i have several pi;lboxes everything from a core generator, fuel tank andammo box w/ a cannon on top to a small base that has most of the basics for starting out on a new world, (adv. constructor, turret. food processor, fridge, O2. power and core
I just got the new RvB server working. Now I'm customizing a new set of world parameters for alpha release.
I spent 4 hours building a new small capital ship on the weekend. The outside looks nice, but the inside is pretty haphazard. It's the first ship I've built where I've had zero idea of what I wanted and it naturally evolved as I built it. I'll post some pictures when I get home.
experimented with moving my EGS folder and found out that it worked so i'll be able to save my pre-alpha info to see how different the playfield yaml files are. and attempt to recreate the worlds i had in Alpha.
Thus far, i've had to have 1 Thread Approved by Mods before it'd appear... my T2 Hull Block Name Thread, & the fact that it was the first Thread i'd ever Posted on these Forums with a Poll on it may have something to do with it. For me, it took about 3ish days for it to get Approved, & I patiently waited, then wallah, it was open to all. Warning: Bad things tend to happen when Old Code & New Code mix...
Never had to wait any were on the forum other than General. His code is for reference only. Read a line and you will see why.
I figured as much, but i can attempt to get similar worlds. PS, i fixed your french spelling, the french spell things strangely to english speakers eyes. PPS, i just noticed you joined on my Birthday.
Finally got around to taking some screenshots of my new hull Front Back Inside the landing section at the back The engines will eventually be proper pod looking things in the insert section and there will be some forward facing weapons in the indent before the crew section (the cut out bits before the glass section).Inside the glass section will be a series of hanging gardens. The bridge is the little cutout section above the crew section. It's designed to land with it's belly flat on the ground and I'll add some HV bays at the bottom.
Trying to convince the devs to go in a different direction as far as the weapon aesthetic is concerned.