What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. typhoon01

    typhoon01 Captain

    Sep 12, 2017
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    Hello friends :) I want to tell you something: The newest ship with my X-Class workshop is coming to you ... This ship is ready to bring peace where it is needed ... It's fully functional, ready to fight .. :) And enjoyable fun :D Welcome on board X-1400.jpg

    Attached Files:

    Starwing6, jmtc, banksman45 and 10 others like this.
  2. Theurgist

    Theurgist Captain

    Oct 11, 2017
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    140k Sathium. Please tell me this is your Deluxe model ^^
    binhthuy71 likes this.
  3. typhoon01

    typhoon01 Captain

    Sep 12, 2017
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    YES :)
    binhthuy71 and Neal like this.
  4. Neal

    Neal Rear Admiral

    Nov 23, 2016
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    The devs clearly have a aversion towards big spaceships, lol.
    oojimaflip, banksman45 and typhoon01 like this.
  5. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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    Its a nice ship but damn it costs so much, and has no power except for in forward speed.
    Great looking design !

    I guess this is what a PvP ship is all about eh, more blocks on it than anyone has time to destroy and max limit turrets used.

    I am afraid it will have no practical use or purpose for me as a PvE player but I do like the design, good work !
  6. typhoon01

    typhoon01 Captain

    Sep 12, 2017
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    Thank you for your praise for the design. Forward forces must have and what the maneuvering pole is working well :) what about the braking force a lot of trisiek is built so that they do not see them at all ... I vessels that I use to use as a base and play only single player ... basically on the planet Me base is only a tiny one .. For me it is home .. the next thing is that this vessel is a new generation- If you know the previous vessels X know what I'm saying :) I want this vessel also what is :) Google translocator
  7. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    Got the Falcon's entry ramp working and updated so that project's done. Almost done with this little bugger. Thought of another sensor/lever setup I could do and I need a name for it.

    And I've been working on this guy. It's not very efficient but I like it. Still working out the internals. I had to extend the back end a bit to make room for the warp drive. There's actually very little room inside because it's so narrow. I'm having to use the wings to place a lot of stuff. Those turned out to be a good spot for entry ramps too.I might play with the colors a bit more too.
    rainyday, Marbod, Sasquatch and 13 others like this.
  8. binhthuy71

    binhthuy71 Rear Admiral

    Oct 17, 2016
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    Those are both brilliant. The look of each is appropriate to its role.
    jmtc and banksman45 like this.
  9. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    Thanks! I can't really claim credit for the second one. The design is based on a concept of a heavy space tug by Paul Pepera that I found online. I thought it was an extremely cool looking little ship. Different from the usual sort of sleek fighter or boxy capital vessel.
    jmtc likes this.
  10. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    That's why I keep building bigger ships. So the devs will understand not all of us are ok with the size limits and some of us desire for this game to be a big ship friendly game. I think the costing a lot is fine because I'm pretty sure a Star Destroyer in real life would cost trillions of what ever currency or material you're using to build but if you want to rule the universe then material and money is no object. lol Bigger ships and bigger bases encourages more groups to work together in MP in my opinion. I love ships that I need a a couple of months to build because it add something to a the game for me..
    rucky, LordMontecute, jmtc and 2 others like this.
  11. typhoon01

    typhoon01 Captain

    Sep 12, 2017
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    I agree with you :)
    banksman45 likes this.
  12. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    NICEE BUILDDD!!! I love the design.
    typhoon01 likes this.
  13. typhoon01

    typhoon01 Captain

    Sep 12, 2017
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    Thank you very much, I very much appreciate your appreciation. THENKS
    banksman45 likes this.
  14. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Still building my underground base in survival mode. I have no idea why I added this green light but I made it look important. lol
    Screenshot (1560).png

    Screenshot (1562).png
    rucky, Starwing6, Robot Shark and 6 others like this.
  15. Theurgist

    Theurgist Captain

    Oct 11, 2017
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    Can't help but love the look of black slate flooring.

