Feedback Required Your TOP3 MOST WANTED feature addition or change?

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Hummel-o-War, Sep 26, 2019.

  1. JA_

    JA_ Ensign

    Apr 11, 2019
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    Add "Tracking Device" for Vessels.
    The tracking device will execute Slowly Locking of Target(s). Square(s) will be presented on the locked target(s). Optionally can be added a Voice replay.

    Brilliant idea is to add a Voice command for it.
    1." Lock the turrets." (Turrets Locked. - Voice replay)
    2." Lock the troops." (Troops Locked - Voice replay)
    3." Lock the Vessel"

    Keybind commands.
    For those who don't have or want to speak on a Mic.

    The tracking device can be added to Night Vision Toggles v2.
    Having a futuristic UI will additionally justify its futuristic concept.

    Do it before Google Launches its Glasses goddammit. ;):D

    Add Faction interactions in Space (SV; CV).
    Add interaction among themselves. - The conflict between Zirax and Polaris. (EVENT)

    Give Polaris Ground Drones. Make them able to defend against Zirax drones in their base. Make it repeatable. (EVENT)

    EVENT Point:
    Make the Game get going all the time.
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2019
    Addy and michaelhartman89 like this.
  2. JA_

    JA_ Ensign

    Apr 11, 2019
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    Add more value to the SPEED also.
    Bigger Jets = Bigger Speed
    Smaller Jets = Smaller Speed

    Dealing with Speed issues in a Balanced way will greatly improve Empyrions Gameplay.

    Dynamic > Static



    Make the planet 3x Bigger than it is.

    -It will be painful getting to certain location on foot. However, this is a Space game and in Space Games we use Ships.
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2019
    Arkudo likes this.
  3. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    1. Large ramps lowering from upright 60° to -30° a Draw Bridge, remember?;)
    2. Shutter doors that could be placed in diagonal angels at 30°, 45° and 60° all sizes of course
    3. double seated enclosed SV/HV cockpits 3 blocks wide.
  4. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    My top most wanted feature: rebuild Empyrion in a different game engine that doesn't have all the limitations and shortcomings of Unity.
  5. Evolvei

    Evolvei Commander

    Aug 23, 2016
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    1. More creatures. Land, Water, Flying

    2. Less opening and closing of UI
    Assignable Vessel Toolbar on/off - shortcuts linked from UI custom shortcuts. Flight Thrust, Battle Thrust. etc
    Vessel toolbar weapon key activates/deactivates weapon
    Map to mini map with larger mini map scaling option

    3. Method to increase Stamina and or Stamina recovery speed
    Workout machine or foot travel mileage increases stamina recovery speed.
  6. TK85

    TK85 Captain

    Jan 26, 2016
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    Not to be repetitive, I will put these three that I would love to see in the game:

    - Modular Armor with varying models and the ability to manufacture (via BP found withdrawals)

    - Programmable LCDs with control panel information as well as programming conditional texts (for example if a constructor is ON or OFF)

    - A functional crew of NPCs (Star Trek online style )
  7. R4z0rbee

    R4z0rbee Lieutenant

    May 3, 2016
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    In no particular order:

    1. More Input Customization
    - individual mouse sensitivity sliders and inverted options for on foot, in SV, in HV, in turret ( so we can maybe aim at something without the crosshair jumping 15 pixels when zoomed in ), weapon hipfire, weapon scoped, etc.
    - allowing dual keybinds like shift + key or ctrl + key for different functionality
    - allowing to remap not only button input but mouse axis as well ( roll SV on mouse horizontal like a regular fighter jet for example )

    2. Reworked Building System
    - this would be a big one of course but we are approaching a point where, due to the sheer number of blockshapes, building mostly consists of searching through dozents of blocks and trying to find the one that fits with just the right rotation. It is tedious as hell and this problem will get more and more pronounced the more blockshapes are being added. I am not sure what would be a proper solution, maybe adding a custom block creator tool where you can set the vertices edges faces for a new custom block from scratch.

