What is the LEAST FUN single-task action in the game right now?

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Jan 26, 2017.

  1. Ryshlo

    Ryshlo Lieutenant

    Oct 17, 2015
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    As others have said...

    Object Orientation:
    Sometimes it's a pain to know which way an object is facing. I wish the words "front," "back," "top," and "bottom" were displayed on the surfaces of said objects while holding them (before placing them down), and the rotation axes were more intuitive (not color-coded, but had arrow lines pointing and curving in the directions they rotate). Also, a button to "reset" the objects orientation to be right side up and facing you (currently I have to quit the game and reload to reset it).

    Repairing Vehicles:
    Seen this one around, but if there is an existing blueprint for the building/vehicle, then missing parts should automatically be filled in and colored/textured back to factory default when repaired. It is not fun trying to figure out which type of block shape/orientation/texture/color those missing blocks were. Of course, no blueprint? Out of luck! But anyone can turn their creation into a blueprint.

    Me personally, my least fun thing to do...
    I like to build my bases underground. Digging for this purpose is messy and time consuming. I wish there was a way to mine out (and fill in with the fill tool) base block-shaped chunks of dirt/rock. Time-consuming, I can handle. A big sloppy mess is harder to cope with when your home is part of it.
    Theurgist, monktk and dichebach like this.
  2. ratzap

    ratzap Lieutenant

    Oct 15, 2017
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    The one thing that most bugs me: gathering warp fuel.

    Walking around at the bottom of a lake or picking crystals on the moon is stupid, boring make work. I want to go places in the CV I just made, not spend hours gathering 1 warp fuel at a time. Make it occur in patches, clumps or blobs. Make it something I process or combine out of other things. Make it something I can buy in a station if credits are reasonably reliable to get. Just not plodding across a grey blank plain swearing under my breath and hating every second.
    jacobkokura, Malekh and Jᴧgᴧ like this.
  3. dichebach

    dichebach Captain

    Oct 26, 2016
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    Haven't got that far yet, but I think they already implemented your suggestion!

    I made a trip to Omicron moon recently and noticed Pentaxid Deposit that showed up on my map much like the other ores.
  4. ratzap

    ratzap Lieutenant

    Oct 15, 2017
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    Nope. Those deposits are always right next to nasty structures like drone base and have a whopping 10 units in them. In the time you need to beat down the drones/guns covering the deposits you could pick up many times the number fo single crystals. Even if it was out in the open and you just had to mine it, 10 refines to 10 fuel. Not exactly a tank filler.
  5. dichebach

    dichebach Captain

    Oct 26, 2016
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    Ahhh, however! One wrinkle you maybe did not consider?

    Set your Auto-Miners to NOT deplete (only seems reasonable to me, I mean otherwise, why even build the things??).

    Take out the Drone Base and scrap it to your hearts content. Put an Auto-Miner on the Pentaxid deposit = perpetual pentaxid provider.
  6. ratzap

    ratzap Lieutenant

    Oct 15, 2017
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    That seems like a rather convoluted and cheaty kind of way to approach the issue. It would be rather a lot simpler for the devs to make warp fuel acquisition less tedious. If they want to use deposits, make them a useful size. If they want players to spend hours walking around picking up crystal they could at least explain why they feel this is a valid game mechanic.

    I would also point out this thread was created by a staff member to elicit feedback. I have provided my opinion, if you wish to discuss it further I suggest a thread for it.
  7. dichebach

    dichebach Captain

    Oct 26, 2016
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    @ ratzap: Your feedback seems completely valid to me! Not trying to invalidate bro.

    I agree that resource gathering can be tedious, but that can be true for any and all of it. It isn't like anything in the game comes "easily." Even the auto-mined stuff is a slow but perpetual trickle.

    There has to be a certain amount of grind or the game is just a "Push green button to win" charade. It is a delicate balance that the developers have to maintain: if they make resource gathering too easy, the game will become boring and community will shrink. If they make it too tedious, game will become tedious and community will shrink.
  8. Aeradon

    Aeradon Ensign

    Oct 1, 2017
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    I'm going to echo gathering pentaxid as the least fun action. The moonscape is boring to look at and walk around on. We have to deal with having enough ship fuel, O2, and food to get there and stay there for an extended period of time, and stay warm enough and radiation resistant enough while there.
    First- time CV builders on starter planets are forced by scarcity to go to the moon (Akua for example). You only need 1 or 2 other players also looking for pentaxid to endure the frustration of finding field after field of just-harvested pentaxid.

    My solution is this: Allow processed pentaxid to have 2 recipes - processed pentaxid is x10 of raw pentaxid, or x20 combing pentaxid and hydrogen, for example; much like making larger fuel units from the promethium. We still have to go and plan, but can spend a much shorter time on that task alone and more time exploring, fighting or building.
    Jᴧgᴧ likes this.
  9. Tazzoman

    Tazzoman Ensign

    Oct 27, 2017
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    Looking for a flat landing spot for my CV. Wish we had retractable landing gears that would level the ship.

