What is the LEAST FUN single-task action in the game right now?

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Jan 26, 2017.

  1. Thundercraft

    Thundercraft Captain

    Oct 27, 2017
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    Flattening terrain

    I think Flattening terrain is the least fun aspect of the game. Even in Creative mode and even using the DrillDebug tool, it takes FOREVER to flatten a large area! I've spent hours at this. My fingers get sore from holding down the fire button for hours at a time! It doesn't help matters any that even the Debug version of the drill (only available in Creative) wears out, needing to be repaired. Nor does it help that the Debug Drill consumes Drill Charges, just like regular drills. This is freaking CREATIVE mode! We shouldn't have to bother with any of that stuff. And, because this is a Creative-only Drill, it should function at least 10 times faster than a T2 Drill. Because, why the heck not? This is Creative mode! I just want to build in peace on a perfectly flat terrain.

    This is so very boring and frustrating. Personally, I find this far more boring and frustrating than mining. At least with mining, seeing the ores and Crushed Stone pile up is somewhat satisfying. And, for some reason, all drills seem faster when Resource Mining in comparison to Flattening.


    I noticed that the Debug Drill is actually very fast when Resource Mining. Sadly, it's only faster at Resource Mining and identical to the T2 Drill in every other aspect. If it could Flatten terrain (and Fill terrain) as fast as Resource Mining, then it would be about right.

    Oh, and why do none of the Drills return Crushed Stone from Flattening terrain? Flattening is just like Resource Mining in that it removes lots of rock and soil. And all that stuff has to go somewhere. At least Crushed Stone would help to justify all that time and effort.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2017
  2. Kurgis

    Kurgis Lieutenant

    May 16, 2017
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    For me there are two things - both touched on previously but i'll add my thoughts (these all refer to single player only - experimental 7.X).

    Mining: Totally appreciate what you've done to bring different methods of mining back into play but for me the pendulum has swung to far - HV fixed mining drill has to literally hit the ore node right on the front to mine it - the turret is bugged and dosent pick any up. I think the major problem is the vast distance you now have to cover to mine out a deposit (vital if you want a meterorite to land) - I didn't realise when you were putting the new terrain models in I would spend so much time in the immense caverns I have now mined out hunting for a few ore nodules (some of which don't even show up making it impossible to mine out the deposit). Down side is even small deposits, lets say a 350 prom takes around 20 minutes to finish grabbing everything as it has so many nodules to grab - and a 5.5k iron has the same amount of nodules and yet of course you're getting so much more of one resource.

    I would honestly pull the nodules tighter to avoid the insane cavern problem and scale the amount of nodules to node size - otherwise I can see other people doing what I do at the moment - which is now just EVA mine an asteroid in space to avoid all the frustrations at lvl 7+

    Pentaxid: A bit similar to mining the pendulum had to swing I suppose from the vast fields of pentaxid on Omi/Akua moons but it now feels a chore to collect enough, warp, then back to the the chore - one of the things with those two locations was you could put a small base down, grab enough for a good ol' wander then go back after a few planets - and this way it wasn't to onerous as you'd gathered enough - now... hmm enough for maybe one jump and back or of course forget bases and just build and expand a CV and become a nomad. Because without a bit of balance you just become a locust moving and hoovering with no reason to have a fixed point anymore. Might not be to much of a problem with a minimal map but larger maps and when you finally put a galaxy in.....
  3. binhthuy71

    binhthuy71 Rear Admiral

    Oct 17, 2016
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    @Thundercraft , I'd appreciate it if the drill had a "Road" setting that would flatten just enough to create a fixed width road. Roads would be sweet in an HV and they'd add a more inhabited look to the landscape.
    Pekiti and Jᴧgᴧ like this.
  4. Cyntron

    Cyntron Ensign

    Apr 17, 2017
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    Gardening. I got three large rooms for gardening, and it really sucks to go and pick everything up and store them only to net small amounts of food.
  5. Neal

    Neal Rear Admiral

    Nov 23, 2016
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    Mining. I hate it.
    Either with player character or CV, doesn't matter.
    I can't belive how boring it is and even more, why ppl. seem to tolerate it in the first place. There's nothing intersting or fun about it whatsoever, it feels like a punishment for playing the game.

    Even worse Mining with a CV turrets is a PITA, since you can't just switch to a smaller ship when you need it. So you are basically forced to spin and navigate a big cumbersome ship around a asteroid in the midst of a dense asteroid field to get the spots you want.

