[ZeroG] Challenge Build 01 (SV) Fighter ~Completed~

Discussion in 'Questions, Discussions & Feedback' started by Jenniphurr, Feb 9, 2018.

  1. Pyston

    Pyston Captain

    Dec 20, 2016
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    The day that this game allows for a one size fits all build, the game will be over. I champion different builds for different uses based on peoples needs. Its actually one of the hardest things to do in a build is make it appeal to as many people as possible which checking all the boxes. I am always faced with "needs more RCS, needs less RCS (on the same build mind you, lol)", "needs more thrust", "too much thrust" (same build again).

    People are all looking for something different, and that's ok. Its what makes all these different builds possible and worthy.
  2. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    So @Jenniphurr I have been thinking, with the success of the straw poll site, maybe you should just declare the XVU the winner for this challenge and then in future challenges, to keep things more focused(thread count down,) and to help reduce your workload, maybe just have a straw poll at the end of the interval that has players vote "for their favorite ship?"

    The other approach you could take is to have the polling site find the "top ten" and then have ten "winners?"(they could still be delineated 1 - 10) I greatly value your attempt at accessibility and fairness, so again, to keep thread count down, this might minimize clutter.

    You could also keep the two thread approach, either way works. :)
  3. Jenniphurr

    Jenniphurr Captain

    Dec 12, 2015
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    That is the problem there are so many ways to build and to play this game. But look at all the entries, everyone has their own take. It so wonderful to see all the effort put in by some many people. Being able to see all the builds in one area I was like a child on Christmas day!
  4. Bigfeet

    Bigfeet Captain

    Apr 24, 2016
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    @Pyston Just 1 detail you forgot : Where are you going to get the Sathium ?
    Challenger 1 was build for the purpose of the first run getting those.
    If one has a lvl 7 warp, ok, but i find that premature in that stage personally.
    On another note i do wish for the future of the game levels are harder to come by, i like my leveling to be more rewarding on a much slower pace.
    Some find it "grinding" , but i like this part in any game. Once you can build anything max lvl and done so, i loose interest in the game quickly because atm the game itself isn't fleshed out. Working the survival part with the build up keeps me on the roll.
    dpburke2 and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  5. Jenniphurr

    Jenniphurr Captain

    Dec 12, 2015
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    Maybe but I am going to ride this one out just to see how it pans out. If end the end it doesn't work well we'll just shift gears and try another way.

    Also I have thought about having a few featured winners. Most votes, Runner up and possible a ZeroG top pick. the issue that I would have is how to reflect that on the workshop? I could give banners to put on the thumbnail pics for people. or they could put in their description. But at the end of the day its other peoples builds and I can't control what they put on their own stuff.

    Another Option would be to just make a new collection for each build challenge and feature everyone on there. So many ideas but limitations that seem to make doing this a bit difficult.
    dpburke2 and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  6. Kieve

    Kieve Rear Admiral

    Sep 26, 2016
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    I don't see why a poll is even needed, honestly. I don't look at it as a competition, just a personal challenge of "can I do this?" The idea of treating it as a contest has somewhat soured me on the idea of future "challenges." As long as you've managed to make something that meets the requirements, you've already "won" and sharing them together this way gives builders a chance to see how someone else solves the same problem. Turning it into a competition just feels... hollow, somehow.
    Dinkelsen, Cleff, Razorwire and 7 others like this.
  7. Bigfeet

    Bigfeet Captain

    Apr 24, 2016
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    This pretty much !
    Hicks42, dpburke2, Jenniphurr and 2 others like this.
  8. Jenniphurr

    Jenniphurr Captain

    Dec 12, 2015
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    I am really open to whatever. The more I think about it I think putting a custom collection together might make it more worth while. But I really would like to hear others opinions on the matter before changing anything. To be honest this first challenge I am trying to adjust and mold to further streamline future challenges.

