What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Sasquatch

    Sasquatch Captain

    Dec 14, 2016
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    I'd say while rarely used(until recently) the downvotes are useful if we only give them weight in large enough numbers. (kinda like perfect scored for restaurants) I've seen plenty of pretty ships over the years that look nice but are useless outside of that, and the downvotes in those cases were earned. If you throw away a system everytime its abused then we'll only have the first glance to assess something.

    I'd say its better to allow the community to get accustomed to the fact that most builds will have x amount of downvotes as standard, that a perfect score may actually be suspicious or that to get to a lot of the good stuff they may have to go a few pages in etc. The community will adapt it always does and has done everytime there is a rating system! people will try to play it and the rest of use will learn the tricks they use.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2018
    Tyrax Lightning and StyleBBQ like this.
  2. Jenniphurr

    Jenniphurr Captain

    Dec 12, 2015
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    Hello everyone! Got a small bit of progress on the Atlas-X. Was working in the HV bay a bit. I am pretty ok with where I am going with this. But only time will tell where it will end up at.

    Also tried working a ramp access to the upper deck part for HV's to get to the top. Early tests are showing good results so I will keep playing on this idea more. And lastly I installed the Cargo module docking clamp. And now the photos! Enjoy!



  3. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    It stays airborne when you pop the core, and it does not crash to the ground when you put your core in.

    No issues, (so far) and the drones have been leaving it alone.
    Tyrax Lightning and rainyday like this.
  4. spacefarmer

    spacefarmer Captain

    Feb 28, 2018
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    Encountered.....a few spiders. Guess that's what I get for setting NPC spawn to high...


    Then once I fought them off, I enjoyed the sunset. I genuinely love that I can just sit there and watch the sun go down. Such an amazing thing.

  5. binhthuy71

    binhthuy71 Rear Admiral

    Oct 17, 2016
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  6. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    link to CV? looks epic
    Tyrax Lightning and Na_Palm like this.
  7. Its Just Steve

    Its Just Steve Captain

    Aug 4, 2017
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    Today in Empyrion, I learned I still suck arse as a pilot. And 18 block nose buffer and buried in (stylish) blocks, I somehow still manage to get blown out if the sky and killed taking in the Radar Station fortifications one at a time.
    Sure the patrols didn’t help matters but man alive.
    Maybe a single fuel tank/gen/rcs class 15 SV might work?
  8. binhthuy71

    binhthuy71 Rear Admiral

    Oct 17, 2016
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    My favorite config is a minimal SV with 4 rocket launchers (dumb rockets) because a light SV can dodge that incoming fire. Experiment with 3rd person view, a lot of us prefer it for piloting. Go into Creative and practice circling a target while firing and keeping the aiming cursor on it. Once you master that move most POIs are yours.
  9. Its Just Steve

    Its Just Steve Captain

    Aug 4, 2017
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    The sad part. All of the above is yes. Those homing rockets are no joke. They tore through the ship in about 4 (lucky) shots.
    Any other turret I can do with the gatlings.
  10. binhthuy71

    binhthuy71 Rear Admiral

    Oct 17, 2016
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    In PvE the enemy homing rockets all have one lonely target. :eek:
    I don't use them on SVs because only half of ever them hit what
    I'm aiming at no matter how I tweak their settings.
    Dumb rockets all go to the same spot. It's up to me to put them there. :D
  11. ion_storm

    ion_storm Captain

    Jan 6, 2017
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    I'm rebuilding some old stuff...
    NewGame_0-180530-1838_2018-06-02_00-09-33.png NewGame_0-180530-1838_2018-06-02_00-10-29.png NewGame_0-180530-1838_2018-06-02_00-10-01.png NewGame_0-180530-1838_2018-06-01_23-49-08.png NewGame_0-180530-1838_2018-06-01_23-49-40.png NewGame_0-180530-1838_2018-06-01_23-53-56.png NewGame_0-180530-1838_2018-06-01_23-54-42.png NewGame_0-180530-1838_2018-06-01_23-55-13.png
  12. ion_storm

    ion_storm Captain

    Jan 6, 2017
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  13. ion_storm

    ion_storm Captain

    Jan 6, 2017
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    This thing is now warp capable...
    NewGame_0-180530-1838_2018-06-02_09-45-56.png NewGame_0-180530-1838_2018-06-02_09-46-12.png NewGame_0-180530-1838_2018-06-02_09-55-08.png NewGame_0-180530-1838_2018-06-02_09-55-25.png NewGame_0-180530-1838_2018-06-02_09-56-32.png NewGame_0-180530-1838_2018-06-02_09-55-52.png NewGame_0-180530-1838_2018-06-02_09-56-49.png NewGame_0-180530-1838_2018-06-02_09-57-17.png
  14. ion_storm

    ion_storm Captain

    Jan 6, 2017
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    NewGame_0-180530-1838_2018-06-02_10-06-42.png NewGame_0-180530-1838_2018-06-02_10-07-10.png
    Both SVs still don't have names, I'm terrible at naming...
  15. Na_Palm

    Na_Palm Captain

    Mar 29, 2017
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    @Friendly Timo
    :)Yeah sure should be "Material Division", will correct it. Have to change that part as the lightning system seems to need at least 2 block thick hull to not shine into the inner gangway....

    ugly little basarts they are! :) and yeah the sunset hinders me at building as i have to stop and watch it, too...

