What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. =TCR= Big_Red

    =TCR= Big_Red Rear Admiral

    Nov 16, 2015
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    Just knowing you were there was a big help if I got in trouble.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  2. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    You're welcome. ^_^
  3. MechPilot524

    MechPilot524 Captain

    Nov 3, 2015
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    BNS with a Grey Market contact - BNS paid an amount of magnesium powder and large fuel packs in exchange for a significant amount of iron. The payment was conducted via BNS' new Drop Pod system, which was the first-ever field test of the system. The test was a success, and the Blue Nova Syndicate expects to expand the use of this system.

    Blue Nova Syndicate also completed exterior work of "Project Barracuda". The ship is yet to receive proper texturing and painting and also requires that the interior be completed. After this work, trials will determine its fate: if testing is not satisfactory, then the vessel will be christened "Barracuda" and be made an operational prototype, classified as DDP-01 (Destroyer Prototype #1). Otherwise, the ship will be given a hull designation based on its test performance. The leading two ships of the resulting Barracuda class would be commissioned as "Sharpfin" and "Sawtooth", both names being derived from existing species of barracudas. If the Barracuda class performs sufficiently well, additional ships will be constructed.

    Sources also appear to claim that the Blue Nova Syndicate has drawn up plans for two significant classes, codenamed "Whaleshark" and "Tigershark"... Beyond the existence of those two drawing-board capital vessels, nothing is known about them yet.
  4. carlos.deleon1

    carlos.deleon1 Commander

    Dec 8, 2015
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    Thank you! :D

    Some day, with a bit of luck, we will have solar panels ;)
    Tyrax Lightning and Frigidman like this.
  5. carlos.deleon1

    carlos.deleon1 Commander

    Dec 8, 2015
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    Yest it is a base of it's own, and thank you for the kind comments. :D

    As Frigidman comments, you should have the curved windows with the RMB sellection.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  6. Kyrt Malthorn

    Kyrt Malthorn Captain

    Apr 22, 2016
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    So while stocking up my CV, the Clydesdale, on hydrogen as I get ready for a grand interstellar adventure, I apparently managed to land a stone's throw from the drone base. So I wiped that out. Epic sniper rifle was my reward! I think I've got epic everything but assault rifle and flashlight at this point. So far I haven't gotten around to trying out the epic miniguns I've been finding all over the place. I'm sure it'd be nice in close quarters, but I'm kindof attached to my pulse rifle... when I run out of ammo for that, I suppose I should transition and make minigun and laser rifle my best friends.


    I departed Akua with 820 hydrogen fuel packs and set course for Akua's moon!

    After a bit of scouting with the Beaver I found a total of 4 POI's on the moon. Three of them were crammed in a tiny little space (Crashed Hyperion, Drone Base again, and Ghost Rider Defense), so after securing the area I brought the Clydesdale in for a landing nearby... to make loot trips easier. I've been having a ball exploring/salvaging the Hyperion. What a beast of a ship! Someday I might build something on that scale.... maybe.
  7. TRMancer

    TRMancer Commander

    Apr 19, 2016
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    Been slowly getting a new exploration/transport CV built - the basic shape is there, but I'm still trying to get it to the stage where it looks halfway decent and seeing what I can improve inside (graph paper only goes so far). There's only one deck (plus the bridge) - some of the size is from double-hulling the sides and top. The bottom may just get a layer of wall, since that doesn't seem to cause problems with landing gear. She's a bit larger than the Star - hopefully that's not going to make putting down tricky.

    The projected armament is 3 cannon (2 aft, one on each side of the landing area, plus 1 more under the bridge) and one rocket turret atop the bridge. It was a tossup between rockets and plasma, but the rockets fire more quickly.

    The current state, with the Work Sled docked on top.

    Neonin and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  8. Frigidman

    Frigidman Rear Admiral

    Mar 19, 2016
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    So last night my bro n I finished up a two-seater assault rig (HV) on some waterworld (I still keep forgetting the name). We had landed in our CV, and established a beachhead garage to build the war rig in. It had dual systems across the board, an inner cabin lined with redundant components. Lots of engines, RCS, and well armed.

    Well, we loaded it up, and went out to a POI that had already lost its turrets, and pillaged the thing. We then saw another nearby POI, so we headed that way. Confident out dual miniguns, and top mount missile launcher would take it on. I took control of the missle launcher from my cockpit.

    Suddenly 4 flaming bolts of plasma were headed straight for us, so we dodged, then a slew more were headed in (man those aliens lead like mofos!) and they slammed into the cockpits. My brother died instantly as his cockpit exploded. Seeing the ship was a drift without the pilot, I was scrambling to get out of the friggen missle turret back into my cockpit to get the ship out of danger, when another volley of green crap smashed into my cockpit, killing me.

