Feedback Required Your TOP3 MOST WANTED feature addition or change?

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Hummel-o-War, Sep 26, 2019.

  1. Agente Tievos

    Agente Tievos Ensign

    Jul 10, 2019
    Likes Received:
    1. Cave net
    2. Impact physics(so asteroids can damage your ship on impact or make huge craters on planet impact)
    3. More intelligent/Less stupid/ Less "Basic" enemy IA

    4. Systems with Black Holes or Neutron Stars
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2020
  2. markis007

    markis007 Lieutenant

    Oct 5, 2018
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    Improvements to signals:
    - Any device that draws power should be able to be turned off i.e. deactivated or powered down
    - Any device that can be activated/deactivated should automatically generate the equivalently named transmission signal for when active or not
    - P-Menu Custom Shortcuts and Signals should be merged into one type which exposes both a shortcut and a signal
    daddychillin likes this.
  3. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Making the game more logical, more creative, more enjoyable and not effecting any current builders creativity.

    New Starter cores with new flight controls.
    Some starter cores can have extra special features to truly specialize the vessels and give players really really motivating reasons to build on the new cores, this idea DOES NOT EFFECT ANY CURRENT CORES IN THE GAME, so requires no balancing of those current cores already in the game and also means no ships already built on those cores will need updating, they will all still work as intended.

    New Cores for planets under gravity.

    Tier one tech level to be changed to correlate with the tech levels, so the first stage is about the Atmo cores and learning to beat gravity and get off the planet.

    Prop atmo core with prop flight controls. - Think WW2 Era prop planes.

    Atmo fighter jet starter core with atmo jet flight controls. - Fastest Atmo aircraft. Better fuel efficiency. Thrusters facing rear get a x4 boost. So you place 1 thruster on this type of core and it has 4x the thrust. Thats how you truly specialize this games aircraft.

    Dont need an Atmo Bomber as the space SV bomber will cover its role.

    Atmo Stealth Jet starter core. - First step to space tech - 1 in 10 hit rate for missiles fired at it.

    Tier 2 tech level is about Solar system tech, and working your way up to Warp tech to leave the solar system.

    Cores for space SV.

    SV Drop ship Core. - Specialised ship with extra thrust multiplier to thrusters pointing downwards. For carrying HVs to surface.

    SV Bomber. - Can carry more weapon systems and defensive systems like Flares.

    SV Logistics. - Sketchy on enemy radars, Specialized radars with longer ranges and the ability to paint a target with a lazer for a long range cruise missile. Something else the game needs, cruise missiles we can program to hit any position on a planet. Like set waypoint as target sort of thing.

    SV Fighter - uses current SV core.

    Cores for Space CV.

    CV current starter core - Use as the Logistics CV only limiting factor is lowering its speed to 100m/s max.

    CV Frigate starter core. - Size limited, small, you can do whatever you like to that size with any CV blocks. No speed limit.

    CV Destroyer starter core. - Size Limited, medium, you can put any CV blocks on this core. No speed limit.

    CV Battleship starter core. - No size limit, the building grid is the limit. You can put any CV blocks on this core type. Max speed is 20 m/s under potential top speed of any CV.

    CV Mining starter core. - A ship for hauling HUGE amounts of MASS. Very hard to turn, slow turn rate, slow yaw rate, slow roll rate, but can carry huge cargo loads of ore and not be to slow. x4 Armour boost to all blocks attached to this core type, only gatt guns can be fitted to this core. 120 m /s top speed.

    Multiple new categories on workshop for the new core types, let people go crazy building new toys and this system gives people a solid reason to really want to build on the new cores, they have true special abilities.

    Now they are just some examples of how incredibly specialized we could actually make this game, right now if the devs so choose.
    Right now, Empyrion really does not have any proper specialization, it has a breaking down of the current tier levels through CPU which is fine and wont effect this proposal at all, but we should not kid ourselves, CPU is not specialization but could help make specialization much more complex and interesting if used with this proposal.......

    That is literally just touching the surface of whats possible, imagine what YOU, the public would come up with if asked to contribute towards what special features each core should have.....imagine that, actual feedback on what people want in there flight controls and the specialized cores.

    Thats the direction Empyrion should consider going.

    There is no reason the game cant have new starter cores with proper flight controls and special abilities, its what the game should have had from day one, and it follows precisely how the devs did flight controls from day one, which means the code to do this , is already there in the game, its literally just cloning a starter core and changing the flight parameters for that core.

    And if you want to have specialized blocks that can only go on that type of ship or core , like is already in the game also, then they are just simple rules, of which the game also already has a ton of.

    There is no technical reason this wont work.

