YOUR top 10 survival starter tips for NEW players!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Hummel-o-War, Jun 25, 2018.

  1. StyxAnnihilator

    StyxAnnihilator Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    10 Tips for noob/newb single players (EDIT: Most versions, changed some text).

    0. Watch some Lets Plays and read posting like this.
    1. Check out key bindings, maybe change some.
    2. Select Easy difficulty on Tempered planet.
    3. Follow Robinson Protocol (or whatever in-game tutorial available) until understand the basics, check out info in PDA.
    4. Learn what resources are to be gathered and found. Also overall recipe understanding so can craft/construct stuff progressively.
    5. F5, your personal Drone! Figure out the uses. Can need some training to master it.
    6. Learn game mechanics; XP, tech tree, constructors, factions, missions, BluePrints, Workshop, logistic system (F4), menus, buttons, options.
    7. Learn POIs and how to take the core and what resources they can give, positions to Alien Containers.
    8. Find out how you like to play, then find strategies accordingly, how you progress and build (or use others).
    9. Be prepared to use some time to learn the ropes, to handle dying and loosing vessels/bases, workings of creatures and NCPs.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2020
    johnietoth1967 and TK85 like this.
  2. loc978

    loc978 Ensign

    Aug 23, 2019
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    1. Definitely start on a temperate planet, you don't want to manage oxygen right off the starting line on your first run.
    2. Figure out the constructor interface, the level up interface, and the difference between your suit survival constructor and a portable constructor.
    3. Figure out food. Forage plants, read all the tooltips on 'em, make some energy bars.
    4. Figure out ores and wood. Harvest rocks and trees with your survival tool.
    5. Make a weapon or two. Best thing your portable constructor can make is a basic shotgun and a chainsaw. Copper and wood make ammunition... also, your survival tool is a better weapon than a pistol.
    6. Start murdering wildlife, so long as you're in neutral territory. Good XP and your portable constructor can turn them into steak.
    7. Make a hover vessel, power it with biofuel made from harvested wood, give it lots of thrusters and lots of container space. Container controller+extensions. Use it as a mobile base so that you don't need to defend anything from coordinated attacks too early.
    8. Avoid antagonizing Talon (green) or Polaris (blue), try not to get within a few hundred meters of Zirax (red) bases. They have big guns that shoot very far.
    9. Explore and loot/salvage neutral POIs (white map markers)
    10. Once you're comfortable with combat and you have the resources, build a base. Be ready to defend it pretty much immediately. Don't underestimate the usefulness of sentry guns for guarding angles that are hard to cover with big turrets... but have at least one minigun or cannon turret. Keep that ammo box topped up, and know what ammo you need for what turret.
  3. CrimsonJackel

    CrimsonJackel Ensign

    Aug 26, 2019
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    a good tip that I always made use of, is to find a mineral deposit near a lake, then drill down at an angle into it, and use the underground hole now dug out, to build a cheaper base, especially with all the crushed stone you now have that can be made into concrete. Underground bases are far more resilient against drone attacks, BUT, will not protect you against dropships. plan to have solar panels outside somehow, and erect defense turrets nearby asap. Alternatively, using one of the crashed ships to set up a temporary base can also serve as an effective base and you will never have to install a core, which will mean drones and dropships will generally leave you alone while you gather materials.

    If you want to level up quickly, a quick starter hv with a harvester module mounted on the front will allow you to easily drive around and kill spiders and other monsters without any concern for ammo or personal injury. I was hunting golems on another game with one such hv and it was rediculously cheap to build. Got me to level 8 before I ever needed to invest in a base, and that was only to have a place to store all the crap I couldnt fit in my hv. Im partial to the Tier4 blueprint of the red HV with the twin minigun turrets as it is fast, efficient, decently armored, and also has a harvester module.

    on a similar note, Blueprints are your friend. Its far easier to get used to building things in creative, create a blueprint, then use that blueprint in survival to give your creation life, primarily because you have unlimited resources in creative, and you can dismantle a structure as many or as few times as you please before calling it finished, wheras in survival, using the multitool costs ammo that quickly becomes precious, as well as time spent playing with the design of a craft or structure can mean lots of lost food.

