The Lost City Of Sol-Exploration SINGLE PLAYER Scenario.

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by piddlefoot, Jun 6, 2017.

  1. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    For all the single player players out there !

    This version is for Co-Op and single players, so it has PvE and PvP playfields.

    This version has different starts to the multiplayer version, it has space starts, base starts and pod drops.
    This version also has NO regenerating asteroids or POIs.
    At 7.0 regen was added to the final set of planets so players can player indefinitely.

    On ALL of the STARTER planets in this scenario there is a MULTIGATE which has 3 destinations, the 3 destinations are designed around levels and player abilities , so, base one the zen base is for new players, and the second gate/ to base Rad is for medium level player, players with 100 odd hours or more, and the third gate / to base Xeno is for slightly insane players that enjoy a serious challenge.

    You must leave the starter system to enjoy most of the custom stuff in this scenario, but, all the starter planets themselves are custom made planets.
    The only place you will see the default playfields in this scenario is on moons, some moons use these
    default playfields and some moons use custom playfields.


    The Zirax have invaded some of the Human planets in the Sol system causing a war and Humans to split into 2 factions, one hell bent on the destruction of ALL Zirax and Explorer Humans, in ALL humans colonies, planets and areas of space.
    The other faction [ Explorer ] is more dedicated to hiding from the invaders and exploring new places for Humans to settle, both factions are not friendly with each other and skirmishes often break out between the two Human factions, the Explorers and the Humans.

    Humans and Explorers however share a common enemy and some say only the combined strength of both factions can defeat the Zirax thread once and for all.

    How Did This Happen ?

    It is the year 2471 , its a moment in time that will decide the fate of the Human race as a species.

    High command recovered 2 partial logs from the remains of what was the spy ship Spookabar.
    The Spookabar remains top priority to be found so the black boxes can be recovered.
    A huge reward is offered for any information on its location.

    Captains Log 30-03-2471

    This is Captain James T Popoloficus reporting from the spy vessel spookabar.
    At 16:00 hours there was a massive burst of Tacheon particles somewhere around the sorthern cross, we are
    still trying to track this Tacheon energy burst, we suspect its Zirax or Lucian weapons technology.
    The Zirax invaders have apparently enlisted one of there allies to help exterminate the Human race, the Lucians, no one has actually seen a Lucian, but the rumors of reports from the outer rim Hubble Station report skirmishes in the Southern Cross sector, of coarse this cant be true because we Humans cant even travel that kind of long distances through space yet, our newly invented Warp Drives just cant punch that sort of distance.Yet.
    I would surely know of such a technology if it existed, high command would not keep such a thing from me.

    We have been ordered to look for a secret Facility the Zirax have apparently discovered, intel recovered from a POW that was taken in a hostile raid on one of there drone Facilities a few months back, we have been out here looking for this mysterious building called the Icarus base, whats believed to be some sort of advanced
    technology housed inside the building, that I believe is somehow connected to the Southern Cross system we
    keep hearing rumours of.

    We have updated our advanced weapons array to counter the Zirax Plasma Turrets, but in our first encounter the array didnt do as well as we hoped, we still took multiple hits to the hull, causing all sorts of electrical
    problems that we have only just been able to get on top of, we are going to try and double the output of
    the Plasma Injector Nosle's so we can......ZZTTT ZZTTT ZZZTTT

    Engineering Officers Log. Spookabar. 27-03-2471

    This is RadioScope Officer Jacob Skinner, we have been tracking 4 rogue planets for a few months, upon closer inspection of these rogue planets through our long range telescope we can see these planets have been terraformed and have weapons facilities all over them, 2 of these rogue planets line up to go into geosynchronous orbits, one in the Sol system and one in the Kepler Belt system, we are at a total loss as to how the Zirax have propelled these planetoids into these very precise co-ordinates, but the Sol system is going to end up with a sister planet and so is the Kepler Belt System.
    It is of great importance to ensure the Zirax dont use these planets as bases of operation, that we should invade them and take these planets to ensure the survival of the Human race, we have named these planets Ziraxus and Lucia.
    They must not be permitted to launch operations in the Sol sector, I cannot stress enough the threat of these rogue planets.

    The Spookabar has taken some serious damage, our Captain got the intel but I feer we wont make it back to the Sol system so I am launching this Homing Pidgeon Probe in a few minutes to ensure the data makes it to Earth in the Sol system.

    The Spookabar cannot handle another stand up fight.

    This is Jacob Skinner signing off.


    DATA LOG RECOVERED FROM Homing Pidgeon Probe -

    Engines Engaged.........79 second burn...........warp drive Engaged.........jump.
    Warp drive shut down 14:32 hours...........Engaging Hyper Velocity Drive.....Engaged.
    Entering Sol system.........Pluto...107-763-8872........Jupiter...298-993-764.......Mars - 884-2874-5543..............
    ...Applying Hyper Velocity Ion Brake............Receiving signal from Jupiter 1 Relay Station

    Detected anomalies in multiple systems on journey .... Amara Orbit Anomaly Detected.
    .... Ziraxus Orbit Anomaly Detected.
    .... Wookie Orbit Anomaly Detected.
    Corrected course to avoid detection....check.....


    The Spookabar hasnt been seen since.
    Can you find her ?

    Your Mission, to find the Lost City Of Sol.

    Sub missions that help to achieve that goal are to find the Spookabar and read ALL LCD screens on the Spookabar.

