Both of you are going nuts. Now everybody back up into your corner and think about what you've done. And btw, when i can go to my car mechanic and tell him that there's something rattling in the motor only to come back two hours later to have something completely different fixed then i can do the same with Eleon too. Period.
I couldn't repo the behavior he described. sbp .. Stuck a Polaris A base im .. steel blocks, a turret, an ammo box, ammo, promethium built a tower on the top, stuck the turret on it, put ammo box in the base, loaded it, put ammo in the turret, added power ba w Zirax 100 gm iv and waited Turret pivots 180 degrees and then starts firing. Transports land and start bouncing in place, drones arrive and take out turret and start bouncing, Z troopers use their magic bloop to switch the base ... Easy to repo the bouncing. 8^)
Hey, don't give up so easily! You want to spoil my fun ? Here, look at #2 : I also like " Hey, I played 2000 hours so I'm qualified to say this game sucks"...
Huh, you are actually correct, the problem seems to be fixed. It wasn't the last time I tested this, but turrets seem to aim before they fire now. Don't know when they fixed this, but oh well, I'm not going to complain that one of my biggest pet peeves with the game is gone.
Aside from the occasional annoying NPC, I don't make a habit of shooting everything I see, so I haven't seen this in a while, but I do recall it happening, specifically with arty turrets. I just blamed this on not having T1-T4 Targeting Computer modules for an extra 10-50k CPU and 15-65k power usage being invented yet and moved on with my simulated life. At the end of the day, this is still very much a Work-In-Progress, not a final-release Road-to-Master, or even 2nd generation final product. There are going to be glitchy, buggy things that happen. Your e-parts will not fall off because you're playing a not-yet-finished game and something doesn't work quite right.