Alpha 8 - Repair to Template

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Jun 12, 2018.

  1. Sayak

    Sayak Ensign

    Dec 16, 2017
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    Ok, after a hour long fight in combat CV i have 6 hour worth of repairs.
    Issue is repairs stop every time i go away from my ship. I guess that would mean sitting in one place for six hours just to watch my ship being repaired.....
    This one needs a fix
    BakerAble, SacredGlade and dichebach like this.
  2. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

    • Developer
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    Aug 15, 2016
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    Thanks this is known & being looked into.
    Ballard, Sayak, paxxo1985 and 5 others like this.
  3. Aum

    Aum Ensign

    Aug 7, 2015
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    where can i find the lock code to a ship i have on a multiplayer server, as i do not remember what the code was and i cannot repair my ship...

    if this happens can we add an option to change the lock code without having to save the template again?
  4. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    Ask an admin to unlock it, perhaps?

    We really need a personal keyring function to save lock codes for all devices; you should only ever have to manually input a code once.
  5. Frigidman

    Frigidman Rear Admiral

    Mar 19, 2016
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    1password in 2248 !
    geostar1024 likes this.
  6. LeVentNoir

    LeVentNoir Captain

    Jan 26, 2017
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    Could the game please auto save a template of a vehicle when you spawn a blueprint? That saves immediately saving it as the template.
    OopsLoops and Frigidman like this.
  7. Ballard

    Ballard Rear Admiral

    Feb 9, 2017
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    Why even use a lock code? I'm not afraid of my faction mates sneaking in and repairing my ships when I'm not looking.

    R2T is just grand, amazing, great - see nice.

    My buddy and I went out Saturday and we ended up in a complex of 5 Fortifications and one comm center. Oh I knew my HV tank could handle the bases. I'm a great HV tanker! What we did not count on was the massive numbers of Zirax, mechs, overlords, and other patrolling bad guys. You see, each of the POIs were spawning patrols, and they over lapped. They gave us quite a beating, lol. Great!

    What I found in the repair to template is that you 'Repair to Template' first, then you have to do a 'Repair Blocks' afterwards. Other than that two step process it works perfect. I got it started then I went off and did other things. The repair completed as expected.
  8. vxsote

    vxsote Commander

    Apr 26, 2016
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    When feeding materials via the repair console, after each deposit, the console shows that it is retrieving repair data (again). This takes a considerable amount of time (5-10 seconds), during which no more materials can be deposited. Further, if you pick up a stack of ingots from your inventory while waiting, you are unable to deposit them until you drop them back into inventory and pick them up again.

    This is quite frustrating when attempting to feed many stacks of ingots to repair a seriously damaged vessel.
    Ballard likes this.
  9. Ballard

    Ballard Rear Admiral

    Feb 9, 2017
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    Yes, the interface to add materials needs a clean up. I agree that it sucks right now.
  10. Christianholmes

    Christianholmes Captain

    Jul 27, 2016
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    A few bugs. First, when it says "retrieving repair data" the screen never updates. I have to exit the console and go back.

    And why does it say you can't add ingots in standby. First of all, you can. That is when you should be able to dump ingots in it.

    And on repair mode (not repair to template) it does NOT tell me what resources I need.
  11. Arachnovia

    Arachnovia Ensign

    Oct 27, 2017
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    obwohl die Repairbav ansich gut funktioniert hätte ich da nun doch eine Beschwerden zu diesem Ding.

    Wer ein Schiff Reparieren möchte darf das leider nicht im Weltraum tun wenn dieses Schiff SV´s oder Bodengleiter im Hangar hat.
    Bei SV´s ist es noch recht einfach zu lösen, mann kann das Schiff aus dem Hangar fliegen.

    Bei Bodengleitern muss man auf den Planeten landen - den Bodengleiter ausladen - das Schiff zurück zur Repairbay fliegen (oder auf dem Planeten eine extra Base bauen) - das Schiff reparieren - dasCV wieder auf den Planeten Landen - den Bodengleiter wieder einladen - den Planeten wieder verlassen.

    Umständlicher gehts kaum !

    Ich habe ja verständniss dafür das manches nicht ganz so funktioniert wie man das gerne hätte, aber das ist Mist!

    Es kann doch nun echt nicht sein das ich Bodengleiter im Weltall nicht bewegen kann und das trotz Schubdüsen und Schwerkraftgenerrator, und das ich gleichzeitig nicht Reparieren kann ohne mords Aufwand zu betreiben.

    Und kommt mir jetzt bitte nicht mit - das ist ne Alpha - Ich weis das es ne Alpha ist, aber ich habe wie jeder andere auch Geld investiert für das Spiel, wir haben es gekauft um die Entwiklung (Weiterentwiklung) zu finanzieren.
    Da erwarte ich als Kunde auch das solche Probleme gelöst werden.

    Und ja mir ist bewust das man da evtl. auch drann sitzt, aber an manchen Dingen im Game kann man echt verzweifeln.

    Z.B der Respowntimer der NPC Feindbasen, bei manchen funktioniert es bei anderen nicht. Drohnenbasen die 1 mal zerstört und entkernt wurden spownen keine Drohnen mehr. Die Bergbaugeräte funktionieren nicht richtig - trotz voller energie wird behauptet das sie keine Energie hätten, trotz 100% Vorkommen wird behauptet es ist kein Rohstoff.

    Da gibt es so viele dinge die nicht richtig funktionieren.

