What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Its Just Steve

    Its Just Steve Captain

    Aug 4, 2017
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    Just when I think I'm about to be all creative you guys start this. Can't wait to see what comes of it all.
  2. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    Got a lot done on my station today. I finished up the first half of the city level(whew!) and iterated all the paint/texture changes over to the second half, finished up the shops there, and then started iterating the changes to the guest rooms......which involved completely gutting them first and reworking the layout. I still need to decorate/paint/texture the interiors but there are fewer rooms on this side so it should go more quickly.

    I ended up with this tiny little alleyway that went nowhere so......I made it into an apartment reminiscent of the one seen in Fifth Element.

    Made a few changes to the shop areas. This one I added the pyramid and moved the dog statues closer together for obvious reasons. :D
  3. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    @Furious Hellfire - As your build consists of a BA shell with a CV interior elevator, how are you going to Blueprint this? Sure they can be BP'd as individual items, but there's no way to get it working from two separate BP's is there? My own build, not that they worked in the end lol, left me stumped. In the end my tram way (it was more of a horizontal lift) needed to be open one end so I could spawn the tram HV in. Of course, this way many versions ago and I abandoned the whole thing due to physics and I not being on talking terms lol.

    Really, if this can work reliably with two distinct entities - so a BA and CV - then Eleon really need to make this possible within a single build. I can imagine it's not a simple matter though...

    No time to play this eve, maybe in the week!

  4. Its Just Steve

    Its Just Steve Captain

    Aug 4, 2017
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    Reeeeaaaally like that 5th element vibe. I think you nailed it!
    rucky, Tyrax Lightning and Siege Inc. like this.
  5. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    I love the CV Elevator idea. I thought trying the samething but using a SV but I'm glad this works.
    I hope the devs see that we need a Rotors and piston system so we can build some real elevators.
    Tyrax Lightning and Siege Inc. like this.
  6. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Yeah, I thought the physics engine was the weak point here, hence why such things hadn't been done so far. However, with @Furious Hellfire work he's proven that physics is ready for such things :)

    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  7. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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    I will have two entries on the workshop for it yes.
    The key is to remove the 3x3x1 block square roof at the top of the shaft
    The elevator will be supplied with 4 pink maneuvering thrusters on top and an rcs.
    added with the existing lift and down thruster you can easily fly this elevator onto the top of your build, line it up and drop it in.
    After she slides in simply replace the 3x3x1 roof, detach the pink maneuvering thrusters and rcs and bobs your uncle.

    The hardest part will be lining the elevator up with the shaft, I had a ridiculous time with it last attempt and it took me 5 minutes, but I was in space and the thrusters are very responsive as such, the elevator has been upgraded from normal steel to combat steel where possible to try and slow it down a little.

    If the elevator is driven up and down the shaft hard, it can crack the windows in the shaft, i slammed it off the bottom a few times and it exploded the o2 tank at base of elevator xD

    Still yet to see any major physics collisions.

    Over time the shaft and elevator will no doubt require maintenance , like any real elevator system I guess :D
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  8. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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    Agreed !

    I am considering making a horizontal T rail linking 2 bases, there will be a cv designed to fit that T shape through its centre, im hoping its going to be pretty good, I have not tried horizontal traversing monorail type deal yet, it may present its own issues.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  9. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    @Neal Today in Empyrion I re-did your wonderful ship, the messenger:


    The goal was single player survival, and while the cost is closer to 20k iron, it is still pretty comfy.... mostly. :) The ship has three less-than perfect-aspects; no lights on the bridge(I do not like lights on my bridges,) average fuel capacity(but it is easy to add to,) and the damn thing is pretty no matter how I tried to paint it:


    I wanted to try the three shades of white/gray. So I painted the floor dark gray and then the walls white - it was awesome. Then I painted the floors white and the floors dark - ant it was awesome. Then the walls medium and the floor white - it was awesome. Finally after doing this four times I resolved at the above, floor medium grey, and the walls dark.

    The hangar is a bit on the bright side during the day:


    But I favor brighter Hangars because the location is usually where I spend most of my time and I want to be able to see where I have all my loot. :)

    The engine compartment is re-done and more open:


    All the horizontal engines are concealed with the circular enclosures and I could not think of what to do with the damn half blocks *grumble* so I went with the slightly broken geometric artistry:


    I think it works.

    I do not plan on up-loading this to the workshop as I did this for myself to have in survival. The BP is attached if you want to(or just to ooh and ah at the interior :).) No need to give me credit or anything, its your baby. Thank you for creating it!

