What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. rainyday

    rainyday Rear Admiral

    Dec 27, 2016
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  2. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    we're just babbling about our both mining designs, how they're different/similar/whatever... ;-)
    there's no other conspiracy going on.

    I promise.


    Wild_XIII, rainyday and Siege Inc. like this.
  3. Space Beagle

    Space Beagle Captain

    Oct 9, 2016
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    Great thing with new environment elements they added to game like temperature, radiation, breathable interior, weather, more specific devices, etc. is that now you need to build more 'realistic' stuff and with more planning - for better innerspace and functionality!

    Plus on bigger builds you can also use some 'fake piping' on inside and on outside so that special sections have visual physical connection with each other :)
  4. Lunex

    Lunex Commander

    Jan 29, 2016
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    Meins bildet aber eine Einheit mit dem CV und braucht nur 1 Turret und ist nicht versetz bar da war auch früher als ich um 3 oder 4 Version war halt sehr Positive alles in einen Schiff zu haben und rechteckig steht immer Stabil und die Turrets Zielen auf alles was feindlich zum Spieler ist mit allen Überlebens Funktionen an Board.

    Viereckig hat den Nachteil wie du siehst steht ziemlich Instabil ist zwar Kompakt aber für härtere gebiete nicht überlebensfähig.
    Bei mir wird er zwar angezeigt aber nicht mit gespahwnt habe dein teil größtenteils zerlegt war nur mit CV sitz bestückt.
    Vieleicht liegt es an der Version ich habe derzeit 6.x am laufen.

    Sorry rainyday
    I have a problem with my mother tongue but I do not know if the translator koreckt meaningfully translated to luck I can today mostly read English have long EVE online and other MMOs played in English but I have a write blockgade.
    I tolerate, of course, as mentioned more frequently that one in English writes so all understand it
  5. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    as I understand it (in my still small knowledge) all blueprints are either CV, SV, HV or BA, no mix-matching, so I don't think you really have both, your CV and your HV in one BP.
    Sorry, I have tried that too, but no luck with it.

    So yes, my CV is only for Transportation and Hovering above the mining area. Therefore it is cheap, very small, more or less cylindric (to get into/pass through the mined hole later) and consists more or less of the pilots seats and only necessary stuff (but good thrusters).

    The HV Module which needs to be built as a seperate unit (as it is a seperate unit ;-) needs to be docked with the CV only once (after the building process that is) then both "become" literally one unit.

    The usage is very simple:
    - Drive/fly to your next mining area.
    - Position exactly above deposit.
    - Stand up from CV pilot seat (without powering down of course haha ;-) via "F" if unchanged
    - You fall directly down ontop of your Pilots seat of the HV, and there (prior or after standing up again) you can look around, seeing all necessary mining and survival stuff mounted: O2 Generator, 2x Constructor, Fridges, Cargo, Harvester Cargo,... all accessible direct ("naturally") (or with "P" of course) from there
    - When sitting down/controlling the HV, change into one of the turrets and...
    - MINE!
    - When finished (that is you can't get to other ore with your actual turret), just change into the next turret and...
    - MINE!
    - yes, there's two more of them installed, one on each side, two horizontal, two vertically, after ONE pass (the first 2 turrets), the mining area will look like this:


    - Now reposition the CV (that is just going down a bit - as it is small enough it could go through that hole!) and....
    - MINE ON!
    Robot Shark likes this.
  6. Lunex

    Lunex Commander

    Jan 29, 2016
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    yes you have Compact CV/HV Miner :)
    Steam listet 2 Module Only those are not spoiled but only the CV
  7. Booyaah

    Booyaah Captain

    Sep 7, 2015
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    Last edited: Jun 7, 2017
    Siege Inc. and Robot Shark like this.
  8. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Pretty much the same thing I did with the CV Tortoise and it's companion mining HV.
    Looks like you went for multiple turrets as well. I'm betting your CV uses a lot less components than mine does.

    As for what I did today, I have been working on some of the HPOD's, making them 6.0 ready.
    I had an idea and wanted to bounce it off a few heads.

    The idea was to remove as many internal steel blocks as I could, replacing them with walkway and truss blocks to save resources.

    My question was, do this look to "busy"? Should I go back to the additional internal protection the steel blocks provided or do you think this works?
    (yes, the new interior is still air-tight.)


    Lunex, rucky and Siege Inc. like this.
  9. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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  10. Midas

    Midas Ensign

    Jun 7, 2017
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    Today I came back to empyrion after a quite long break. Relocating, working, all that life stuff... and then ontop of that my GPU in my laptop broke 2 months ago, but I re-built my old desktop and now i'm back in business!

    So for my first day back in the game on multiplayer survival I picked a planet of moderate difficulty.

    Breathable green atmosphere, lower gravity, no water, barren, meteor showers and thunder. Tons of pentaxid, raptors and worms, not so much of everything else but alien flora and some alien bases.