    Not just that, since the fireing arc of a turret cannot go higher than 45° you constantly hit some other asteroid with your ship. And since there's no auto repair, your ship soon looks like a heap of scrap metal.
    And since the devs clearly don't want ppl to have big ships, why not just get rid of CVs altogether? That would have been at least a decent course of action.
    But to give everyone a bad time, just because the devs obviously don't like CVs is just pitiable.

    Was it too much to ask to have a fixed SV Drill weapon?
    I'm really frustrated about that.

    Yeah i know i'm a bit harsh, but that's how i feel, sorry if you don't like that.
    (whoever who might feel adressed by it)
    Malekh and ion_storm like this.
  6. Blaine

    Blaine Commander

    Oct 30, 2017
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    For me, it's FILLING terrain.

    Filling terrain is unbelievably slow. Closing up hazardous/ugly mining holes and filling in rough spots around structures nestled into terrain is the main reason to fill, but it's so insufferably tedious that I just leave the holes and avoid structures that would require filling. Deformable terrain is a great feature in general and it's good that we can even fill at all, but I personally believe the speed needs to be increased or made variable.

    Personally, I suspect that SVs lack drills for much the same reason they lack turrets: HVs need something special to make up for the fact that they can't leave the ground. If SVs could mount turrets (or if HVs couldn't), why use an HV to assault PoIs? Better to move in three dimensions. It's much the same with mining. Even on a planet, tapping reverse thrusters while nosing at ore deposits with an SV would be easier than the careful HV design and touchy handling needed to mine with an HV.
    Pekiti and Thundercraft like this.
  7. Neal

    Neal Rear Admiral

    Nov 23, 2016
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    I was talking about a fixed SV drill for space only.
    Sorry, i had to be more specific. :)
  8. TNT

    TNT Ensign

    Nov 15, 2017
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    Spawning. Absolutely the stupidest idea of ANY game. Doesn't work even on a 100x100 base spawning a 60x80. Dumb, dumb, dumb. Somebody should get fired for TRYING to implement such nonsense.
  9. CatmanDoes

    CatmanDoes Lieutenant

    Nov 16, 2017
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    I thought mining was bad... why is there no double click for drill permanently-on option?

    However I then discovered what the most horrendous task was when I needed to upgrade my CV's hull from bog-standard steel to combat steel. I think I spent over an hour and a half flying my drone over what is a fairly small CV to upgrade the outer hull, really painful. Wish I could have just thrown all the materials into a container and made the repair bay do it all for me.... even if it'd cost me extra materials it would have been worth it.
    Thundercraft likes this.
  10. old_guy

    old_guy Captain

    May 23, 2017
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    Cargo Handling! Tedious! Tedium! Tediest!

    Now that we have the Multiturret for our HV, it is realistic to disassemble an entire fortress, abandoned mine or other large POI. The blocks go nicely into our harvester box. But then they have to be moved stack by stack via the backpack into other storage to be useful. Yes, the left arrow can unload most of the box into the backpack, but the is no corresponding "right arrow" button to empty the backpack contents into the target--

    From an immersion point of view it makes little sense that cargo management which is workable on Earth in 2017 would be soooo broken in the far future of EGS

    A "right arrow" button would be a great placeholder until the real deal is implemented. When moving large amounts of stuff I offload my usual backback items into a temp container so I can use all available slots, so a right button would not have to discriminate on backpack contents.
  11. Neal

    Neal Rear Admiral

    Nov 23, 2016
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    You know that there is the "replaceblocks" command?

    Btw. don't use the drone for things like that if you value your sanity and value a low blood pressure, lol.
    The drone is terrible sluggish (even worse than 3rd person Character view).
    I use godmode (+1st person) in creative, whenever i build something. Altough you are limited to a plane (meaning you can't work properly overhead) but it is by FAR more precise and much more convenient for your nerves. :)

    I honestly can't even comprehend why ppl. even consider using the drone anyway and why its handling (drone and 3rd person view) is so abyssal terrible. NOTHING is worth using that annoying thing.
  12. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    Spawning a BA blueprint. While much improved already, with the full image and up/dn & forward/back adjustment, it's still a problem since we can't rotate the image to make the best placement. I realize the keys used to rotate blocks are used for forward/back movement. Perhaps the CTRL could be used to switch to rotation for the same keys.
    Pekiti, Thundercraft and ion_storm like this.
  13. Thundercraft

    Thundercraft Captain

    Oct 27, 2017
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    This! Very much so!

