Zirax- Gas Refinery nicht zu schaffen für SP ?

Discussion in 'German' started by Jorgodan, Aug 8, 2020.

  1. Jorgodan

    Jorgodan Commander

    Jul 29, 2020
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    Hallo Leute, ich habe heute im Zirax- sektor eine Raumbasis gefunden die ich noch nie vorher gesehen habe.
    Sie nennt sich Gas Refinery.
    Ich habe versucht sie mir anzueignen was völlig aussichtslos war. Zunächst kann man die Hülle von außen nicht zerstören obwohl sie keinen Schild hat. Man wird also gezwungen den einzigen vorgegebenen Eingang zu nutzen was zum üblichen Spießrutenlauf wird.
    Die NPCs spawnen im Inneren an unsichtbaren Punkten scheinbar dauerhaft. Es ist also nicht Möglich bestimmte Bereiche systematisch zu bereinigen weil man keine Spawnpunkte entfernen kann. :eek: Man hat sich etwas Freiraum geschaffen und plötzlich spawnt in deinem Rücken ein neuer Satz Feinde. Gaaaanz fies. :mad: Sie kommen auch immer gleich mit 4-6 Mann auf einmal. Nach fast 3 Stunden und gefühlten 20 Toden bin ich auch nicht mehr an meinen Rucksack gekommen. er lag einfach zwischen 4 NPCs, was letztlich der Grund war aufzugeben. :confused: Man bekommt nach dem Tode auch einen vermeintlich sicheren Spawnpunkt im inneren der Basis angeboten. das ist die Krankenstation. Doppelt fies.... Wenn man sie verlässt steht man 20 NPCs gegenüber und ist gleich wieder tod, wenn man sie nicht verlässt kommen die Typen irgendwann rein... gleiches Ergebnis. :p Mit legalen Mitteln war das nicht zu lösen. Ich habe mir das Tteil dann mal im GM angesehen. OMG!!!!! Das Ding ist riesig und sieht von außen nicht so aus. Im inneren befinden sich hunderte NPCs und unmengen Fallen und versteckte Geschütze in einem Labyrint aus Gängen und Räumen. Ich habe es nicht mal geschafft den ersten großen Produktionsbereich zu verlassen. Das war vielleicht 20% des gesamten Baus. Dagegen war die alte Drohnenbasis ein Kinderschiss. Und alles nur mit Schwierigkeit auf Mittel.

    Also entweder gehört das Teil zu neuen Storyteilen (Sie hat so einen Doppelpfeil als symbol) oder es ist absichtlich so für Multiplayer konzipiert.
    Hat jemand von euch schon Erfahrungen gesammelt? im Netzt scheint es darüber auch noch nichts zu geben.

    Erfahrungsberichte werden gern gelesen

    Bis denne Jorgo
  2. Starfire273

    Starfire273 Ensign

    Jul 30, 2020
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    Nun, habe so ein Ding auch angegriffen, aber nur kurz. Die Geschütze sind zerstörbar, aber da man weder Kernsysteme noch Spawner ausschalten kann ist das Ding effektiv nicht "befriedbar".

    Was aber wohl auch ganz gut so ist. Empyrion kann auch weiterhin nicht wirklich große Unterschiede zwischen Single- und Multiplayer etablieren - und im Multiplayer sind die Gas Raffinerien Handels- und Reparaturstationen. Und diese sind generell nicht zerstörbar, was zwar die Immersion etwas reduziert aber auch Sinn macht.
    Denn wenn man absolut alles zerstören könnte hätte man im Multiplayer irgendwann keine einzige funktionierende NPC-Station, zumindest nicht in den Startsystemen und deren unmittelbarer Umgebung.

    Ich hoffe das zumindest für den Singleplayer eine Option noch eingebaut wird die solch gesondert geschützte Strukturen normal verwundbar macht.

    Durch das Fraktions- und POI-System gibt es vermutlich allerdings im normalen Spiel keine Möglichkeit. Das einzige was du tun könntest wäre ein Customszenario.
  3. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    Not a German speaker so I'll put this here in English

    Well, it actually is kind of a trading station if you're in good terms with the Zirax but you can destroy it

    Yes it's a very hard station because it's supposed to spawn only inside Zirax territory and yes troops will keep coming in as long as you don't deactivate the station for that same reason, you're in their backyard after all and yes it has an Admin Core because otherwise you could just blast the whole thing up without even leaving your CV Cockpit

    BUT, all Turrets and Sentries can be destroyed and the station itself can be destroyed, you just need to complete a few basic steps

    Without giving too much spoilers, you need to open the blast door at the end of the stairs to access the core room

    And yeah, you can even use their infirmary during combat, zirax aren't that bad after all.... :)

    Just a few words of caution, after neutralizing the turrets park your CV outside so you can respawn in your CV if you don't wan't to use the station infirmary and pack some real firepower before going in, I promise you it will be worth the effort... :)
    Germanicus likes this.
  4. Jorgodan

    Jorgodan Commander

    Jul 29, 2020
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    @Kaeser thanks for the answer.
    I've already thought about the station in a similar way and it's good as it is. There have to be areas where you don't just go in your pajamas. Can it be that the planned respawn in the Zirax infirmary is the shorter way to the most important switch in the base? ;)
    OK this makes no sense, without any equipment.

