What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. dichebach

    dichebach Captain

    Oct 26, 2016
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    Very cool :)
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  2. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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    Introducing the Mantra 420

    A little higher and longer than the Sting, the mantra boasts 4 fuel tanks and 4 o2 instead of 2 +2.
    Extra windows in side and a skylight.
    Using same thruster output as the Sting except for 1 extra RCS, so shes a little slower than sting to accelerate but can turn sharper.
    This model has a small compartment below cockpit containing all the fuel/o2/rcs and core which were scattered about on the sting.
    The recovered space allows for a longer interior cabin
    the higher cabin ceiling allows for clone chamber to be well out of the way of the door as opposed to the sting.

    MANTRA.png mantra5png.png mantra2.png mantra3.png mantra4.png
  3. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    My Goodness! You let the Force flow! Don't You?:D
    Nice Stuff!
  4. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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    Still feeling the flow of the force here :)))

    Ok ok since posting the last vessel, I made this...

    Introducing the Lancia 940

    94ft yacht
    she is bigger than the renegade 900, another unique hull design here.

    Not finished inside yet but nearly there.

    1.png 3.png 4.png 5.png 6.png 2.png
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2018
  5. Trig

    Trig Captain

    May 26, 2017
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    I'm not sure if it's explained very well anywhere, maybe way back in this thread when I first figured it out (and it's very possible others had long before me).
    Basically all it is is making the craft very tall, so that half of the "area" of the blueprint is out of the water. The game only considers a vessel sunk and kills it's speed and thrust output if more than half of it's physical space goes underwater - it doesn't matter if 99% of the actual blocks of the craft are underwater, as long as a block of it is high enough that the midpoint between that block and the craft remains out of the water, the vessel can go full speed.
    (sorry if that's a little confusing, I'm not the best explainer)

    What I do is use a flare stuck on a stick of blocks built up from the core-center of the ship, then delete that stick of blocks. I use a flare (or light) because it does not collide with other blocks or terrain and has a very short render range.
    In the case of the SV I posted earlier (Intrepid SS7) I put the flare about 55 blocks up, which brought the total craft height to 60 blocks, meaning if 30+ blocks go underwater it's considered sunk. An SV is fairly easy to raise back up to the non-sunk point though, so it's not a big deal if it does go under that briefly. If you go too high with the floating flare the 3rd person camera can't be lowered enough to be useful, which is why Intrepid is only 60 blocks up instead of the full 125 up from core.

    That ship was the first SV I've given the submersible 'trick' too, I've done several submarine HV's before it. SV's are far simpler since they have built in depth control in the form of up and down pointing thrusters HV's require staged floating hover engines and boost pads.

    The HV that was the result of my experimenting and testing to figure out when and how the game considers a vessel sunk is Ocean Explorer. More recently I built an underwater miner which doesn't have the floating hover engines for depth control, it just uses the lake / seafloor as a hover surface. I have a pic of that one that still has the 'block stick' in it's pictures on the workshop. Also built a submarine version of Olympia but didn't put the sub version on workshop, it was too difficult to get it to raise depth - too heavy for hover boosters to do anything (although when it did properly leap out of the water it looked awesome).
  6. Kieve

    Kieve Rear Admiral

    Sep 26, 2016
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    Workshop comments are currently broken, but I just wanna say this is a damn fine sleek little craft and I love the design. Very well done, sir.
  7. typhoon01

    typhoon01 Captain

    Sep 12, 2017
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    For a few days I've been looking for a landing surface that would be suitable for the CV X-1500, "Nothing so great where I would fix it and land it I did not find ... So I started to build a new X-1500 Operations Center. This is just a rough building.. it is a ground base and a landing surface :)

    Attached Files:

  8. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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    All my boats are now available on workshop, collection created.
    Probably wont build anymore boats for a little while as I just made 5 in 24 hours xD