    3. Moving Blocks
    - whether it is a rotator block that allows turning a thruster from pointing straight down to straight back or a rail block that allows for in-ship elevators, capable of transporting entire vessels from one point to another within a structure, moving/rotating blocks would add so much to the game in my opinion.
    Addy and RedSamurai like this.
  8. paxxo1985

    paxxo1985 Commander

    Nov 10, 2017
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    1 Warp interdictor
    2 Crouching
    3 Finding blueprints to unlock recipes. Also Epic items that increases firepower of the ship (or cpu)
  9. Keith Hovey

    Keith Hovey Captain

    May 11, 2016
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    1.) Drones that do things - I have posted about this before a while back, and a LOT of players liked this idea. Basic premise is down an enemy drone, research its parts, now you have a drone or two you can produce of that type. Install modules for features like carrying capacity, weapons for defensive or offensive purposes, drills for mining. You can literally recycle assets already in game to do this and the AI load would not be all that high. This would be a GREAT replacement or tech upgrade from the current auto miners and a lot more fun to play with :)

    2.) More Flora/Fauna. Flying creatures that could attack an sv. Fish in the lakes. Bigger badder creatures. World bosses of sorts isnt a bad idea either. I would add making space less boring into this category. Ice mining, cloud mining, new space only stuff like actual wormholes and new enemies.

    3.) Multiple solar systems we can span across multiple servers. It would be totally amazing to have themed solar systems spanned across other servers within a cluster. Would also help enable higher player counts and reduce overall lag. Its almost a must at this point.
    Addy and michaelhartman89 like this.
  10. andrew.shepherd3

    andrew.shepherd3 Ensign

    Nov 3, 2017
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    1) Auto targeting on some hand held weapons. Uses armor slot

    2) Personal shield (uses pentaxid/promethium pellets). Uses armor slot

    3) Stealth field for ships and personal - cannot use weapons/shields and drains pentaxid and promethium. Personal uses armor slot. Ships need generator.
    Addy, jepbindawernoch and RedSamurai like this.
  11. Ethion

    Ethion Ensign

    Jul 26, 2016
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    1. Redesign/balance progression - me and buddy have like 10-15 hours played and are lvl 15-17 and have adv constructor, epic gear, warp sv, and most base equipment.
    a. Create tiers of equipment with heavier build requirements
    b. remove high tier stuff from starting planets. No high lvl end game gear. No end game weapons and stuff.
    c. Redesign skill/recipe tree to have more progression and heavier requirements. ie building the large constructor would require significant cobalt materials and not be possible till you can build an SV and harvest resources from the moon. Building an adv constructor isn't possible till you can get to another system using a CV warp drive.
    d. Eliminate blueprint machine, create automated factory that is tiered an uses the constructor to build parts that are automatically assembled. heavy resource requirement to build. Using constructor for input and skills of person submitting the blueprint. Gives big improvement to speed and ability to build cool blueprints without bypassing progression.

    2. Better AI/Environment
    a. NPC AI improved, they should move around obstacles. NPCs attacking each other as appropriate.
    b. NPC vehicles, use more variety and more types. Have an HV on ground for tough locations. Perhaps have a small SV. More SV / drones in space. CVs in space, pirates. Make space more engaging with opportunities for space battles.
    c. NPCs need to leave after they attack, ie run out of fuel or something. When you are attacked by drones for example they never leave. If in the start game they kill you off and you aren't prepared it is game over. After drones kill your core they should leave esp in starting worlds. In more advanced worlds maybe they can call in troops to take over the base?

    3. More realistic gameplay
    a. Add collision damage
    b. Ability to walk around in ships while they fly
    RedSamurai and michaelhartman89 like this.
  12. idx64

    idx64 Lieutenant

    Jul 25, 2019
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    Hi, as I mentioned elsewhere, it would be great.
    1 - Free-form intelligent blocks for construction with self-adjusting bounding box (as in Skywanderers). So you could build absolutely everything.-
    2 - Crouching posture and body to ground too.-
    3 - New machinery for automating production and supply processes.-
  13. Lubbel

    Lubbel Ensign

    Oct 18, 2019
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    - Physics: Proper liquids, no lights through walls, more realistic gravity
    - Better Sounds and lights would enhance athmosphere
    - Collision / damage (and more damaged blocks to build with)
  14. gamer1000k

    gamer1000k Commander

    Jun 26, 2017
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    1. Separate rulesets for singleplayer/private coop and servers so SP items/mechanics/part counts don't get nerfed due to MP balance/performance issues (I want my SV to have turrets so it can protect itself while I'm dungeon crawling through a POI in SP for example).

