What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. oojimaflip

    oojimaflip Captain

    Oct 6, 2016
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    Yeah but I feel a bit cheeky posting Skywanderers stuff. It's like saying "Hey guys! Look at all this cool **** you can't build." But, I find myself really wanting to enthuse about it. :oops:
    I can think of a number of my fellow Empy Creators that would soar in S1.... @Neal @Siege Inc. @Fractalite @Kieve @Pyston @rucky @Tyrax Lightning @piddlefoot and many, many more names I just can't recall.

    Eleon really needs to do something with the building, Empy has no real USP when compared to it's peers.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2017
  2. typhoon01

    typhoon01 Captain

    Sep 12, 2017
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    If I'm going to say to you: There are a few games that are in the style of Empyrion Galactic Survivol ... I've seen a review of Space Enginers because I'm not so strong to be able to play it .. But according to the videos I saw in me won Empyrion.. My PC 4GB Ram
    oojimaflip likes this.
  3. Blaine

    Blaine Commander

    Oct 30, 2017
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    That's true. Empyrion doesn't have complex moving parts and so on as does Space Engineers; the structural possibilities are generally far lesser than in Avorion, which isn't limited to a strict block grid: you can stretch, skew, and rotate individual building pieces or groups of pieces freely and granularly (by "granular" I mean that you aren't limited to four rotational facings per axis, for example); etc.

    Still, Empyrion is an actual complete game with baddies to shoot, character statistics progression, meaningful loot, and a variety of environments and buildings to explore. With the exception of Avorion (which is ship-only, no on-foot play), it's the only "ship-building" game to offer this. Well, Interstellar Rift KIND of does, but it's a bit thin and their ship-building mechanics are very specific to that game's style of ships.
    oojimaflip likes this.
  4. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    I totally agree with you. Right now you can make a beautiful ship in Empyrion but the creative freedom is very limited.
    I decided to play Space Engineeres the other night and I have to admit I do miss the freedom games like SE, Starmade and others give you when you build that Empyrion simple doesn't have and sometimes I think the devs aren't really interested giving us. Something as simple as a rotors and piston system in Empyrion would go a long way. I love the fact that Empyrion is a complete game but I kind of wished that building in this game was just as enjoyable as it is in the sandbox style games.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2017
  5. Neal

    Neal Rear Admiral

    Nov 23, 2016
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    Thank you very much!

    I agree, hiding them completely would be perfect.
    I'm just looking for a way to build a mounting that doesn't counter the general ships shape. Maybe i put the turrets somewhere else than the inner circular structure, but i also want to avoid a typical WWI/II Battleship "aesthetics" with guns placed along the ships "spine".
    I need to get more creative...

    Agreed, it looks a bit dull. The tricky thing is not to overdo it imo. I'd hate it if you couldn't reckognize the ships lines anymore because of all the details. Tbh i have the feel i already went too far, in general, but the Supersonic engine structure definitely needs some work. :)

    It's tricky, because the ships interior is pretty narrow and doesn't have much room to store vehicles.
    Maybe i'll use the nacelles as hangar bays after all, they are the only places with enough room for decent sizes vehicles. (Can't wait for dropships, lol)

    Thanks for your input guys.
    Very appreciated!
    Theurgist and typhoon01 like this.
  6. typhoon01

    typhoon01 Captain

    Sep 12, 2017
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    Piston system in Empyrion and some other carbon kits would come together But I know it's not easy to create in such a vast gaming world as my empyrion Translated Google :D Sorry my english is poor
    cubes = more angles
    Pistons = retractable landing legs and many more, Cab Opening Glass
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2017
    banksman45 and Neal like this.
  7. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    You're right but it would be nice to have.
    typhoon01 likes this.
  8. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    You shouldn't feel weird about posting that video because I see people post videos on Dual Universe and other game all the time. I posted a Space Engineer video before in hopes the Devs would take the hint. lol
    oojimaflip likes this.
  9. typhoon01

    typhoon01 Captain

    Sep 12, 2017
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    Yes :)
  10. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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    Well since we are on the topic of other games, does anyone remember star trek bridge commander ? Probably the best space game ever when it came out XD

    Loved how you could target an individual system on a ship for attack.

    Of course no sandbox or building but a later player built addon package added many other ships stations and planets and better ship textures, effects, sounds, and allowed a full access universe for free play exploring and combat.
    It was mostly just a space shooter but to this day no space game i have played can match its characteristics for flight control and combat.

    Activision 2002

    This is someone playing the default game start to finish sp missions, they are not using the player added content.
    Spool through to some combat scenes, It dont look like hes doing much of the flying manually as I would.
    AI can control the ship and bring it in and out of attack patterns and will also shoot, or you can do both by taking over.

    This game is old yet still fun to play !
    Neal likes this.
  11. Neal

    Neal Rear Admiral

    Nov 23, 2016
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    More building options, especially moving parts that are actually working (like pistons, axles, wheels and things like that) would be great!

