What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    I think you're a Showoff, taking those new Thrusters that seem to have no Enclosed Version & look like they come from the 21st Century, & making them work with Empyrion Blocks somehow. :p
  2. WolfEyes

    WolfEyes Captain

    Mar 20, 2018
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    Oooo. Lookit Tyrax, all green with jello.


  3. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    ive Officially retired my AEGIS brand, it was more of a test for me, see if i could inspire myself to do better builds, in a lot of ways it worked but lot more ways i kept letting myself down, cutting corners, rushing, loosing interest, and not having the time do to my real life health issues. when i first started AEGIS my goal was to make a name for myself, and half way threw i stopped caring about my "popularity" but sadly my brand failed in the category to attract players, not for popularity to sub to my builds, but to inspire to join my group and learn how to get better, the player base is a mess and largely full of trolls like everything these days, dont get me wrong though ill never stop building but im sad that my brand dident live up to my personal expectations thus starting on 8.0 ill be trying a new brand, one aimed not at what AEGIS was doing but more lore based and will be mostly 1 build a month depending on size and time i can put into them.

    but as for now taking a long break from empyrion and when 8.0 comes back and up on the SBS star wars themed server coming in 8.0 ill be strictly doing survival after i update my AEGIS builds to 8.0

    will be abandoning all non-AEGIS builds once 8.0 hits and will not be updating them, if you use them though be my guest and do it yourself.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  4. SilvRav

    SilvRav Moderator

    • Moderator
    Jan 13, 2017
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    Hi Bud

    Never ever ever build for anyone else but you... if you try to rush and get things out just to please people, thats where one starts cutting corners etc.

    Secondly it can take many many months or even years for a brand to start standing out. just cause AEGIS brand didn't get the recognition you wanted over night doesn't mean you have to abandon it. Refocus it and carry on but stop trying to push out as many designs as you can. Focus on one, be active and just share continuous updates over a couple of months.

    Weed out the trolls and start fresh
  5. JDaremo Fireheart

    JDaremo Fireheart Captain

    Oct 10, 2016
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    Here Here!! Well said, @SilvRav
    I quite agree. been playing for 2.3k hrs and I've had my share of people who disliked my builds. Telling me they'll get shredded in PvP . . . Who cares, I don't play PvP cause that community is even more toxic and full of trolls that just love to find new players and shred them. Plus, it's just not in my nature. No matter how I try to justify it I just can't do PvP.

    Build for You and your Friends, the rest can either like it or leave it.
  6. hoxer

    hoxer Commander

    Sep 22, 2015
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    I've had break from the forums for a couple of years. Actually the entire blueprint sharing feature put me off back then. I didn't realize how personal building designs have become in Empyrion. At least for some players.
    It sounds like you've taken time to focus on your self instead of pleasing subcribers. That's an incredible wise decision.
  7. Dragon

    Dragon Captain

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Basically what SilvRav and JDaremo Fireheart said.

    Pleasing subscribers on Steam can be difficult, especially if you're not around or online all the time. I had a cruiser and a BA colony on the Workshop that people were screaming at me to update but, I just didn't care about Steam anymore by that time and they eventually fell into abandonment. I actually felt bad about it in the end because it seems people really liked those blueprints but, I've learned not to take Steam too seriously. Every community is like a tree and every tree grows some bad apples. The larger the tree, the more bad apples it grows. And Steam is a pretty big tree.

    I never did anything like establishing a brand so I cannot speak for that but, these days I just treat my uploads as open source storage, a means of backup and storage that anyone can download, modify and reupload as they please. "Created by the EGS community" sounds so much better than "Created by Dragon" after all. That way people can grab a blueprint and modify/update it according to what they like, or even correct some weaknesses that I left unchecked. I just build away and let people decide what they want to do with it.

