Help needed Windows and base temperature

Discussion in 'Questions, Discussions & Feedback' started by kittyspam, Jun 14, 2023.

  1. kittyspam

    kittyspam Ensign

    Apr 15, 2023
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    So moving to starting on the ice planet - did well but died and lost some items (I had set myself to loose everything on death) so restarted and as I felt like I understood things more now used the akua starter base I built in creative mode rather than making a less "nice" base.

    One problem - for some reason the base doesn't increase temperature when I move inside which on the ice planet is a major problem. Found I had two locations above the door I had left windows out of but took care of that by placing windows. Base ran out of power while I was doing this - but I repowered it. But still temperature inside the base is -24...I did note the doors don't have the force field effect on opening but not sure what that is about. Looked everywhere and I saw no holes - used show airtight blocks and everything looked air tight (assuming I am interpreting the ui correctly).

    Do you loose insulation on a base if you have two many windows? Base is akua starter base under my name on steam in the workshop I made it public so everyone can look at it... you will have to place two windows above the vertical doors in workshop version.

    Any help appreciated. Thanks!
  2. TwitchyJ

    TwitchyJ Commander

    Mar 4, 2022
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    If it won't hold a safe temperature then it can only mean 2 things.

    1. Structure is powered off.
    Needs powered on to regulate temperature.
    Once it's on it will slowly come to safe temp (couple degrees a second or so).

    2. You have a leak, or non airtight block, somewhere in the exterior.

    Not all doors are airtight.
    Things like weapons, fuel tanks, etc, are not usally airtight.
    Look in the block or devices description to see if airtight or not.
    Terrain is also not airtight.

    Most likely a leak since you even said the door doesn't have the forcefield effect and it would if it was an airtight model.

    If you can't find it then we need you to take a new blueprint exactly how it is in your current save and share it with us.
    Don't use the blueprint from before you spawned it if you modified it at all, we need exactly how it is in your save.
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2023
    imlarry425 likes this.
  3. imlarry425

    imlarry425 Captain

    Jan 10, 2019
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    Another thing to look at is the use of the "N" menu, specifically the debug tab. In that you'll find two options related to visualization that help in verifying your structures are airtight.

    "Show Oxygen" will fill the structure with blue O2 octahedron if it has an active ventilator, has enough O2 in the tank, is airtight, and the Oxygen switch in the P menu is enabled. You may not need O2 systems in your current base, but generally speaking if you want to be able to drop it anywhere you might want to consider them. The show oxygen option is really helpful when building a CV or an SV/HV with areas you can walk around in.

    "Show Airtight Blocks" displays all blocks with the airtight property as a simple green cube. Look for devices like those described by @TwitchyJ above & when you find them focus your attention there to figure out how to patch the leak. As mentioned, taking a temp blueprint of the structure into a creative game to spawn, preferably in space, gives you easy access to everything while you examine and repair your build. After that blueprint again to overwrite the version with the leak.
  4. kittyspam

    kittyspam Ensign

    Apr 15, 2023
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    hmm are the vertical doors air tight two right next to each other? They were not appearing as green blocks in the mode as I looked - I could see the door and the snowy land through it...
  5. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Generally, the glass doors are not airtight. The metal ones are. If you can see through it, then generally it is not airtight. I'd pick it up, use RMB to choose a door style that is mostly metal instead of mostly glass, and put it back down.
  6. imlarry425

    imlarry425 Captain

    Jan 10, 2019
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    When you do that (hit RMB to pick the door) there is text describing each one and "airtight" is one of the features. Stay toasty!
  7. kittyspam

    kittyspam Ensign

    Apr 15, 2023
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    Checked the door in creative mode and that was the problem - replaced the door and added windows then updated the blueprint (my steam name is the same name as here). No idea how people make the amazing ship designs everything I do is boxy...
  8. imlarry425

    imlarry425 Captain

    Jan 10, 2019
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    Empathy- everybody has been there and many/most are still build shoeboxes. That said, if you find particular builders whose work you like and spawn in their blueprints, the Zirax are more than happy to give you (ahem) repair opportunities that'll make you familiar with block shapes by osmosis.

    Although they are several years old, I heartly recommend spanj's build academy series, as well as his more recent how to build, and chillin & buildin vids ... he's prolific, funny, & well worth a visit. Here's a recent one to jump in with (HOW TO BUILD ANYTHING!! | Beginners Guide | Empyrion Galactic Survival - YouTube) ... just take a peek around and you'll find lots of material covering various topics. Likewise you can find several other block artists (Jeff Randall comes to mind) over on youtube with a little searching- have fun.

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