What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    If you go into the Console and type "di" for debug information, you'll get a new window pop up. Then look at the CV you should get its ID - don't confuse it with your data on the first and second lines...what you're looking at is on the third and forth lines .

    Using this information you can change the Faction of the CV:

    Faction entity [faction you want it to be] [CV's ID]

    So, when I did it last night to change a downed PV that had bugged out to my faction I typed:

    Faction entity Sco 57

    My faction is "Sco" and the ID of the downed PV was 57.

    DuLux and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  2. rainyday

    rainyday Rear Admiral

    Dec 27, 2016
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  3. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Nope. However, I blueprinted the wreck, went into creative to "fix" the invalid blocks (alient sentry turrets) then spawned it back into my Survival game.

    I will do this from now on as a less than 5 minute despawn timer is crazy. The only value to the Masperon PV is in it's materials. That said, I sorta tweaked it to be "thrusters and Generators are hot" friendly, as now have a tiny, customised CV to play with :)

    I will dismantle it eventually, but I need to tech up and gather a lot more Steel Plates before I can build my own "proper" CV for travelling to other planets.

  4. Ballard

    Ballard Rear Admiral

    Feb 9, 2017
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    Today, on this forum, I made my 500th post! In fact it is this one. I'm hoping for a prize.
  5. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    You wanna Prize for your 500th Post when there's a someone on these Forums that's passed 4,000 Posts? *Snickers* :p

    For the Topic: My latest going ons is that I have a 'humble by my standards' T2 Drill toting Mining HV I had built & used for the T2 Drill testing previously... but it's kinda grown on me somehow & I wanted to give it a final test, so I booted up my Tutiroal SP Survival Game & realized that I already had the Materials to Factory Spawn it in, so I went ahead & did so, & tested it against some nearby Live Strength Ore Veins... & am happy with how it's performed. That tears it, I have no choice but to forgive it for being unable to find a way to fit in a Fridge, a 4th through 6th Drill, & a 3rd & 4th Rocket Turret... I consider this a Full Fledged Creation I have no choice but to Concede to being attached to. I may even Submit it to the Devs & see how they like it... though if they do adopt it I would NOT be offended if they scratched my name off of it. :p
    Ballard, rainyday, Kassonnade and 2 others like this.
  6. 68plex

    68plex Captain

    Sep 27, 2015
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    @Tyrax Lightning No fridge??? Simply unacceptable! You are hereby ordered to tear down that vessel to the last block, go back to the drawing board, and rebuild from scratch. And never let such a heinous omission happen ever again! :p

    On a serious note, I think I have an obsession with fridges... a sickness really. I simply feel naked without one. The thought of leaving the build scaffold without one in place is anathema to every fiber of my being :eek: You'd think I grew up poor in the slums, learning the importance of never wasting a morsel. :D But I'm middle class all the way... can't figure out this obsession of mine. Not to mention I always end up with enough food to feed an army...
  7. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    haha oh yes.... actually I have 4 T2-Fridges full of canned food and 1 of all specials (pizzas, popcorn, pommes...) if I get some visit from your imaginary army ;-) haha...
    Tyrax Lightning and 68plex like this.
  8. rainyday

    rainyday Rear Admiral

    Dec 27, 2016
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    Not much playing, but the little time I've had for the game I've been updating my heavy mining barge for Alpha 6.0. It's already operational with ventilators etc. but Im adding sensors, switches, spotlights and some polishing touches.
  9. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    The PV on masperon do not waste any time, after a couple of minutes of mining it showed up and started to go after my SV. It's good thing the PVs are kind of slow . lol
    Tyrax Lightning and rucky like this.
  10. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Built this little SV with no weapons just for transportation.
    Screenshot (231).png
  11. Starwing6

    Starwing6 Rear Admiral

    Mar 25, 2017
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    You know... I am a serious non-fan of Nitrado. At first I thought the server must be very far from my location and causing problems, but the servers are not far away. I did seek out a hosting provider that has servers in Sweden, so I switched over to GTXGaming to test it before the Nitrado contract expired, and I have recommended against Nitrado ever since. Plus, I have no idea why, but there are a couple game elements that are much better on GTXGaming (backpack despawn timer, for one).

    But to be fair, if the coder was a 'weedhead' this probably wouldn't have happened, as he'd be more inspired and fascinated by the work if he was ;)
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2017
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  12. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Now I have enough iron it's time to repair the ship but this might take a while. lol Have a lot of patching up to do.

