What is the LEAST FUN single-task action in the game right now?

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Jan 26, 2017.



    Jan 22, 2018
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    Mining simulator mode....... having to dig up unreasonably buried POI vessels I have had to excavate several times from the top layer of the ship middle and back parts before. It took hours. I am pretty much-done spending hours in that kind of immersion. :(
    Jazz0411, Xzanron and zztong like this.


    Jan 22, 2018
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    I wholeheartedly agree with this. The device requires no fuel source so.....
    Jazz0411 likes this.


    Jan 22, 2018
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    Scrap blueprint to factory option would be amazeballs. It should still take time to dismantle the blueprint just the same as it takes time to assemble in the factory.
    Jazz0411 likes this.
  4. Sayak

    Sayak Ensign

    Dec 16, 2017
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    Slideshow during pvp
    Jazz0411 likes this.
  5. Doomtrooper

    Doomtrooper Commander

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Too many different medicines to worry about keeping handy. Half of my inventory is always taken up by various ammos and medicines. Just give me a lvl 25 'Misc' upgrade for some Medical Nanites and I'm good to go!
    Jazz0411, monktk and Cleff like this.
  6. bibop

    bibop Ensign

    Apr 17, 2016
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    Staring at a ground texture close up for litteraly hours (mining).
    Or fighting against the sliding in every direction, and ultimately getting seasick, trying (failing) to mine anything with a HV.

    Also agree with the above, too many medicine, too little use for them.
    Jazz0411, monktk and Doomtrooper like this.
  7. GlassDeviant

    GlassDeviant Commander

    Jan 10, 2016
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    I discovered something about this game a while back when the <P> control panel was new. RCS will mess you up bad.

    When you turn off the engines using the control from the main page of the panel, all it turns off is the Thrusters, nothing else.

    My solution was to make a Group called Propulsion and put all Thrusters, HV Engines, HV Boosters, RCS, etc. into it and assign it to one of the "Custom" buttons on the main panel. You can then either use the button from the panel or assign an unused key to it. Then you just stop your vehicle, trigger the custom toggle, and your HV shuts down all propulsion without affecting lights, weapons, fridges or whatever else you have. It still takes a second to sink down and stop wobbling, especially on rough terrain, but it's the most effective method I've come up with.

    An added benefit is that you can leave the hover height on 3m, but still be firmly "landed" when you want to get out/back in. And of course it's there with weapons ready regardless so you can do whatever mining, harvesting, killing, etc. that you stopped for in the first place.
    monktk likes this.
  8. GlassDeviant

    GlassDeviant Commander

    Jan 10, 2016
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    +1 for too many medicines

    +1 for the entire obnoxious HV mining system. This should have been scrapped a long time ago, and the levels for the autominers switched to something like 10, 15 and 20.
    Jazz0411 and monktk like this.
  9. EightyEighty

    EightyEighty Lieutenant

    Apr 26, 2017
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    Okay, so I enjoy HVs. I also enjoy the mechanic of using HVs to scout around. But as of right now, possibly the least fun thing for me is to repeatedly hold down the "O" key to right my HV after flipping over. (Least fun after the chore of transferring items, anyway.)

    I know, I can spread out my hoverpads for greater stability, make a heavy beast of an HV, etc. But even then, at speed, if I hit a rock the wrong way, over I go. It's immersion-breaking, momentum-halting, and just plain silly.

    I think the problem is that the "suspension" of the hover pads is too stiff. Every change in the ground is immediately translated into a full force against the pad. If we could loosen the suspension a bit, I think that'd help a -lot-. Or, better yet, if we could change the variable for "springiness" in the control panel, that'd be great! Default it to what it is now so that people who don't care won't be affected.

    In a car, if I drive over a rock, the suspension compresses and my tire goes up and over, not the whole car. I think it should work the same for our HVs. With the greater emphasis now on using HVs to scout out planets, I think this is a greater issue.
    Jazz0411 and monktk like this.
  10. hound

    hound Captain

    Sep 15, 2016
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    88 also when you bravely try to traverse a lake and you run over a rock that is on the bottom of "deep water" and it sinks your HV.
  11. EightyEighty

    EightyEighty Lieutenant

    Apr 26, 2017
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    Ha! Exactly! Hovering over a lake shouldn't require bravery!

