Npcs: Poll and Major Suggestions proposed by the Community

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by michaelhartman89, Oct 5, 2017.


What major npc feature should be added first?

  1. Hiring and Employing Npcs (Ship Crews)

  2. Npc scripting and pathfinding

  3. Lore & Mission set

  4. Role playing and adding conversations

  5. Npc Factions, building Rapport and Diplomacy

  6. Escalation of Force for Enemy Npcs, Alien Invasions

  7. Creative - Instant Action Combat Mode

  8. Npc Fleets, Commanding multiple ships from Flagship

  9. Boss Size Npcs

  10. Taming and Breeding Animals

Multiple votes are allowed.
Results are only viewable after voting.
  1. LiftPizzas

    LiftPizzas Rear Admiral

    Sep 28, 2015
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    I'd like to see some sort of basic AI for aliens in the POIs so they'd act the way you'd expect. Just simple things like:
    -remembering you exist when going around a corner
    -acting like they don't want to be shot (getting out of the line of fire, taking cover)
    -noticing you exist when you're shooting their buddy who's standing right next to them
    -noticing you exist when you are firing a 50 caliber pistol in the next room
    -being able to walk up and down stairs, open/close doors, use elevators
    -not walking like a robot from a 1950's movie or twirling in circles
  2. LiftPizzas

    LiftPizzas Rear Admiral

    Sep 28, 2015
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    Exactly. The first rudimentary Quake bots 20 years ago were 1000 times more sophisticated-acting and even ran on a 486 or low-end first-generation pentium with 16 megs of RAM.
  3. michaelhartman89

    michaelhartman89 Rear Admiral

    Oct 2, 2016
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    It'll take progress to get to this point, Empyrion wont make it there overnight. I'm with you on the point that the AI needs A LOT of help, however this is just a poll to see what people prefer and this forum is for referencing what subjects are being proposed as features gamers would like to see added to the game.
    H.P. Strangelove likes this.
  4. H.P. Strangelove

    H.P. Strangelove Captain

    Jun 27, 2015
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    Voted for hiring and employing NPCs. Hiring a crew to populate a CV would be pretty incredible.

    Even buildable drones with RC waypoint controls would be pretty nifty.

    That being said, we're going to need AI that's a lot more sophisticated than the current placeholders.
    Neal, rucky and michaelhartman89 like this.
  5. FullSized

    FullSized Lieutenant

    Dec 20, 2016
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    Nobody will care what I think. Least of all a dev but here it is. Before you cry about a Wall of Text or say TLDR you should really sit back and appreciate that I loved this game enough to spend the time to tell you all of this. I promise this is not a rant. I only share this in hopes of real and positive change.

    This game has some major problems. I have put thousands of hours into every game of this type so I think I'm in a pretty good position to offer an opinion.

    1) PVP is absolute ****. Sorry to be blunt but there it is. 1/2 the reason I play is for pvp and its just not happening in this game. I havn't played but a few dozen hours over the last couple months. Reason being I want to build up my ship or ships and then go fight with others. Its pointless. The last 6 fights I had ended in a stalemate. The last of those was the most epic because I had a CV with the max loadout of guns on it. I was fighting another player who also had a CV with the max loadout of guns on it. We shot at each other nonstop for over 30 minutes. NOT KIDDING! 30 minutes and neither of us had more than minor damage. Finally he brought in 2 of his friends also with CV and max weapons. So now its a 3v1. After another 20 minutes of all 3 of them fireing at me and still having only minor damage they asked if I was bored yet. Clearly they were also bored. Almost an hour into the fight and nobody was ever going to win.

    PVP will continue to suck ass as long as we have these ridiculous weapon limits and auto tracking turrets. The auto turrets suck. They can't track anything that is moving. By limiting the weapon types you make it so that even with the occasion lucky hit you do almost no damage. I don't know if you guys tested this stuff. I don't know if you were actually fighting or shooting targets that were sitting still but in the real game the weapons are a joke.