    Screenshot (233).png

    Screenshot (234).png

    I had to run from these guys and just warp out . No weapons left. lol

    Screenshot (226).png
  13. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    The last couple of play sessions I actually continued to work on my "captured" Masperion PV*. It's now fully heat-safe, with Generators and Thrusters moved away from anywhere I might walk. This vessel was evidently not designed with the player in mind, as it had no actual entry way. It now has one at the rear, which is the main way to enter the ship when it's landed, as well as two additional doors, one for each wing.

    I've customised the wing areas somewhat, with several of the thrusters being moved to the outer nacelles, due to the aforementioned heat issues. The upper and lower flat area of the inner wings used to house large, alien turrets, however those upper surfaces are ideal for landing my tiny SV on :) I also put an additional block on the very outer wing, a 45 degree pipe, this allows my new HV (more on that later) to dock, using a landing pad on the roof. Nice. Interior-wise, I've added Fuel and O2 Tanks - it's very small CV, so it doesn't need much - as well as a Fridge with Food Processor and an Armour Locker plus Repair thingy.

    Moving on to defence, well, this isn't a ship I'll be fighting in, but I've made sure it can protect me in hot landing Zones. During one of it's early test runs I landed in a crater not far from a hostile POI, my plan being to run up the hill overlooking said POI and snipe the turrets out. However, the landing zone was HOT, with lots of hostile critters that all made a bee-line directly for me...I love Masperons critter levels. With this in mind I fitted a centre Sentry Turret, with good coverage all around, plus a second fore Sentry Turret to cover a slight blind spot. Both turrets mounted on the underside of the ship, providing excellent critter protection. Finally, I added a single Cannon Turret to the roof, more of a just in case than anything. I don't have the resources for anything better currently.

    So, I now have a light CV I can use to set up a forward mobile base in effect for deploying my SV and HV. Fun to use planet-side, and not too fuel-hungry, but will come into its own once I head to the moon.

    Things this vessel is missing, due to it's very small size, is jump capability of course but also it has no constructor. The entire centre corridor of the ship is only three blocks wide and one high, so there's simply not room. There's a Mobile Constructor on the HV though.

    Talking HV's, I dismantled the one I started with and spawned in one of my favourites. It's actually one of my own designs and is primarily set up for mining. I created it when the normal drills were still terrible, so it uses a vertically mounted Mining Turret on the rear. Very effective vs. all but the deepest deposits. Defence-wise the MkI variant I spawned (there are several, with increasing resource requirements) it comes with just a single Minigun Turret. It has a second mount, behind and above the first, but that's empty on this version. I've actually placed the upper landing pad here for connecting to my CV.

    I've made a few excursions in my new HV, collecting some additional Ores as my AMiD's tick along, but haven't gone too far. It's nice to be back in this one, even if it is just the "poverty spec" model. The latter versions have top-tier turrets, and more protection - namely over the thrusters - so can survive a fight a little longer if need be.

    Other than that, I did a little more base remodelling, extending my farm from nine to twenty-seven plots, as well as making an additional route from my hangar to the CV landing area. My bases are not designed as such, rather they evolve over time.

    * Just some comments on my "Captured" PV for those that didn't see my earlier posts. I'd managed to shoot down the Masperon PV earlier than expected, with my insanely weak SV, so it was quite an achievement considering the hassle the PV has given me. However, after killing it the PV bugged out totally, turning into a ghost ship I could just fly through and not interact with. After some time, and many save / reloads the PV - which was disabled not dead - I took out the Core. It seems that some weapon types would impact, others would not, but I could still fly/drive/walk through the thing. With the Core dead, the PV started to slide down a slope, judder for a bit, and come to a halt, becoming solid once more.

    Landing on the now solid PV, I took out my Multi-Tool to break in...but it bugged out in a different way, and I couldn't use the MT. I find a way in through a hole I'd made while attacking it - where a Thruster once was - I proceeded to loot... except there wasn't any. I couldn't even rob the Fuel and O2, and I was really low on the former. While pondering what to do, the PV despawned. Barely five minutes since the Core was destroyed *sigh*

    As I find this bloody annoying, even if the PV hadn't been invulnerable, I decided to make it mine - as the game should allow us to do in Single Player by default - it's just us after all. So, I reloaded my save, took out the core again, waited for the ship to become solid - all perfectly re-creatable as per my bug report FYI - then used the console to make it mine, then add a Core. I next Blue Printed it, later fixing the invalid blocks in Creative Mode and, when it despawned five minutes later, cheat-spawned in a copy.