    Klar evtl. läst sich das mit der sicherheitszohne nicht lösen, aber dann macht euch bitte mal drann das man Bodengleiter im Raum bei vorhandener Schwerkraft bewegen kann (innerhalb von Schiffen und Stationen damit man nich 100 Basen Bauen muss um egal wo etwas Reparieren zu können.

    PS - Ich finde es ja immer wieder schade das man bei manchen Spieleherstellern nicht einfach mal als Ratgeber, Berater, Tester arbeiten kann. Manchmal würde ein Blick von aussen auf das was man abliefern will sehr viel unmut und unsinn in der Kundschaft vermeiden.
  12. RickyRockFish

    RickyRockFish Ensign

    May 7, 2018
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    Love the repair to template feature, not so fond of how it is implemented. Not very intuitive as to how to use it.
  13. vxsote

    vxsote Commander

    Apr 26, 2016
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    I use a medium size CV as an HV tank carrier and as a general "get-around" vessel. The HVs (and usually a few SVs) are carried in an internal hangar, and the ship is well enough armored to use in mild CV-CV skirmishes as well. So, it gets dinged up a lot. And it's not unusual to lose a few blocks here and there. Sometimes a bigger chunk or two gets eaten. On occasion, a major physics malfunction/freakout occurs resulting in one or more friendly SVs or HVs becoming embedded in a wall or taking out some significant portion of the innards of the CV. (This is, of course, completely f-ing ridiculous, but not the intended focus of this post.)

    What I'm getting at is when I bring this ship back home, it usually needs some TLC. It is almost the perfect use case for repair-to-template. Knowing that all of the layers of armor are complete without having to scan the entire underside or borescope the walls is wonderful. Having the exterior spotlights replaced (because they are almost always the first blocks to get blown off in a fight) automatically is great. Getting back up to a full complement of turrets without having to count how many of what type are left is a win.

    But you know what sucks? Having to undock everything inside and move it out. This ship is designed to carry anywhere from 4 to 12 medium size HV tanks into battle, and usually brings a fair number of those home. Sure this takes less time than doing major repairs by hand, but manual repairs to a battle-damaged ship are a labor of love. Un-parking all your other ships and then putting them all back is nothing more than a chore.

    So what I really want is for repair-to-template to work with ships still docked. If a block that needs to be replaced would overlap a parked ship, then maybe require it to be moved or repair all but that particular block. But let us leave everything else where it is.

    Please give us repair-to-template without having to move docked ships that aren't actually in the way.
    geostar1024 likes this.
  14. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    This is the key, and seems like it'd be trivial to implement (just test the bounding boxes of all docked entities and exclude those block locations that contain part of the bounding boxes).
  15. agal59

    agal59 Lieutenant

    May 26, 2016
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    Thanks. With patience it worked. I did not know it would take a long time for the repair console to 'discover' the SV. Once it did, everything worked well. Thank you.
  16. Atola

    Atola Commander

    May 31, 2016
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    repair block (not repair to template) keeps saying "Ship Type cannot be Repaired"
    Meanwhile the console displays the Name and type of the ship correctly.
    what is the REAL problem?

    And why can't the game tell me?

    Problem is within a CV, on my base the HV repaired just fine.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2018
  17. OopsLoops

    OopsLoops Lieutenant

    Nov 5, 2017
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    I felt restrictions by HitCheck were severe. Repair can not be done if the HitCheck of BA touches to the cube wrapping the aircraft.

    As I saw, for example, When arranging the boards of the Walkway block side down (So that the board is on the underside of the cube) and making them to the floor, It seemed to be a problem to repair. Other decorations often interfere.

    It narrows the freedom of design. For example, decoration that surrounds the nose can not be arranged. It was a very big limitation and I felt that it losing fun.
  18. Kard

    Kard Commander

    Oct 22, 2017
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    As others have mentioned, but worth re-iterating to show importance:

    1 - New spawned blueprints should automatically have the template set. Yes, we understand these are two unique concepts, but in practical terms for the RepairBay system, at spawn-in, they are not.
    2 - The double process for R2T then RepairBlocks should be optional to combine into one. (checkbox)
    3 - As others have mentioned, adding resources can be very annoying, since it triggers analysis cycles. Adding resources should not be interfered by anything.
    4 - Ignore docked vessels (ie: sv/hv's docked to the CV you are trying to repair.
    5 - Prevent interruptions/restarts due to players leaving the area, etc.

    With that said, I love the system, and it is a great start for implementation of, considering Alpha status. It has a ways to go, but for now I love not having to continually manually replace all that damage on my trusty SV's (or simply respawn/replace the ship them from scratch which is faster).
    OopsLoops, geostar1024 and GasBandit like this.
  19. vxsote

    vxsote Commander

    Apr 26, 2016
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    After a minor skirmish, I decided to get repairs for my HV tank at the repair pad in my CV, which had been set to repair blocks and automatic enabled. My HV tank has an enclosed cockpit that sits in the middle of an enclosed hull with room to walk around.

    I drove onto the repair pad, docked the HV, turned off the power, and exited the cockpit. The repair pad immediately activated and tried to expel me from the area, but I was still inside the hull of the HV. So it slammed me and pinned me against the wall and broke my leg. The repair job was short, so I was freed before I could find a way out of my predicament or have someone else from my faction come help.

    So basically, the repair bay tried to kill me. I would like for the repair bay to not do that.
    wrenchinator likes this.
  20. Kard

    Kard Commander

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Een mudder rusha, You do not use repair bay. Repair bay uses YOU.

    It's a repair bay, REPAIR THE MAN, dag nabbit!

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