Re-worked my Light Battle Tank to include an Artillery and a Plasma Turret as a main firepower, as well as 2 cannon turrets for Anti-Air support. It also includes 2 passenger seats in the main cabin to man the main turrets. Light battle tank clocks in at 12.1 tons. Light Battle Tank version 2 Light Battle Tank with Main Battle Tank in the background
Nice ones @Slam Jones Personally, my "small CV" project is put on hold, untill further news / fixes reaches the hangar access issue it has *sighs* But, just means i get to tweak the sakaala instead, and maybe even fic the bridge part, to fit the overall "roomy" feel :-/ Wish we could stop time in creative mode, and have constant daylight :S
Sorry for my poor English, but, we can stop the daylight in Creative mode. PS: Tina, i have test in survival your Tank version, good for small drone, but no chance, one shoot by a big turret on base...
The HV with the artillery turret on it ? If so, that particulat HV, needs to be placed far away from the base, but, close enough for you to see the enemy turrets. The range on the artillery, SHOULD allow you to pick off the enemy turrets with ease That said, the HV's i build, are mostly, for self defense when out mining, or when out looting POI's, AFTER you take out the turrets with either the artillery, or, a hand-held rocket launcher
I don't have take the artillery turret :/ and i m not Lucky, i don't have noticed that base can shoot you at 400m now... Do you know the button for the daylight Tina ?
Don't think there is a setting for constant daylight sadly Yeah, they increased the distance on the enemy turrets
You can, Escape for open the menu, click on the up and right button (called debug option !?!) and put the speed time to 0.
I have completed my first full CV ever! In survival. It's a small corvette, designed to be as compact as possible. NOT combat rated, although I might throw a turret on top, for now defense is up to my SV, the Beaver. I call her the Clydesdale and I plan on making her my home until somebody puts a really big hole in 'er and I give up on fixing it. She's not particularly fast, but fairly nimble (a T2 RCS does a lot for a ship that small). Fully capable of warp and landing, and can run off Hydrogen fuel cells 4+ days (Up to 11 days in game if I turn off pretty much everything but the fridge and landing balcony lights. Don't need that gravity while I'm out mining!) I'm OCD about getting every detail as perfect as it can, so every nook and cranny of this thing is textured just the way I wanted it. Even the stuff nobody's ever likely to see unless they tear the ship apart. There's some "superfluous stuff"; a radar dish, a bedroom suite, some console decos... But this IS a survival game so I kept it to a "minimum" (as my sense of aesthetics allowed). Okay I coulda ditched the radar dish and if I ever decide to arm this thing, a turret will probably replace the radar. I'm pretty happy with it, considering its my first one. I'm not sure the hull shape is all that great but...hey. It works and I think it looks pretty decent, outside and in.
That looks REALLY neat, tidy and well thought through It's one of those, i would be interested in looking at LOL Is there a WS link, or, do you prefer to keep that baby to yerself for the time being ?
*reads this* *goes to blueprint* Here you go, First CV = first upload of any sort to a Steam workshop. Okay then. Hey, feel free to point out any fatal errors, you've been playing this game a LOT longer than I have!
It's NEVER about how long you have played... it's ALL about, how you feel about your design and output Im SO gunna have a look at that little thing Thanks for putting it up there
Wooooooo NICE build, with a LOT of interesting use of blocks I DO find some empty spaces here and there... intentional, or because it is still somewhat a work in progress ? REALLY dig the huge glass front... (im SUCH a succer for glass usage...) Also a big fan of the centralized WC tank
RED/BLUE administration. I have moved out of the Hut Slam had loaned to me. BP in my own base, it's just down the hill from the Hut. Thanks to all for helping me onto my feet. Great group of players.
I finished my research station, Outpost 01B in Survival mode, planet Blythe, Liberland server. It is not big, but it is cozy, with all the necessary equipment to survive in a cold environment.
Niiiice LOVE the detail you stuffed into it CAN'T help notice, the landing pad, is off-angle... a base of it's own ? LOVE the detail, and the visual use of space... +10 from here Also... curved glass..... how and where ? ... NOT in my list of stuffs, when in Creative mode
Its not in the right-click window of glass??? Yikes, screenshot your glass picker window and send that in as a bug. You should have a few curved pieces of glass in there to choose (unless they are unlocked at higher levels? but they should exist in creative mode furshur)
I'm THAT blind.... i DO have the curved glass...... NO idea, how my braincells, did not record that accordingly .... im sorry for any disturbance and puzzles my comment might have caused
Yep, from what i've heard here on the Forums at times, seems there may still be aspects of the Code in regards to Collision that may not always be working fully right. Lookin good to me. IMHO functional & practical > pretty boy Ship. I hope I was of help. I know how it feels to screw up at seeing stuff in front of my Face too. My latest going ons in Empyrion is i've gotten my new RvB Server SV hopefully done! ^_^