    This can be used to much better balance the game.
    This feature gives the devs an unparalleled amount of control over the direction they want to take the game, the devs can literally do ANYTHING with a system like this, including introduce a special ship on a special core they designed just for End Game.
    They also have the ability to add a new core or starter block / flight controls at literally any time in the future after this feature is in.

    Do you have an imagination ?
    Imagine what they could do with that, from April fools jokes to the core of the games story, nothing comes close to how awesome this feature would be and only a serious lack of imagination cant see that.

    This can all work with CPU.

    If your looking to truly open this game up to alot more people and sales, Flight Controls sets Will do that, it opens the game to another genre of player, one we have ignored completely for far to long.
    That genre is literally begging for a game with flight controls where they can build there own planes........
    Money for jam.

    Consider what a new video on the sales page could do if it displayed all those building and flight possibilities, almost every War Thunder player would snap up a copy.........and thats literally just one game in that genre.

    Feature 1, new specialized cores.
    Feature 2, flight controls on those cores.
    Feature 3, Workshop category upgrade.

    Bonus feature 4 - Cruise Missiles.
    markis007 likes this.
  4. So tell me again how exactly this "doesn't affect current cores in the game"? Your idea literally completely breaks the workshop and turns all current SV's into fighters. Your idea literally forces people into using multiple cores just to get what they already have. Why would we ever want this?
    You have 15 different cores listed above just for SV and CV. How in your mind does this not completely break the workshop? It's FAR worse than what CPU did to the workshop. FAR WORSE.

    Why should the core determine the amount of thrust coming from thrusters? How does that make any sense?
    Why should the core in any way affect the turning rate?
    Why should the core determine max speed?
    Etc? Etc? Etc?

    Sorry, but this idea is just a big no from me. You are literally making things complicated just for the sake of making them complicated. None of this in any way seems like it would make the game more fun at all.
    It certainly doesn't "make the game more logical", it's the opposite. It makes it more far more confusing.

    I completely understand what you are trying to do, don't get me wrong. Just don't keep claiming that your way wouldn't be extremely confusing compared to what we have currently, and don't think your way wouldn't completely break the workshop the same way you say CPU did.
    I personally have zero interest at all in your proposal, no offense, I just have no desire to have to wade through dozens and dozens of cores just to build a vessel.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 5, 2020
    Jacoviz, empyrio, Albert and 2 others like this.
  5. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    It does not effect any of the current cores, I dont know why you find that hard to figure out.

    This is literally just adding more with unique abilities.

    CPU broke over 60,000 workshop builds, the proposal above does not break a single build and works with CPU.
    The cores we use now dont change or get removed other than a couple of top speed limits to suit that class.

    What your trying to do is cause concern for something you simply made up in your own head.
    Read the proposal again, it clearly states it does not effect any of teh current cores.

    You have right now, 2 flight controls sets, one is a clone of the other, SV and CV, thats it mate.

    Why not add more, thats all this proposal is, literally.
    And since it does not effect current cores, those who dont care for it, it wont bother, wont effect, wont force them to do a single thing.

    But when you see, some of the truly unique and awesome things possible under that proposal, popping up on workshop, be honest, tell me you would not be tempted to want to use one of the new cores to have some of those unique abilities on your ships ?

    You know, like an SV drop ship that can actually handle all heavy grav planets easily carrying an SV to the ground......

    Why tie things to the starter core you ask, well, thats a simple one to answer, thats precisely how the developers have done it in Empyrion from day one.
    Your starter cores are what your flight control parameters are bound too, you as a player have NO access to any of those parameters.
    The developers program them and they are behind an iron curtain.
    This is how it has been from day one, 2013, the inception of the game.
    To change that now would be a fundamental core code change, not going to happen.
    All games tie the flight controls to their aircraft the same way.
    The only way to separate, and have distinct flight controls in Empyrion IS to do it through the starter core blocks, as it was done in the first place, that means players could be choosing from multiple starter cores, to whatever one they want to suit the build they want to create.
    Is that to hard to imagine ?
    Is that to hard to permit others to have ?
    Does it annoy you others want to make the game far more diverse ?
    I dont get it ?

    Right now, the starter cores flight controls effect your turn rate, they effect your speed pick up rate, your yaw rate, all of these parameters are set on the fligh controls page, players never see, because its hard coded to the starter blocks, this is how the game is right now, so before you complain about top speed being tied to the starter core in my proposal, its already like that right now.

    Right now your starter core determines all of those flight parameters, and CPU can manipulate them a little.
    Think carefully about what adding more new ones really does.
    It diversifies the game with more building options for builders.
    And that also brings more different unique ways to play the game.

    Empyrion is capable of SO much more.

