What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    Been experimenting a lot with vehicles. Got a really nice short range planet hopper I’ve been tinkering with that I’ve been using. Also been battling a lot of Object reference not bound to instance errors. Mostly annoying, like mini gun drones.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  2. falkenkopf

    falkenkopf Lieutenant

    Jun 25, 2018
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    When you still can't remember important details of vehicle engeneering after you crashed on an alien planet.

    As you could figure out in my last posts, i've build a small shuttle (SV) to be able to fly to the moon of this world and gather some ressources. What i didn't know back then: I picked up the crystals, that are needed to run a warp engine.

    The shuttle was designed to have some space in the back area for oxygen tank, ammo and cargo boxes, a fridge and so on. Some space even could be used to install more passenger seats.

    Then, i tried to install a small warp drive engine. That was the point i realized, that scientific progress did't went that far yet. This engine part was more than huge. I had to completely empty the back of the shuttle to install it.

    I was lucky, that i built the ship that long. So one block space between warp drive and the bulkhead allowed me to reinstall at least the life support system and some necessary inventory.

    The radiation is within limits and only contaminates the stuff inside my fridge and all the cargo so far. Hope there will be no dangerous cross reactions with the contents of the cargo boxes if i'm going to transport rare ores or unstable intermediate products.

    I thought about to plan a larger shuttle. But somehow the small size of this one must have been expected by designers of trading stations. Because mine fitted nearly perfect inside the hangar. This or other civilizations managed to build much smaller warp drives.

    I sold some ore and weapons to the vendors. Hope, they won't sell them to the alien guys, that are running these bases on the planet i crash landed.

    I would like to build some real starcraft, due to the limited range of hover vessels and the very limited usefullness of small vessels.
    The only purposes of them i learned about so far are:
    - exploring planetary objects and their orbits faster
    - attacking enemy locations
    - transporting goods at short distances in space
    - as a planetary ground vessel, where bikes and HV are not convincing

    So maybe i wont design another shuttle until you can use it for more than these few things. Maybe i will design an attack vessel, if i'm not able to build a CV for that purpose.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2018
  3. binhthuy71

    binhthuy71 Rear Admiral

    Oct 17, 2016
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    That's a very imaginative base. Your architecture looks very appropriate in that underwater setting.
  4. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    A few revisions later, and my Light Trader is now available in the Steam Workshop.
    A very industrial ship, with a good amount of cargo space, a few weapons, and all the things you might need for trade and exploration. Warp-capable and far more maneuverable than its boxy appearance might lead one to believe.
  5. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    WIP Imperial Outpost, slowly moving towards competition, working on it every morning before going to work;)
    A8111740_9067_2018-07-06_06-56-47.png A8111740_9067_2018-07-06_06-56-39.png A8111740_9067_2018-07-06_06-56-20.png A8111740_9067_2018-07-06_06-56-05.png A8111740_9067_2018-07-06_06-55-53.png A8111740_9067_2018-07-06_06-55-34.png A8111740_9067_2018-07-06_06-55-22.png

    Most buildings are finished, still no devices placed, vanilla so to speak, besides of 3 armored doors.
  6. kolyana

    kolyana Lieutenant

    Jun 29, 2018
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    Thank you. Being underwater is a pain in the butt (I iwsh there were easier ways to clear water), but I wanted to do something different for this play through. My last base ws big, tall, bold, proud ... this time I'm going sleek, low profile, and underground/water.

    More shots from the last couple of nights of work:

    Inside the hangar:

    Near the hangar looking back at the underwater base and floating platform above it.

