[ZeroG] Challenge Build 01 (SV) Fighter ~Completed~

Discussion in 'Questions, Discussions & Feedback' started by Jenniphurr, Feb 9, 2018.

  1. Theurgist

    Theurgist Captain

    Oct 11, 2017
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    Wow that was tough. It's one thing to see some screenshots of the vessels on forums, quite another to be in a world with all of them. I had to go through them all twice to be sure I'd picked All of my favourites.

    I was particularly impressed with some of the interiors on show particularly with the size restrictions. Well done!

    Oh cool, I'll definately be partaking of that one; If I'm lucky the size requirements will let me enter OreMaw -1- ^^

    Or rather, OreMaw -2-, my as-yet unreleased updated version
  2. Captain Jack II

    Captain Jack II Rear Admiral

    Nov 1, 2016
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    This is all very exciting. I had it narrowed down to 17, and then some entries fell out, and some late entries showed up, and well... the jury is still out on this one. Need a few more rounds of inspection and testing but should make it to the polling booth before the 2/28
  3. Thundercraft

    Thundercraft Captain

    Oct 27, 2017
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    I realize it is too late to submit an entry for the first challenge, but I went ahead and made this:

    Yoyodyne Interstice YI-2000


    As far as I can tell, it meets all of the requirements, including the 13x6x17 block size.
  4. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    Haha! I should have gone full Sardonic like I did with the first excerpt, but it was getting late so I swerved into the comically goofy because that is much simpler and faster to write. Hope at the very least I gave you a good chuckle. :p
  5. Bigfeet

    Bigfeet Captain

    Apr 24, 2016
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    Pfffft, bin looking around, testflying, etc. for like 3 hours now and i feel i'm back at square 1.
    There's so many things to be taking in account to. Like looks, agility, protection, accessability, cost, consumptionrate, level (important cuz lower levels have less agility/protection/cost vs higher levels). Gotta make some dinner and sleep it over.
    Hopefully tomorrow i have fresh insights. I'm pooped. How many tags/vote do we spend btw ?
    Can't believe we have over 100 ppl coming here spending a single tag on their vote.
  6. Captain Jack II

    Captain Jack II Rear Admiral

    Nov 1, 2016
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    even if we only spend a paltry 15 minutes per entry, that's still like 10+ hours of testing... lol, it's exhausting.
  7. Pyston

    Pyston Captain

    Dec 20, 2016
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    Something I noticed on a lot of ships, some I had considered voting for (trying my best to be unbiased) was that they failed when it came to aerial maneuvering, or acrobatics in that their generators would go into the yellow and consume more fuel and in some cases there were paltry fuel offerings to begin with making that particular scenario a scary one. Then consider a fighter craft may lose a fuel tank or two at some point and things go from bad to dire....or dead.
  8. Amfidamant

    Amfidamant Lieutenant

    Feb 20, 2018
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    Just got a chance to sit down with her and have a look at it:

    Exterior: Blue - grey, edgy, does not have any round shapes and looks like a fighter should look like.
    Interior is gold, rounded and much softer than the outside - looks a little like a luxury ship.

    And Hicks - well... she didn't understand all that grating, mentioned poor visibility from cockpit and was generally more "form over function" style of critic :)
  9. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    I already assumed your Entry was not a Contestant, it was more like a "Hostess with the Mostest" kinda gig. :p

    I love Hover War Tanks, Hover Tanks, & Mining HVs! I pray to Arceus i'll be a HELL of a lot more Match for THAT Challenge then. :) (Though I admit my current Tyrax Hover War Tank has a couple oopses on it & never really has gotten to get any real Field Testing in actual Live PvP Combat... which I still wish I could do for Combat Data to use to try to make my next Hover War Tank better.)

    Was pondering on such too... yet to find out if the HV Challenge will be oriented towards Mining HVs, Hover Tanks/War Tanks, or something totally completely else.