    Open your mind to the possibilities, rather than being critical for the sake of being critical.
    Far far more is possible under that system than the current, with just 2 sets of flight controls.

    Think about it, its a no brainer really.
    Last edited: May 5, 2020
  6. Morkar

    Morkar Lieutenant

    Aug 17, 2015
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    1. Improved AI for wildlife, npcs and ships
    2. Being able to adjust thruster power and keeping up a constant speed value (not binary like off or 100%)
    3. Collision damage
    2. and 3. only make sense when AI is properly adjusted to it I guess
    Jacoviz and Qoonpooka like this.
  7. jharyl

    jharyl Ensign

    Mar 24, 2017
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    1. Better flight model (esp: Collosiondamage)
    2. A Console in Survival that gives me access to an empty CreativePlayfield to blueprint during game (like a CAD-Program). Maybe in addition a "shipyard" POI instead of the "magic factory".
    3. Slower turnrate for CV and walking in it during flight.
    (4. Radar vs Stealth, incl. Missiledefense (reduced Detectionrange, Countermeasures))
    (5. Itemupgrades: for technical blocks - simlar to CPU (fe: Generator produces more power), and handweapons - similar to armor (fe: bigger magazin)
    Last edited: May 9, 2020
    Jacoviz and Qoonpooka like this.
  8. Senti

    Senti Lieutenant

    Aug 3, 2017
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    1 - Sustained beam weapons. Essentially the gatling gun but a laser. Phasers, beam rifles, beam turrets, stuff like that.
    2 - Better mobs. Mobs are boring easy and turn new players off of the game constantly. They should be scarier, jump/fly/wallwalk/ambush. needs more variety, creatures should look as though they belong in biomes they are found in. Looking more alien wouldn't hurt too. "Alien" spiders and dinosaurs kill suspension of disbelief. What's next, sharks?
    3 - More planet types. Sulfurous planets, silicate planets, tidally locked planets, high pressure hellscapes with horrible visibility, surface water/ice without vegetation, alien worlds with bulbs/urchins/polyps etc. as vegetation instead of earth vegetation, toxic atmospheres with surface liquid methane, etc. Harvestable ore from crystals collected with "f" similarly to pentaxid could go a long way in spicing up surfaces without vegetation.

    I've introduced this game to 20-30 people by now. When showing people the game I think the state of mobs is one of the worst aspects of the game for attracting new players. People's reactions to them are anything from laughter to disappointment to frustration. I think that'd be very different if people were being ambushed by flying monsters or surrounded by packs of small hunting creatures that run faster than humans or sniped from cover.
    Jacoviz likes this.
  9. LurchUSA

    LurchUSA Lieutenant

    Jul 6, 2018
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    1. Power/Fuel distribution node.
    A base device that allows it to send power to nearby CV's, SV's and HV's, so they can have their reserves refueled over time, when their own fuel tanks are depleted. Nearby CV's, SV's and HV's will refuel and run from distributed base power first, then use their own reserves if the base is out of power, or cannot supply enough power to meet current CV's, SV's and HV's usage.
    daddychillin likes this.
  10. Paganizer

    Paganizer Commander

    Jul 5, 2018
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    1. Make environment more realistic / come more alive:
    - This means more biomes, flora, fauna (Just imagine animals actually interacting with eachother). Seasons?!
    - An overhaul of the environment graphics.
    - Actual AI (I mean you attack a zirax compound, have rockets raining down on defences - shoot a guy in the door... and his buddy inside still fiddles around with the environmental controls, while you pump his back full of lead) - just doesn't add to immersion. Nevermind their behavior.. lets line up to be shot.

    2. I think adding modding, could save you guys A LOT of work and take care of many request here.
    (World of tanks is a prime example. Mods made the game much better - fast. Meanwhile the devs picked the best mod features and put them into the core game little by little. It really was win/win for everyone).

    3. Galaxy - check
    daddychillin likes this.
  11. mrmashpotatohead

    mrmashpotatohead Ensign

    Dec 26, 2015
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    I will give this a shot, in this post I will go over factions in general, while in space not on planet.

    1. While in a territory, in space, I should not be allowed to place a space base unless I am at least friendly with that territories faction.

    2. There should be more patrol vessels, of that faction while in their territory in space.

    3. If you are hostile with a faction and in their territory, any attack on a poi, or member of faction (soldier, ship, etc.), would call on the same response as the reinforcements that are planned for higher level poi.

    This would all be for the sake of making the faction territories and faction rep a little more immersive.

    Bonus thought: 4. Faction tie ins, for example all pirates and trading faction bonuses are inverted, however since the zirax outsources mercenary work with certain pirate factions their faction bonus correlates. There could even be a rebel alliance type trader pirate faction that is friendly with traders but against zirax and other pirates.