    I bet this would be addressed in a timely manner if, as a hotfix, they assigned the sad trombone sound to the "O" keybinding.
    Jazz0411 likes this.
  12. GlassDeviant

    GlassDeviant Commander

    Jan 10, 2016
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    This has been my beef since the "new" HV engines came in (and the shitty HV mining system). The original (or at least, the one that was in when I first got the game) HV engines kept you level, period. No matter where you went, you stayed level. Because that's pretty much how hovercraft work, more or less, although because real world HVs use compressed air suspension rather than whatever E:GS HVs use (energy field? antigravity?) you can't traverse elevation differentials greater than a few degrees. In fact the current HVs are SO BAD that Eleon had to prohibit using turrets on SVs to get us to use HVs at all, because the ability to mount turrets is the only useful thing about HVs whatsoever, compared to SVs.
    Jazz0411 and Brimstone like this.
  13. hound

    hound Captain

    Sep 15, 2016
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    Glass but now---with the new turret won't shoot at turret crap happening with targeting on HV's, they have to add heals to hv's to try to get us to use them. I try to lvl past them A LOT, so I don't have to try to go thru FORESTS as thick as hair or have the joy of being upside down most of the time or getting stuck on a tree and having to get out and cut it down because it is stuck in the HARVESTER blades.
    I understand that the game devs have one guy that is absolutely in love with the ground game and thinks that EVERYONE needs to use the HOOOVERS...but make them better, NOT make SV's and CV's worse.
    I have had a running fight for two years with another game where someone on the design team wants EVERYONE to play his way and constantly does nerfs to enforce that, it is not a good way to go.
    Jazz0411 and Brimstone like this.
  14. GlassDeviant

    GlassDeviant Commander

    Jan 10, 2016
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    I can believe it. But there is something I've noticed over the last oh...40 years of playing computer games: Developers that try to force you to play a certain way don't last especially long. Honestly, I don't see E:GS becoming the kind of runaway success that, say, Stardew Valley was. Look at Bethesda games though: Fallout 3, New Vegas, Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 4 all give you tons of stuff to do, and you can do them whatever way you damn well please within the scope of what's available in the game. Basically, no restrictions whatsoever beyond the basic fact that there is a rational limit to what you can stuff into a game world.

    There is a concept that predates computer gaming that comes from tabletop RPGs, called railroading. It refers to forcing players to follow a prewritten script created by the game master, or in the case of video games the developer. This is generally a guarantee of producing a game failure in an open world setting, and really only works in story driven games like Myst, Riven, or something like Life Is Strange.

    Unfortunately E:GS tends to have a significant element of railroading and it's getting worse, especially with the recent changes to resource occurrence, and the pretty much forced progression from walking to motorbike to HV to SV and so on. If it had a smell, the smell would be rotting fish, as it gets worse and worse as time progresses.

    The biggest problem is that E:GS has become more of a building and FPS game than a survival game, and that's what people do: build stuff and fight aliens or other players. Eleon is trying so very hard to push it back into being a survival game. The Long Dark is a survivial game, and it's a damn good one. There's nothing remotely like it. E:GS is not and never will be The Long Dark, and the harder Eleon tries to force it back onto those particular rails, the worse it gets (IMO of course).
    Inappropriate, Jazz0411 and Brimstone like this.
  15. hound

    hound Captain

    Sep 15, 2016
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    It could be a survival game, BUT we have to leave out FORCING players to do something. HV's could be boss...if we could knock trees down and don't flip and don't sink and stay level while mining instead of the weird pull right torque. HV's could be super boss if we could learn the new core and then take off and fly them!!!! But instead we HAVE to force players to use them by not allowing turrets on sv's. And now we have all these constructor issues and requirements...I can't build a SV constructor without building a large constructor to make it? lol WUT
    Here is our current roadmap railroad.....pick flowers and mine surface rocks, lvl three build T1 drill and HV lvl 5 build base to put on suit
    lvl 7 sv lvl 10 warp sv to get mats for CV. What if i want to nomad around half the planet.......well you can't do that because you have to make a Base constructor to make a T2 drill to get any amount of mats. Way too many points of progression that are now MANDATORY.
    I died over 20 times a couple of nights ago because I was playing on a server and was trying to get my backpack. Corpse run over and over...when I found out that I could use the drone on that server in a POI. I was so trained to what I CAN"T do that I had never attempted it even once.
    Jazz0411 and Brimstone like this.
  16. SilvRav