    On a personal note, the thing that keeps me playing EGS is the prospect and the promise of having a huge galaxy to explore.
    The chance to have a game where you could actually build your own ship, have a crew and explore a vast Galaxy, filled with premande and random factions/aliens is what keeps me staying here.

    That's what differs EGS from other, similar games as far as i know. (please correct me if there are already games like that out there. :) )
    Multiplayer and PvP? (Almost) Every crappy game has that nowadays, that's nothing special (not that would care about that anyway.) and that's not what makes EGS stand out imo.
    MEKNET1977 and LordMontecute like this.
  12. Neal

    Neal Rear Admiral

    Nov 23, 2016
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    I remember playing this for months!
    Graphics was mindblowing back then (at least to me :D )
    But i hated that 1st officer (i forgot her name). Crew interaction was great too, especially thei feedback to orders made it feel like a Strek show. But there wasn't real freedom in it, you just warped from point a to b and did some shooting missions and that was it. Don't get me wrong as a game it was really fun and exciting, but there was actually so little to do, lol.

    In hindsight i liked the Starfleet Command series better, you had much better control of your ship and in SFC III you could actually modify it (weapons layout, Engines and shields) or "buy" a new one, of course.
    790full-star-trek -starfleet-command-iii-screenshot.jpg
    There was also a skirmish game mode where you could go from sector to sector and do various missions (still not perfect but at least you felt like a making some decisions.)
  13. typhoon01

    typhoon01 Captain

    Sep 12, 2017
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    I liked it Dual and three Cannons towers and Large Rockets Systems... Nuke rocket ramps :D
  14. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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    Thats why fans made the koboyashi maru mod and added loads of extra ship systems and stuff, and even better graphics :p it allowed you at that time to quick play and have the entire star trek universe warpable from the list in game with many of them being new with interesting little diversions and random happenings in some, it also allowed you to spawn fleets of many different ships as they added things like borg cubes and spheres, uss excalibur and many large ships from different species..also allowing you to choose any of these hundreds of ships or bases to start with.
    We were even able to fully customize power use per system, and have different speed modes like in system warp, and the ability to jettison escape pods abandon ship, depart in a shuttle or transport to another ship, not sure if some of those were already in the default game, but the koboyashi maru mod turned STBC into a completely different game, unparalleled at the time.

    I had servers up for quite some time on that game, was fun online turkey shoot and having all these new ships and even a repair ship that fires a phaser that repairs existing damage on ships XD

    Was a really good game with that mod.
    Siege Inc. and Neal like this.
  15. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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    this is a video of someone using the koboyashi maru mod, which also added the 1701-a and the uss reliant that khan used, you will notice they are textured finely and the games graphics are significantly better looking here, the background stars and nebula textures from the default game have been swapped out for hi rez
    There is full manual control of ships flight controls and weapons targeting, if you never tries this mod @Neal I hope you get to try it one day, it really was brilliant and gave a more in depth star trek feel to the game, it did have a little instability on occasion.
    This is a battle between 1701-a and reliant :p
    They also added the nebula that the battle took place in but the player here is not using that area atm.
    Neal and Siege Inc. like this.
  16. Neal

    Neal Rear Admiral

    Nov 23, 2016
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    Wow, this looks really nice, although whoever did the ships stats has obviously no idea what they where doing, lol.
    (can you really watch videos like this with someone chattering squitters the whole time?)
    Sadly my DVD (or was it CD back then? idk) of the game was scratched years ago, so much it's not playble anymore and there's almost nowhere to buy that game afaik.

    Anyways, i think for EGS we could pull some interesting things out of this imo.
    For CVs, the mouse point and shoot controls of this game would be nice to have in EGS. I'm not sure about a AI flying the ship...
    maybe there could be a way to assign different controls for each type of vehicle in EGS someday (so you could fly a ship completely with keys* and have mouse pointer free for aiming, camera control and other things)

    Remember it's a comparable slow turning ship we're talking about here, not a nimble spacefighter that needs to aim weapons at the enemy and fly crazy maneuvers. (I'm just anticipating spacefighter fanboys starting to scream... lol :D )
    Siege Inc. likes this.
  17. SirKnumskull

    SirKnumskull Captain

    Aug 25, 2017
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    Empyrion has one advantage over many other voxel building games: your creations have a purpose! I never warmed up to Space Engineers since there was never really a point in building ships. In Empyrion each of my builds has a purpose and I can actually use it to do something and can enjoy having a really functional ship that does exactly what I want it to do. And that is what makes Empyrion stand out.