    If it turns out to be a Racing HV challenge, i'll be in trouble, but not "Micro SV In Trouble"... at least I hope that my sucking at Racing won't impact my ability to BUILD a Racer... :p

    That's what peeps get for puttin too much stock on Looks. :p
    Theurgist, dpburke2, Pyston and 2 others like this.
  10. Hicks42

    Hicks42 Rear Admiral

    Dec 4, 2016
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    You drive in 3rd person view and the grating is armor to keep your squishy bits from being more squishy when getting shot in the face with plasma cannon. Which happens more often than I'd like.
  11. Jenniphurr

    Jenniphurr Captain

    Dec 12, 2015
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    Here are the current standings as of this moment in time! 2/26/8 @ 4:32 est
    • 13.29 % (19 votes)XYU By: Pyston

    • 6.99 % (10 votes)KSV-48 By: Kieve

    • 5.59 % (8 votes)Challenger 2 By: Bigfeet

    • 5.59 % (8 votes)Vision By: Fractalite

    • 5.59 % (8 votes)Pharos Crescent L-SV By: Dinkelsen

    • 4.2 % (6 votes)Boomerang By: Razorwire

    • 4.2 % (6 votes)Assault Scout Platform By: Theurgist

    • 4.2 % (6 votes)Firefly By: Rainyday

    • 4.2 % (6 votes)Hades By: Fractalite

    • 4.2 % (6 votes)Junkyard Dog By: Razorwire
    So exciting! Also we are getting quite a few people joining in the voting! (143 total votes)
    Still anyones game! Go out there and get some more voters!
  12. Pyston

    Pyston Captain

    Dec 20, 2016
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    Thank you for sitting down with her and taking the time to look over the ship. I can completely understand how the yellow trim, the seat 'leather' - which we cant change the color on :( and the curvy bits may give the impression of luxury. I actually did not feel it felt luxurious at all, but I use this ship as a reference for my luxury style http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1184297201 . The cockpit in the Overture One feels luxury to me.

    I did want to impress a warm, inviting environment in the ship. I want people to have the desire to be inside the ship. I actually had a blue light, and blue trim but it felt cold to me so I swapped to the orange light.

    I'll keep her commentary in mind in future builds.

    Thank you again for the feedback and please thank your GF! :)
  13. Jenniphurr

    Jenniphurr Captain

    Dec 12, 2015
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    Just a quick update. voting will take a bit so I have went ahead and posted the next challenge build! As with last time it is awaiting moderation. No worries But I am posting the details on my Discord, so...If you want to get a head start.. Join up! https://discord.gg/86rUrYu

    Also one more question. Once we have the 10 finalists, what forum page here would be best to host that thread at? I don't want to tie up the General discussions with polls if there is a better place.

  14. Bigfeet

    Bigfeet Captain

    Apr 24, 2016
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    While this may be true, i feel it reflects 1 angle of the spectrum of relevant scenarios.

    Lets take for example my challenger 1, it is a low level entry so no jet propulsion and has this yellow feature.
    This means to get a quasi decent agility speed it needs lots of thrusters, smalls & mediums combined. Lots of thrusters use much gen power, but all these things add so much to the weight (especially generators that weigh a full ton). Adding more fueltanks doesn't always highten the flight time value (during acrobitics) that much, and more tanks means less protection thickness means more chance of exploding of ur insides ...

    So at some point there's a balance to be figured out. The role of the vehicle comes in to play aswell.
    Low level means normal steel (in my book), wich means more vulnerability. To add to that low level weaponry. So ur not going to bring a low level in to combat offensively, more defensively. Long story short , there's always going to be a trade off comparing.

    You can bring the same balancing trade offs to hardened steel jet propulsed high levels with the positive note that you have more breathing space, sort of speak, when designing a ship of the same dimensions. No doubt it will perform better, otherwise there's no point in building higher level stuff, right? Then there's the David and Goliath scenario ... You never know for sure, only prepare probabilities.

