Uncivil discussions

Discussion in 'Other Discussion' started by michaelhartman89, Sep 11, 2017.

  1. michaelhartman89

    michaelhartman89 Rear Admiral

    Oct 2, 2016
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    With your suggestions its another X series game and I will take my money elsewhere and you can have your dull space trading and combat simulator game


    What would be dull, is to leave the game as it is now.

    Do you even READ bro?

    I stated before:

    "Would it be better spent adding a survival only mode? We can both have what we want? Do you not like the thought of law enforcers, pirates, smugglers and npc faction wars?

    Im confused because what it seems you want to continue playing is exactly what we have now with no new content.

    Can we just have Empyrion classic mode to satisfy your needs?

    My overall question is WHAT DO YOU WANT? "

    Answer those questions please:eek:

    I just want a answer, that is all.

    Please break down each one and provide simple answers.

    I don't need essays. Answer them straight up without rambling on about whatever else comes to mind.

    To be fair to you, you kinda answered one question, although not directly:

    "It comes to that you want giant npc factions/politics/npc fleets and colonized planets in game and I dont." - your words

    Why? What is so great about the current single player? What would you do to improve it? How would you change it?
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2017
  2. michaelhartman89

    michaelhartman89 Rear Admiral

    Oct 2, 2016
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    One question I have that is somewhat serious:

    Are you educated?

    Have you taken a reading comprehension course?

    Dammit that was two!

    Do you even math bro?

    Clearly I don't;)
  3. michaelhartman89

    michaelhartman89 Rear Admiral

    Oct 2, 2016
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    Can you explain to me what "just another X series game" means?

    I know the game, and that is difficult to say, bc Empyrion is its own universe.

    Thats like saying I dont want Star Citizen bc it's just another Star Wars game.
  4. Xenophon

    Xenophon Commander

    Oct 1, 2015
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    Fine as you need to be spoon fed answers.

    "Would it be better spent adding a survival only mode?
    That would split the gaming community in 2. Not a good thing for multiple reasons. Which one gets priority in development choices? Less players for both communities because its only a subset of current very low one. Etc. Should be obvious its a bad thing to do in game.

    We can both have what we want?
    If "it comes to that you want giant npc factions/politics/npc fleets and colonized planets in game and I dont" then no, because you want something I dont and I want something you dont care about.

    Do you not like the thought of law enforcers, pirates, smugglers and npc faction wars?

    I wouldnt like npcs and giant npc factions etc in this game, I already explained this multiple times. Maybe you need a reading comprehension course.

    Im confused because what it seems you want to continue playing is exactly what we have now with no new content

    Theres plenty of content none of which needs npcs or civilizations etc. Like more types of planets (gas, crystal, ocean, machine etc) , other stuff like wormholes, relics, better ways to get technology, more mechanics like shields, teleporting, radars, real warping, better mechanics in medicine, weapons, survival, ships, personell combat, more enviroment effects on each of those mechanics etc etc etc

    And ofc boring to you features - which I listed some of in post before. Or maybe you consider these features as well.

    Can we just have Empyrion classic mode to satisfy your needs?
    Can we just have a scenario to satisfy your needs?

    My overall question is WHAT DO YOU WANT? "
    Listed some suggestions I would like in game, listed some suggestions I wouldnt. What else do you need answered?
  5. Xenophon

    Xenophon Commander

    Oct 1, 2015
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    Its the genre space trading and combat simulator that isnt what this game is "3D open world, space survival indie adventure game".

    Can you stop double posting and say things in same post?
  6. michaelhartman89

    michaelhartman89 Rear Admiral

    Oct 2, 2016
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    Scenarios would require these features to exist.

    I want all the same things you want, this is just additional. I just want the universe to feel alive and have some civilizations out there. I want to see more than deep space and wild frontier when I am playing.

    I want interaction over monotonous gameplay that is repetitive.

    I don't care about splitting the community, you are right that I only care about my features.

    The whole point is allowing users to simply turn off the npc content and player the normal vanilla version of Empyrion without the extra content.
  7. Xenophon

    Xenophon Commander

    Oct 1, 2015
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    Isnt that.. what a scenario is? Just that you need to turn ON extra npc content not other way (turn off)? Maybe then tools for players to develop better and more complicated scenarios in which such stuff can happen and publish them is what you want (scripting npcs and spawning/controlling ships in some code or whatever).