    Pictured from left to right. (note the number represents foot length - the last 0
    Aerie 300 (Cabin cruiser yacht)
    Sting 360 (Cabin cruiser yacht)
    Mantra 420 (Cruising yacht)
    Getaway 640 (Luxury cruiser)
    Lancia 980 (Super yacht)


    ion_storm, elmo, Maverick241 and 4 others like this.
  9. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    I sure wish solar panels could be set up on a stand that rotates to face the sun.
  10. typhoon01

    typhoon01 Captain

    Sep 12, 2017
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    Piston systems were needed for this. And the more complicated mechanisms I have not seen in EGS yet..
    I would also like it very much ...
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  11. Hicks42

    Hicks42 Rear Admiral

    Dec 4, 2016
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    Love the boat, good looking stuff.
    Please, if you are going to post so many pictures, hide the ones past the first two with a spoiler tab. Please.
    Some folks have bandwidth issues, and this thread is already Huge. Thank you.
    Tyrax Lightning and binhthuy71 like this.
  12. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    Nexus Station update:

    I didn't get much texturing done today but I added some details to the city blocks I built yesterday and managed to lay out another one today. The idea with the renovation is to expand on the shops I had before by adding more detail, adding more shops in general wherever I can find space, and adding more layers and complexity.

    New shops. That used to be a dead end with an elevator and not much going on there. Very much a work in progress still.
    Creative 8.x_2018-07-11_23-39-38.jpg
    Newly renovated shops. Ray's got a brick facade and a slightly altered structure. Gozerian Used Starships got moved down into a bigger, fancier shop, displacing Venky's Psychic Emporium(he's been moved to a kiosk off to the side). Upstairs has a patio area and another shop over top of Ray's now. Similar to what was there before but a better use of the space.
    Creative 8.x_2018-07-11_23-40-15.jpg
    Today's effort. Got a nice little fast food restaurant going on in what used to be another dead end corridor. Opened up the space a bit and placed a kiosk in the middle.
    Creative 8.x_2018-07-11_23-40-33.jpg
    Gone are the old shops. There used to be a cafe and a qwik mart on the right, some restrooms and the dead end corridor on the left, and a donut shop kiosk by the elevators(would have been located to the right in this pic). The new arrangement has more nooks and crannies and stairs leading to multiple levels of shops.
    Creative 8.x_2018-07-11_23-40-40.jpg

    Still one more city block to lay out and then it's just adding more details and painting/texturing everything.
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2018
  13. binhthuy71

    binhthuy71 Rear Admiral

    Oct 17, 2016
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    @Siege Inc.
    Those are some nice, believable interiors. The textures are excellent and you do a standout job of making things look right despite the disproportionate size of some blocks.
  14. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    Thanks! That's the result of a lot of staring at the blank space and wondering what to put there, then trying different layouts with the paint gun, and then lots of revisions(and if I'd done a better job the first time I wouldn't have to go back and fix stuff now). ;)

    Originally I wanted to do kind of an open market thing in that last pic but we just don't have the deco for merchant stalls filled with merchandise so I put that kiosk/stand there instead.
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2018
    Tyrax Lightning and binhthuy71 like this.
  15. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    Updated the Turkey on the workshop. Eventually I will try giving the CV a complete refit, but for now the major fix was isolating the hazardous gravity generator.

    A8 FTB Creative_2018-07-11_20-27-58.jpg

    Also finished my update to one of my mining HV, the Kiwi. Here is a picture of the old and new side by side. I tried to capture some of the feel of the old with the new version. The old is on the left. The new on the right. The new version is cheaper and just a tiny bit lighter.

    A8 FTB Creative_2018-07-11_22-25-53.png
  16. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Very Colorful, to say the least:D. How does your "colorscheme" look when entering greenish atmospheres?;)

    I am sure to try them out one day.
    dpburke2 and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  17. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Imperial Protocol:
    Outpost - check
    Tactical Operation Center -Planning status;) WIP
    Production Center - pretty large - Ideas manifesting:cool: - against this Galaxie City is a -- CROCK
    Garrison - current status problematic as no REAL Hex shaped building is possible in EGS:mad:
  18. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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    Last night i made a little jetski type deal but it led me to discover a much simpler method for implementing water hover.

    I hope this helps for anyone who is considering making boats but unsure about how to make it work because I have made it look over complicated, well truth is I did not fully understand the math until last night,

    I dont need 2 sets of hover thrusters at all, let me explain.

    if hover thrusters are on the ships lowest row of blocks (bottom) your hv will sink if you enter water that goes over halfway of that block level.

