READ BEFORE REPORTING - Bug Report Template, Requirements & Troubleshooting

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Hummel-o-War, Jan 15, 2019.

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  1. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Note: Bugs for any EXPERIMENTAL version go to this forum only:


    1. Read through the READ FIRST Paragraph if you are unsure which information are required:

    2. Check the Bug Forum and its sub-forums if your issues is ALREADY added!!!

    3. Check here if you have any problems getting the game to launch, crashes & general trouble shooting tips

    4. Using modified configs or files ? see here

    5. IF yes, please contribute your findings to an existing thread by USING THE REPORTING TEMPLATE from below.

    6. IF your issue is not yet listed, please create a
    NEW THREAD in this forum by USING THE REPORTING TEMPLATE from below.

    IMPORTANT: Please only report ONE BUG per THREAD. Do NOT add SEVERAL bugs per thread as this will make your report hard to track! Thanks!

    7. GIVE A DESCRIPTIVE AND ON-THE-SPOT headline (thread title) so your issue is regognized by QA and by OTHER PLAYERS that might run into the same issue.

    Please note that our moderators will move and merge threads that do not follow these rules



    Post your bugs using the following template (Blank template):
    DLC Installed:


    If applicable:





    Steps to Reproduce:

    Screenshots, Crash Logs, any other Relevant Information or Download links:

    Information to include in the template (Please take a few moments to read first before using the blank template):
    Build: (The build number the bug was found in which can be seen in the top left on the screen for example: v1.5.3 B3390)
    Mode: (Creative, Survival, Freedom mode)
    Mode: (Singleplayer, Dedicated Server, Peer2Peer Coop)
    Platform: Steam or EPIC (Steam users should only leave Steam here & EPIC users should only leave EPIC here)
    DLC Installed: Yes or No: Do you have any official DLC installed ?

    SERVER NAME: (If the issue happened on a public server, please add the name here)
    SEED-ID: (Please always add the SEED-ID for SingleplayerSurvival games; Open the console. The Seed is noted somewhere to the "playfield loaded" dialogue)

    If applicable:
    MODIFIED PLAYFIELDS: Yes/No/DontKnow (<- YES if new planets or non-default playfields are used. Use DontKnow if you are not aware if anything has been changed)

    Reproducibility: (Always, Sometimes, Unable)
    Severity: (Trivial, Minor, Major, Crash)

    Type: (Global / O2Rooms / Temperature,Radiation / Player Armor,Boosters / Repair / Teleport,Portals / Instances / Triggers,Sensors / AIVessels / Gamestart / ... )

    Summary: (1-liner = can be the same as the thread headline)

    Description: (short description: 1-2 sentences)

    Steps to Reproduce: (steps to reproduce the issue. This is ESSENTIAL for a bugfix! please list the steps list this for example:)

    Screenshots, Crash Logs, any other Relevant Information or Download links: ( Note: for more complex reproduction usecases that require quite some "setup", please create a savegame and upload it to a service & also attach a copy of your client log (& crashes log if a crash occurred):

    How to supply a save game for a report:

    For Steam players:

    For SP or Co-op:

    • Right click on "Empyrion" in your steam library > Properties > Local files > Browse > Saves > Games
    • or: SteamLibrary\steamapps\Common\Empyrion - Galactic Survival\Saves\Games
    For MP:
    • Right click on "Empyrion - Dedicated Server" in your steam library > Properties > Local files > Browse > Saves > Games
    • or: SteamLibrary\steamapps\Common\Empyrion - Dedicated Server\Saves\Games
    1. Make a note of the name of the save game then navigate to the Saves > Games Folder & right click on the save folder & place your mouse cursor over 'Send to' create a compressed copy of it
    2. Use a file hosting site like mediafire, dropbox or google drive & add a share link to it in your reply
    3. If you are sending us the info via an email please add a share link to the file or files you have uploaded & some details such as a link to your report
    For Epic players:
    For SP or Co-op:

    • Right-click on "Empyrion" in your Epic library.
    • Select "Manage" then click on the folder icon called "Open Install Location"
    1. Make a note of the name of the save game then navigate to the Saves > Games Folder & right click on the save folder & place your mouse cursor over 'Send to' create a compressed copy of it
    2. Use a file hosting site like mediafire, dropbox or google drive & add a share link to it in your reply
    3. If you are sending us the info via an email please add a share link to the file or files you have uploaded & some details such as a link to your report