    When you start, you will be given a basic starter survival multitool that has a few basic functions. Make a decent weapon ASAP and use the multitools attack function on nearby trees, to gather wood. The attack function also allows you to chop down trees for wood, which can be turned into plant fibers, and thus, into biofuel.
    Deadalready and johnietoth1967 like this.
  4. StyleBBQ

    StyleBBQ Captain

    Apr 21, 2016
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    For A10

    1) Follow the Robison tutorial (on-screen pop-up).
    -> don't worry if you do something out of order, you can go into the PDA and manually chk-box if you've already done something.
    2) Have -2- Survival Tools on your belt (can make for free in 'suit constructor'. One set to Defense, other set to Resource, for drilling surface rocks.
    3) Keep an eye out for gentle sloping into water Swamp biome areas; likely to find seaweed right near shore in waist deep water. Seaweed provides plant protein for food. You don't have a 'real' suit yet, so no O2 so not able to scuba dive to gather lots of seaweed, yet.
    4) Don't unlock Tech-Tree items willy nilly. Check first if you can even make it, there are quite a few things that either can only be made in Base/CV only Large Constructors, or require advanced materials you don't have yet.
    -> don't unlock same thing for multiple places unless needed.
    -> don't unlock the Suit Locker (needed to put on any real suit) for a BA until mid-late-game; use the Locker for HV/SVs.
    5) Rush getting the Light Armor Suit. It adds Jump Jets that are very helpful for scouting, fighting, etc. Also adds O2 capacity so you can dive in lakes to gather lots of seaweed and a couple other resources (look for anything Blue).
    6) While the Motorbike is useful, even a really tiny HoverVessel (HV) is quite a bit more useful.
    7) -Don't- turn all of your Pentaxid <Edit: Promethium into Fuel Cells! You'll need Pentaxid <Edit: Promethium to make MultiTool and Drill Charges.
    8) Even though it can be a pain, keep placing down the Survival Constructor to make more Bio-fuel.
    -> likewise don't forget to place & power the Oxygen Generator every night to make more O2 canisters.
    9) When considering where to start your first 'built-it-meself' Base, these are some main bits;
    --> Far away from Zirax. Distance factors into how often your base gets attacked, so, until you have an idea what it takes to defend...
    --> Near water. Ideally near a body that has 'Deep Water' since there are resources that only spawn in deep water.
    --> Near deposits of all three main resources, Iron Copper Silicon.
    --> For Defense, building in a flat area is better. It's best if Base turrets can engage at max range to take out Drones/TroopTranports. And if you build next to a hill enemys will come over the hill at some point and be right on top of you.
    -->---> not saying building -in-to- a mountain isn't viable, but that's not really a first couple games/days thing.
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2019
    Ambaire, TK85 and stanley bourdon like this.
  5. Atomino

    Atomino Captain

    Aug 17, 2019
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    From me a culinary tip for the first days on the surface: “Trou du cul de poulpe”......deep fried and served with radioactive asparagus it is like haute cuisine......

    Lord Ganjanoof, tachyon and byo13 like this.
  6. Samoja

    Samoja Commander

    Jun 6, 2019
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    Crashed Titan is a great early source of armor plates for your first HV/SV, i would recommend a multitool in salvage mode, you get less armor plates but you can get them long before you can build a deconstructor, with this armor plates you can upgrade your vehicle and hive it far more durability then it would otherwise have this early in the game.

    EDIT: Unfortunately this is no longer accurate on new version of the game, since Crashed Titan is now on the moon, but from what i can see there will always be a derelict UHC dart near the spawn, as well as UHC vessel tied to a quest, so once the quest is over here is no reason not to help yourself to some materials from that wreck and fix up the dart.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2020
  7. fa_q2

    fa_q2 Commander

    Oct 30, 2019
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    Press F5. Often.

    Seriously, noting at all changed my early game experience like discovering I had a free scout, miner and all around safe option to do pretty much anything. How is this not made explicitly clear on starting a new game is beyond me :D
    byo13, StyxAnnihilator, Spoon and 3 others like this.
  8. Love Is Flash

    Love Is Flash Captain

    May 26, 2020
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    Everything is simpler than it seems:
    1. Do not listen to anyone, not even me:)
    2. This is a sandbox, you are free to do what you want, but you are responsible for the consequences, ALWAYS REMEMBER THIS.
    3. Do not break the closest points of interest to the landing site ... these are all quests.
    4. Whether or not to make quests is your choice ... personally, when we started playing EGS we did not do quests and knew everything ourselves! But if it’s difficult for you to complete the quest lines ... They are quite well done and explain a lot.
    5. If you do not like to suffer, then most likely you were mistaken in the game.
    6. It’s interesting to play one, but it’s better to play in a group
    7. The first thing you need to learn about this weapon (shotgun, assault rifle) is the key to survival.
    8. As soon as possible, build your own base of at least concrete.
    9. REMEMBER! After landing, every creature that flies, crawls or swims wants to kill you! (c) Avatar
    10. Get a useful tool and vessels right tools make life easier
    Actual for version Alpha 12.x
  9. Booyaah

    Booyaah Captain

    Sep 7, 2015
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    Protip: You don't need to build a chainsaw or bio fuel to get wood.

