What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. binhthuy71

    binhthuy71 Rear Admiral

    Oct 17, 2016
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    Funny you should mention that. I started this as a CV (Picture is from a test flight) and it seemed better suited to be a base or a POI.
    I've been working on it whenever the fancy takes me.
  2. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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    I managed to get my SV outdoor sitting lounge to stay docked on my base without falling through as it was previously.
    So I attached one docking leg under the table, attached a cockpit seat next to existing, sit in cockpit the lounge will dock, then detach cockpit.

  3. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    I hope this doesn't ever run afoul of Docking Bugs...

    lol why would ya ever wanna Talk to the Villagers while you're in a Good Mood after ya had killed them before while in a Bad Mood? Somehow I don't think the Convo they'll give ya will be pleasant on the ears... :p
    Supercrab likes this.
  4. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    A pretty fun but simple survival scenario is allowing your cv to get almost destroyed and place it on one of the harder planets . Then you have to mine for resources just to repair it but all you have is a T 1 drill and the basic survival tools. If you turn all the settings to hard then it's pretty fun . Also make sure none of your CV turrets work on the planet.
    So it can't defend itself from drones. You have to fight off the drones with your little hand gun. lol
    Almost all my thrusters are gone, just 2 RCS left all of my turrets are missing and only 2 fuel tanks left. Missing all the O2 tanks. Repairing this and trying to survive will be interesting
    Screenshot (213).png
  5. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Interesting scenario @banksman45 , though I fear the planetary Patrol Vessel will be the end of your CV...

    I've done similar scenarios when arriving at my second planet. I'd basically establish my starting planet base, secure it etc. but when I arrive in orbit at the next planet, I drop down in an HV, and go from there.

    Sadly the Mobile Constructor cannot build the Ammo an HV needs to survive, so you must establish a base. I've suggested an "Advanced" Mobile Constructor in the past, so we can equip a HV to build everything to keep said HV supplied and in a good state of repair, but maybe that'll be a future option :)

    68plex, banksman45, rucky and 2 others like this.
  6. Captain Jack II

    Captain Jack II Rear Admiral

    Nov 1, 2016
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    There was a family re-union. I was socially acceptable but made it back in time for some weekend Empyrion:
    Screenshot - 7_9_2017 , 8_16_28 PM.jpg Screenshot - 7_9_2017 , 8_15_43 PM.jpg Screenshot - 7_9_2017 , 8_15_00 PM.jpg

    EDIT: That last one is a mistake.

    Attached Files:

  7. JuStX2

    JuStX2 Captain

    Aug 2, 2015
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    No The HV Can't produce it's own ammo - BUT your CV can host a large constructor - which means you can use it as a "Mobile" Base.
    banksman45 and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  8. JuStX2

    JuStX2 Captain

    Aug 2, 2015
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    My Event for today:

    I may my first return trip from Akua to Omnicron and Back - a two day affair in which I camped overnight (real time) on Omnicron - then flew back today. This was the first time I had actually built a CV in survival let alone warped anywhere in it. I'd say I'm on a roll but I have yet to run into major hostilitilies (ie PVs) plus I have the galaxy at my fingertips so to speak. Late Game never felt so good - Now all I need is a reliable source of Esterium and Zacosium.
  9. DuLux

    DuLux Captain

    Aug 25, 2016
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    I finally made a video about heading out of the Akua system for the first time to collect Erestrum and Zascosium. It's like...the BIG STEP to me. Once you head and grab some rare ores... the game take a major I THINK IMHO.

    You'll see my going through the trials of bad decisions making, unawareness of surroundings, forgetfulness and lack of strategy.
    It's a fun packed adventure for the media-deprived.
  10. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Man I laughed!....
    Tyrax Lightning and DuLux like this.
  11. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    I forgot about the PVs. I haven't seen one yet but I know it's out there. The PVs makes it even more difficult and plus the large Drones with the insane amount of hit points that take forever to take down. Honestly it's pretty fun so far. I can imagine role playing with some friends an doing this as well. I do agree that the mobile constructor is too limited.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  12. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    That's intersting :)

    Similar story from me!

    Even if I've left Akua a while back, I only was in the Omicron Orbit for a bit of time, raiding the station and the carrier there, and mining all the asteroids. I tested my yaml-fu with adding some more ressource asteroids, especially pentaxid. Boy.... is this Pentaxid a rare (res)source... Only 700-800 I got from it (and I have ressources set to maximum)...

    But nevertheless, after making some pictures yesterday of my Base ship - see a few posts above - I decided later to go down on the planet...
    And I saw some big flat surface from orbit so I thought, volá, good place to set down my mothership...
    oh boy... I better had paid some more attention...

