EGS Quick and Dirty Guide

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Huntn, Jul 11, 2018.

  1. Huntn

    Huntn Lieutenant

    Jul 5, 2018
    Likes Received:
    EGS Quick and Dirty Guide
    for beginners...
    I'm new. :D

    Table of Contents

    • Updates
    • Links
    • Tutorials Scattered through this guide
    • Tutorials
    • Misc Tips
    • Flying
    • Building
    • Misc Building Tips
    • Personal Gear
    • Weapons
    • Creative Mode Controls
    • Controls/Key Bindings
    • Vehicle Specific Hotkeys/Combos
    • F Keys
    • Consol Commands


    • 15Sep- Added How to Set Up a Switch/Door Circuit under Misc Building Tips.
    • 2Sep- Added farming guide to Tutorial Section.
    • 9Aug- Added a Link in Salvage Section on how to find devices in an unfamiliar ship/base.
    • 7 Aug- Updated section under Misc Building about how to check you ship for air tightness. Added new section called Salvage.
    • 1Aug- Added Cut and Paste tutorial Page 2, post 22, plus Table of Contents, and the location of Tutorials scattered through this thread.
    • 29July- Added blurb under Misc Building on how to create blueprints and then publish them.
    • 28July- Updated Tutorial List. Added blurb under Misc Building on how to check that a ship is airtight.
    • 26July- Decided to break up the wall of white text.
    • 25July- Added blurb on creating a motion sensor light circuit under Misc Building Tips.
    • 23July- Added note about Bright Lights under Misc Building Tips
    • 22July- Added a very short flying section with instructions of how to change the view position when sitting in the pilot seat using 3rd person (V) view. Added note under Misc Building Tips about Godmode vs Building Drone.
    • 14July- Added creative controls for adding multiple blocks and for removing blocks without having to use the multi-tool.
    • 11July18- Post 2,3- Argent Spire Dissection Parts 1 and 2. Post 4- 2 Way block rotation.
    • 10July18- Guide Published. More Building info to come.

    * Top 10 Survival Tips:

    * Survival Best Practice Guide:

    * Blueprints and Steam Workshop:

    * Consol Commands:

    * My posted thread July 2018:

    * Alpha 6 Guide FAQ:

    Tutorials Scattered through this thread

    • Agrent Spire (Prefab 5)Dissection Project Page 1, Post 2
    • Argent Spire Dissection Project Pt 2 Jagged Column, Page 1, Post 3
    • Two Directional Block Rotation, Page 1 Post 4
    • Argent Spire Dissection Project Pt 3 Double Arch, Page 1 Post 9
    • Build a Basic Ship, Page 1, Post 12
    • Basic Copy and Paste, Page 2, Post 22.

    Misc Tips
    * How to Change the Time (solo or admin capable): If it’s night and you don’t want to wait for morning, open the consol (~) type in “time 2000, or 3000” to jump the day to the next morning. Close consol. I don’t how the day is actually divided up.

    * Refrigerators- Don’t change the readable perishable time to a longer length, but they do completely stop the perishable time.

    * Minimum requirement to make a flying Machine
    Did you know that to make a vehicle that flies, you only need a vehicle starter block (that includes a core...all starter blocks include cores), and place these items on it: a pilot chair, a fuel tank with fuel, a generator, and some thrusters pointed up down, left right, front back?

    *Adjust Third Person View from Pilot seat (thanks to Binhthuy71!)
    When sitting in the Pilot Chair of a vehicle, adjusting the 3rd person view may be a must:

    1) Enter 3rd person view (V key)
    2) Raise or lower view with PAGE UP or PAGE DOWN keys
    3) Adjust camera for distance by pressing and holding left ALT key for a second to free camera. Use mouse to adjust camera. Press and hold left ALT key for a second to lock camera back in place.

    * There is both a Texture Tool and a Color Tool. Not only that but depending on the block material, the texures will look different from block material type to block material type.