    Splitting community would happen by having it officially in npc version and vanilla version. And that would mean less players as some would play npcs some vanilla.
    Gawain likes this.
  8. michaelhartman89

    michaelhartman89 Rear Admiral

    Oct 2, 2016
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    Well the original post was to introduce features, thats it and you said no. I'm saying make these features available, and automatically think it will destroy your game.

    Maybe we should just take away all the npc's in the game and let you survive off plants and mine since you'd probably enjoy that more. Turrets and drones, thats all you get!

    Oh yah and the X Series is a damn space ship simulator game like wing commander series, elite dangerous and so many other series, so how does that relate to a voxel based building/survival with FPS GAMEPLAY!

    In X Series Rebirth you can't do anything other than walk around stations and ships.

    It's not on the same level as Empyrion or Star citizen, so bad example there.

    Im talking about advanced npc content that can perform tasks for the player.

    Yes I know you can hire npc's in X rebirth, I forgot to mention that.
  9. Xenophon

    Xenophon Commander

    Oct 1, 2015
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    youre asking for space ship simulator like those to be this game basically, replacing building/survival as you can do anything easier with npc factions by trading variables you get from random missions (money) for their spawned stuff instead of having to get it yourself (find resources and mine/cut down/raid POI/pick plants).

    Basically everything served for you in exchange for variables you get by killing spawned npc or trading spawned wares. Buying a ship instead of building it. Everything done by npcs in exchange for some money. Player actions become obsolete - just find best paying mission you can do and do it, then buy stuff and do another then again. Then have an empire of npcs and rule nothing because npc factions get free stuff. Oh wait there was survival/building somewhere in there? Like theres a point in doing any of that when you have npcs for everything.
  10. michaelhartman89

    michaelhartman89 Rear Admiral

    Oct 2, 2016
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    Ok what the $#@! are you smoking? Where did I say any of that in the sense you just quoted me saying?
  11. michaelhartman89

    michaelhartman89 Rear Admiral

    Oct 2, 2016
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    youre asking for space ship simulator like those to be this game basically, replacing building/survival as you can do anything easier with npc factions by trading variables you get from random missions (money) for their spawned stuff instead of having to get it yourself (find resources and mine/cut down/raid POI/pick plants).

    Late game material man, and again why does it matter what I do?

    Its better than everyone leaving bc there isnt anything to accomplish late game.

    Remember how I was gonna do my own thing and you can do yours, let's just stick to that!

    You turn it all off and have fun grinding away for endless hours.

    Basically everything served for you in exchange for variables you get by killing spawned npc or trading spawned wares.

    Nope not at all what I imagined

    Buying a ship instead of building it.

    There you go being a total asshat. Why dont you check out my building thread? I always build my own stuff

    Everything done by npcs in exchange for some money.

    Late game bro

    Player actions become obsolete - just find best paying mission you can do and do it, then buy stuff and do another then again. Then have an empire of npcs and rule nothing because npc factions get free stuff. Oh wait there was survival/building somewhere in there? Like theres a point in doing any of that when you have npcs for everything.

    Oh nvm reading the rest of your drivel:rolleyes:
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2017
  12. Xenophon

    Xenophon Commander

    Oct 1, 2015
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    I didnt quote, ^ that is quoting. One of your suggestions. Another one. Another one. Each about a space combat trading simulator, not survival/building. And most of your responses.

    What does it matter what you do? Well I can say same - add in game a free gun that instakills every npc/player/ship and doesnt use ammo - if you dont like it dont use it.

    Call it late game you can do it early game too - do stuff for money buy things, nevermind you could get them yourself when you can just buy it. You literally woudnt need to do anything except do stuff for money then buy stuff repeat and get to lategame with your suggestions. No survival or building needed. Maybe at start until you get to first npc station then turn game into Elite.