    What shows above water:

    Looking down into the hangar:

    The hangar, closed:

    Approaching base:

    Inside the glass bubble which is the heart of the base. There's an underater tunnel leading to it, which starts from underground at the coast; it's a quick trip by bike =D
  7. kolyana

    kolyana Lieutenant

    Jun 29, 2018
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    Should I be wrapping photos in a spoiler alert or something, what's the protocol for posting?
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  8. T431

    T431 Captain

    Oct 25, 2017
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    I got back into building after a while, since my last big cv did so well (the husk is by far the most popular build of mine) I thought I'd do a combat focused cv, with wedge shaped design so all turrets can fire forwards, and half of them are available for broadside attacks.
    It's mostly floating parts right now, what you see here are the external armor plates, the 2 diagonal ones house all the turrets, and in the center is the hangar area. I'm using the same methods as I did with the husk, adding in the actual interior parts later.
  9. Brimstone

    Brimstone Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2017
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    A couple pics full-size is fine- the intent of the thread, after all, is to showcase work and share stories. Myself, I usually try to use thumbnails or spoiler if I have more than three
  10. kolyana

    kolyana Lieutenant

    Jun 29, 2018
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    I'll have to play with the thumbnail option, thanks!
    Tyrax Lightning and Hicks42 like this.
  11. Maverick241

    Maverick241 Captain

    Jan 26, 2017
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    Today I faced a serious decision. Should I make an entrance to the rear for the HV hangar or rather three to the side.
    Screenshot 2018-07-06 22.33.08.png Screenshot 2018-07-06 22.38.08.png
    In this construction, I would probably prefer to side. What do you think?
    Na_Palm, Tyrax Lightning and dpburke2 like this.
  12. Trig

    Trig Captain

    May 26, 2017
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    Today I converted my most recent HV, which I ended up calling Barrage, into an actual mobile base. Ignored or bypassed all those annoying block restrictions. Also added SV weapons to it, which work awesome on an HV; the plasma launchers in particular make it feel like a tank.
    All the non-hv stuff was added with copy/paste. Some of it could probably be changed to be allowed on a HV in a text file somewhere but that's a bit beyond me.

    Rebuilt the windshield with scaled down CV seamless glass blocks, which tremendously improved visibility and looks very nice, but I wish we had triangular corner blocks for that glass.

    Added a scaled down Advanced constructor, repair station, med station, food processor, and the 4 medical gadget things. The adv constructor weighs 60 tons, but thankfully Barrage had enough thrust that it only lost 1 m/s acceleration from the weight. Had to add a few more hover pads though.

    Then I built a farm, which has some issues, mostly that you're technically not allowed to plant sprouts on an HV. Had to add the sprouts in creative, and hope they didn't die before I could power it up when I spawned it in survival, thankfully they didn't. Unfortunately I'll never be able to change crops without swapping over to creative mode, and using a repair bay might cause problems.
    Had to extend the length of the interior space a block to fit the farm and leave some space for walking around. Thankfully things keep their signal settings when you paste them now, so moving the entire rear of the craft back a block was pretty easy.

    It was mighty tempting to add some 'good' thrusters (like the SV level 12 jet) while I was at it, but decided to keep all the thrust/rcs/power gen to standard underpowered HV stuff.


    While I was testing it out in survival ran into an annoying bug that stopped a motion sensor from working permanently, I'm about 90% sure it's because a spider died within the activate range of the sensor. When I'm feeling less lazy I'll try to reproduce it with an HV that's not loaded with "illegal" blocks and make a bug report.
    Also every time I shot down a drone the report bug popup showed (with Continue / Mail & Quit / Quit options), which kept popping up until the dead drone despawned. No idea if it was related to CV/SV blocks being on an HV or not.

    And finally I seem to have found a sea of blood:

    firing sv plasma's:
    firing sv rockets (used homing rockets since they share ammo with the hv turrets):
    also there's a permanent pink spot under it's rear from the grow lights and small blocks not stopping light
    the thing i built some time ago to get any cv device in sv scale:

    I'll attach Barrage-X blueprint to my post in the hover vessels thread (although it can only be spawned in with sbp console command, or in creative)
    Sephrajin, ion_storm, Na_Palm and 6 others like this.
  13. kolyana

    kolyana Lieutenant

    Jun 29, 2018
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    That's just beautiful. I love it. I have no idea how you managed to scale and glue those blocks together like that
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  14. Trig

    Trig Captain

    May 26, 2017
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    You could do some of both ways - the big doors on the ends, or just one end, and a smaller one in the middle side. So you could park your larger HV on the end and not have to move it if you wanted to take a small one out the side door. Just a thought though, either way looks decent.