    It would be awesome if this forum had a blueprint repository of it's own, I'd rather make use of that instead of Steam's Workshop.
  8. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    if you read my post i said i started out AEGIS to gain the lime light, but stopped that a good few months ago and was only building for me since then it hasent been about that, i am building for me but idk what else to build, not only that ut everyone refuses to collaborate with me on a project i need help finishing witch was going to be AEGIS flagship but the person helping me dropped the project and im still extremely salty over it, and is one of the main reason why i kinda want to stop building for a long time, quiting AEGIS was more of a hard choice but besides this one unfinished project i refuse to work on anything else till this is done, so AEGIS will be shut down unless i can get help on this project thats a good 70% done as it is. but ive been asking vetran builders for a days and no one has time, or is waiting for 8.0, hell im so upset about this i want to queit empyrion all together but decided to take a long break(rest of the year) or intill i can find someone to help me with this.
    dpburke2 and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  9. Sasquatch

    Sasquatch Captain

    Dec 14, 2016
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    Pardon me if I've got the wrong end of the stick here but the way this comes off... It sounds more like you were/are demanding veteran builders help you with this. In there position I would be more than a little wary of helping you under these circumstances. cause at the mo its just this project. but are you gonna threaten to quit/shut down AEGIS everytime you don't get the help you think you deserve?

    Seems like a lot more drama than I'd want.
  10. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    I'm really sorry to hear this. I know I accepted your invitation to join AEGIS on a probationary term, but I had no idea how to start. This sort of thing is very new to me and from the sound of it, I don't think I would fit in very well. Plus, I never heard any more about it, so I let it go.

    If my reluctance in any way contributed to your decision, you have my sincerest apology.
  11. Bigfeet

    Bigfeet Captain

    Apr 24, 2016
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    Why did i watch this ... now i can not get it out of my head, lol.
    Must be the tiredness coming from work, drifting to slumberland ... diggy digging a hole ...
    *slaps myself in the face* NO!
  12. hoxer

    hoxer Commander

    Sep 22, 2015
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    I don't blame you but I think you got the wrong end of the stick. I think he means that he spend hours on hours to build these ships and the help he was getting started working on something else. Now he can't get his project done without others stepping in and that's just insanely frustrating. Don't think he's blaming others for not helping, but let's ask him :D
    @The Tactician[ Λ ]
    Do you blame other veteran builders for not responding and helping you out?
  13. hoxer

    hoxer Commander

    Sep 22, 2015
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    Oh so now you decided to infect others with your disease, lol.
  14. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    Cylon Basestar teaser:

    I haven't done much of anything to the interior yet and the outside still needs a lot of work.
    Area 71.2_2018-05-03_11-30-03.png

    Since I'm not trying to make a faithful replica I can pretty much do what I want. I put the hangar entrances in the middle between the two saucer sections. Makes for a nice big entrance and leaves me with room for a big hangar in the lower saucer and plenty of space for everything else in the upper saucer.

    And that's as far as I've gotten for now. Currently looking for inspiration for the interior design but I'm going to finish the exterior first. Because of the shape I really only need to detail a quarter panel of one of the saucer sections while the symmetry plane is active. Then I can copy/paste it everywhere else.

    It's already size class 6. It will prolly end up a bit larger than most servers will allow. Very glad I didn't try to make it to scale! While a full size Basestar would be awe inspiring it would be a ridiculous amount of work for something no one's ever gonna use. This might see some use at least.

    I'm having a lot of fun with this build. :)
    Last edited: May 3, 2018
  15. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    no,no,no,no not lie that at all, i asked think like 12 others if they could help me finish this project, i wasent demanding it, but asking if they would volunteer there time, and all said no, so i got little down about it since i lack the skills to finish this project and saw everyone saying no, as if my brand failed, to add a little into this im going threw a lot in real life and take my stress and depressing atitude often online and latley with my major health issues going on im stressing out that i cant really get on games anymore so was trying to push this project out before i took a long break anyways, but i can see how you read into it the wrong way.

    nope, everyone was simply busy with there own projects or dident have time in general, i dident take it personally i was just depressed about not getting the project done, retiring AEGIS is not fullproof though, i can always restart it in the foreseeable future but no now
  16. Sasquatch

    Sasquatch Captain

    Dec 14, 2016
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    Ah fair enough seems I did get the wrong end of the stick, sorry about that.
  17. Jenniphurr

    Jenniphurr Captain

    Dec 12, 2015
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    Ok here are some interior shots of Cerberus-X!

    Bridge & Airlock access:
    Food & Storage:
    Cargo Bay:

    Still a ways to go, but I am liking the direction I am going with this~
  18. Dragon

    Dragon Captain

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Got home today and started tinkering with SV designs for a change. I ended up with this, inspired by a BSG MkIV Viper (it's intended parent ship being a battlestar) mixed with my own bits of flavour. I call it the Cobra, for now, with this one being the third of it's class made from hardened steel and more weaponry.


    Here it is parked in it's parent battlestar's starboard hangar bay, with me next to it for size reference. It's a bit dark.