    So, that's how I simulated capturing the Masperon PV. Personally, I think we should be able to do this anyway, even if the PV doesn't bug-out massively like it did for me. If the PV hadn't bugged out, and I'd have had time to dismantle it, I'd not have gone through all this. However, the PV is a major achievement when taken down, and I'm not having that taken away! Also, at this stage in the game where I'm still quite resource-poor, it was a fun challenge to get this PV back up and running after I'd disabled it.

    So, there you go, a couple of sessions in Emyrion :)

    Final thought: there should not be a fake block against us capturing any POI in the game, be it BA or CV. Optional of course, along with regen restrictions as required. For the PV and Freighters, they can be spawned again by the game in MP, so let players (optionally) capture them if they want. To be honest, the Masperon PV is only a starter CV by any standards. It's stylish, but not so practical, plus it's effectively unarmed when captured anyway. A well-armed SV would be more than a match for it, and a much better resource vs. combat capability argument. However, it's fun, and that's why I game :)

  14. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    Here's a few shots of the station's city block levels. It's kind of bland to be honest. I still need to add more deco so maybe that will help. I wish we had more texture options.

  15. Captain Jack II

    Captain Jack II Rear Admiral

    Nov 1, 2016
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    Came to the conclusion that exploratory HV's need forward thrusters.

    Screenshot - 7_14_2017 , 7_08_58 PM.jpg
  16. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Ya tried to get away with a HV Build with no Reverse...? Ya got guts! XD

    For the Topic: I used a Dummy SP Game built only for testing purposes & no serious play & used it to do some serious testing of my Tyrax Dwarf Mole & Tyrax Hover War Tank. I'm pleased with the performance of both! I even tried pitting my War Tank against the Akua Drone Base with all its Turrets set to On: Other Faction - Aliens - Turrets - Mounted Turrets. (What the hell does "Mounted Turrets" mean? Especially cause with that & Turrets set to on, my Turrets still disregarded Alien Sentry Turrets, making me have to make those Sentry Turrets Priority Targets for my Gatling Gunning.) My Hover War Tank murdered the ever living hell outta the Drone Base & lost no Hull Blocks, & only Devices Lost was 1 of my 2 Harvesters & 3 of my 6 Gatling Guns vs the Drone Base being turned into smoldering rektoning'd Ruins. There were no Survivors of the Drone Base Massacre. :cool:

    To my great amusement, my Dwarf Mole seems to would also be more then a Match for lesser Bases using only its 2 Rocket Turrets alone if it wasn't for the Turret's lack of willingness to attack Sentry Turrets. XD

    I think both will have a fair chance at serving me well in PvP if the WASD Games Server ever gets the help from the Devs it seems to need to get back up & running. Also, my Hover War Tank is murder on potential lewt so I think i'll save it for PvP Combat. :p

    Edit: What the hell do I have to to get my damn Proofreading Skills to do its damn job so I don't have to Edit fix Mistakes so damn often? :/
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2017
    Captain Jack II, rucky and Kassonnade like this.
  17. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    I guess "mounted turrets" are attached to ships (CVs, PVs and HVs) and "turrets" are "fixed" on bases. Sentry guns may be in a different class altogether, which could explain why they are disregarded.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  18. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Huh... sounds plausible. I myself would think of Base Turrets as 'Mounted' as well... but the Devs are the Implementers & they may think differently on this.
    Kassonnade likes this.
  19. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    They are not "turrets" in fact because this refers to the "protective shell" around the "weapon", which is usually fixed on the floor of this rotating "turret". I guess even the turrets themselves can't sort this out since they don't shoot the "sentry turrets"... ;)
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  20. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    You forget... Base Turrets, CV Turrets, HV Turrets, & Sentry Turrets alike can Mount & stay attached to Floors, Walls, & Ceilings. Have you never Mounted Base Turrets on Walls intended to point to the Sky above the base so SVs can't sit right over the Base & be out of all Firing Arc of Floor Turrets & be able to rain death from above with no risk? ;)

    IMHO all Turrets Mount. & I don't think of a base Turret as a 'weapon with a shell'... it amuses me that ya'd talk about a Base Turret as if ya thought it was a Turtle with a Metal Shell. :p
    Kassonnade likes this.

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