    And by buying ships I mean paying npcs money to build it with their own resources instead of getting resources and starting blueprint yourself. Not buying prefab. Using npc factories soi you dont have to build factory (when added) yourself.
  13. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    I need more popcorn...


    more on a serious note,
    that this game is called a Survival game should not hinder it getting some updates /additions in adjacent genres.
    serious, having sometimes in the future a complete galaxy full of... nothing... seams to me like Elite Dangerous even without the Dangerous and even more beige planets (that was an insider!) and No Man's Sky without.... eh ...it already has not much yet.
    So getting more stuff / content to play / interact with is / should be always welcomed - besides gameplay will be restricted through it, like actual the MK2 and Epic weapon upgrades that only can be looted or in case of MK2 be bought too, which I'm still not too happy with (on the other hand in my single player game I have 150++ MK2 Kits and 40++ Epic Weapons already, and no, no cheating involved).

    But then again,

    or just anybody roleplaying the thread title....
    yes, this must be it! :D

  14. Mortlath

    Mortlath Commander

    Jul 26, 2017
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    How do you feel about the existing POIs/trading outposts in the game? It feels weird that you can only kill/destroy all these functioning structures, but not build your own.
  15. oojimaflip

    oojimaflip Captain

    Oct 6, 2016
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    /rant on
    I may just be feeling fragile because I'm bummed out about the workshop bug (Vasara cannot be updated), but I'm getting the feeling that someone has a personal axe to grind and is using steam down votes to express that.
    It's frustrating, we've always been open about criticism and suggestions and the anonymity of down votes works against that process, it feels personal. I've been acutely aware of our "detractor" for a while now, I can pretty much guarantee that within a relatively short time of releasing something on the workshop it will get hit with a down vote.
    Doesn't seem like much? Well, Space Moles' stuff is nowhere near as popular as some of the great content creators out there and rates are hard to come by, when 10% of your total votes are -ve it's pretty damaging.
    /rant off
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2017
  16. vicomt

    vicomt Captain

    Jul 16, 2016
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    yeah, tis very strange. usually within hours of publishing something, there's a downvote. usually only the one, never any comment to say why. when it happens over and over you really start thinking that someone has an axe to grind and is trying to keep us off the top spots. it might be nothing, but it sure as hell doesn't feel like it.
    oojimaflip and michaelhartman89 like this.
  17. Xenophon

    Xenophon Commander

    Oct 1, 2015
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    where do you see down/upvotes?
  18. vicomt

    vicomt Captain

    Jul 16, 2016
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    in the detailed item stats on the workshop item page, there's a button at the top right of the blue box which says "Item Stats". this shows the breakdown of ratings, total, positive and negative and graphs of subs/rates over time.

    [edit - you can only see it on your own published items obvs ;) ]
  19. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Disagreeing is not "uncivil" and discussions are healthy. Insults are not arguments, and if people could focus on the subjects instead of trying to get to the individuals behind the arguments there would be no problems on forums. This is just a question of education : some people have grown up and learned this, and some have not (yet). There are tools available all over internet to learn what is a valid argument supporting an opinion, and what are the fallacious techniques used to manipulate and intimidate interlocutors. There are things that cannot be changed : player's preferences, experience, desires and such. If those are respected, and if focus is really applied to the subject or opinion in the perspective of having a "better game" for the widest audience possible, than we might see less nonsensical suggestions all over the place and also a lot less flame wars.
    binhthuy71 and Gawain like this.
  20. Kieve

    Kieve Rear Admiral

    Sep 26, 2016
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    I'm with the /popcorn group, but I figure this is worth replying to.

    You're in for a rude surprise then. Like many other features, they are going to happen at one point or another. The AI vessels, the 'Trader' and 'Alien' factions, it's all groundwork for a more robust NPC experience down the line. They're not a priority, and I think Eleon is still figuring out exactly how they want those aspects integrated, but the fact of the matter is this: If you are 100% adamantly against them ever being in the game at all, uninstall and move on.

    Of course, it's entirely possible you could go an entire game living like Chuck Noland and never speak to an NPC at all. Hell, you could probably do the same in Skyrim if you were so inclined. Hurling Draugr into spiked wall-traps is always fun. You'd be willingly depriving yourself of a large chunk of game content, but hey, you do you.
    binhthuy71 and Jᴧgᴧ like this.

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