  19. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    Copy/paste worked great. Yep. Except for the fact it reversed the ship's orientation. :rolleyes:

    Should I put landing struts on it? Retractable landing gear would be really useful right about now. Retractable elevators would be nice too.

    Area 71.2_2018-05-03_20-36-37.png
    Last edited: May 4, 2018
  20. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    I read some of the posts this morning and felt perhaps I might say something. First, @The Tactician[ Λ ] whether or not you continue AEGIS is up to you. Not sure I understand what you are going through as I am not you. But, have I ever wanted to give up on my own stuff? Yes.

    The temptations to stop my work and give up are sometimes more frequent than others. Like others, I do desire to be recognized. We are social creatures by nature, some more than others such that there is vast spectrum. Even during those times that I was so shy I that avoided contact with other people, there was still a part of me that wanted to be recognized. Yet when it comes to Empyrion only about a dozen of my works have gotten more than a hundred views. Despite being a relatively new player and a novice in my designs compared to many here, that doesn’t stop part of me from longing for that instant gratification. The quick fix of recognition with subscribers and positive ratings has a siren call to it. But should I sail my ship into the rocks to chase the call of the sirens? Failing to get the recognition that one craves can be discouraging. Should I stop because I don’t have a large following? No.

    Now some might be inclined to say I make excuses for myself because I don’t grab the big volumes and please the crowds. Still, I think it is a very good thing that I don’t get the quick and easy fix. It is has forced me to look beyond, to grow, find my own strength instead of relying upon the popularity of my work. I start looking at things like my conversion rates and watching my retention. Trying to look within, learn and grow. I began asking myself whole new questions, focusing on building what I want instead of what is popular.

    Perhaps I should thank you for the inspiration to ponder these things today. As I looked over my stuff, I noticed that one of my old blueprints from November apparently picked 14 new views and 4 new subscribers in the past week. It still has less than 100 views, yet to actually pick up these four new subscribers during the experimental phase of the Alpha 8? Now that feels like a success, even if my numbers are small compared to other designs out there. To have those new subscriber weeks or months later is a thrill. There is a certain satisfaction when the numbers are gradually climbing, even if it is only a few out of all the blueprints.

    When I read about people saying that they will give up or stop, part of me recognizes my own temptation to quit. Being discouraged is not a bad thing of itself. When I see those players resume their creative works, there is a smile in my heart. When I don’t see them anymore, there is a sadness, an emptiness, but I must move on.

    It is easy to say that there will be no loss if one quits. For some of us that would be a lie. The loss wouldn’t be to the game. The community would go on and the game is just a game. It will be fine without your or my creative works. As for myself, I may add, drop, and redefine my plans as I go, but the real loss would be personal. Number of views and subscriptions are really just the small rewards along the way. I know my real reward will be the completion of my project(s), something that it is easy to lose sight of. Which is why I actually lined up all my concepts in a spreadsheet that I add and subtract from, and if you ask, I am only about 40% to my goal. Adding the HV racers to my sheet didn’t help that, but neither do I regret that decision.

    Because AEGIS exists, the impact is out there and I would like you to remember that. At least two of my blueprints will definitely have accommodations for the AEGIS container. I love the idea of including some universal docking for “competitors’ products” on the Raven and Condor. The Raven working with anything else beyond my own Carri-On SV was an unplanned coincidence at first, but I have now made that an official feature of the work in progress. @Hicks42 may have hinted that the creation of the Condor marked the birth of the GalactiMax Container Starship, but the real innovation I see for Condor isn’t hauling multiple containers. AEGIS beat me to that. Rather, what might make the Condor unique is that it was built specifically to include transport of containers other players created. So, please, never pull the AEGIS container from the workshop. Seems more correct that a small operation like FTB would include universal docking for competitors’ containers, trying to get their foot in the door with clients by offering the flexibility.

    With all that said, first of all you should take care of your health. This dialogue was in part for myself.

    As for the pic, here I am showing the AEGIS cargo ship along with the Raven and Condor. I only put half capacity, or three out of six containers, onto the AEGIS ship. The Raven can only hold one. It really is primarily an extended warp unit for up to two Carri-On. The Condor can actually carry up to six AEGIS containers along the ridge even though I have only one currently docked. Note that I find it easier to dock them on my own creations because I am not trying to park them in that tight, efficient cluster.

    FTB Creative_2018-05-03_19-12-46.png
    Last edited: May 4, 2018

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