    Enough English spoken otherwise it'll be thrown out. Thank you.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2020
    Germanicus likes this.
  5. Jorgodan

    Jorgodan Commander

    Jul 29, 2020
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    Ich spiele nur Singelplayer aber ich bin einverstanden damit dass es für Multiplayer mehr Herausforderungen geben soll. Ich habe auch keine Probleme damit, dass manche Sachen für Singelplayer nicht erreichbar sind. Aber wie Kaeser oben sagt kann man die Station tatsächlich zerstören, mann muss nur bis hin kommen, was eben sauschwer ist und niemals im ersten Durchlauf funktionieren kann, weil man sicher eine bestimmte Taktik braucht und die Anlage kennen muss, um tote Winkel und sichere Räume zu nutzen.
    Also wenn mich tatsächlich die große Langeweile plagen sollte, komme ich nochmal zurück und versuche es mit gaaaanz viel Medkits und Munition und einer Ersatzrüssi.
    Kaeser likes this.
  6. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    No, it's just how the game works, I wanted to make the heal station free for players use as a way to help due to the station difficulty level, but by doing so players can also respawn in there

    But yes, you're already halfway through to the core room so you can just get your weapons from your ship with the logistics from there....
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2020
    Germanicus likes this.
  7. El_Globo

    El_Globo Commander

    Jul 2, 2020
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    **** yes it has an Admin Core because otherwise you could just blast the whole thing up without even leaving your CV Cockpit***

    Come on !!!! So I spent two hours and plenty of ammos to finally read that ?

    Sorry to say : the station itself is nicely done. When I saw i couldn't damage it I got into, died many times until I got bored and took a look on godmode (I don't like doing that, but I was wondering why I couldn't destroy blocks apart turrets) BUT using cheaty "admin core" to force player to make a "death trap dungeon like" doesn't make the game attractive. If I want to blast the whole thing from my cockpit, I guess it is my choice, my cost of expensive ammunition..... Where is the space / survival "simulation" if every POI you met are beeing indestructible ?
  8. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    They are marked on the map as having an admin core.
    G.Metzel, Germanicus and El_Globo like this.
  9. El_Globo

    El_Globo Commander

    Jul 2, 2020
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    In which way ? I've been playing for a month and I didn't noticed that... Could you develop ?

    Thank for your answer
  10. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    They are marked with a triple chevron instead of the normal POI marker.
    G.Metzel and Germanicus like this.
  11. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    Yes, the POIs with an admin core have a Map Icon with two arrows pointing up, the same you see for Trading Stations

    The difference when it's a Zirax or a Legacy Alien POI is that it can be destroyed but you need to go inside and activate a self destruction mechanism

    In the case of Zirax POIs it's usually a lever, for Legacy Alien POIs it's usually going trough the dungeon until the last room or you complete the requested task

    If you don't like Admin non destructible blocks on a POI you don't have to fight those POIs, there's plenty of others with normal cores but this is the only way we can make challenging dungeons in this game for the folks that appreciate more difficult chalenges

    And it's not a cheat, how many other games you know that allow you to destroy the environment and burrow through walls to get to the boss fight?
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2020
  12. El_Globo

    El_Globo Commander

    Jul 2, 2020
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    Well, thanks for the answers.

    I get your point, perharps it is better suited for MP than SP... Anyway, the design of the station is nice, I'll try again, just for the visit...

    And yes, there aren't many games allowing environment destruction (it is surely very hard both to code and manage the whole thing so it is still playable).

    I had such games in the past : There was the first X-COM's, a game in which WW2 turns into "steampunk" robot battle (don't remember the name).

    But I like to dig through the walls and see the whole structure collapasing. It is like reality : arty preparation before loosing too many troops on a defensive point.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2020
    Kaeser likes this.
  13. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    Loved X-COM, played the heck out of the whole series....
  14. Alhira_K

    Alhira_K Captain

    Jan 16, 2017
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  15. stanley bourdon

    stanley bourdon Captain

    Oct 7, 2018
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    7D2D Is 100% destructible
    Spoon likes this.
  16. Syrus

    Syrus Captain

    Oct 17, 2015
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    Been having a go at this station for hour's!
    I play single player with a kind of perma death, I delete the death save and use a previous one, if you're dead you're dead... Or at least in this case back at the beginning.
    This station is near impossible, seems to have been made with MP in mind.
    It's alright saying leave it, but would you leave a hostile base behind your front lines?
    Very frustrating!
  17. Spoon

    Spoon Captain

    Jun 27, 2020
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    As @stanley bourdon has said above, and the below is from another thread where I put:
    Take 7D2D for instance. They have 'dungeon' POI's where they guide you to take a certain route. (yes they are a lot smaller structures than Empyrion). You can take suggested route or knock down a wall and go a different route or just blast it with your rocket launcher or......
    This leads to a variety of ways you can do the POI, therefore better game play.
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  18. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    Like I said already, POIs with admin cores are 0.01% of them all, you don't like them that's fine, no one forces you to fight them all, go fight the others 99.9% where you can do as you please and leave those for people that like to do the admin cores POIs....
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2020
    Vermillion likes this.
  19. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    There's an update coming for this station, changed the respawning pads for the destructible ones, that should make it easier and people that like the heat can still leave them intact
  20. Spoon

    Spoon Captain

    Jun 27, 2020
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    And why can't we use this logic on the base?
    If you want to do the 'corridor shooter' style gameplay for the base then do so. If you want to bash through walls then do so. If you want to blast it from afar then do so..
    This limits no-one... Everyone is happy.
    stanley bourdon likes this.

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