    Suddenly - don't know why ;-) - I was surrounded by green laserz fire, coming in from 4 different military POIs, I saw multiple Drones as little flies all around me and in the not so big distance my first ever PV coming straight in my direction...


    eh... not yay, I got a beating. But even if most of my turrets are space only ones, the minigun and cannon ones shoot the hell out of these flies!
    Only they didn't really know what they should fire at - there was too much red onscreen already!!
    But after some shock moments I head of the seat, down the elevator, into the MKII (the MKIII as newly build wasn't supplied yet... eh yes....), starting the engine,
    I heared in my head some "Hunter Two - you're ready to GO!" - I yelled back some "Hangars UP!" and took off accelerating through the doors...

    Oh yeah.... after some heavy fight (I had to always check to come not into the range of the four military installations, only working against these Drones and the PV) I managed to clear the sky from these pesky flies. The PV was a bit more of a problem, as I've got the already described - and still!! - existing bug with the PV (you can fly through a bit, it's wonky, your fire won't hit etc...)

    But finally I managed to kill enough generators (the still existing thrusters were invincible, couldn't touch them - so I tried to kill it from inside :) to shut that sucker down...
    And I began again to love my Fighter ship - even if most of my front guns were already disabled (eliminated), I could dance around this ship like nothing!

    Sadly the PV vanished before I could scavenged all - but that wasn't a problem either as I already have anything abundant - besides Epics of course, but these I wouldn't find there anyway!

    Restoring my Fighter later wasn't a big problem, but my CV was or better said is.
    Only at 99% the only things you see in the control panel are weapons and outer moduls - oh, and that was a problem I haven't thought of prior too: OUTER DOCKED vessels.... they got a few grazing shots too... yes, need to remember that when approaching again with my BASE-STAR... on the other hand, that ship, even at full turret count (besides 1 artillery) isn't meant for fighting primarily...
    But it seems to get it back at 100% I have to build some stationary repair station, powering off all engines, risking my plants... hm... still uncertain about that...

    Anybody has some experience after how long off time the plants start to die?

    But that was an intersting landing operation haha...
    Is this right, when destroying the PV it never comes back, that is no new one is build?
    (somewhere I saw that, better said I saw Hummel(?) mentioned it in some patch notes that you have to enable this in the yaml.... somwhere... Anyone have some more info, couldn't find it...?)

    Now I'm settled there, had factory build my moon base (pics somewhere above) and for added protection my Omega-Bunker-System. All Drones that looked for me I had to search for in the far distance.

    One thing... my CV burnt through more than 15000 rounds of 15 and 30mm bullets!!!!! (the Cannon was already EMPTY... as I temporary shut down the turrets because they still tried to kill the thrusters of the PV even as I'd already disabled the ship, now hurting me to / atleast my fighter as it seems / atleast I heard rain beating down (on) my windshields besides there was no rain... ;-)

    Now I've doubled that amount stored.
    New PV?
    Come and get me!
    I'm awaiting you!! :)
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2017
  13. Starwing6

    Starwing6 Rear Admiral

    Mar 25, 2017
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    Last night I was alone on the server but still managed to have some unexpected excitement! After taking care of the gardens and collecting supplies from the pumps, I went hunting with my epic laser rifle and it was very fun. Then I went out to play with rail guns and see how I like them. I found some helpless creatures to shoot.

    I still needed to visit the autominers, so I took my light SV because of the extra cargo space. As I emptied one of the miners, drones approached and got a couple shots on my ship before I was back in the air. I took care of them, but I did lose some blocks at the rear of the vessel. :oops: It was funny actually. I went back out with my new SV and hunted down the drones when another wave was announced. I tested the rockets because I've only used the handheld rocket launcher before.

    I got to work expanding the landing pad beside our expedition base, but I had to call it a night before finishing it up.
    Tyrax Lightning, rucky and Siege Inc. like this.
  14. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    Woke up a little early so I've been working on the space station a bit. Updated the medical and engineering sections. Medical was minor stuff really. Changed the layout of a few a things so it flows better now. I installed some furnaces in Engineering. I had a space for machinery type stuff and the furnace fit in nicely there and I took care of a few things that I'd left unfinished. Wish the temp on furnaces and thrusters was neutral when they're shut down.

    I'm still pondering how I want to paint/texture the city areas. I could really use some more texture options. I noticed a lot of deco items have status effects now. A bunch recover stamina. The toilet helps with food poisoning now lol! The shower helps with radiation and temperature and a bunch of the medical stuff has been updated to help with various ailments. I also noticed some of the computer consoles say "this device is not functional yet". Is that new or has that always been there and I just never noticed before?

    The Pyramid base is something I'm working on sporadically when I need a break from the station. I'm also working on more colony outpost stuff. Putting together another Colony outpost as we speak using the parts I already have. Different configuration than the first one and maybe a couple new buildings(oxygen and fuel towers).

    Last edited: Jul 10, 2017
    Starwing6, 68plex, Isil`Zha and 3 others like this.
  15. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Valid point, though my role-play was about landing in an HV, then having to ultimately establish a base to get back into orbit.