    As I tried to respawn nearby, there was nothing but massive amounts of explosions and a defenseless HV getting slammed by plasma.

    By the time my bro n I returned to the vessel, it was in sad shape. Almost nothing left, all was gone except a few engines and one generator. Our backpacks were missing too (thanks bug!). We lost a couple epic weapons, and a serious load of resources stolen from that first POI which we had stuffed away in the cargo bins that are now gone.

    So, lesson learned. We then built two lightweight assault HV's armed to the teeth, and will take no prisoners on our next assault.
    Irvash, Tina Pedersen, Neonin and 3 others like this.
  9. =TCR= Big_Red

    =TCR= Big_Red Rear Admiral

    Nov 16, 2015
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    Great story.
    Tyrax Lightning and Frigidman like this.
  10. Neonin

    Neonin Captain

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Today I finished a few SV's off and while I was watching the snooker final I worked on my biggest HV yet. No name yet and I haven't done any painting or texturing, but it's basically a mobile base although I'm classifying it as a mobile refinery. 10 constructors, plenty of fuel tanks, cargo space, oxygen tanks, fridges, and ammo boxes for the turrets and harvesting modules. Handles ok for its size and has enough power generation to run all 10 constructors and move at the same time, I could make it slightly faster and more responsive but I didn't want it to be too nimble! Believe it or not it only requires Level 10! It's pictured below next to the largest HV I'd produced up until that point...


    It'll be called the Independent Mining & Refinery Platform (IMRP) Somethingsomethingdarksidesomething. Suggestions on a postcard!

    Now to start dreaming up a CV with a large enough hangar bay to hold this monstrosity...
    Last edited: May 3, 2016
  11. Tina Pedersen

    Tina Pedersen Captain

    Oct 6, 2015
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    That beast is MASSIVE o_O Nice build :)
    Neonin and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  12. Neonin

    Neonin Captain

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Didn't get too much done today (booo work) but I did finish painting the outside of the beast:


    I can't wait til they redo/fix textures and paint so it's easier to line them up, colour match, and generally make stuff fit in a bit more. The outside would be plating-textured but the lack of lining up (mostly on slanted pieces you can't move around to fit) really bugs me for some reason!
  13. Mr. Badger

    Mr. Badger Captain

    Apr 24, 2016
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    Was pretty cool to go on that Op. Thanks for the ride along, boss!
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  14. Krenios

    Krenios Commander

    Sep 30, 2015
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    I have worked on a new project, a CV :


    And in survival my little SV is always with me, he do the job :D

    TRMancer and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  15. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Here here!
    Neonin likes this.
  16. =TCR= Big_Red

    =TCR= Big_Red Rear Admiral

    Nov 16, 2015
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    Got moved into my NEW base. Its not finished but livable. Thanks everybody.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  17. TRMancer

    TRMancer Commander

    Apr 19, 2016
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    Manged to get the exterior of the new CV done or mostly done, including installing the weapons (4 cannon, 1 rocket turret, plus 4 sentry guns). I've still got a decent amount of work to do inside, mainly in the engine room.

    She's not likely to win any beauty contests, but I think Centaur is going to work out nicely :)

    20160504000826_1.jpg 20160504000845_1.jpg
  18. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    I managed to Mine up a Storm for my Clan, found 2 new Bugs, & have gained enough Resources to get my new RvB SV cookin in my Factory! I'll get to play with my new SV, get it geared up, then hope I get to see how it performs in Live Field Work! ^_^ (Hopefully better then my Tyrax Hover War Tank...)
    Mr. Badger likes this.
  19. MechPilot524

    MechPilot524 Captain

    Nov 3, 2015
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    On the Red vs Blue server, the Blue Nova Syndicate struck back against TFB. I won't disclose our methods here.... but if you go on the server, fly over to Danube Alpha and you'll see what happened. Yep, that's what happens to people who are too cowardly to fight.

    Project Barracuda is up and about and it's amazing. Even though I knew X-Large thrusters were powerful, they are insane: four large and two X-larges are enough to instantly propel the ship, weighing about 17kt, to full speed immediately. And I forgot I was installing tier 2 RCS until I tried turning it for the first time. Wow. Of course, it won't be too cheap to operate, but in return you get a pretty effective warship. I anticipate that the Barracuda-class destroyers will be commissioned soon.
  20. Navonil Mukherjee

    Navonil Mukherjee Captain

    Aug 14, 2015
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    I am building this beast...200 block (l) x 100 block (max w) x 36 block (max h)...hope I complete it this time

    Last edited: May 5, 2016

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