    Also I still am overjoyed at the response to this as well! Once the next challenge finally posts I will be posting in the steam discussions as well. I feel like there are many more people that would really like to join up but don't frequent here.
    dpburke2 and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  9. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    1. Conquer POI containing Hardened Steel. Hardened Steel is Crafted partially outta "Hardened Steel Plates"... Hardened Steel Plates are made partially of Sathium.
    2. Multitool POI down for Parts, isolate Hardened Steel Plates from Haul.
    3. Throw Hardened Steel Plates into Magic Factory for Sathium.
    4. Profit. ;)

    If ya run a lotta Challenges, your amount of Collections ya end up with might start getting awful Encumbered... unless there was a way to "Archive" old ones for Posterity...

    If the "Competition" part of the Challenges was nixxed, I wouldn't miss it.
    Jᴧgᴧ and Jenniphurr like this.
  10. Trig

    Trig Captain

    May 26, 2017
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    I think a collection for each challenge would be a very good idea. For this challenge getting subscribed to all the submissions from the thread was a bit of a headache, with some unrelated ships linked in, and some without a picture or description. A workshop collection that has the vessels added as they are submitted (and possibly removed if disqualifying) would make it much easier to subscribe and check out all of them.

    Also like the idea of no voted winner. It is after all a build Challenge, and not a Contest. If you've met the challenge restrictions than you've passed the "challenge".
    khajjah, dpburke2, Jᴧgᴧ and 3 others like this.
  11. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    ... Well ****... this looks like a mighty fine reason for me to give up on my notion of giving up at bothering to Workshop anything of mine ever again... Now I have no excuses for it. >_< ... :p
    Jᴧgᴧ, Pyston and Jenniphurr like this.
  12. Pyston

    Pyston Captain

    Dec 20, 2016
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    I rarely forget details.

    Enter the Bebop Warp Core. My Level 7 sathium farming machine. I personally think that waiting till level 10 is too long. People want things now.

    Enter game, go farm the 4 ores needed by that time you will be level 7. Make the Bebop Warp Core, make lunch (IRL), spawn Bebop Warp Core and fly off to the nearest place where you can farm sathium. Farm sathium and some more ore, then you will be level 12. Make the XYU, make dinner (IRL), spawn XYU and fly off to do whatever you do (probably by then taking a big doo) :)

    You can get the Bebop on the workshop.

    Sephrajin, monktk, ion_storm and 4 others like this.
  13. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    *Hammering Splints onto broken parts of Brain to speed up their Mending in prep for next Challenge*
  14. Pyston

    Pyston Captain

    Dec 20, 2016
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    Awe man, that me laugh so hard. I spit some of my tea...you owe me a tea!!!!
  15. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    *Spares moment to start Pumpkin Spice Tea steeping* ;)
    Jenniphurr and dpburke2 like this.
  16. Pyston

    Pyston Captain

    Dec 20, 2016
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    Hmmmm....Pumpkin Spice Tea. I have some in the kitchen now (left over from thanksgiving last year, probably a bit dull now...lol)
  17. hound

    hound Captain

    Sep 15, 2016
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    hateful infidels....lowlife scum sucking westenders.......... Earl Grey or nothing. Maybe an Oolong.
    Pumkin spice...what r u a spice girl?
    Jenniphurr, dpburke2 and Pyston like this.
  18. Pyston

    Pyston Captain

    Dec 20, 2016
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    Easy easy there nelle!! I got some Twinnings Earl Grey and Assam in the kitchen now. Earl Grey is my main tea.....but at thanksgiving the pumpkin stuff was nice. :)
  19. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    *Current coverage consists of a "local" commercial from a small shop on a Terran space station promoting its location as a "one of a kind tour of a harsh Jungle planet - bring your pulse rifle!"*

    *The commercial ends immediately cutting to the Broadcast room*

    "AAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnddddddddddddd Welcome everyone to the end of the second day of the Zero-G challenge top ten selection voting event, I am your host Bob, golly gee, Willikers.

