What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    The core problem was that the Faction that the new Peep was wanting to join was a different Origin from the one the New Guy entered the game into. After much work (& the aforementioned learning that "di" Screen Info could also see Player ID cause trying to use the peep's visible name wouldn't quit giving a 'unable to parse name [name]' Error), it seemed Player ID was the only way to go, & after researching the faction Command tried various formats of the Command, then finally "faction allow XvX [Player ID]" achieved success & got the peep into the Faction they & the Faction itself mutually desired. :) (Of course substitute "XvX" with the faction relevant to the situation.)

    What the hell use or purpose were Origins supposed to serve again? :/

    Lookin good thus far. :)

    Alas, i'm not epic at naming stuff, though occasionally I get a critical hit. Sadly I doubt any Name Suggestions from me would be of any use. :(

    Drills are best on the front of the HV, not the sides, & I have often been placing at least some of the Drill Turrets, if I use any, Side-Mounted & at least almost all the way forward. HVs always are a bit wobbly & unstable if they're not wide enough, & it's best to have the dominant part of the Weight of the HV in the bottom middle of it if possible, Weight Distribution is a thing with HVs. I would also advise against having your bottom-most Drills on the same Block Level as the very lowest Block Level, instead either 1 or 2 Block Levels above this.

    If ya stick a BP up or at least Pics, then we could attempt more specific advice. Hope this helped. :)

    Stock stuff? Eww... *Insert Sick Emote here*
  2. DuLux

    DuLux Captain

    Aug 25, 2016
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    Earlier today I finally beat the Drone Base.


    SV with lots of front thrust. 100 135mm MSL missiles, 2000 minigun bullets, 3 large medkits.

    I just hovered, nose down over the base at about 400-500 meters and took out the turrets. Didn't take much damage from the verttical upright pointing plasma cannons.

    Here's what DID NOT WORK...
    Sniper T2 at a range of 400 meters had NO effect on the turrets. I died 3 times trying this... Assault Rifles of course no effect.

    So I'm really tired of seeing people posting tips for attacking bases and I try them... and go into god to check to see if there's been any effect... and there's none.

    I made some upgrades to my SV to make it easier to hover nose-down over a base.
    It's just the 2nd SV default blueprint modded with missiles and ridiculous thrusters. Better not get hit though...those thrusters are really sticking out.

    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  3. Kyrt Malthorn

    Kyrt Malthorn Captain

    Apr 22, 2016
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    Malworks line industrial utility hovercraft are coming to business suppliers near you!


    I blame @Tyrax Lightning ...
    he told me to do it...

    So here we have a number of simple non-combat HVs. My grav sled from the other day is front and center, staged with a barrel for pickup by the fork-lev. Nearby are the Malworks drill unit and mobile mining laser.

    @tyrax, yeah I'm aware of the tips. I just doubt I've ever built anything truly heavy by most players standards.

    Anyway, I got these drillers to a workable stage. The drill works okay for making a more or less straight tunnel with an incline. If used to tunnel under an ore deposit the mining unit can easily fit inside any tunnel the drill can make, and the turret used to drill out the ore above.

    At least that's my theory ...
  4. DuLux

    DuLux Captain

    Aug 25, 2016
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    That would be so cool to be able to pick up barrels of...stuff and move them around.
  5. DuLux

    DuLux Captain

    Aug 25, 2016
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    Here's what I did today.

    I followed the instructions I got for taking out Epsilon base. Face down, missiles out. Problem was I think the missiles did NOT have the advertized range (135mm MSL 700 meters NO WAY!):

    Then I showed off how miserable of a game player I am:

    Then finally made a breakthrough. Notice I only realized the core was right in front of me until I died TWICE:

    I was much happier with the loot on Mk1 base than the loot from Drone Base. Could have even saved myself a trip to Mesperon with this loot. Unfortunately I blew up one of the cargo loot containers.