    It used to go like this:

    - Arrive in orbit.
    - Outfit HV with enough ammo and supplies for an extended stay on the surface.
    - Make planet-fall in said HV
    - Scout around, gather additional resources & identify a good base location
    - Establish base, build it up and defend, possibly take down Drone Base
    - Build large CV landing area
    - Create basic SV and go into orbit
    - Bring down CV & defend.

    I did this s few times in my modified games, but that was before Patrol Vessels were introduced. I quite fancy giving it another go sometimes.

    As for my current game, last nights play wasn't an overly exciting one. I expanded my under-gound hanger bay, doubling its capacity. Built a stair well in the cavity between my double-layered walls to allow roof access. Additionally I expanded my base slightly around where my H2O, O2 and Hydrgen Generators are. Previously their was a bridge so I could avoid critters, then just a sloped platform going down to the water. Now that platform is fully enclosed and oxygenated, for no reason other than cos :)

    After by building work was complete, I returned to the settlement I've visited earlier and continued to strip it down. Quite uneventful. I then processed to explore a little more, uncovering an additional Settlement and a couple of other POI's. Not seen the Drone Base yet.

    Oh, as an aside. I've had ZERO Drone attacks this game. This is despite creating a Base from a Starter Block, and having been buzzed my the PV a lot. I'm assuming the Masperon drone trigger needs Turrets built, something I've not done yet. However, I will be building multiple Rocket Turrets soon so I can overwhelm that PV.

    Random thought: In my games lately, the PV has always found me, no matter where I settle down. If I move, it eventually finds me there too. I assume this is because the PV's route takes it all over the planet? Anyway, with this behaviour in mind, should Drone Waves behave in a similar way? I.e. the Drone Base sends waves of drones but not necessarily directly at the Players base, rather they would head out on a similar patrol pattern to the CV. So, being surprised by up to seven drone while out and about might keep things interesting :)

    Note: Faster, but lighter, drones armed with Rockets would be quite the threat to an early-game light HV...

    Starwing6 and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  16. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Hmm, I sort of have a problem... My next goal is to build multiple Rocket Turrets to take down the Masperon PV. I'm pretty much there materials-wise, maybe just a few more. However, one major issue puts me off even bothering...the fact that the PV will despawn within a handful of minutes of me shooting it down. The resources it contains are key to my own CV build, and if it just vanishes out from under me after 10 minutes like the last one did, well, I'll not be best pleased.

    Does anyone know if there's any way to stop the PV despawning so quickly? Planting my own core does nothing... I'm half tempted to place my Core after it's shot-down, Blueprint it, loot whatever I can from containers, then simply cheat-spawn a copy in if it vanishes on me again. Yeah, it's that frustrating.

    There needs to be a reward for the effort it takes to down a PV, and that rewards - other than the satisfaction and making life a little safer - is the materials, mainly the more exotic ones not available from local natural resources.

    I'm sorta putting off my big plan until I can think of a non-cheaty way to do this...though as I'm in Single Player, I will cheat if required. Wish they'd go back to the old way this was handled, basically the PV wreck stuck around forever, or until fully reclaimed. Seemed fairer.

  17. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    @Scoob you're absolutely right! The PV needs to stay way longer! Another way could be if you only deactivate it (shooting down thrusters or generators), it will going down but the timer will NOT start, only when you de-core und try to dissassemble it, then 10min should be enough to get the most out of the blocks.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  18. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Yeah, good idea. I can make sure I get any containered loot at least. However, with a PV it's really the materials that are so much more valuable.

    I'm going to go ahead with my plan, and see what happens...my turrets are always set to take out Turrets and Thrusters, nothing else - splash damage aside - so I should be able to preserve the ship a little longer. Oddly though, in my last game, I got the message that the PV had been killed before I'd actually killed its Core... It was disabled, the lower thrusters were dead and it couldn't fly, but not quite dead yet.

    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  19. DuLux

    DuLux Captain

    Aug 25, 2016
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    That moment you find out you just wasted 2 hours and 1000s of ingots on ammo and machinery.......when really you should have explored




  20. binhthuy71

    binhthuy71 Rear Admiral

    Oct 17, 2016
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    @Scoob, The current PV's biggest flaw is that it is inconsistent with the rest of the game. Normally, the more trouble it is to take something out the greater the reward. Dealing with the PV in its present state on a non-Akua start can be as much trouble as anything else in the game. Losing critical materials afterward through no fault of your own is downright annoying. The thing also inhibits EGS' best feature: the ability to play the game your way because, no matter what your style, you will have to cope with the PV and that takes time and resources that you would rather devote to other things. Although you can edit it out of the .yaml the gamers who would find it most vexing are also the ones least likely to be comfortable editing a game file. The concept of the PV is fine and it will be a fun addition to the game once Eleon balances it. Until then it might be a good idea to add a toggle for the PV to the game's setup menu.

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