    Myself, I think they should try to keep things consistent. Since, in build mode, [Insert] and [Delete] are used to switch rotation axis, [Home] and [End] are to rotate on the selected axis, and [PgUp] and [PgDown] are to raise and lower, I think placing blueprints should be the same way. Though, we don't get to change the rotation axis when placing blueprints since it's always relative to the planet's surface (unless in space). Perhaps, for blueprints, [Insert] and [Delete] could toggle between rotating the facing (Y or vertical axis) and moving forward and backward with the [Home] and [End] keys, like it works currently?

    That is tedious. I have a suggestion:

    How about allowing contents to be associated with a given container? This is actually done in a number of other games. Why not Empyrion?

    Imagine: You've finished building a nice new base or a large CV and you face the daunting task of transferring the contents of many containers from your old base or CV, stack by stack and however many trips are required due to a player's limited inventory space. But, what if we could Disassemble the old container and place it directly in a new base, CV or location - contents and all - without any fuss?

    To be fair, in games where this is possible one would need a way to verify or get some idea that the container has items from the player's inventory (and maybe even a way to examine them), or at least a way to distinguish them from regular containers. Also, containers that have items would not be stackable for obvious reasons. But, again, why not Empyrion?
    Track Driver likes this.
  14. OopsLoops

    OopsLoops Lieutenant

    Nov 5, 2017
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    Least is Flatten terrain (Me too)
    - It's a tiring job. simply.
    - Fill an unexpected place in the inverted pyramid type hole etc,This work does not come to mind
    - Reload occurs frequently (because Vessel's tool can not be used)

    next one is Ferry Vessel(Along with the move of Base etc)
    - There are cases where it is necessary to reciprocate over two or more times. (How to return?)
  15. Pekiti

    Pekiti Lieutenant

    Nov 26, 2017
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    I'm going to agree with Filling & Flattening, especially in Creative mode, where I spend a lot of time trying to design things for my factory later. I got to the point where I started a New Game, equipped my avatar with the tools and charges, and spent two and a half hours creating an essentially flat place to work. I saved the game at dawn, and then made copies of it so I can start with a fresh place to work, and discard each copy as I am finished.

    In regular solo play, I flatten terrain a lot for various strategic and tactical reasons...filling in holes is twice as slow as flattening, and easily the most annoying game mechanic. I'd use it more than I do, if it were faster.
    Thundercraft likes this.
  16. OopsLoops

    OopsLoops Lieutenant

    Nov 5, 2017
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    I agree it. Exactly. Even though I'm trying to make a big cave, I feel this. Make me tired....
    Pekiti likes this.
  17. Slavens

    Slavens Lieutenant

    Jun 26, 2016
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    I've seen a trend on HV handling and I'll chime in with my experience:

    A year ago, good HV design was similar to a boat hull. Keep the base tight and spread out a little as you go up.
    When they introduced the new HV 'flight' mechanic that changed, and drastically. You now need to build 'daddy-long-legs' or 'crab' style. if you move the hover engines far outboard of the center of mass, you'll find that HV can be very stable.

    My single gripe since then is that HVs tend to sink in water and have a very hard time getting out.

    Here are a couple of my current HVs, just to show what I mean:
    Spider Miner

    Spider Scout
    Thundercraft and Jᴧgᴧ like this.
  18. Macbrea

    Macbrea Commander

    Jan 8, 2018
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    Resetting up my bars after dying. Nothing is worse then dying to some creature, rushing in and getting your backpack, only to have to hit tab, click your weapon and put it back on your bar. Can we have an Auto set for our bars? That way if I pick up my pistol it automatically puts it back in slot 1 on my bars. Because, I set that up when I was in a safe place and understood slots 1-5 were Pistol, Assault rifle, Chainsaw, Drill (T2), Multi-tool. You can even make me set those up in the configure screen if you want. That way, I cannot adjust those on the fly.
    monktk likes this.
  19. StyxAnnihilator

    StyxAnnihilator Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    Now several things annoys me (7.5.7):
    When looting animals/NCP's, particularly with drone, movements to loot often breaks the "open" and you have to adjust and "F" again.
    Sometimes difficult to place blocks, the help logic snaps to "wrong" places and shapes/directions.
    HV vessel slow to become standstill, particularly on uneven terrain.
    HV vessel dive under water unless have a jump plate.
    Drone not having own sensitivity settings in Options.
    Not able to use weapons when submerged.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2018
    monktk likes this.
  20. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    for me the least fun is gathering the huge amount of iron/ sathium to get a CV but also using nightvision goggles i have to get out of my CV,SV or HV just to turn them on :/

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