    [EDIT] No I have no idea how I forgot to put my fuel packs...at the very least...back on the SV. Whoops could have lost those.
  6. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Bang .. .. .. ..FLASH .. .. .. .. ..BoooooooooooM ... .. .. .. click ... ckick .. ... .chugga chugga chugga . . . . BooooooooooooooM . . . . . . spoik .. ..clunk .. .. .. ..ssshhhhhhhinck . . . tap . . .tap tap . . . .tap tap tap . . . dingdingdingdingdingdingdingdingding BooooooooooooooM = YOU ARE DEAD !

    testing new stuff !
  7. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    I think ya did well listening to me, that's some fine lookin stuff! Though I hope that Toxic Barrel is not destination bound to improper disposal... :p (My Suggestion: Throw it/drop it into a Ghost Rider Base! :p)

    Also I forgot a tip: I've found through experimentation that if your HV isn't real heavy, then T1 Hover Engines spread around can be better then a smaller number of T2 Hover Engines as T2 Hover Engines pushing up & around light amounts of weight can really fling a HV around. Plus i'm coming to the conclusion that Hover Force is not as important a need for high power levels of for Mining HVs as it is for Hover War Tanks & overdoing it on how much Hover Force ya give a Mining HV can even be easier done then said.

    *Imagines Tunneling to under a Alien Base, then filling that hole under the Base with leaky Toxic Waste Barrels, then the Aliens getting noxious & going "PEEYOU! What the hell is that stench!!? *Barf* "Screw this!" & they flee the Base* :p

    The down side to this is the Base could get Contaminated & very perma-smelly making it kinda hard to get the goodies.

    Weapon Range for most stuff gets a "Atmosphere Penalty" in Planets. Next time you're in your SV on a Planet & have your Rocket Launchers selected, look inside the lower right box... inside it, locate the Ammo Type it uses, then look at the Line below that, this tells you the 'Effective Range' of that Weapon inside that particular Atmosphere... use THIS Number for your Shot Tactical Calculations. ;)

    2 tips for here... 1, ya can Consolidate Stacks of same Items like those Bullets to make yourself more available Inventory Room sometimes instead of wasting Inventory Slot Efficiency, & 2, try to hit the Enemy's Head more with your Gun Fire to down them faster & with less Bullets spent, & yes this DOES apply to the Minigun too, I personally vouch for this as the Minigun is my Primary Weapon. ;) (Especially hilarious, Bullet Drilling with the Minigun on a Desert Golem's Head & how FAST this kills it while it's a slow moving target with a VERY big Head making the Head Shotting SO easy. :D)
  8. Geoffrey

    Geoffrey Lieutenant

    Oct 9, 2016
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    Today, I completed all the parts for Voltron... The arms, legs and head are all flyable SV's, docked onto the main body CV.

    I then flew it around the server i play to scare all the other members. 20170114200446_1.jpg 20170114200450_1.jpg 20170114225637_1.jpg 20170114225704_1.jpg 20170114225648_1.jpg 20170114200446_1.jpg 20170114200450_1.jpg 20170114225637_1.jpg 20170114225648_1.jpg 20170114225704_1.jpg 20170114225734_1.jpg
  9. Kyrt Malthorn

    Kyrt Malthorn Captain

    Apr 22, 2016
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    Hah! Well played. My childhood right there. :) (slightly before my time, but acquainted by my older brother's taped TV shows collection).
  10. N99024

    N99024 Captain

    Sep 7, 2015
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    You know what, you try making something that doesn't flip over on flat land after you leave the hole you just dig yourself in. :p
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  11. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    I decided to post the mini CV, I remembered a YouTube video where they were assaulting a base and dying, a lot.
    They kept re-spawning and I thought, wouldn't it have been nice to have a spawn point close by?
    So I outfitted the mini with a clone chamber.

    As for the double-armored warship, I kept playing around with, feeling out the blocks as I went along.
    Ended up with this.


    Then I realized that I had failed to double-armor the neck on the sloped portion of it.
    Either way, I'm trying to make it more visually interesting than my previous builds. So I'm still playing around with it.
  12. Kyrt Malthorn

    Kyrt Malthorn Captain

    Apr 22, 2016
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    Seeing the 5.1 features, especially the rebalancing of civil POI loot, has made me want to hold off actually playing Empyrion survival mode for a while.

    So I've been building starter BPs, I'll have those handy when I start over...

    One of these days I'll be warp capable and move on from my starter planet, honest.