    Now if you want this to be a PVE players paradise then why the fck are 1/2 the items in the game a weapon or ammunition. Go play Eve online, Space engineers, or Robotcraft. Now take two ships and have them wail on each other. See how long they last before one of them dies. People love those games. Yet battles are fast and violent. Which brings up another point. Warping out. Even if a battle could be won CV to CV in say 5 mins or less. The loser can and does almost always just warp out.

    2) More on pvp. Loot denyal. Nothing worse than the very rare pvp victory. This usually happens against bases since they can't just run away or last indefinitely. So when you FINALLY crack that egg. The fcking loot just vanishes. Sometimes you get a few minutes to gather it which is rarely long enough. Most of the time the whole structure just disappears. I always carry a spare core with me. So I even hop out the second I core the thing and try to slap my own core on it to keep it from disappearing but that almost never works as its gone before I can land and get to it. I'm talking like 10 seconds or less usually. Complete and utter BS to make the spoils of war disappear like that.

    3) Your official server sux. It is a crappy server or something because its capped at what 35 people and there is almost never an admin around to help with game bugs. Like my CV got stuck to my base. I just landed it on landing gear but it wouldn't let go. I even cut off the landing gear trying to get it free but it still wouldn't move. With no admins ever around I had to completely disassemble and rebuilt it. That wasted a good 2 days of play time.

    4) I'm not sure if this is vanilla now or just on the Offical Server and HWS server but POI buildings are now indestructible? This is fcking insane. There is no logic to this. What they have blocks that can not be destroyed no matter what? Not only is this beyond the real of reality but it makes them unplayable. I took 5 veteran players with me to one of the temple POI. We died about 400 times before we could complete it. This is not an exaggeration. 400 times. Because the blocks were indestructible we have to go only a certain way which ofc gives the NPC perfect shots against us while we can't even return them. Two of my team mates lost their backpacks because they disappeared rather than spawn when they died. These vanished bags took all the loot they had gathered to that point and their epic weapons with them. My bag didn't vanish. Instead it fell through the ground. But thanks to the new mechanic of putting it back to ground level my bag wasn't technically gone. Instead it was laying on top of the ground inside the bottom layer of the Indestructible POI blocks. So I got to see its icon there but no way to get to it. Point is POI are impossibly difficult for what you get out of them. I will certainly never do them again unless they are changed drastically.

    5) SV combat. SV use to be loads of fun to fly back in 4.0. Now they are busses. I mean you fly them from point A to point B and you don't even think about getting in a fight with them. Reason is they can only fire 4 guns at a time. WTF! yea 4 guns. A CV can fire 49 and a HV can fire 20? or so...and none of the SV weapons track. Direct line of fire only. So back when they could fire 21 guns they were cool b/c you had to use actual skill to kill stuff. Especially capitals. Now SV die almost instantly to base, HV, or CV tracking missiles. I use to play with about 12 people on this game. NONE of them play anymore thx to the pvp changes and all of their top complaint is SV getting boned up the ass nurfed.

    Tracking missiles should be taken out of the game period. They are way to OP against SV. SV need to be able to fire at least as many weapons simultaneously as HV or their weapons need buffed 5x as strong to make up for it. If tracking missiles stay in at all they should only be on HV and even then have to manually lock on for a good length of time to balance them.

    6) No build zones around bases and POI is total BS. WTF are you thinking? I get it. People got pissed off about tunneling so some dumbass thought this up. GUESS WHAT People still TUNNEL! they just use a rocket launcher instead of a drill. DUH! So all you did now is make is so that people can dig their own tunnel down to bedrock and off sideways 100 meters and move their core down there. Then they fill in the hole. Now someone can destroy their base but they are fcked for getting any loot from it because they will never find the core. God forbid your own ship gets hit and goes down during the battle for the base. Doesn't matter if you have spare parts on you. You can't place them because you are near an enemy base? What? Who thinks this **** up? Get rid of this stupid build / digging restriction.

    7) Offline protection. DUMB. Thats all there is to say about that. This is widely abused as a method of killing attackers. They just wait till the enemy is inside the field then log off. This kills their attackers and leaves their ships behind for the exploiter to salvage. Other people use a second account to create roofs and walls of offline protection fields around their bases so they can be online in a pvp area and yet still invulnerable. They either leave a small window in the field to get in and out which is a death trap for invaders or they log their alt on when they want to get out.