    SilvRav Moderator

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    Jan 13, 2017
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    You comparing released completed games vs a game in alpha development. I am sure the HV will be reworked as its a problem, I agree but at the moment build 8 is playfield focused. Lets hope A9 is a builder focused release.
  17. Damocles

    Damocles Captain

    May 3, 2018
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    POIs that are partly buried, should assure not to have the core underground.
    Its not much fun digging out a structure. But if the player can replace the core, he can mark important devices to scrap and loot from the overview - and then dig directly towards them (more fun).
    Since the core is not randomly placed, it will just punish player who dont already know the layout. Someone knowing where the core is can just quickly dig to it.
    Jazz0411 likes this.
  18. hound

    hound Captain

    Sep 15, 2016
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    Silvrav...without any poo flinging at all and no heat or emotional baggage....It gets really tiring hearing that from game devs. Especially since we are now looking at a release candidate, which means we are gonna be stuck with MOST of what we have now.
    We were given that speech for years in ARK and we still have all the problems we had before release.
    There are numerous other games out there that said the same and some outright lies like No Mans Sky.
    If there wasn't a CONSTANT narrowing of choices that might be believable from a dev as on the ball as ELEON. But we havent seen much if any of game choices being opened up.
    Simple example...bandages being replaced by juice which expires.....Very intense example of narrowing choices and railroading.....I have to find a berry bush and I have to use the potion before it expires. Instead of collecting--from DAY one---any plant fibers I see which are usually quite numerous in every release so far. Instead I have to find a ripe berry bush---which is one out of maybe 20.
    I can't store up heals to go into that first IMPORTANT raid on the abandoned mine because they turn into spoiled food on me.
    We now make lots of things that we know we will never get to use in the food and medicine trees because we HAVE to do that to level and they are GOING to spoil before we can use them.
    We have gone from a disease and health system that we kinda had a grasp on to a system where you just die because you CAN"T stop all 4 effects.
    I have honestly adjusted my playstyle to try to get my portable constructor down and put my stuff in it before I die.....I have almost 100% given up up trying to retain my life because in most situations I can't. And I don't exactly want a degree in xenopharmacology to figure out which medicine out of the 15 or so now available fixes one of the symptoms I just got. So the system we have now just leads to avoiding it all together.
  19. SilvRav

    SilvRav Moderator

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    Jan 13, 2017
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    I think you confusing release candidate with alpha/beta/final release mile stones.

    This RC is for alpha 8 ONLY, not the entire game :p You will get a RC with most major alpha releases. This purely means it its going out of Alpha experimental to just Alpha stable
    EightyEighty and Germanicus like this.
  20. Damocles

    Damocles Captain

    May 3, 2018
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    Its not "railroading". Its a way to increase the complexity of the gameplay by requiring (and learning) how to keep up logistics for a subsystem.
    The player has the choice to pick up things and let them spoil, or pick up things and put them into a fridge for later use. And a decision, if that item should take up the space some other item should use.
    The vehicles can also refrigerate the spoiling items, so the player can safely take them to a mission.
    (Planning and executing effective logistics are a big part of the immersion of sandbox games, not just placing pretty blocks)

    In contrast, what would happen if items dont spoil: the player picks up a bunch of them, crafts the medicine, and the never have to worry about them again. And that would be very linear: pick up, craft, dominate the subsystem.

    If there is just one general "heal all" medipack, the whole Health subsystem get trivial and boring. Just bring a stack of them and forget about any illnesses. That sounds rather boring and lacking a challange. (There might be just the health-bar then)
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2018

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