    I use the copy / paste tool with the selection box, and for rescaling an entire build I moved a blueprint's .area file in a savegame folder from the CV folder to a SV folder.

    I think it auto scales to whatever vessel size when pasting now, so you don't really need to convert the devices before hand. Just put a selection box on the CV/SV/BA device (covering entire blockspace if it takes up more than one), hit the Copy button, then hit remove selection button. Then go over to the HV (or whatever you want the device/block on) hit N and click near where you want it and hit Paste button once, then use the movement arrows to get it where you want (click the little black ball in the middle of the arrows to switch to rotate mode if you need it) then hit paste again to confirm placement.
  15. Grandirus

    Grandirus Commander

    Jan 24, 2017
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    Today I started explore a planet's moon. It's a snow moon, low gravity, low density.
    Look at this sunset:
  16. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Long standing SI Bug. ETA on fix unknown, but wouldn't hold one's breath... may well require full blown SI Code Rework to fix. :(

    Wallpaper worthy! :D
    Sephrajin and Grandirus like this.
  17. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    Try positioning yourself over the middle of the base when you spawn it in. You may discover that SI seems to radiate out from where you are at the moment the base is spawned in. By being in the center over the new base, depending on its size, you might actually get the whole base to be sound again. Of course, sticking the base foundation/supports down into the ground can be challenging from directly above. Sort of guessing and hoping you got the base at the right height relative to the ground.

    As for what I did, I fixed the motion sensors on the following: Pelican, Nurture, and Thunder Naiad. The workshop blueprints have been updated but I didn't bother changing any of the pictures. The change to the Thunder Naiad probably isn't final as I am considering updating the outer hull to HV combat steel. As for the Pelican and Nurture, other than the devices having a new appearance in alpha 8, all I did was fix the signal work.

    Signal Demo_2018-07-06_22-31-02.png

    Then I recorded a video that I am now waiting for the upload to YouTube to finish. A demonstration and walk through of some of the signal work, my way of answering a question on another thread in these forums. I had started writing a response, but it was getting out of hand and I thought a little show and tell would be more effective.
  18. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    Nexus Station Progress Report:
    Updating everything is going to take awhile. There's just so much I want to do with it. I'm still working on the shops on the city level. I haven't even gotten to the residential rooms yet.

    This area was pretty basic before. There were some benches and a repair station/o2 station, maybe a couple armor lockers. Nothing very interesting really. I added proper shops with npcs scattered around and a bunch of signs.
    Creative 8.x_2018-07-07_01-12-02.jpg

    I did some work on the main floor too. There used to be another set of doors there with a beam and a bunch of windows. I opened it up and fancied it up a bit with some benches and plants and recessed lighting. Not sure about the windows yet. Past those is the airlock which also got a facelift in there. A couple ferns, some stone trim, recessed lighting. Looks nice.
    Creative 8.x_2018-07-07_01-12-36.jpg

    Another new decoration in the waiting areas.
    Creative 8.x_2018-07-07_01-12-45.jpg

    I did some work in the hallways too. I got to tinkering and the result is more recessed lighting. I think it turned out nice. I replaced some half blocks in the ceiling with full blocks. It didn't alter the look too much and now I can attach lights without having them look like they're floating.
    Creative 8.x_2018-07-07_01-14-27.jpg
  19. Maverick241

    Maverick241 Captain

    Jan 26, 2017
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    The hallway is awesome. He inspires me to another project where the design would fit perfectly. I hope you do not mind if I would design something similar.
    After all, imitation is the highest form of recognition.;)
  20. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    Go for it! :)
    Sephrajin and Tyrax Lightning like this.

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