Which of the mining device categories do you think works the best in GENERAL?

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Nov 4, 2020.


Which of the mining device categories do you think works the best in GENERAL?

  1. Handheld Drills (includes using the Player Drone)

    13 vote(s)
  2. HV Fixed Drill

    1 vote(s)
  3. HV Turret Drill

    3 vote(s)
  4. SV Fixed Drill

    4 vote(s)
  5. CV Fixed Drill

    4 vote(s)
  6. CV Turret Drill

    9 vote(s)
  1. TheGazbeard

    TheGazbeard Lieutenant

    Jul 1, 2021
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    CV's don't manouevre in the holes in asteroids ... they simply eat the whole asteroid and get four ores at once - the rock goes through small constructors to make iron, copper and silicon, and the "main ore" of the asteroid goes off to make ingots in the advanced constructor.

    The trick is to keep a stock of rock on the CV to tell 3 constructors to make the iron, copper and silicon once, then they just keep going as the extra rock comes in from the asteroids your ship is eating.

    If you think a CV can't be manouevrable around an asteroid it's mining - download the blueprint for Jeff Randall's Nemesis. It's a battlecruiser that I use to kill Tovera Dreadnoughts AND mine asteroids (though not at the same time).
    japp_02 likes this.
  2. japp_02

    japp_02 Commander

    Feb 11, 2021
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    yes, your arguments have many positive points in reply to my post. It has been some time, but today I'd say that I have underestimated what you get out from Autominers if you fuel them with Plasma fuel; they easily hit > 3000 ores before they need re-fueling and yielding even more, meaning that they are quite better than asteroids, because asteroids are limited compared to the many ore deposits on planets. At the time of my post my number '800' was reflecting hand-drill mining as for my experience, but I think if you play well the early game you can soon afford at least a T1 autominer greatly enhancing ore extraction.
    And from what you say, I have to take a new look to CV mining entirely.

    But overall I realize that I missed the main question: It was about how easily all this works, not what yields the most.
    From what I have played (with exception of CV mining which I only did once with a Multiturret to retireve materials, not ores), all techniques work well as for their purpose, but asteroid mining seems to have been considerably nerfed recently in that most enemy destroyer/carrier ship routes cross the most valuable asteroid locations, it's s a big error to park your CV near an asteroid because it will soon be attacked! Also drones seem to be more frequent now to protect their space sector zones, especially minable asteroids, btw the same is true planetside, and all this at easy difficulty settings.
    It can be a lot of fun to mine Sathium asteroids with a fast and small mining SV - or even in first person leaving your SV or with your personal drone - while observing in the map that a big carrier ship is approaching your position...How many ores will you get before you have to escape? It's a big fun :)
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2022
  3. idx64

    idx64 Lieutenant

    Jul 25, 2019
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    Manual I think it is better for simulating survival, it would be good for the drone to have its own tools and I would add a zoom as well. Hovers, would replace them by vehicles with wheels all my life, but it is a question of tastes, I use HV`s just to move at the beginning, with the SV already dismantled it the HV that does not work for nothing else, adding that when it crashed with a Bush turns around and that is very annoying. The SV is vital that has drills to not die by drones or destroy the ship in space. There are many players who use the HV to get under the Dron bases, and from certain places you can locate the core easternly by seeing through the blocks for an error that should be fixed.-

    I'm not responsible for the bad translation of Google.-

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