    This is exactly why i'm having such a hard time choosing. It's like a boxing match with lightweight and heavyweights all mixed and not categorised as classes. Bit mind boggling tbh, lol.

    Anyway, in my book everybody wins and nobody looses eventually. It is a learningcurve (for ego) that holds the real prize at the end.
    But we can make it fun or bitter along the way. :)
  15. Mana_Sean

    Mana_Sean Commander

    Mar 19, 2017
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    Was my first entrant not compliant?
    Pyston and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  16. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    Gar! Its up already?! I hope they hurry up and moderate.

    Also, with respect to the finalists voting page - I say go ahead and put it into the general forums. At least for now there are only two challenges and most of the posts there are inane chatter and this kind of stuff is far more fun and interesting. Even with three or four created, only two will be active at any given time so it should not box things out too much.

    Would a dedicated forum area for challenges and voting be a good idea? I prefer keeping things focused in the area that many are inclined to visit anyways, but we could poke Mr Hummel and see if he could manage another heading.
  17. Jᴧgᴧ

    Jᴧgᴧ Rear Admiral

    Sep 6, 2017
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    Seems like the best place(s) would either be General Discussion, or Building and Blueprints. There's much more traffic in General however. Don't see a problem with keeping it there.
  18. Jenniphurr

    Jenniphurr Captain

    Dec 12, 2015
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    Ok i'll just keep it in the general discussion area then. I just want to play nice with everyone~
  19. Pyston

    Pyston Captain

    Dec 20, 2016
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    Agreed. I just place running out of fuel high up on the spectrum of important things to help me get back home.

    Read my text below in a friendly voice who is not coming off as confrontational, just factual. Please do not misunderstand or misrepresent my intention with my reply.

    The XYU is unlock level 12, yours is 10. That is a difference of 2 levels. You can gain two levels harvesting corndogs for 5 minutes (exaggeration, but going from level 10 to 12 is for all intents and purposes is a minute feat in game).

    The XYU either exceeds your performance with a 100% hardened steel hull and armored windows, and over doubles the fuel life and never enters into yellow. It also takes less time to craft the blueprint.
    NOTE: I was only able to fill my ship to 99%, yours was 100% further increasing my fuel life under max load.

    So, everything you just described sounds as if its a hard or impossible balancing feat, but its not and here are the numbers to prove it.


    XYU is only 2 levels above your Challenger 1, full hardened steel. Carries more people, more fuel, lasts longer, more ammo, more food, more cargo, more armor lockers. IMO the waiting 2 levels is a well worth trade off of a compromise to gain the stats that I did.

    2 levels

    I did not really come here to compete, I don't need to prove myself to anyone but myself, I just wanted to help take part and promote Jenniphurs contest because she has worked very hard on this. But ya, there are no losers at the end of the day.

    edit for incorrect formatting
  20. hound

    hound Captain

    Sep 15, 2016
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    And we are into the meat of things.......my little entry --falling quickly out of any contention---was simply built within an hour or so just for this competition. I wanted something that looked different...after playing with it for a few days, I found out it could use a little more power and weapons. I refit it and used it ingame...ahh much better. I didn't even go back and re-up, because honestly I do this for me not you faceless rabble. Jenniphurr and myself had a lengthy and poignant discussion about coming to the competition at all. I wanted to just sit here in the basement and kill zyrax...but she said it would be fun......the preceding is entirely made up and fictitious. I entered just for a lark and it is great that we had so many entries and so many people showing interest...if we walk away right now I think we all had a good time.
    I will remind everyone there are so many variables in this competition, that it isn't any way at all to decide a winner except---which are you feeling good about? Mechanical, toughness, looks, combat efficiency, WOOHOO factor, practicality, level requirement, material requirement.
    Bottom line vote for what feels good to you.....there is really no black and white in this one....lol

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