What is the LEAST FUN single-task action in the game right now?

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Jan 26, 2017.

  1. Beeblebrox

    Beeblebrox Ensign

    May 1, 2018
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    Exploration. We need fog of war, or fast travel, or faster ships, or scanning capability with the radar dish.
    spacefarmer likes this.
  2. GlassDeviant

    GlassDeviant Commander

    Jan 10, 2016
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    Picking up ANYTHING that I already have some of in the toolbar.

    It ALWAYS starts a new stack in the inventory rather than adding it to the already existing stack in the toolbar.

    Along the same line, if I have two or more items in any fabricator and the item currently being built is the second item (or third, etc.), and I remove the first item/stack, the fabricator puts the newly built item into the empty first slot instead of stacking it with the identical objects already in the second or subsequent slot.

    So irritating and nonsensical!
    erithil and Sephrajin like this.
  3. GlassDeviant

    GlassDeviant Commander

    Jan 10, 2016
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    Silicon is the third most common element, after oxygen and magnesium, unless you meant "out of the ones you can mine in Empyrion." Oh wait, then it's the second.
  4. GlassDeviant

    GlassDeviant Commander

    Jan 10, 2016
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    You don't remove blocks in Creative Mode with the multi-tool, you hold any block in your hand, then hold down the shift key and right click, poof the target block is gone instantly, even if it's made of combat steel.
    Sephrajin likes this.
  5. GlassDeviant

    GlassDeviant Commander

    Jan 10, 2016
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    Food no, but there are O2 tank expansions for your armour suit. Of course that means you have to sacrifice one or more slots to use them. There are also universal suit plugins that give you several stats including, iirc, extra O2 capacity. Remember, this is a survival game first and foremost, so acquiring food and O2 is an inherent part of the game.
  6. GlassDeviant

    GlassDeviant Commander

    Jan 10, 2016
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    I submitted a comprehensive solution to this problem, but Eleon in their "wisdom" completely ignored the whole thing, didn't even acknowledge its existence.
  7. GlassDeviant

    GlassDeviant Commander

    Jan 10, 2016
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    Yeah, Eleon still hasn't learned the concept of configurable keys/buttons correctly, they have a read hard-on for hard coded key bindings.
  8. Beeblebrox

    Beeblebrox Ensign

    May 1, 2018
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    Since you seem so interested, here is my source. Magnesium is 7th. I saw it on the internet, so it must be true :p.

  9. GlassDeviant

    GlassDeviant Commander

    Jan 10, 2016
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    There are several lists like that on Wikipedia alone and none of them agree. There is a list (two actually) of elements composing the entirety of the Earth, then there is the list of elements appearing on the surface (not the crust, but the actual surface elements that you would be able to acquire without digging deep into the crust), and so on. And then you can also go to sources with less of an erratic history than Wikipedia.

    However it really comes down to the game, which only bears a passing resemblance to reality (come on, iron ore is grey and BLUE in Empyrion!)

    Personally I'm not having any difficulty locating silicon, I have barely started an 0.8 game and already found two surface rocks and discovered that crushed stone can be converted into your choice of iron, copper or silicon, plus there is a nice mineable deposit right near the first wreck you are led to by the starting quest/mission, at least in my game.
  10. Ntslatko

    Ntslatko Ensign

    Apr 26, 2018
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    Moving items from storage to item processors (like food processors, constructors) is annoying and repetitive.
    Having linked storage that occupies adjacent blocks to the item processors would be wonderful.

    e.g. Having fridges that allow the food processor to utilize fridge items would be a nice change.
    Sephrajin and spacefarmer like this.
  11. Russell

    Russell Commander

    Oct 5, 2016
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    That's an old post you responded to and pre suit upgrade - appreciate the effort tho :)
  12. GlassDeviant

    GlassDeviant Commander

    Jan 10, 2016
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    Oh, I've just remembered the one that ticks me off even more than the lack of inventory stacking. Every time you load a game, the Jetpack is disabled. On by default, folks, on by default. There are few situations (underwater, in an elevator) where you would ever want that thing off, the rest of the time it should be on by default, or save the state of the jetpack in the file, or have an item in the Settings that the user can choose to have it on or off by default. Choice is the watch word in game development.
    Last edited: May 16, 2018
    Ballard, jadefalcon and geostar1024 like this.
  13. crimsonedge885

    crimsonedge885 Lieutenant

    Nov 1, 2017
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    Walking around on foot. It was made even less fun in alpha 8 experimental. All they did was drag out the least fun part of the game for me.