    How to supply logs to a report:

    For Steam players:
    1. Client log location:
      Right click on Empyrion in your steam library > Properties > Local files > Browse local files > Logs

    2. Dedicated server logs ("Dedicated" & "Playfield" logs):
      Empyrion - Dedicated Server\Logs\<build number>
    For Epic players:
    1. Right-click on "Empyrion" in your Epic library.
    2. Select "Manage" then click on the folder icon called "Open Install Location"
    • Right-click the Logs folder > Send to > "Compressed (Zipped) folder."
    • To add to your forum report, use the "Upload a File" option in the post editor or upload to a file hosting site (e.g., MediaFire, Dropbox, Google Drive) and share the link.
    • If emailing support, upload the file to a sharing site and include the link in your email to [email protected].

    For Crashes:

    if a crash occurred please also look for & attach a copy of the crash folder. Crashes folder locations:
    C:\Users\<YourUserName>\AppData\LocalLow\Eleon Game Studios\Empyrion - Galactic Survival
    C:\Users\<YourUserName>\AppData\Local\Temp\Eleon Game Studios\Empyrion - Galactic Survival

    Create a dxdiag file & attach it with the previous files
    In Windows 7:
    1. Click on the "Start" Button.
    2. In the Search Box type dxdiag and press <Enter>. The DirectX Diagnostic Tool pop-up window should appear.
    3. Click on “Save all Information.”
    4. Save the information to your Desktop, keep the file name as is.
    In Windows 8, Windows 10:
    1. Press the [Windows]+[R] keys on your keyboard to bring up the Run command.
    2. In the "Run" command box, type in dxdiag and press <Enter>. The DirectX Diagnostic Tool pop-up window should appear.
    3. Click on "Save all Information." Save the information to your Desktop, keep the file name as is.
    • Create copies of the relevant files or folders.
    • Compress them: Right-click the file or folder > Send to > "Compressed (Zipped) folder."
    • For forum reports, use the "Upload a File" option in the post editor or upload to a file hosting site (e.g., MediaFire, Dropbox, Google Drive) and share the link.
    • For support emails, upload the file to a sharing site and include the link in your email to [email protected].

    How to attach screenshots (OLD):
    - On the steam website go to your profile then select "Artwork"
    - Upload an image following the instructions & make it "Private" (or Public this is up to you)
    - View the image & right click it & select "Open Image in New Tab" (this option is available on Firefox)
    - Copy the address of the image in the browser address bar & when on the forum use the option "Image" & paste in the URL & select "Insert"



    - In the steam client go to your profile then select "Artwork"
    - Upload an image following the instructions & make it "Private" (or Public this is up to you)
    - View the image & select "Download" <- the image will increase in size in the steam client
    - Place your cursor on the image & select "Copy page URL"
    - Paste this address in to the "Image" option when making a post or editing a post & select "Insert"



    Found an exploit ? please send an email to [email protected] with the subject as just:

    & use the above report template in the email to explain what the exploit is & how it can be reproduced. Please don't post exploits on the forum.


    Thanks in advance for saving us time to address your issue! :)
    nottrox ¯\ (ツ) /¯ and Ephoie like this.
  2. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    READ FIRST: For a proper testing procedure and bug reporting, we recommend the following preparations and workflows:
    1. Go to your steam library and VERIFY your game files!
      Steam > Library > Right-click Empyrion in the list > Properties > Local Files > Verify Locale Data

    2. Make sure you are NOT using a custom config!
      There are currently multiple files that can be "modded".
      These are all found in: Empyrion - Galactic Survival\Content\Configuration or any Custom scenario Content.

      When running into an issue, it would be HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to check if you are using a customized version of any file in the configuration folder.

      If you are using a custom file:
      Please move the customzied file/s out of the folder (Rename, remove, move)
      Verify the game files via STEAM (this will restore the default files if you do not have them ready)
      1. Right click on Empyrion in your steam library & select properties
      2. Click on the local files tab & choose the 'Verify integrity of local game files' option
      3. Then recheck for the error with only stock files in the Configuration folder

    3. Avoid resuming any pre-Release Candidate savegame!
      There is a chance that changes we made do not translate to older savegames. Especially for bugs concerning terrain, loot and other playfield configs.
      Best practice: if you run into an issue with a savegame that was started BEFORE a RC has been released, please re-test the issue in a fresh new RC savegame again!