    8) Building Underwater. Somewhat common on pvp worlds is for people to build in a lake. You can't fly a ship into a lack to attack them so they are almost invulnerable. I have figured out a way to destroy them. It is Incredibly time consuming and probably considered an exploit. So every water base I find I kill. In general though these are impossible to kill giving people a permanent safe zone on pvp planets where they should for all other intents and purposes be vulnerable.

    9) Bullet drop. WTF happen to bullet drop. This was the first thing I remember seeing in this game that made me thing "wow these developers are amazing!" Now its gone? Artillery doesn't even drop. Its fcking artillery. Thats what it does. Put bullet drop back or you are scrubs. End of story.

    IF any developers actually read this far. Like I said before I don't expect you to listen to me. I've only been playing online base building pvp games since 1995 when outpost 2 came out. WTF do I know. I also know its human nature to assume you are right and I am wrong. Still my opinion for what its worth is that this game was WAY better in 4.0 with the exception of desync issues which has nothing to do with game mechanics. Ever since then I have been more and more disappointed with the updates especially in regard to pvp. Also since then the last 9 of my friends who were playing the game all quit and went on to other games. I honestly can't imagine what you guys are thinking. Its like you are trying to drive people away. At least anyone interested in the combat side of the game. Are you? Just say it so we wont have our hopes up. I seriously don't know how you can come back from where you are. I mean you could. Easily but I don't think you will because somebody has it in their mind that this is the route to go. I promise you this game is not fun anymore. Whatever hope we had for it to become something we could love died a few patches ago. I'm struggling to think up anything you have done lately that was IMO positive for the game. All I can come up with is random jump points to prevent jump camping. That's really it. So get your head out of your ass and fix this **** before you lose the rest of your pvp players and the game becomes a carebears paradise. Take notes from EveOnline. There are Safer areas in the game and more dangerous ones. But nobody is truly safe anywhere. Balance safety with consequence rather than preventing player on player action anywhere. And balance the weapons in a way that makes winning a fight possible. If you read that and thought "but i die so quickly in most of my test fights". Well son... all I can say is you have no idea how to build or how people do build. Stalemate after Stalemate is no fun.
  6. RMHaney

    RMHaney Lieutenant

    Oct 2, 2017
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    Well, I read every word. My three pieces of advice are:

    1) Insulting the developers and calling them names guarantees they won't give a **** about what you say.
    2) Work on your typing.
    3) Not a single thing you splayed out on here is on-topic.
  7. Advent

    Advent Ensign

    Jul 12, 2017
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    I've been away from these forums and the game for awhile so if this has been addressed forgive me. I'm replying because I got an alert for this post. I think there are a TON of outstanding ideas in the vote list and being posted but until there is a way for people to repair CVs fully (I.E. automatically replacing destroyed blocks) everything else is kinda secondary. Just my two cents.
    Thundercraft and geostar1024 like this.
  8. Sofianinho

    Sofianinho Captain

    Sep 7, 2016
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    Really ? from all these propsitions the only thing you'd like is to have pets ?
    And while you're at it, get rid of singleplayer and make Empyrion an online game like Elite Dangerous and Dual Universe ...
    rucky and Kassonnade like this.
  9. Malekh

    Malekh Captain

    Apr 26, 2016
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    I just thought this was worth repeating. The AI has a long way to go before it can compete with fps games from the 90s. I would say that it's improved though, i'd compare it to doom now and not wolf3d anymore.
    rucky and Kassonnade like this.
  10. Repier

    Repier Commander

    Feb 16, 2017
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    I agree with that but what makes me like this idea is just a basic reputation system at least:
    For example, if you start killing Talon guardians, they will be hostile towards you for a while (depending how many you killed). It does not have to be super complicated.
    Concerning the NPC factions, I was thinking about NPC getting hostile vs other NPC.
    We could have a planet controlled by 2 factions that are at war.
    Once I got chased by hostile mobs inside a TS. I would have loved to see those robot guards shoot down the trouble makers :)
  11. michaelhartman89

    michaelhartman89 Rear Admiral

    Oct 2, 2016
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    Coming from a PvP background on Destiny server in 4.0, this is spot on! Yes there should be safe zones, and im not going to force PvE players out to PvP zones, but PvP is something that every player should experience.