    Was a community poll taken that determined that the player base likes starting new games, and having resources fewer and farther between, and having to walk around on foot more than they ever have before, and get hit with 3 status effects from one enemy attack, to ultimately die from getting hit once, because the components to cure the effects are kinda rare?

    This was on normal difficulty, by the way. Been playing since alpha 5, and the alpha 8 experimental start is too hard even on normal difficulty. Got hit once, and got ticked to death from status effects. This is something I would expect to happen on the hardest possible difficulty.

    Resources are spread out really few and far between. I can travel 3-5km and not see a deposit, or POI. When people asked for more exploring, they didn't mean more empty space between resources and points of interest, FYI.
    Last edited: May 26, 2018
    Jazz0411 likes this.
  14. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    There are thousands of trees and rocks all over starter planets. The player just has to make a few step to get resources. We can't get a CV in one hour of frantic grind, but the start is quiet compared to other versions where we had spiders, alien (giant) insect, the shrieking-walking plant, multiple drone attacks, white raptors...

    Grab all plants in reach, cut trees to have biofuel and take all the resources rocks and crushed stones that are all over the place.
    Bollen and Ntslatko like this.
  15. Zyrax

    Zyrax Lieutenant

    Nov 17, 2017
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    The least fun task fo me is building the brick - type vessel to win the fight against another bricks owner. Yeap bricks are least fun part of the game probably...
    Kassonnade likes this.
  16. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    atm in unstable 8.0, id say getting ore, there always guarded now and you dont have armor to start with nor a gun(last time i tried it) sooooo ya >_> shitty way to start but ill push threw it
  17. Ntslatko

    Ntslatko Ensign

    Apr 26, 2018
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    Un-fun Action:
    Trying to place lighting for ships/bases based on the block system.

    Problem it Creates:
    I am finding I can't just build what I want, I have to design around the lighting system.

    Allow lights to be placed on the inside of hollow/thin blocks (and the "wall" block).
    Perhaps a separate tier of lights available in the right-click menu.
    Xzanron and Kassonnade like this.
  18. monktk

    monktk Captain

    May 20, 2017
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    Task: Entering or exiting a vessel - particularly HVs. These should have the potential to be single-action tasks (get in, or get out), but in practice they aren't:

    Stop HV and attempt to exit
    "Please stop the vessel before exiting the cockpit."

    Wait a moment and try again
    "Please stop the vessel before exiting the cockpit."

    Try again because, seriously, it's not moving at all and hasn't for a while
    "Please stop the vessel before exiting the cockpit."

    Sigh, power vessel off and wait for it to stabilize
    *Exit vessel
    *Switch to first person view
    *Turn on suit light

    Actually do the thing you stopped to do

    Return to HV
    *Power HV back up
    *Switch to 3rd person view
    *Start moving while slowly raising hover height back up

    Travel until you see something you want to do

    Stop HV and attempt to exit

    "Please stop the vessel before exiting the cockpit."

    Power vessel off and wait a moment for it to stabilize
    *Exit vessel
    *Switch to first person view
    *Turn on suit light

    Actually do the thing you stopped to do

    Return to HV
    *Power HV back up
    *Switch to 3rd person view
    *Start moving while slowly raising hover height back up

    Over, and over, and over. This sequence is something which irritates me more and more over time. It would be nice if the game would remember whether you had the suit light on when controlling the character. It would be wonderful if it remembered which view mode you were last using when controlling the character. It would be similarly lovely if it remembered which view mode you were last using for a vessel - or vessels in general if that's easier to manage, though I could see people preferring different views for different vessel classes or even different individual vehicles.

    I almost never use 3rd-person view on my character, as the movement actually responds a little differently and with different timings and the way the camera swings when attempting to target things (even to loot them) can be disorienting. I almost never use 1st-person view on a vessel. I don't mind needing to set up the view the first time I enter a new vessel, but needing to do so each and every time we enter or exit just seems unnecessary. Each vessel can remember where I set the 3rd-person view camera, please let it also remember which camera mode I was using, rather than defaulting to 1st because my character is in 1st when I enter, and vice versa.

    The refusal of the thing to actually stop, even if you (slowly) drop hover height to 0, thus forcing you to power down the hover engines and thrusters is a big part of why prior to exp version 8 I used to skip HVs almost entirely - SVs almost never give me this issue. But I really wouldn't be surprised if this is a tough thing to fix, so on its own I'm inclined to be patient there. But it's just one more thing added on top of the frustration of having to reapply view and light settings each and every time I exit or enter.
    Last edited: May 27, 2018
  19. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    Simply put, we need an cockpit exit override; maybe something like "Press SHIFT+F to exit immediately".
    Jazz0411 and monktk like this.
  20. Brimstone

    Brimstone Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2017
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