    Obviously point 4 is a bit of a rabbit hole and could become a nightmare to code but the possibilities for emergent game play here are to good to be ignored.

    Next up radars.

    Btw really happy with the direction you guys are taking this game.
    Germanicus likes this.
  12. Bine

    Bine Ensign

    May 14, 2020
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    1) Autoprocessor for Promethium pellets. Much like the furance. I swear. Clicking these up takes forever. Perhaps this could build into more efficient/larger power sources that go beyond the 300 cell.

    2) Locked point-to-point teleporter. A teleporter that sends you to one pre-locked teleporter, perhaps ignoring distance. Intended use to go from your exploration capital vessel to a base somewhere. And back again. No where else. Spend a lot of time exploring. Would be nice to easily go home and stare out over the snowy landscape. Enjoying a hot mug and watching the snow fall once in a while.
    2b) If this isn't feasible, CV variants for all base-only processors. I need a factory for processing the hundreds of cells I need to power my CV. I like my CV stupid big. I need to compensate for certain things afterall.

    EDIT: 3) A change or fix I 100% hope happens- removing the limit on items that show up in the factory. The factory is perhaps my hands down absolute favorite feature in this game. It hurts me inside that I cant have everything I subscribed to in steam populate.
    Last edited: May 14, 2020
  13. stevepaul1982

    stevepaul1982 Ensign

    May 15, 2020
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    1.) Improved AI for NPCs, Ships etc. They are either OP (instant kill, never miss head shots etc) or useless (get stuck, don't notice you, sit there while you kill them.)
    2.) Walk around / interact with vehicles while in motion - I know this is long requested .
    3.) "Soft" layer of modding support - take a look at 7 Days to Die as an example of a game in a similar space. The ability to mod 90% of the game by changing XML files has allowed players to improve the game tremendously, while taking pressure off the developers.
  14. Dr. Harambe MD

    Dr. Harambe MD Lieutenant

    Aug 31, 2016
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    1. Hire someone who knows what netcode is. PVP has been broken since I started playing in Alpha 3. If you even try to have more than a 2v2 battle on planet or space, everyone gets disconnected.

    2. Collision damage. I mean, how long does it take to make this work?

    3. Devs spending less time working on constantly upgrading the textures to space toilets and work on game breaking bugs that have existed for years. Either that or hire someone who can fix the game.
    fox443 likes this.
  15. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    What sort of "TOP3 MOST WANTED feature addition or change" would that suppose to be?

    I don't know what sort of degree You have...Psychology it is not. Insulting the Dev-Team:mad:
    Jacoviz likes this.
  16. Dr. Harambe MD

    Dr. Harambe MD Lieutenant

    Aug 31, 2016
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    I listed the three most wanted changes. I'm not insulting the devs, I'm giving direction. If you don't like it, don't read it.
  17. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    You're right. not liking something without reading it... oh, and welcome to my ignore I don't read your posts anymore;)
  18. fa_q2

    fa_q2 Commander

    Oct 30, 2019
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    I realize that walking around on a moving ship is not likely to happen but can we at the very least move the floor up so that if your ship is moving at less than 2 m/s we can at least get out?

    Hovers can be terribly annoying when they do not want to settle or are stuck in a tree where powering off does not even cause the ship to stop twitching.
    tony hug, Jacoviz and krazzykid2006 like this.
  19. Mohr'sche Spannungskreis

    Mohr'sche Spannungskreis Ensign

    May 22, 2020
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    1. Player and NPCs can grow their Territorys, Colonys and try to expand their "Kingdom" and influence on Planets and galaxy.
    2. Player can create their own Fractionterritorys, Colonys, built troops and fight other Fractions like in a Stategy game (part of lategame).
    3. Players in coop Share experience and Map. (eg. one Player hit the scanner, the other Player can see the scanning result)
  20. IblisTheMage

    IblisTheMage Ensign

    May 3, 2020
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    Drones that can fly back and forth to collect ore from autominers; autominer and drones should be subject to attacks, so that you have to build a fort with sentry guns around the autominer, as well as it will force you to clear nearby enemy bases to reduce risk for your drones.

    ability to put Deconstructor and Furnace on CV without modding the files (setting under dificulty).

    Some advantage for clearing a planet from Zirax; for example, it could be that you handle the conquered over to faction 1, they give you an epic armor, while faction 2 will give you an epic plasma rifel, etc.

    and a small UI request: a + and - for each item line at a seller, greyed out when I or the selller does not have the item; that way selling items becomes much nicer and less immersion-interrupting.
    Yubogolfer likes this.

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