    Attached Files:

  10. Captain Jack II

    Captain Jack II Rear Admiral

    Nov 1, 2016
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    It's not a "medical" symbol. It's a Target. No wait... well it looks good anyway. Heck yeah I'd fly it.
    Screenshot - 9_3_2017 , 9_33_38 PM.jpg
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  11. Aeri

    Aeri Commander

    Dec 14, 2016
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    I did further testing on the space elevator theory. It is tricky to line up the CV extensions but still possible. It can take you to just below orbit but when you switch playfields the rest of the pylon vanishes and when you re-enter you come down off to the side of it. So a sub orbital station is the closest we can get with elevators
  12. N99024

    N99024 Captain

    Sep 7, 2015
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    Been working on a new ship, say hello to the Excelsior Class Cruiser.
    20170903201631_1.jpg 20170903201642_1.jpg

    Also, Project Abrams is painted and looks pretty good imho, Interior is filled with stuff needed to make a clan survive, but still needs to be textured before ready. Also, the ship is going to be used on some friends of my on a private server, with only one being used to fight. Official name is of course, Abrams Class Battleship.

    This has been over a month of planning, and working, as well as actual real life work now too.
    rainyday, Starwing6, rucky and 5 others like this.
  13. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    I still think Rotors & Pistons are more trouble then they're worth.

    What ya did with the Emissive Texture with those Corner & Hallway Corner-ish Blocks... me likey. :D

    & here I am with my own CV Build & I just can't figure out what to do with its HV Entry in the back of my CV so I might have to scrap this CV Build & try again... (& might have to make the HV Entry FIRST then build the WHOLE SHIP around it if it's gonna be so damn pain in the ass...)

    Lookin good. I still am more of a Frontal Assault type rather then a Broadsides type though, but to each their own. :)
    SilvRav likes this.
  14. N99024

    N99024 Captain

    Sep 7, 2015
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    I would show you where the core is, but that would make it easier to kill for everyone lol
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  15. SilvRav

    SilvRav Moderator

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    Jan 13, 2017
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    Agree on the pistons and rotors BUT bring in blocks with those functions for atleast doors and hanger lifts
    Tyrax Lightning and Siege Inc. like this.
  16. Neal

    Neal Rear Admiral

    Nov 23, 2016
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    Man, this is beautiful!
    I really like that the interior is now even more open!
    Those wall corners (the rounded ones with the glowing texture) look awesome!
    But what i like the most is engineering! Man this looks more than awesome, i really love the openness of it, and especailly the fact, that you can look down from the bridge to engineering through a windows. That's a brilliant idea!

    Also the arrangement of the generators and warp core looks really good!
    You gave me a very good object to study and learn, very appreciated!
    If you don't mind, i'd really like to use some of your ideas for my next ship.

    Power output, maneuverability and other things are nice for Survival, too.
    I'm curious, why didn't you use any gravity gens?
  17. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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    Late last night i was browsing the SV workshop from my android tablet.

    I found this build made by MichPal

    I immediately fell in love with the sleek shape and shear length of it.
    Shipped in white which I find useful on builds as a blank canvas for painting, I sprayed it up a bit with some orange and blue.
    I love how it looks, I bet this would look amazing in nearly every colour...

    Great work MichPal

    (btw im using my big plasma screen again now from my gaming rig, instead of the little 15 inch 1024x768 restricted monitor which I have been taking screenshots on for a couple of weeks now...)
    6.png nice.png nice2.png nice3.png nice4.png nice5.png
  18. SilvRav

    SilvRav Moderator

    • Moderator
    Jan 13, 2017
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    I started my CV dock to build my CV on.

    then started the construction of my first upright CV.

    some progress shots below. Will take some day time pics as well

    Attached Files:

  19. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    @Furious Hellfire - Heh, I guessed it might be a case of "some assembly required" in blueprint form :) When I tried this, I used SV's and HV's rather than a CV, so the vehicles were far easier to control. However, physics wasn't stable enough then so it all went horribly wrong of course lol.

    I wonder if the physics are stable enough now that you could shape the CV to better guide its self into the correct location? Think Spaceship landing on Pyramids if you get the Stargate reference, but the opposite with extra material on the BA to guide the CV into place. You'd then remove the excess BA blocks and seal the CV in. I might dabble with this myself, if I get the chance later.

  20. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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    This already works and is solid tested by me as far as im concerned, I have a cv that docks to a base i made it positions above the 4 guides that stick up then lower the cv into the guides to dock to the base, not has a single issue with it.

    In fact it was the most stable interlocking cv-ba build i have tested.

    You can easily make quarter of a pyramid as base and build the other 3 quarters as a cv and sit it in perfectly.
    From the outside it would all appear as one solid structure without a blemish, the only giveaway would be the cv tag on the ship being separate from the bases tag ;)
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.

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