    Also if the CV is to high up on a level platform that your build hover vehicles get stuck and very hard to get them free.
  10. Hesse

    Hesse Ensign

    Oct 31, 2017
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    Eating above all. The guy consumes one mule/dinosaur per day. Helluva appetite. And why does food perish? Empyrions Star Trek tech should allow food to be frozen at least.

    The light situation is kinda pre-industrial. Warp drive, nanotech but blind during the night. The helmet lamp is weaker than what I have on my cell phone, more like a lantern.

    I would prefer the ores to be tighter clustered. With the light situation I often loose orientation in the mines when hunting pebbles.
    Kassonnade likes this.
  11. Jᴧgᴧ

    Jᴧgᴧ Rear Admiral

    Sep 6, 2017
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    I'd like freeze-dried meat (jerky or similar) that has no expiration date as an alternative to the rations which take a horrible amount of ingredients. Jerky is easy to make - it's just dried meat, and lasts a really, really long time when kept away from air.
  12. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    As soon as we enter 8.0 dev cycle i'll open a thread for food recipes - so don't forget about your ideas :D
    binhthuy71 and Jᴧgᴧ like this.
  13. magnusshields

    magnusshields Commander

    Aug 29, 2015
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    That big Battle-wagon CVs become mothballs. I love the CV battleships we can make but they don't get used much. It would be nice if there was NPC factions with missions to make these have more of a purpose. And I am one who plays multiplayer and am saying this. Singleplayer people really don't have a use for them other than to have them. So I think this would befit everyone if this was in the game.
    Kassonnade likes this.
  14. Curmudgeon

    Curmudgeon Ensign

    Dec 2, 2016
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    Ticking and unticking all of the targeting options for countless turrets any time I make a change.

    The addition of 'targeting profiles' that could be saved and set per grouping would be a great QoL change.
    monktk, _VickTor_ and Kassonnade like this.
  15. Tryst

    Tryst Captain

    Dec 8, 2016
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    Drilling out a very large area.

    Since the HV is almost impossible to control if used on it's own to drill from scratch, you are really forced to use the T2 hand drill for most, if not all of the work. You can't even get away with flattening and then using the HV to drill out the rest since, unless ALL of the HV drills are hitting rock the ones that are hitting rock do nothing at all.

    I have suggested a flatten drill and a cube mode drill for the HV to allow us to drill out large areas for an underground base in the suggestions section. I would love to be able to drill out my underground base quickly and neatly, removing ALL of those pesky tiny pebbles that are hardly big enough to be visible, hanging in mid air but stop any vehicle dead as if they were massive boulders.
    monktk likes this.
  16. monktk

    monktk Captain

    May 20, 2017
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    Aside from inventory management, and replacing missing blocks on a vessel, which have both been covered extensively.

    Picking the motorbike back up is a bit of a hassle. When I have it out, why can't it retain its spot on my action bar, just greyed out? When I pick it back up, please just put it back where it came from. If I want to cram it back into the inventory, I will. And I'll need to do that less often than I have to mess with it now. It's so annoying, and it seems to get more annoying every time it happens.

    I can deal with its quirks of movement and control while actually riding it, I just want the option to keep the bike on my action bar.
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2017
    binhthuy71 likes this.
  17. Theurgist

    Theurgist Captain

    Oct 11, 2017
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    I've changed my mind about my option. Moving the bike to the hotbar is annoying, but you move past that quickly.

    Something you won't move past, do a lot and becomes annoying/repetitive is Loot things. In this case the Loot all button.

    Currently you look at something, then decide, do I want it all, or want to cherry pick it. Cherry picking is how it works now. You pick, then hit esc when you're done. Loot all currently works by attempting to transfer all to you, then again, the ESC. That's perfect if you can't fit it all, you might have a new decision, what to actually keep.

    So how about when you did get it all? Still pressing ESC. You have everything, there is no longer a reason for that inventory view to remain open.

    Simple change the devs could do within a few minutes most likely.

    TLDR: Make Loot All button close dialog if nothing is left unlooted.
  18. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    And what about the case where players want to "loot all" but also put back something from their inventory in the container, some extra item he wants to store there?
    Theurgist likes this.
  19. Theurgist

    Theurgist Captain

    Oct 11, 2017
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    They use the Drop or Trash function. Into container anyway, or gone with no need for a cargo timer to run. ^^ I've been thinking on this more
  20. Repier

    Repier Commander

    Feb 16, 2017
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    My least single task action in the game right now is asteroid (space) mining.
    It looks to me that CV drill turret lacks power. I find more efficient to mine meteorites with an HV equipped with 6 T2 drills.
    To make space mining a good alternative, why not switch the asteroid mining system to the same mechanics of deposits (SSOR) and then just make the drill turret auto-target and mine the SSOR nodes.

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