What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Neal

    Neal Rear Admiral

    Nov 23, 2016
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    ... i don't get it. :confused:
  2. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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  3. Neal

    Neal Rear Admiral

    Nov 23, 2016
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    Lol, of course.

  4. Theurgist

    Theurgist Captain

    Oct 11, 2017
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    Turned out to be faster to do the last tweaks than I expected. All hail ezgif.com! And now to weave a tapestry of imagination:

    Todays moral is:

    Give a madman access to impressive tools and he will craft a WMD to try to take out the inspiration that haunts him.

    In this case EGS.

    It haunts me. Distracted thoughts, lost time, intense bursts of concentration.. the works.

    I had already tried conventional arms, explosives, lasers and plasma weapons, and even tried to use resonant frequencies to crack it! Nothing had any effect. Over time it began to seem as if it was taunting me... Build this...Build that..ohbutyou forgot that. Oh hey you can do THAT?!

    Eventually my opportunity came. I found the component I needed!

    I updated the regular ammo with an Experimental Matter-Anti-Matter Warhead (Batteries sold separately), that I had devised by sticking a charge casing, 50 promethium pellets (No sense in being stingy, it's gonna blow something the heck up!) and a special 'device' together with duct tape.
    I got it from a rather odd chap I met at The Restaurant. Called himself Gune. He wasn't sure what it would do, but after seeing his other work and doing some research I traded with him.

    50 gold coins, my watch (Seems to like shiny things) and a Comvid of the detonation were all he asked for. What a bargain! Turns out most of his 'devices' are outlawed in various systems, and there's even 2 which have had Galactic Bans issued for them! Jackpot! *Does a little jig*

    So now I have the tools needed.

    Thus I decide it is time... I get out my trusty Plasma launcher, loaded the retrofitted Round into it. I then aimed it carefully so I won't miss *cough*again. And pulled the trigger!

    Off it flew! A sight to behold!

    It is glorious to see your latest creation in flight. Awe-inspiring stuff. wait as sec ... Dammit, nuuuuuuuuuuuu!

    I watched helplessly as my missile continued on it way to total annihilation. 3... 2... 1... Silence
    Then the Brighest flash I have Ever seen. My eyes still hurt from it. So bright! The light eventually faded until I could see the terrible outcome of my handiwork..

    Nothing! Well thank goodness. Wait.. What's that..

    To my Horror the Inspiration slowly seeped out my my target... What had I done!?!
    This can't be. It was too young to go out like that, a victim of another's momentary ire. If only I coul...

    Wait, did I just see something in there? A flash of light?

    It remained dull and lifeless. My heart sank further.

    Then a Miracle! It began to revive! It looks different. No matter, it's aliive! It kept growing in strength, and kept growing until it shone even brighter than before.

    Thank goodness...
    I didn't make a terrible mistake after all.


    The Actual Moral:
    You can't destroy inpiration. It might weaken but it will only come back stronger than ever before!

    Man that was fun to make, hope you guys enjoyed it! :D
    binhthuy71 and Siege Inc. like this.
  5. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    @Neal for you:

    Already at Class 10... Even my ONEGA DESTROYER isn't at that already (but also not finished)...

    But this isn't even the Hull finished... and only single-layered up to now, minimal devices and no lights...
    SpaceMoles.... I'm COMIN'!!!!!


    I only hope, it will be possible to change FRONT direction sometimes (dependent on pilot chair direction).
    Without changing gravity, that's not needed.
    That way Rocket-type Ships would be possible.
    Starwing6, vicomt, typhoon01 and 11 others like this.
  6. Neal

    Neal Rear Admiral

    Nov 23, 2016
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    Man, this looks nice!
    The engine ringwulst looks nice too. Now you only need some Transformkanonen and a HÜ Schirm.
    Have you thought about creating a Space-Jet SV for the ship?

    I've been inspired a bit by the spherical shape and created a new Starship design myself:

    Marbod, Starwing6, typhoon01 and 5 others like this.
  7. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    uhm that's nice!
    (the nacelles not more round?)

    and, HÜ-Schirm, yes we definitively need that!
    The reason I asked about changing flight-direction was because I wanted to implement a HUGE cannon (made of several small rocket launcher etc ;-)) at the upper pole (where the Transform Kanone is), but that needs to be pointing at the enemy, you know...
    Neal likes this.
  8. LordMontecute

    LordMontecute Captain

    Aug 14, 2017
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    Most of the designs I come up with have smooth curves and circular elements, which proves frustrating in Empyrion.

    So, I searched for a way to convert 3d model files to Empyrion blueprints and found some tools on GitHub to do it. Then I made a sphere using Windows 3d builder and imported it into empyrion.
    My latest CV hull is cut and pasted parts of a hollow sphere with a diameter of 180 steel blocks.
    I realise this won't be new to some, but for me finding out how to do this was game changing.
  9. binhthuy71

    binhthuy71 Rear Admiral

    Oct 17, 2016
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    Bitte, was ist HÜ-Schirm auf English?
    LordMontecute likes this.
  10. Theurgist

    Theurgist Captain

    Oct 11, 2017
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    When we get given the rights tools we can Really let our creativity cats out of the bag.

    Github is the best creative resource I've seen. Literally made out of peoples inspired ideas, so much so that they don't even care if it makes them money!

    And thanks for listing your method tools, others can now experiment with those to boost their own potential :D

    ....sunova.. 'creativity cats'... *looks @Siege Inc. * I KNOW YOUR SECRETS!!!