    I found we only need to place only 1 set of hover thrusters, and only place on the third row / level of blocks !

    This has a couple of bonuses, the first being that your water ride height is now 0.80 which is perfect for multiplayer as when we stand up from cockpit on water when not docked on mp, our hover height resets to 0.80 causing the vessel to sink unless you take the steps of activating the lower hover thruster set and floating above water and manually setting the 0.80 yourself first before exiting cockpit which was my previous working and a pain in the butt.

    So now need only 1 set and place them on third level.
    Also being on the third level means you have plenty of space to go up with the space bar to 3.00m so you still have capable land hover and water hover all in one sitting.

    Then there is the case of how to bring back a sunken HV.
    Usually we would activate both A and B hovers ( ground and water) and then tilt the vessel forward or back for a several seconds, this is usually enough to pull the submerged water hovers at one end of the ship out of the water which in turn pulls the rest of the ship up.
    When it pulls up if you hold that angle longer she will pull up even further as she catches the ground hovers on the water surface.

    What I learned last night was, you can place just 1 extra hover on your vessel which will react purely when you are sunk and bring you back to water surface the very instant you tap the forward arrow key.
    The trick is,to place that one special hover on a portion of the ship that will clear the water surface when you are sunk, better the front or rear because then that arrow key with a little tap should tilt you enough for that 1 thruster to pull you out.
    Also this hover thruster can be left always on, so there is no requirement any more for hover switch A or B on this jetski.

    This jetski i made is actually the best water craft i have made so far as its water rideheight is 0.80 with a whole block row under the water, this means i don't even have to dock the thing i can stand up anytime it wont sink because of the auto 0.80 reset when exiting over water.

    Also the 1 hover you see added is my rescue hover, without that, the vessel is too short to tilt enough to trick its water hovers above the water surface, so this 1 hover that sits on top of the vessels frame toward the rear stayws above water when sunken and allow you to bring the vessel out of the water with little or no effort whatsoever.
    just get in, ride, sink, raise, get out, she is the pinnacle of what my water vessels should all be.

    This is not restricted to boat design either, if you take on board this post next time you make a HV of any kind, you may be able to give it this recovery feature so that when any random hv you make sinks in water, it can be brought back up in seconds.

    The first pic is my jetski riding at water height 0.80 idling happily on the water with a whole block level under the water.

    Second image is my jetski completely sunken, note the 1 hover thruster still above water surface, that is my life line, just tap forward arrow and that thruster will lift you out the water, being a short and light vessel this is much easier.

    My hover thrusters are located 1 level under that rescue hover.

    All this means is I will have to rework the hover systems on all the boats i made to hopefully have a uniform rideheight of 0.80 across the range, giving them all 1 set of hover thrusters instead of 2, and then strategically placing the rescue hover on the right place in each vessel.

    Not going to do that just yet as they function well enough as is for the time being with the exception of having to switch to ground hovers and lifting above water setting manual height of 0.80 in order to exit the cockpit when undocked without sinking.

    I really hope someone else had a blast at making some boats/yachts, the requirement for variety when it comes to boats is paramount !
    This is why I made 5 in such a short time and a jetski on top of that xD

    2.png 3.png
    (note: my boats will not function properly on heavily populated lag pit playfields where bikes stop moving every couple of seconds and hv randomly sink every few seconds, even though we can unsink anytime, it don't help when you are sinking randomly every few metres of travel, these are not even playfields they are memory trash pits and should be burnt to the ground and their ashes pissed on for the impression of EGS they give to new players)
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2018
  19. DuLux

    DuLux Captain

    Aug 25, 2016
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    Hi I couldn't find a better place for this question so sorry if its in the wrong place. I'll delete after this timeless questions gets asked LOL

    When I click "Mail and continue" or "Mail and quit", it just opens an empty browser window.
    Who do I email to and where... yeah I Know i forgot that...where is the file with what they need?

    I'll be sure to like blog the answer so I Don't forget LOL
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  20. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Normally your Mail browser opens a ticket for the Devs
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.

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