    Not having water means that you have a limited supply of fuel to dig with. I started on foot to scavenge surface materials, just for the experience to level up and unlock other things. Here came my first near-death experience. After placing down the survival constructor, I dumped all the gear i had on me, and from the pod, except for my pistol, drill, chainsaw, then i jumped around picking up stuff. 3-4 raptors appeared out of nowhere together with 3-4 alien wormse, right behind me chasing me. I quickly took out my pistol to shoot them, and after downing 2-3 of them i realize I left the ammo back in the constructor. Almost panicky I quickly evaluate my toolbar, and rip out the chainsaw. Running around in circles sawing the enemies down into pieces. I barely keep myself alive, bleeding, poisoned, and 10% health left. I quickly apply the basic med packs to stay alive. The positive thing with this is that i had my food storage sorted for the rest of the day. After getting the bike up I had to run around picking up alien plants and drive around and look for basic resources to mine. Of course i managed to reload twice by mistake, losing even more fuel than anticipated, leading to even more careful planning with getting resources, at this point i probably only had two fresh bio fuel, because of my mistakes with the drill and the chainsaw massacre earlier.

    When I finally got my bearings down and had driven almost entirely around the planet, to discover resources, I had reached level 10. Now I could collect a bit more resources to queue up my own designed inter-orbital personnel shuttle, a SV I had used in other servers to move freshlings from Akua to other planets. It was equipped with basics such as a fridge, containers, a mobile constructor and a bunch of empty seats. Unfortunately i quickly realized I was not able to make T2 drill using this constructor, something I had either forgotten with time or simply something that has changed while I was gone. Reluctantly I had to rethink my strategy, and ended up making a small 3x3 concrete-foundation base, with just the generator, constructor and a small fuel tank. With this, I feel like a cave-man who discovered fire. Finally I did not have to be scared of running out of bio fuel. Now the real plan comes in to action. With this shuttle i flew around, collecting all the necessary resources to queue up my Drop-ship CV. A basic CV with almost paper-thin walls, compact little match-box design with a shutter roof and wall, with a ramp designed specially to allow HV's and SV's easy access in and out of the vehicle. This ship was just designed for one purpose and that was to fast planetary deployment and fuel efficient travel between planets around the system. Lightweight, unarmed, paper thin, with warp capability and storage but no constructor. With a few additional adjustments to the ship design, it was now fit for exploration, and surviving.

    After setting up the Drop-ship, and docking the shuttle, I revised a plan to move on to other planets, more specifically, a tempered planet for plant fibers and more animal meat. I had realized at this point, that I was very limited in terms of oxygen. I had selected a planet with breathable air, however, without the water or snow, I had no way to generate more oxygen. With one canister of oxygen, I set out to space, towards Omnicron. In hope to find a calm lake to replenish and collect all the resources I need for further exploration.

    Today when I get back to it; I will work getting auto-miners, maybe a mining HV (since thats a thing now) and work on re-building my former pride, a Size 4-5 CV, Terran Command Center. An excellent mobile base.

    That's just what I did last night, not so much, just played a couple of hours, was fun though if anyone actually got through this short journal entry. :p
    rainyday likes this.
  11. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    I think it still looks good (perhaps even a bit better ;-)
    And protection... if there's trouble at this layer... then you're in trouble pn the whole front anyways! ;-)

    Your CV Tortoise and companion bundle... is this mining HV when docked air tight?
    (that's still a problem for mine, I made it in 5.5 not knowing a lot of things for 6.0...)
    Robot Shark likes this.
  12. Lunex

    Lunex Commander

    Jan 29, 2016
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    Jo did not think that there were already some creative solutions and that is why I have my prototype times posted but rather for a harsher environment was thought.

    I'm more of an explorer and searcher and rejoices as there are many players, the creatives look for solutions.
  13. Frigidman

    Frigidman Rear Admiral

    Mar 19, 2016
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    Today I was able to finally clean wipe the build back to public version!!! Now I can do updates to all my workshop items that need it lol. Internal builds slow my workshop down seriously :(
    oojimaflip likes this.
  14. Lunex

    Lunex Commander

    Jan 29, 2016
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    Good Work :p
  15. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    I refer to that area of the ship as the "suicide bridge".
    There is a second bridge in the "head" where I plan to add the residential section.

    Since I was shooting for a HV that would fit in the 1-cube hole in the CV, It's not air tight when docked.
    The open roof of the HV and hole in the CV prevent me from making the area air tight.

    Also, I need to update the blueprint for 6.0.
  16. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Started a new save game, since last one lasted for all 5xx & Alpha 6 Experimental...so I am just leveling now to start serious exploring and POI conquering.:)

    I still can not manage to work with signal logic seriously. I think I need a good tutorial on this. I have seen some videos from liftpizzas and some others but still I have not put it in good use, except of opening and closing CV doors and lights.:rolleyes:
  17. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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    I made a standalone refrigerator from an sv starter.
    It fits nicely into any Base as it is smaller than a BA/CV block ^^
    6 fridges and 44 hours of power.

    Also the living room set there
    SV, 4 chairs, a table and a light, good for maybe 100 hours of power.
    Just different ^_^
  18. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    I would like to give it a try when you upload it on workshop.
  19. James Grayson

    James Grayson Lieutenant

    May 28, 2017
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    I love it!
  20. Frigidman

    Frigidman Rear Admiral

    Mar 19, 2016
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