    The Spookabar is the key to the Icarus base location, it has been spotted in multiple systems with an Alien Warship Escort and is suspected to have had repairs done by the Aliens and may even be hostile to Humanoid vessels, EXTREME CAUTION is urged when engaging this target.

    The more information you can gather about the Icarus base the more likely your overall mission is to succeed. Good Luck Soldier !

    Human faction can start on Earth , Mars , a rogue planet or 2 Hubble planets, and the Explorer faction can start on any of the other planets in the Sol system and one Hubble planet or a rogue planet.


    UPDATED 7.0 Scenario Now Complete but will have POI tweeks in the future.

    Ok, havn't tracked the bug down stopping me from updating the scenarios, so what I have done is load them onto my daughters upload them from a different account and PC, this has got around the immediate problem.

    As this update requires a fresh start it shouldn't effect anything anyway, you can still transfer stuff [ ships/bases] from your old game via file swapping and you can still put your PLY file in the player folder to keep level and inventory.

    So the new SP version of this scenario completes the SP version of it, there is now an end game, a Zirax homeworld to invade and defeat and a party in there Orbit waiting for you, you will need some serious firepower to take em down.

    There are a few new planets half a dozen or so that complete the scenario, these planets are located around the Zirax Homeworld, where players end up after completing the scenarios main story, these planets have regen on there POIs and Orbital Ores so players can play the map for as long as they like after finishing the main story.

    Last edited: Oct 20, 2017
    Bollen, Runeshadow, dichebach and 9 others like this.
  2. rainyday

    rainyday Rear Admiral

    Dec 27, 2016
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    Yay! Super interesting and really cool that you made a separately tweaked one for SP/Co-Op. Nice! I will most definitely start my Alpha 6.0 SP game with this scenario.

    One question though...

    If its for SP/Co-Op why not make all the playfields PvP? Im not super familiar with these things but is there something PvE playfields offer in SP game? I like having damage from collisions for example - and that is only in PvP playfields. Friendly fire also.
  3. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    On the next update I will make all the playfields PvP.
    Theres very likely to be an update a week or two after the official 6.0 release, for unseen bugs and what not, maybe a performance update also , I will update scenario to suit, all the playfields should be PvP then and theres a couple of other things I never had time for either, like the PDA.
    rainyday likes this.
  4. Space Beagle

    Space Beagle Captain

    Oct 9, 2016
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    I'm also planing to play this as my public Alpha 6 SP, it has a interesting story - and it is good to help 'scenario pioneers' :)

    @piddlefoot - leave one planet, aka 'easy starter' in PvE for newer players and explaining note about major difference (collision damage). That CD thing is great and gives so much immersion - but for less experienced player can be very confusing that with harder lending on cargo container he can explode, or that your vessel can sustain serious damage if you are landing like rock :D
    Needleship and rainyday like this.
  5. rainyday

    rainyday Rear Admiral

    Dec 27, 2016
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    Sorry little OT - but I tested with my friend and it turns out HV's are the safest thing if you are about to fall from sky. Doesn't really matter how high you are - just set your hover height to 3m and wait for it to come down. Like landing on a pillow. :D
  6. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    Are you putting this on the workshop ?
  7. Iluminator

    Iluminator Lieutenant

    Feb 7, 2017
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    I started from the Earth on medium settings, a phenomenal start since I played this game the best feeling of playing. With this you put this game in a higher level and I can not describe how much I am fascinated by the looks of everything. This definitely goes to my little co-op server. Thank you for your efforts to invest in this.
  8. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Its over 5 megs so it may not be permitted by steam but I will attempt it today and check.
  9. amurayiwestgate

    amurayiwestgate Captain

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    Mar 31, 2017
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  10. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    amurayiwestgate likes this.
  11. StoneLegion

    StoneLegion Captain

    Oct 20, 2014
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    Wait steam is max at 5mb? I thought was like 100?
  12. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    Yep 5mb limit.
    This scenario is at 6.07mb on my ssd.
  13. StoneLegion

    StoneLegion Captain

    Oct 20, 2014
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    Wondering if this is an accidental cap by the client? Steam should be 100mb. This might need to be reported as a bug.

    I reported it as a bug. I feel like some sort of odd old limitation for blueprints or someone never thought they get that big. Either way hopefully it can be increased to say 10mb.
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2017
  14. Uwe Empyrion

    Uwe Empyrion Captain Staff Member

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    Jun 9, 2015
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    Hi! This was a first safety check on our side. As a side effect it teaches you to not use too large jpg's :) (since they are only displayed at a rather small size).
    Anyway, for the hotfix for tomorrow we'll quickly double this to 10 MB.
    piddlefoot, Pantera and StoneLegion like this.
  15. StoneLegion

    StoneLegion Captain

    Oct 20, 2014
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    Thanks mate it means a lot :)
    Pantera likes this.
  16. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Coolio so I can upload em to Steam then !
  17. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Scenario uploaded to Steam, done.
    rainyday likes this.
  18. Rebelizor

    Rebelizor Ensign

    Aug 29, 2016
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    i`m trying this scenario on my server. really fun, but i can not land on ziraxus.

    "Entity 'KRS' with id=........=(...............) is out of the playfield, reposition it to............"

    where is the issue?
  19. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Yea that's confusing because I just tested it and made it to Ziraxus with no issue.

    But it sounds like its teleporting you to the wrong position, you didn't try to enter planet right on the orange barrier where poles are ?
  20. Starrfoxx

    Starrfoxx Lieutenant

    Jun 4, 2017
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    Is the scenario set up to be different each time you start a new game?

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