my case, I'm a single player. If somebody parked an invisible ship in my CV, I have a far more serious problem than I thought.:eek:
    jepbindawernoch and Germanicus like this.
  11. DarkMaid

    DarkMaid Commander

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Polaris minefield salvage.


    I'm always curious as to what vessels I'm going to find at the Polaris minefield POI and whether any are worth flying back to base. This game it was an Exodus (basically a flying hangar), and a more-or-less intact "556" combat ship (missing a few thrusters and no turrets but in pretty good shape considering). And of course the usual "Destroyed SV" which I've re-constructed in about 4 games now but not necessary for this one.

    I'd have to say it's the best minefield haul for me. I had an early game that had two Polaris CV's but those are so torn up that I just demolish them for their materials. Another game had a couple of fast escort CV's with 2 turrets and about 12 thrusters each but the ships themselves were nothing special even if the thrusters and guns were.

    There was another "556" at the minefield but it was gutted: didn't see any useful equipment on it. On my next trip to the Polaris orbital trading station I'll swing by and core the gutted 556 just to satisfy my curiousity completely but it won't be doing any more flying ;)

    The Exodus is a new one for me, never saw one before. It had an intact warp core and pentaxcid tank and a hangar bay running the full length of the ship.

    Oh, I also built my starter CV: the usual small freighter for moving things like thrusters from the other POI's that the DART can't handle. It's the one beside the hanger bay of the base.

    Not much left of the Heidelberg: just the lower skeletal remains of the hull barely visible behind the "556". The forward section of Heidelberg is completely salvaged (it was where the Exodus is parked now).

    As mentioned I'm just going to clear out a couple of POI's I've never seen before and call it a game but I hadn't decided how to go about it: CV or HV or an upgunned SV. The "556" has a number of well-placed weapon mounting points, a little bit of work, a shield and crafting the necessary guns and it should do nicely.
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2021
  12. Alhira_K

    Alhira_K Captain

    Jan 16, 2017
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    Quite some time ago i realized that for my scenario i would have to use fixed planets and POIs as the procedural generation could only do so much before it is not able to spawn more POIs onto one playfield.

    After toying around with the Solar System Generator yesterday and getting slightly frustrated with the sliders at the bottom not resetting back to their old positions when loading a planet you previously created today i finally managed to place the first POIs. After a few setback which seem related to POI placing i finally got something working. Still not sure what happened there but this is not what somebody wants to see.

    After toying around with the stuff it seems that placing the adjacent landing pad POIs (in this picture barely visible on the right side of the Waypoint Station) i managed to create the wanted POIs on the intended planet seed and its location. 20 more reloading attempts later i had the Waypoint Station and its two landing pad next to it with two usable SVs on top of them.

  13. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    I was goofing around when I noticed something on the back of the CV_Freighter_AlbatrossA model.
    A "SV" mounted to the back that was made of large blocks.

    This got my gears turning, a long while ago I made a "fleet" build that had 3 mini-CV's escorting a large one.
    My fallacy on that build was that the escorts were made from fully-functional mini CV's.

    What if I take a page from the Albatross A's book and make smaller (non functional) "SV"'s and have them flying escort?

    The only problem is, I really like what the builder did with the Albatross A and I'm trying to figure out how I can make it different while maintaining it's small size.

    Alhira_K, dpburke2 and Germanicus like this.
  14. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Very quick experiment to try out the idea on the old fleet build.

  15. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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  16. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    I went ahead and republished the fleet build.
    It's very much a role-playing or NPC build.

    The 3 "fighters" have the 6 pulse lasers mounted to them.
    The 2 "escorts" have the 4 rocket launchers.
    .. and the "bug" at the bottom of the screen has the drill lasers and tool turrets.

    CV-Cerulean Star (fleet).jpg
  17. Obcy

    Obcy Commander

    Apr 4, 2019
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    Just doscovered that drill turret on my CV is more usefull than i thougt. My Sv minning vessel became useless.
    Fractalite, Germanicus and zaphodikus like this.
  18. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    That was always my Point why I thought a SV with Mining Capabilities would be useless:rolleyes:.
    Especially when it comes to Carrying Capacity.;)
    But the Devs listened to those who argued in favor of such a 'ability'.
    Obcy likes this.
  19. Obcy

    Obcy Commander

    Apr 4, 2019
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    Does CV drill turret work on planets?
    Germanicus likes this.
  20. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    No. On Planets we have HV's instead;)

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