    2. Mod support for creating new parts/loading modules to change game mechanics.

    3. This is a tie between the following features:
    Simplify HV/SV/CV into a single vehicle class without all the arbitrary part restrictions. Bases could use the same rules as well, just without engine blocks. Entities could use mixed large and small blocks. Parts (especially with regards to mass/energy usage vs engine power/generator output) would be balanced so that different vehicle classes would emerge naturally.

    Ability to remotely pilot vehicles for when you fall off and they're too high up so you can get back in, or to create combat drones

    Easy way to see what blocks in your base/vehicle have been damaged/destroyed for manual repair before repair bays, and a system for auto upgrading blocks (steel to combat steel for example),and ghost block placeholders to indicate where a shield generator or repair bay should go for example
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2019
    Addy likes this.
  15. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Forget about my previous suggestions because they may become obsolete at some point.

    My new "desires" :

    1- cap linear and angular acceleration so ships can not go past it even adding lots of thrusters (this becomes useless then) - think of this as a "mouse smoothing" function for aiming/ less abrupt acceleration
    2- make CVs main weapon the front weapons, so it can poke a hole in another CV (think Mass Effect's main railguns alighend with the ship), and with a much greater range/ speed than with actual weapons so opponents will not be tempted to close range with a CV unless in a very nimble SV
    3- tweak turrets so they are not very effective against CVs but more effective against SVs, with a shorter range than main front gun (and less damage) - maybe keep artillery powerful in case CVs get in close range, but artillery should not be the most powerful weapon else ships will combat in close quarters.
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2019
  16. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    I want space combat/mechanics that are as fluid as Elite Dangerous and ground combat/mechanics that are similar to Destiny 2.

    I want better graphics, especially for character avatars.

    I want thrilling combat.

    There. I said it.
  17. MozoTyce

    MozoTyce Lieutenant

    Sep 6, 2018
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    1) That the SSG be kept up-to-date with the current release of the game (still no ocean or swamp playfield types !) and allow for custom playfield types (user created eg ColdTemperate / DesertIsland / etc).

    2) User definable factions so that content creators can introduce new factions and the ability to set faction poi's to non-destructable so that critical poi's cannot be destroyed in multiplayer games (eg start spawn structures).

    3) More creative freedom overall, for example creating a Hexapod 'herd', replacing the Drones with player created sv or hv's. Allowing poi's to spawn drones and not just 'DroneBases' - aka unshackling the current restraints.
  18. Safeara

    Safeara Ensign

    Oct 14, 2019
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    Would love the following:
    1. Way-point location for an orbital reference. You make a way-point on the planet (found or personal) and it has the ability to be toggled as the main way-point. That way-point while in orbit shows you a orbital reference on where to head to. The new weather mechanics in space are a great look but I am constantly flying blind many times in space while orbiting a planet to get to a specific location.

    2. UI rep only effects the person if running solo or not in a clan. If you run around not in a clan you are subject to all other human actions so you are generally hated by everyone which is hard as a starting player. Or you grind rep to have it destroyed because you did not know to make a clan immediately to avoid this UI mechanic.

    3. Fridges to have their own power supply like water generators. The food spoils so fast that with base attacks you can loose all your food when the power gets turned off.

    Again, great work on this game and the feedback you provide to the community.
    Addy likes this.
  19. vscuorzo

    vscuorzo Commander

    Jan 17, 2018
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    1. Ability to move/drive within a moving ship

    2. Better NPC interaction. Mainly things like attacking each other as if they had their own things going on like territory disputes. Also, ability to have your own crew that can do simple tasks like repair stuff or defend a position with equipment you provide them.

    3. More realistic physics. There was an idea thread about this a while back outlining the details and the many problems it would solve in terms of balance.

    Many of my other wants are already scheduled for the next release.
  20. krakken242

    krakken242 Lieutenant

    Oct 12, 2016
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    1. A craftable Sea scooter. (underwater bike)

    2. A health regen that you can slot into your armor (make it stackable)

    3. a tier system for the augments we put in our armors. Make them -ALL- craftable. Make them take exotic materials.
    Addy and Monroe like this.

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