    I absolutely loved SFC III back in the day! Sadly I misplaced the disc and handbook during my last move and couldn't get the version I still have on my HDD to run anymore. The game had its flaws but it gave you the feel of actually commanding a large vessel instead of a giant space fighter craft like in Empyrion.
    Neal likes this.
  18. Neal

    Neal Rear Admiral

    Nov 23, 2016
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    ...which will most likely change in the forseeable future. :)
    (at least i hope so... )

    EDIT: btw which one's better?
    NewGame-171124-1953_2017-11-26_17-51-49.png Left has two hangar bays, but little room for engines. Right one is asymetric (i hope it's not too much, maybe it's unique but nice looking feature?)
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2017
    rucky likes this.
  19. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    yes, the right one as an asymmetric vessel is something innovative...
    still your design always cries for symmetry, true symmetry...
    LordMontecute and Neal like this.
  20. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    I have many many projects ongoing lately, too many, that's unsatisfying...
    Yes some are even real live...

    haha ;)

    Okay joking aside,
    today I want to share two of my projects, I'm working on,

    first, a big long time project, codenamed "Rucky's Coop Scenario", yes, very intriguing name, isn't it?!

    I'm at (Forum) War with some PVPers sometimes, perhaps some did notice here and there,
    and my Scenario shall address the problem of too easy PVE (SP/Coop) therefore somewhat (to counter that PVE too easy go PVP blah blah).
    Sadly I did run in many many bugs lately with my approaches (perhaps you've noticed that too).

    What's this Scenario about?
    Storyline. As mostly, doesn't really matter. ;-)

    Nevertheless, you were awaken from a cyro chamber as a team member of the Omega Foundation organisation.
    Send into this region of space (galaxy) to first make contact to habitants, prefered peacefully, making attempts to prepare one or more appropriate planets for colonisation for human colonists.
    Some Mercs already sent (before you /your team) reported back an Alien Race called the Zirax enslaving many other here domiciled Alien races.
    So your mission get changed to pacify this system - that is removing all Zirax presence - and making peaceful contact with the other Alien races.

    ... and some more usual blah blah blah... ;)

    Now Gameplay, that's what will be the interesting part here.
    This Scenario isn't for the Explorer or Builder out there (sorry @Neal ;-)

    Even Akua has already way increased Drone spawns everywhere, modified Drone base and POIs, all in all way more action going on.
    But the beginning is much faster on the other side, as you begin in a science capsule dropped down from the Super Carrier of your organisation (you will meet way later ingame in an fight with multiple enemy ships - at least that's planned).
    You begin with a MicroSV and a good amount of Credits to get your desired weapons, tools, armor, ammo, medics, food and what ever you want to start with - even ore if desired. This way in MP Coop some specialisation can be archieved (if possible / later I want to add XP points to be distributed - when the XP and tech tree is changed / made customizable and it's not possible anymore to get all tech / research points...)

    Nevertheless, Akua, I did run in a few problems there already, namely Drone Base Attack Waves not showing anymore.
    Problem is some hard coded limiter on active Drone number around 36 more or less.
    So I had to remove some added POIs already. Sadly.

    Next one, Space. Akua Orbit.
    That's even more problematic.
    I seem to be the only one that tries to increase the action me seems... ??!! o_O

    Here a hardcoded limiter exists on ALL (!!) Drones (even in Stock!!). Unbelievable.
    Sadly this won't change in the near future as @Pantera said after my "Bug"-Report.

    Imagine this:

    You launched from Planet into Space.
    You were welcomed by a single Drone.
    Drones can't fly long in Space without a Base or Carrier, you know that, right? (hint hint...)
    Then you see it. A Big Station. (No, that's no Moon... haha...)
    And many defending Drone Waves.
    But you managed that. (I've done that alone in my Mark5-SV. Actually it's only a heavy reinforced and armed Thermica Station.)

    Now after that you first want to scout the surrounding, find valuable and mineable ore for mapping (before taking on the interiors of that Big Base).
    You find a few Ore Asteroids clustered together in the distance...
    but your joy dwindles away...
    as you see 4 Carriers (!) warping in ... all launching Drones at you!!!


    Sadly THIS will not happen.
    Because of that hard coded limiter.
    @Hummel-o-War why?!

    You can have either the former mentioned Drone Base Action OR this Carrier Action (yes they do function each, but not BOTH in the SAME playthrough!).
    :(:(:( :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:


    4 Carriers and here even 2 Freighters (lucky spawn). Drones already eliminated. Carriers and Freighters stripped from their Weapons.

    edit: in the first pic there're THREE carriers ;-)

    Here two Pics before that:



    Pictures showing two three of the four simultan attacking carriers with their Drone Waves (better said already destroyed Drones).

    This is pure action fun and a very good test for/with any Combat SV or CV. Soloing possible, Coop even more! And even more Fun!
    (had this tested with @MEKNET1977 )

    Only Problem... you have to CHOOSE where you want your action in this playfield.
    Because there is only ONE.


    Next... you see that CV above?
    That's my Test-CV...
    I will show you next...
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2017

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