    Anyway. Today I took another crack at doing a compact CV. As compact as I could manage while still having a hanger.

    MicroShip_2017-01-14_12-33-41.jpg MicroShip_2017-01-14_12-32-35.jpg

    I'm not entirely sure what I think yet. I feel like the hull needs more shape. But I don't want to increase the block count much. Right now the game's calling it size class 2, I'm curious what that will become when poly's are counted.
  13. N99024

    N99024 Captain

    Sep 7, 2015
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    Added more to the CV, name is still in progress.

    Siege Inc. and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  14. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Tyrax Blue Mole already says "Hi.". :p
  15. Neal

    Neal Rear Admiral

    Nov 23, 2016
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    Re-created some neat scenes.
  16. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    It's more visually interesting than my HPODS, just not as compact as the base model.
    Trust me, I am looking at it for ideas to make my builds more visual interesting.

    I noticed that you are using large rolling shutters for the hanger doors, kinda feel silly that I did not think of that.
  17. Kyrt Malthorn

    Kyrt Malthorn Captain

    Apr 22, 2016
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    Keep building, and when you see something you like, spawn it in creative and attack it with a multi-tool wherever you're not sure how it was put together. The more you try, the better you'll get :)

    Be aware those shutter doors only open automatically for people, not vehicles. So you either have to pull up in front of it where you can click it and hop back into your vehicle immediately, or open it with the player drone. It will close if the player moves away.


    Meanwhile since my concern with my ship was it was basically a sausage with some ridges, I decided to add some sticky-outy bits. Brackets suggesting the ability to dock additional modules or cargo containers. They're normal steel, a low block count solution and only bumped the iron cost by a couple hundred ingots. Plus in survival I might actually build them out into full modules as the need arises.

    I guess that makes this design a glorified space tug.
  18. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU Literally FORMED VOTRON? OMG!!!! My childhood cartoon. THIS IS EPIC. I'm geeking out right now. Could you imagine getting your friends to fly with you and get ready to attack another player you formed Voltron? lol Please tell me that you will one day upload this to the workshop.

    Last edited: Jan 15, 2017
  19. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Whenever they add some type of animation blocks to this game where you can have rotating blocks Creations like this will be soo awesome.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  20. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    KHANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!! lol Awesome..

    I don't know if you will find this useful but a ReyTag found a way to add your own blueprints to the Ai Controlled freighters. So maybe you could use that to create a real battle scene with your star trek ships.

    Here is the post from Reytag

    You can make any CV AI controlled.
    1. Spawn the CV you want to use as an AI freighter in creative mode.
    2. Replace player core with "Alien Core" (NO other core type!).
    3. Replace turret weapons with Alien type weapons as only these will fire. You can leave main weapons for appearance sake, they just won't work.
    4. Save blueprint.
    5. Open blueprint list, find blueprint and double click, enter a group name (keep it simple, just letters/numbers) and remember the name, it IS case sensitive so take note.
    6. Copy blueprint .epb file from your steamapps\common\Empyrion - Galactic Survival\Saves\Blueprints\steam_id\blueprintname to your steamapps\common\Empyrion - Dedicated Server\Content\Prefabs folder (just the .epb file, not the whole folder, not the .jpg)
    7. Open for editing the playfield.yaml file of the orbit you wish to add the AI vessels to.
    8. Go down to the "DroneBaseSetup:" section and then the "DroneSpaceFreighter:" subsection or add it if not already present.
    9. For each freighter group you want to spawn in add the following:
    - Name: yourfreightername # GroupName
    FixedMaxSpeed: 20 # Max speed of a freighter in m/sec
    DelayBetweenRespawn: 600 # Time in seconds between respawn of freighters
    - [ x1, z1, y1 ]
    - [ x2, z2, y2 ]
    You can add several waypoints or just two, an entry and an exit point.
    You can spawn in several AI freighters at once.
    Note that you can add several Alien Core CV's to the same group name, since the group name is used in the .yaml file a random vessel will be spawned, or, create separate groups for each vessel if you want more manual control.

    Just bear in mind that AI Freighters / Vessels seem to be a bit glitchy as of right now, see my post #511 here on some of my observations: http://empyriononline.com/threads/general.448/page-26#post-91102

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