    Use the defense mode on your survival tool to chop down trees. It's basically the same speed.
    johnietoth1967 likes this.
  10. byo13

    byo13 Captain

    Jul 13, 2020
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    1. Jetpack. I fell to death or was stranded in space so many times before I realised that J key.

    2. Helmet light. **ashamed** I used to bring a portable light everywhere before pressing L for the first time.

    3. I almost gave up because of constant hunger until I watched a video explaining the portable constructor and how to make food.

    4. I don't know if they are there in all starting planets but you'll find damaged vessels that are life saviours early on.

    5. Trading weapons and armor boosts in orbital stations will be essential to make money (credits). Also I never used the teleporter in Orbital Station and I recommend checking it out because you'll get to the planet station where you can sell even ordinary weapons there. Chainsaws are also valuable items to sell.

    6. I never understood the save slot mechanisms. Sometimes saves get overrwritten because of the timestamp of the save slots, autosaving after your death or in awkward situations. Now I tend to save, wait one minute or more and then move ahead because if you get killed in the same minute you saved before entering a dangerous situation your save is gonna get overwriten. So, before a possible threat, save, wait a while and then move.

    7. Jetpacks in space are not restrained by gravity so you are free to move. It took me a while to figure it out and when I did it made a huge difference in mining Ore Meteors and entering dangerous POI.
  11. Lord Ganjanoof

    Lord Ganjanoof Commander

    Jun 12, 2020
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    Depending on how long you want to spend learning the game :

    1) Set difficulty to Easy or even "Baby" (Easy + no drones) for the first time
    2) Second time make it Easy, resource rich is always good to learn things before a new version will make your savegame unplayable.
    3) Save quite often, when achieving a safe spot/state of completion, save twice.
    4) Delete you old saves because they tend to become heavy with numbers.
    5) You have a drone. It's a copy of yourself that can perform almost everything as you. Hit F5.
    6) There is a Factory. It's like a constructor but is not a constructor. It's supernatural and it builds entities (bases, ships). Hit F2. You can build 'blueprints' and store huge amounts of materials in the factory, even if you don't produce a blueprint. You cannot retrieve from the factory afaik.
    7) Use creative mode and learn how to play with blueprints. Blueprints from teh community are downloaded via the Steam workshop. Many talented people have done better than what you could dream of. However, building your own is a goal. These will help you also in this matter.
    8) Use the console, learn 'gm', 'di', 'prefabinfo', 'spawnanyblueprint'. Do not abuse of 'changemode' on a regular Survival savegame, it could literally break the landscape. Favor new savegames and worlds for creative mode building purposes.
    9) When building, press 'N'. It will allow you to use symmetry, and will allow 'Undo' in creative mode plus many other useful things.
    10) When exploring the galaxy (other star systems), activate 'territory view' (also in every planet map). Favor grey systems at first (thy're not controlled and this will allow for easier resource collection).
    11) At the very start, you'd be better build and run many portable constructors (cost : 3 iron ore each, build with survival constructors). While they can only build a limited set of things and are quite slow, they're literally for free and they do not need power to work. Use 6 at least, you'll see ! Later, they will allow to process simple things even in tons while you will be exploring far away from your base. Crushed stone to cement, wood logs to fuel. They need to be settled on terrain (not base) but you can hack the thing and protect them with blocks (eg bridge).
    12) Use multiple bases in the same location instead of a very big base. You cannot connect them with blocks but with proximity. Even better with tunnels underground. This will allow to outrun the shameful 15 solar panels limit of the standard config and it will save you alot of fuel and worries.
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2020
    Thor'sHammer and StyxAnnihilator like this.
  12. The Big Brzezinski

    The Big Brzezinski Captain

    Nov 4, 2019
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    Never use switches in POIs.

    Never use switches in POIs.

    You don't need so much lateral thrust.

    You don't need a constructor on your fighter SV. Just take a portable.

    You don't need a weapons array on your cargo SV. Just take a sniper rifle.

    I see you eyeing that switch. Don't touch it.

    Always keep your medicine supply handy.

    You don't need to take every little block with you. Just grab the good stuff and move on.

    Your F5 drone makes a fine expendable scout, especially indoors.

    Did you not hear me about those POI switches? Are you trying to get us all blown up?
  13. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    I just kinda feel like adding in again:

    1. Take your time. Getting to space is fun. But not fun if you immediately get waxed because you haven’t figured out how to avoid enemies, or forgotten to upgrade your armor for life in a vacuum.

    2. In your free time watch the YouTube play through a.

    3. Don’t rush the first base building. Explore and pick a good spot. An underground/in a mountain base has its benefits, and its challenges.