    [Edit: ahaha Ahahaha HAHAHA! (Yes that's a mad cackle!) The animation I just did was using the 'basic' tools in Gimp because I couldn't get the advanced package to work. I thought it didn't work for this version. Turns out I just failed on the installation procedure as it involved old-school steps I wasn't expecting (Manual copying!!) to get to to work. I JUST UPGRADED MY T2 TOOLS TO T3!! :DD
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2017
    LordMontecute likes this.
  11. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    An "HÜ-Schirm" (from "Hochenergie-Überladungs-Schirm") is an energy shield with a 5-dimensional field structure with an unstable libration overcharge field.

    (Google translation follows - I had to check each second word, no fun this was... so all in!)

    It is a 5-D field structure with an unstable librational overload zone; an effect that arises from the fact that the fields interact in such a way that a connection to the half-space is created outside their curvature zone, as soon as the stability of the fields is weakened by external influence.

    While the screen fields themselves and the object enveloped by them remain part of the normal space-time continuum, the resulting structure or structure cracks - recognizable as black schemes or "flashes" in the otherwise greenish shimmering field area - cause a "radiation" of the impacting object in the borderline between normal and hyper continuum.

    The field structure consists of a stable five-dimensional component and an unstable overcharge zone. The energy level of this zone is located in the half space - the area between the standard universe and hyperspace, also known as the librarian overload zone (PR 253) - and can absorb and dissipate large amounts of energy. An outwardly directed gravomechanical gradient component prevents, for example, when staying in an atmosphere that constantly the air is radiated - that is, it takes place only from a certain level of endangerment. There is thus no permanent emission.

  12. binhthuy71

    binhthuy71 Rear Admiral

    Oct 17, 2016
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  13. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    it's just the standard shield these Kugelraumers have :p
    "Transformkanonen" are more Fun. These 100m Raumer do have only one at the north pole.
    Think StarTrek Teleporter with a Bomb which goes through normal shields direct into target ship/base. 4000 giga tons TNT.
    Now let's PVP...
    binhthuy71 likes this.
  14. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    Neal likes this.
  15. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    offcourse.... NOTHING comes close to

    Malekh and binhthuy71 like this.
  16. Theurgist

    Theurgist Captain

    Oct 11, 2017
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    58 minute episodes, oh how the times have changed.
    I won't raise you a Star Trek, because it's too modern and well, polished.
    So instead I will boost the comedy factor to maximum space cheese and raise you this:

    I've also re-read the HÜ-Schirm Description and can offer a Laymans Translation:

    An "HÜ-Schirm" (from "Hochenergie-Überladungs-Schirm") is an energy shield with a 5-dimensional field structure with an unstable libration overcharge field.
    It's an multi-dimension based reactive energy shield.

    It is a 5-D field structure with an unstable librational overload zone; an effect that arises from the fact that the fields interact in such a way that a connection to the half-space is created outside their curvature zone, as soon as the stability of the fields is weakened by external influence.

    The shield works by creating a rift to a null zone whenever they are weakened by external influence.

    While the screen fields themselves and the object enveloped by them remain part of the normal space-time continuum, the resulting structure or structure cracks - recognizable as black schemes or "flashes" in the otherwise greenish shimmering field area - cause a "radiation" of the impacting object in the borderline between normal and hyper continuum.
    The interior of the field is in 'real' space, surrounded by a greenish shimmering field, which reacts to divert impacting objects/energy away to the null zone

    The field structure consists of a stable five-dimensional component and an unstable overcharge zone. The energy level of this zone is located in the half space - the area between the standard universe and hyperspace, also known as the librarian overload zone (PR 253) - and can absorb and dissipate large amounts of energy. An outwardly directed gravomechanical gradient component prevents, for example, when staying in an atmosphere that constantly the air is radiated - that is, it takes place only from a certain level of endangerment. There is thus no permanent emission.
    It is made up of 5 interacting dimensional components, and due to the null zone, it can take a serious beating! It can also manage internal atmosphere by retaining or venting as needed.

    That actually made my brain wobble bit, yesh! When you translate complex concepts like that it becomes a small puzzle to deciper true meaning..

    I guess you guys are natives, so am I close? lol
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2017
    Neal and rucky like this.
  17. Neal

    Neal Rear Admiral

    Nov 23, 2016
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    http://www.plotz.co.uk/ is the only "tool" i use.
    I find building shapes like this very relaxing (like building things in general) and since Copy&Paste has been introduced, it has become pretty easy too.
    I'm curious, how do you import a model to EGS?
    LordMontecute and rucky like this.
  18. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    sadly like many many other things not allowed here in germany.
  19. Neal

    Neal Rear Admiral

    Nov 23, 2016
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    one day, i'm going to build a Ultraschlachtschiff - Galaxis Klasse... one day...
    Yes. It's not that easy to understand, even as native (even worse, if you haven't read the stories). They are probably an old hat for @rucky Idk how advanced later technology is, i'm still stuck in the 60's, lo. (I'm a terrible slow reader and there are TONS of booklets to read)

    Perry Rhodan is the only passable german Sci Fi imo.
    @rucky is probably going to throw something heavy and unpleasant at me for saying that :D
    LordMontecute likes this.
  20. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    oh yeah... Galaxy Class....

    I've read many PR stories ("3 Groschen Romane" as they were called) each week a new one, multiple hundrets...
    So, yes, I was PR addicted. As Child.
    But Raumpatroille Orion (the Movie I linked), a mini series of 7 episodes only, sadly, with so advanced stuff in their space ship, we even nowadays not even can imagine....

    (that was a joke.)
    LordMontecute, binhthuy71 and Neal like this.

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