    *The host turns to a different camera and adopts a manufactured solemn*

    "I would like to take a moment to address the events of yesterday. In no way were my actions a statement or reflection of GNN or the UHC fleet authority and I would like to make a personal apology to Fleet Admiral Martin for my remarks on the showcase floor. He neither smells nor bears any resemblance to "Whatever the Zirax poop out after eating Akua Berries'"

    *Bob, suddenly shifting to a cheery, positive air, turns back to the original camera that now shares the frame with the co-host*

    "The first 36 hours has seen shifts, challenges, and strong designs falling out of contention! To analyze these incredible events I am joined by expert in all things vessel evaluation, and my esteemed co-host, Bjorn Sjöberg."

    *As the host turns to the co-host the crowd noise is noticeably absent*

    "Thats right Bob, most of the first 36 hours has played out like the experts predicted it would. The XVU maintains a commanding lead with almost twice the nearest competitor while the KSV-48, Vision, Crescent, Challenger 2, Boomerang, assault scout, and Hades are assembled in a pack interchangeably moving in and out of the remaining top positions."

    *Bjorn turns back to Bob*

    "Have we seen any surprises?"

    *The co-host does not miss a beat*

    "Interestingly enough Bob, many of the designs are not performing as expected. The Pulsar-X, Albedo, Firefly, Cricket, and XT 1 are not vying for top positions like many thought they would. Even more surprising is the Invader by monktk. While the experts did not predict a win, many were expecting at least some upset value from the design."

    *Bob appears genuinely interested in the co-hosts surprise announcement*

    "Why do you suppose that is Bjorn?"

    *Bob, his vision searching for answers, hands the query back to the co-host*

    "Well, experts believe that it is likely due to it being, hold on let me check the technical term for it... *Bjorn crooks his fore-finger and a feint light appears in one of his pupils* Ah yes, Bob here it is; the term is, pink, Bob."

    *Bjorn, utterly never one to miss a beat turns back to a flummoxed Bob*

    "Well, that is certainly a surprise Bjorn! For our viewers keeping track here is the design again: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1299924087&searchtext=Invader it is quite impressive. I hear Monktk is one of the more celebrated designers in the elite echelons!"

    *suddenly one of Bobs pupils glows faintly*

    "Hold on, I am just getting word that some of the judges have been conferring with the central authority as to the format of the design challenge Bjorn! If what I am hearing pans out, it is truly remarkable! Our reports are now suggesting that many do not wish the challenge to be in any way competitive. What do you make of that Bjorn?"

    *Bjorn, always the font of insight*

    "Well, thats because the judges are pussies Bob."

    *The host utterly nonplussed...*

    "Bjorn, how can you be so callous!"

    *The host places his hands on hips and adopts a bit of a stern posture*

    "We human beings a diverse bunch. Some strive for the inner challenge, others for ever-present improvement, others need a bit of competitiveness. It helps to bring out the best in their work. For those that do not wish to, the challenge is still open to them and then can simply say that they are not interested. Anything else is likely more of an ulterior motive that is a bit disappointing. Simply put; the judges need to "grow a pair." Sometimes you have to take the chance and lose. It is healthy to try and to learn to accept loss even in circumstances when you know you might be set against competition with more practice or skill than yourself. It is an honor to even "Play" against the likes of Pystonworks, Kieve, or Jenniphur. Take the experience and learn from it."

    *The host, appearing to feel little inadequate, and doing a slight double take, turns back to the main camera*

    "Well that ends our coverage of day two of the Zero-G Top ten selection event. Shift your vids back to us tomorrow as we near the final stretch!"

    *coverage ends with Bob turning back to Bjorn and the camera just cuts off...*

    "Bjorn! You canno...."
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2018
  20. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    *Glares at you angrily with my huge menacing Dragon Eyes...*


    *Questions Bjorn's supposed 'Credentials'.* :p

    & FYI i'm not afraid to lose... I already know full well I deserve to. I just try to be open minded. Football Heads can suck it. :p

    P.S. That was creepy... saw Duplicate Posts of this one & Frac's last one for a bit there... now they're gone... o_O
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2018
    Jenniphurr likes this.

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