    4. Peruse the Steam Workshop for vessels, if you don’t use them specifically, the designs will inspire you.

    5. Use the F5 drone! It’s great for scouting, mining, salvaging.

    6. Become an anti-environmentalist. Kill every animal that moves. Bathe in their parts. You need em for food and exp.

    7. When you find wrecks with O2 tanks and Fuel tanks, you can take the fuel and air out for your own use before salvage.

    8. Don’t feel pressured to play any particular way. If you enjoy building, then build. If you enjoy fighting; then fight. There is no “wrong way”.

    9. Keep a note pad handy. It is useful for noting what items you need, what traders are willing to buy, what systems you may need to revisit to finish mining.

    10. Always take extra food and bandages.
    Thor'sHammer, Spoon and Love Is Flash like this.
  14. Spoon

    Spoon Captain

    Jun 27, 2020
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    Why not mate?

    Quite tip if you need to mine some asteroids and you don't have an EVA boost. Put your vessel close to the asteroids and mine close to it. Keep the vessel running. When you get too cold just stand on one of the thrusters for a bit, it will soon warm you up.
    Thor'sHammer and byo13 like this.
  15. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    My first base I made was within the first 10 mins of my first game!
    I dug a hole as it was night time and the sounds didn't help. I plopped my portable constructor down and I lived in that cave for a long time. Hunting for food in the day and hiding in the hole at night, as bad things lurked outside at night! :eek:
    You had to mine the ore deposits. Rocks were useless to you then.
    You think the bike is bad today! Well it's only a little better today :rolleyes:
    Alright I'm done being nostalgic :)
    I know I went off topic again.:D
  16. byo13

    byo13 Captain

    Jul 13, 2020
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    Because I just didn't know how to use the map properly and because I was too far away that it never showed itself.
    I learned that it was there later in the game browsing the teleport destinations lol.

    I always get closer to the asteroid and mine it myself even today.
    That was a nice trick with the thruster there. Thanks.

    Another advice would be always have a supply of bandages and anti radiation oilment when mining like that. And take a look at your armor minimum/maximum temperature and how you can improve it (boosts).
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2020
  17. fa_q2

    fa_q2 Commander

    Oct 30, 2019
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    Yes, learned that the hard way. All those shiny things I planned on salvaging and they just vanished *cry
    Deadalready likes this.
  18. Dragen3

    Dragen3 Lieutenant

    Jan 18, 2017
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    Only problem with this list is sometimes you do need to use switches in Points of Interests for best results.

    Although you should definitely take a multi-tool and look around to see what kinds of blocks and objects are around before using a Switch. Sometimes you will even get names of the Switch that can help you identify if they should be used.

    While some Point of Interest Creaters may take advantage of the looking around thing (and you should absolutely make a note of any Points of Interest that do)

    A switch called "Treasure Room" is probably worth pulling but one called "Self Destruct" (or variants of that such as Boom, Explosives, Fireworks, Good Bye, Parking Lot) should only be pulled if you can not find any other options.
  19. Deadalready

    Deadalready Lieutenant

    Jul 17, 2020
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    1. Use the tutorial, it's actually good now!
    2. Don't listen to the tutorial when it says "make an oxygen condenser" first, instead make a portable constructor... the tutorial backwardly forgets to tell you that you need a portable constructor to make FUEL to power your oxygen creator, leaving you out of precious early game resources, run to water and find out you can't actually turn on your new Oxygen Condenser!!!
    3. Build/unlock in this order portable constructor, shotgun, oxygen condenser (if on low o2 planet), heater
    4. Don't be afraid to build temporarily, whether it be a base/HV/SV/CV because it's possible to repurpose those resources into a new blueprint.
    5. A good HV at level 5 will completely change everything, at level 5 it's possible to have a fridge, Gatling gun, harvester, constructor and a bit more!
    6. Build multiple constructors, have at least 3 making biofuel and others converting ore into ingots. Even at high level keeping a portable constructor on your craft could save your life!
    7. USE THE BLUEPRINT SYSTEM! I've known several players who insisted they hand build everything, who achieved a fraction of other players in the same time. It's as much a tool as the survival tool and constructor, to ignore it is to waste a big part of what makes Empyrion amazing.
  20. Annimar Telesh

    Annimar Telesh Lieutenant

    Jun 21, 2020
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    1. Craft a few portable constructors. Keep one of them permanent with you.
    2. In a non-breathable atmospheres the same with oxygen condensers.
    3. Do not build more than you need. There is still enough time later for oversized palaces and huge ships.
    4. Make sure you always have enough bandages.
    5. Learn the uses and effects of all plants. (I've seen people die next to the plant that would have saved their lives)
    6. Watch LetsPlays and learn from the mistakes you see. You don't have to do ALL yourself.
    7. Watch LetsPlays and learn a few tricks. You may never find out some of them yourself.
    8. Use your drone. It can do SO much for you.

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