    @The Tactician[ Λ ]
    link will follow as soon as it is ready, as allways :)
    The pics don't show it, but the front, aft and all inertial parts arent ready for now. I try to give her a unique and somewhat modular design inside...
    Will post a few screens when i get there.

    and thanks @all for he support.

    edit: the initial inspiration came from a design from Masch-artdesign on deviantart.com, but as i lurk the forums here its for sure i got inspiration form your designs, too.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2018
  16. Bigfeet

    Bigfeet Captain

    Apr 24, 2016
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  17. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    @ion_storm i'm terrible at naming as well..
    Guess why i made a rule of using the strucutre Definition as part of the brand- + Name.

    I mean, do you think that ERA-C Ollector , ERA-C Ruiser, ERA-H Arvester or ERA-B Ooth Camp are master pieces of naming?
    I dont, funny Maybe, but sure Nothing 'smart' or 'cool', but it does help to let People know what they can expect.. partly at least..

    And your ships just reminded me of an old game i played… mainly due to the side thrust and the colors, as they were our team colors :)
    Keep it sideways, they said:
  18. StyleBBQ

    StyleBBQ Captain

    Apr 21, 2016
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    @Sasquatch , first, bravo and thank you! :) Your considered & clear thoughts on the subject encouraged me to examine my own. That you did so without ever going negative or personal is to be commended. Your civility, along with many many others, here on these forums contribute to them being far better than the majority of their kind. {and why I liked your post. I do like it. Never said I agreed :D}

    Thinking on the down-vote quite a bit more I find I'm still not a fan. Deeper reflection however did expose that it is significantly influenced by what I see happening over the decades in America. Growing up prior to cell & internet, and mostly in a smaller town, how you acted, what you said, they all 'counted' and could greatly influence how you were perceived and thus treated. With the advent of the internet it became very clear that there were some who gloried in the ability to act & say things that would almost never, even in rage, be said in a real life exchange. Some thought that this might not be such a bad thing as possibly it was a simply a much needed catharsis. And that may well be true. Yet it, to me, has seemed to lead to a diminishment of basic manners. The simple, "thank you", wishing a stranger a good day, the real art of debate and discussion while truly respecting others opinions. The lack of these feels a lessening of us all.

    I've no objection to reasoned critique; done with any kindness, or at least a lack of malicious intent, it is a very useful and positive thing indeed. The workshops simplistic Up/Down seems to me to encourage thoughtless meanness. Were only an Up vote offered then any negatives would have to take the form of a written critique. Thus allowing not only the author but other passerby to better measure it's value.

    To be clear I'm opposed to the whole, 'participation trophy' idea. Should someone post a ship, declare it the perfect ultimate example of it's type and smugly wait for the accolades to pour in, well they're practically chumming the waters aren't they. Yet an author who has toiled many hours to realize their vision of line or beauty and simply offers it up as something they're really happy with, without claiming any particular in-game prowess; should they receive unexplained negative votes without any chance to discover their cause?

    On a personal note, when my sister and I were in gradeschool our family moved to a large city for a couple of years. My sister became subject to painful bullying and often cried in her room after returning home from school. Thinking of it to this day saddens and angers me.

    Apologies for this being less than cheerful. The general theme has been often on my mind lately (I watch too much news) and it seems I've become old enough to yearn for simpler & seemingly kinder times. :rolleyes:

    Thank you again Sas, while I doubt you expected this, and no one should hold you to account for it (ha!), I appreciate the (unintentional) prod that led to a small bit of personal enlightenment. :eek::p:D {gah. what a horrid word. but it fits. damn it!}
  19. Dead8Eye

    Dead8Eye Captain

    Aug 15, 2015
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    2 New Ships under construction :)

    [Omega] Phantom L
    [Omega] Raptor (newer RDF styled Raptor -Predator- Frigate)
  20. StyleBBQ

    StyleBBQ Captain

    Apr 21, 2016
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    That's a very nice look. I may have to steal some ideas! :D
    Really shows that the orginal 3x3x1 Detector needs to be an option. It looks perfect on this ship.

    And exposing those gorgeous new thruster models, wow, they deserve to be seen!
    Both are very tough looking ships with lots of nice details, well done!

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