    I have a base or 2 out in PvP space and have my main base in PvE. I don't mind going out there to build my base, get resources and get in fights; I'm sure as hell not going to take a trophy ship out there.

    If a guy kills me I gladly give him the loot and my backpack and Im on my merry way back to PvE if I can hitch a ride or spawn back on Akua. I agree with your post, I just think the server you were on was full of ruthless cheaters and griefers. The kind with no honor that use offline protection as a weapon. On my server the admin would kick someone for doing this if they logged back on in the next 15 min, especially if they had a habit of doing this
    Sofianinho likes this.
  12. Malekh

    Malekh Captain

    Apr 26, 2016
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    Mmmhmmm. Good pvp is something everyone should experience. I wouldn't describe the pvp in empyrion as good, though. I play a pvp server in ark, i've played darkfall, i've played a fair number of pvp games. Its probably too long to go into all the reasons here, but i won't play pvp in empyrion. Having good admins helps, without a shadow of a doubt. In all situations. But the state of pvp these days is ruthless cheaters and griefers. If the base game can't handle this, there's a problem.
    michaelhartman89 likes this.
  13. Moonsugar

    Moonsugar Rear Admiral

    May 25, 2016
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    Eeem..pets? no, not exactly. Stock would fit better.

    SP is the only thing i play... No, i vote against this :)
    Morrigan and Kassonnade like this.
  14. Moonsugar

    Moonsugar Rear Admiral

    May 25, 2016
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    Yes, if that is covered by 'diplomacy' i am with you.
    Just make sure they decide correct on the question, who of those strangers are the troublemaker...
    Could be nice, yes, but there are more urgent problems yet...
    Kassonnade likes this.
  15. Moonsugar

    Moonsugar Rear Admiral

    May 25, 2016
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    Sorry, i disagree. I have no interest in this whatsoever, and if game mechanics would force me to do PvP, i would quit gaming. For Sure.
  16. MidasGunhazard

    MidasGunhazard Captain

    Jul 3, 2017
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    What's missing from this for me, what I would have voted on for sure, is an economy. Have NPCs giving out quests so you can earn credits other than by mining gold, and being able to actually sell things to NPCs.
  17. michaelhartman89

    michaelhartman89 Rear Admiral

    Oct 2, 2016
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    Yes, if that is covered by 'diplomacy' i am with you.

    Yes that is the way I see it. Factions should incorporate gameplay on that level and also have villains, neutral, hostile shoot on sight kill everything types aka Marauders, pirates, etc.

    Just make sure they decide correct on the question, who of those strangers are the troublemaker...
    Could be nice, yes, but there are more urgent problems yet...

    I definitely want to see enemies fighting each other in the game with small skirmishes in space and on the planet surface. I liked running around in Skyrim and watching two factions fight each other or driving in Farcry 4 and seeing firefights between the rebels and imperials.
    LordMontecute, rucky and Kassonnade like this.
  18. michaelhartman89

    michaelhartman89 Rear Admiral

    Oct 2, 2016
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    Kassonnade likes this.
  19. michaelhartman89

    michaelhartman89 Rear Admiral

    Oct 2, 2016
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    If you are on a server, we have events, battle royales and just regular PvP, but thats just a multiplayer component
  20. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    I would not have bought Empyrion if I had know beforehand that they would focus on satisfying a PvP crowd to the point of affecting the singleplayer experience. While I appreciate coop and maybe the eventual small clan match with family and friends, this is not what brought me to the game : lots of "arenas" are available for this. I bought Empyrion for game content and building. It had coop? Perfect, but I almost never play MP, and when I do the current state of the game makes it very difficult for beginners, so sessions don't last long.

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