    4. Additional Routine: Delete the GAME CACHE when trying to reproduce a bug!
      The game cache saves some presets and may be source of a false positive reports or even be part of the problem. To make sure we have all the infos, please check the following folder when trying to reproduce a but and make a note in your report if the bug still happens AFTER clearing the cache: ..\Empyrion - Galactic Survival\Saves\Cache
    Ephoie likes this.
  3. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    'Continue or Quit' (CoQ) Error

    When you get a 'CoQ' (Continue or Quit) error in SINGLEPLAYER, please do the following:
    1. Note the build number in the top right (the last 4 digits) then exit the game (click QUIT or ALT+F4)
    2. Right click on Empyrion in your steam library > Properties > Local files > Browse local files > Logs
    3. Look for the folder name that matches the build number from step 1 or look for the folder named by the highest number and open it
    4. Right click on the client log from when this happened & place your mouse cursor over 'Send to' create a compressed copy of it
    5. Open your Email, attach the compressed copy of the log & write what happened BEFORE the CoQ and send to:

    [email protected]

    The QA team will pick up your issue and decode or ask back more info.

    2) IF YOU RAN A COOP SERVER need to:
    - send in the Client.logs for all players that were affected
    - send in the COOP server and COOP-client logs

    The COOP Client logs are in the SAME folder on the PC which started the session.

    Look for
    a) logs that start with 'Client_AsPf_'
    b) log that starts with 'Dedicated_'

    Send in both COOP Client and Server logs to the same Email address

    3) IF you are running a DEDICATED SERVER,
    go the the /LOGS folder, zip the whole thing (in case you do not know what are the latest files) + ADD an info on which playfield and WHEN (time stamp) the issue happened...and send it to the same Email address as well.



    1. If you haven an issue with a Base or Vessel with temperature, radiation, colliders, can-not-dock, o2 or plants not growing or anything that happens without anything else in the game world is directly affected, please ADD THE BLUEPRINT or the SAVEGAME and add an info if SP or MP! If you want to add your savegame, please upload your savegame to a cloud host (like dropbox, google,..) and add a LINK to your report

    2. If you having issues with something missing from your planet, spawned in the wrong place or anything that keeps being broken after resuming a savegame PLEASE UPLOAD the savegame to a cloud host (like dropbox, google etc) and add a LINK in your bug report

    3. If you CRASHED with a message "Continue or Quit" on a SP or MP game, PLEASE FOLLOW 'Continue or Quit' instructions as written above

    4. If you CRASHED back to desktop (empyion.exe does not work anymore) do the same as in (3.).

    5. If you game FREEZES (locked up), please make a note that this is a FREEZE (not a "Crash"). Add the same files as in 3. and maybe add a dxdiag as well.

    Ephoie and Cluascorp like this.
  4. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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  5. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    Thread prefix definitions for this forum:

    Investigating: The issue is currently being examined by our team. We are in the process of gathering more information and reproducing the problem to understand its cause and add it to our internal bug tracker.

    The issue has been reproduced and is queued in our internal bug tracker. They will be addressed in future updates as resources & schedules allow.

    Not a bug:
    The reported issue is not considered a bug. It may be intended behavior or a misunderstanding of the feature.

    Currently not reproducible:
    The issue cannot be replicated with the current build or steps provided. Further information may be needed.

    Fixes in the next update:
    Bugs which we just recently fixed in our development version and will reach you in the next release.

    Fixed: The issue has been resolved and verified. No further action is required.
    Regressions can happen though & a new report will be needed if a previously fixed issue is found to have regressed.

    Known issues: These are acknowledged bugs that are documented and they will be addressed in future updates as resources & schedules allow.

    Please retest & re-report: This means that the issue needs to be tested again to verify if it has been resolved or if it still persists.

    Custom Content issue: We don’t provide any support for custom content this would be the responsibility of the author to resolve unless this issue also exists in a vanilla configuration.
    ZaCloud, ravien_ff and Vermillion like this.
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