    So guys, I have a new sig planned, but to get it to work I'll have to cut it into 9 pieces. And preplan Realllly carefully. Want to make it slightly thinner and end up with 6 links and embedded animated effects. while retaining the size of GNN board and ideally the latest product image side too. Wish me luck! lol
    typhoon01 and banksman45 like this.
  16. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    The black slate flooring does add something to the base. It feels like I'm in a underground lab .
    binhthuy71 and typhoon01 like this.
  17. LordMontecute

    LordMontecute Captain

    Aug 14, 2017
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    It involves copying and moving files manually. It's all explained here https://github.com/Riebart/EmpyrionGSTools
    Kassonnade likes this.
  18. Neal

    Neal Rear Admiral

    Nov 23, 2016
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    Looks intersting, but it's my cup of tea. In my experience a imported models create a lot of work, i mean real work.
    But that's just my experience.

    A couple of weeks ago i made This:
    from the (left) model:
    It was a work for @Castellane93 on Steam workshop.
    The problem with imported models is that they are not 100% symetric and do not 100% fit to the original. You constantly have to double check everything, removing/adding blocks to make it fit with Blueprints and screenshot. It's basically a lot more work than creating the same ship from scratch. (And it's NOT fun at all, believe me. :))
  19. Starwing6

    Starwing6 Rear Admiral

    Mar 25, 2017
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    Yesterday I spent hours in Creative mode, then a few more in Survival--it was such a good day! :D

    I put one final touch on the new defense outpost @Friendly Timo and I collaborated on, and I practiced spawning it. This is Fort Frost.


    The plain combat steel at the bottom is meant to be as much underground as possible (and finished up where needed). The pillars in the front are markers for the hangar shaft and underground base--if and when desired. Other times we'll remove them.

    This will be our new home base on Oscutune. We're almost ready to move, but we need to collect more pentaxid. There's some in the oceans there, but not enough to rely on. That's the only thing Oscutune lacks, but it's still perfect. :cool: Tonight we'll visit a prime source of pentaxid and mine every last crystal we can, even if that's excessive--we're hoarding survivalists.

    After the work on the Fort, I finished updating my Expedition Base Model D6. I need to take new screenshots for the Workshop, but at least the blueprint is updated.



    I redecorated the entire base inside and out, because the texture update for 7.0 completely changed the appearance of the base. Thankfully I was able to restore my original vision for the dine-in kitchen because the "ugly table" got replaced with a lovely one! This is my favourite Expedition Base, and likely the only one of my bases that I'll modernize... errr, no, I'll update the vacation home one. ;) But anyways, this is the only one I'll completely redo.

    Since we're making a permanent move to Oscutune, I think our first expedition will probably be to Skillon. I'm looking forward to watching the scenery from these big windows.

    After that creative work, I went online to play in Survival mode. My faction mates weren't present but I had a fun solo game session. I put all the resources to my factory to produce our Fort Frost blueprint. It'll be ready to spawn when we return to Oscutune. :) The only problem was that I hadn't reached level 25 just yet. I decided to do some hunting while servicing the autominers, and it was pretty easy in a valley teeming with humanoid insects and both types of raptors. Oh yes, Talons too. LOL!


    I was flying around in our dropship because Timo took our smaller SV to the moon and signed out there. (He was hoping a pentaxid meteorite would come, but they seem to be malfunctioning.) Gargoyle is pretty big to be doing light chores with, and all her thrusters are LOUD. It's surprising that any wildlife stuck around when I touched down in this beast! :p
  20. Neal

    Neal Rear Admiral

    Nov 23, 2016
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    Oh, i forgot. I reworked my surveillance ship a bit and changed its designation to Crusier.
    I di thid since ships in general are supposed to be much small then what i build for usual, and such a comparabel big ship shouldn't be a surveillance class. (which implies a tiny scout.)

    Left one is the ship before the rework, right is the reworked version, which is even smaller than originally.

    NewGame-171108-1041_2017-11-13_11-52-05.png NewGame-171108-1041_2017-11-13_11-51-55.png

    I know the saucer "ring" should be removed to make the ship even cheaper/lighter, but some style should be allowed. :D

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