    Block Rotation
    * When looking at a finished building and you are new, it can be tough to figure out how the structure was built.

    * Rotating Blocks on the X, Y, Z axis.

    * Insert and Delete- Change rotation axis

    * Home and End- Rotate block around it’s axis.

    * Page Up and Down- When placing a spawned item, such as a blueprint, move it’s placement up and down.

    *Caution: There are physics at work. Your building does have structural integrity. but parts can fall off, if integrity is not sufficient. You can select the N key, then check Structural Integrity to check it out.

    - Y Axis Green is a vertical line that rotates objects around the horizontal points of the horizon.


    - X Axis a horizontal line (left to right) that rotates objects around it's vertical axis.


    -Z Axis is a purple horizontal line which rotates around it's axis.


    Just keep in mind that objects rotate around the line's length, not over its ends.

    Misc Building Tips

    * How to create blueprints and then publish your Base/Ship in the Steam Workshop.
    After you have dotted all of your Is and crossed all of your Ts, it could be time to publish. My first published item is a small vehicle (SV), link:

    • Controls: Both F2 and Alt-O pulls up the library (blueprint) page.
      F6 toggles the HUD (User Interface) off and on.
      V toggles first/third person view.
    • Create a blueprint- To initiate the process, look at your vehicle and press Alt-O this will pull up the blue print page. Notice the image on the right side of this page when any blueprint is selected. If you have no ships/bases subscribed to there won't be any pictures. Take my word that using Alt-O creates the image associated with your blueprint. The screenshot of wherever you were standing and may include your toon if not previously placed in first person view (V).

      When this item is eventually published, this is will be the first screenshot posted of your vehicle or base. However, after the blueprint is created, this image can be reset by looking at the vehicle again and hitting Alt-O a second time and overwriting the file. I would do this prior to publishing, but the screenshot might still be able to update the first screenshot after it is published, not verified.

    • Blueprint Page- there will be three choices, Save as, Overwrite, and Cancel. With a new blueprint, you must select Save As. A naming box appears and of course you want to give it a unique name, not the default name. I leave the class (SV or CB) attached, because I like to see the ship designation, but that is not required. Your blueprints will appear at the top of the blueprint list on the left side of this page along with items you have subscribed to in the Steam Workshop (for this game).
    • Update Blueprint- by using the Overwrite option.
    • Stage Your first and primary screenshot- as mentioned before, adjust the image associated with publishing a blueprint. Creative mode seems to be the best way to build stuff, because you learn how to build, without grind, and you can select "god mode" (open the consol (~), type in “Godmode”) which on a planet allows you to do things like move your ship to a location, allow it to hover, and quickly move outside the ship in fly mode, right through the walls, frame a shot, and then use Alt-O to overwrite the existing blueprint. To repeat, this process creates a new screenshot of your vehicle tied to the blueprint file.
    • Publish a blueprint- Using Alt-O as originally used to access the blueprint page, there was no publish button. Personal blueprints sit within your game library and are private. To publish this blueprint, access the Blueprint page by accessing your library (blueprints) via the F2 key to see the Publish button. When selected, there are 3 options- private, friends, public. Pick one. My personal preference is to choose private, or friends until I have set up the new Workshop Page that is created advertising your latest creation.
    • Setup the Workshop Page- Proceed to the Steam interface. On the main link section, next to Store, Library, select your user name, scroll to Content and select. Then select Workshop Items. Select your ship/base and on the right side of the Workshop page for your item, will be the Owner Controls, where you can edit the title and description, add/edit, images and videos, change visibility (select Public here) and delete it from the workshop, among other options.
    * How to verify your ship/base is airtight
    To do an airtight check, there are three methods to check for leaks.

    Option 1: On the HUD left down corner there is an O2 symbol, right of the helmet.
    If the block (BA/CV) your character is standing in have Oxygen, that symbol will be on/lit. This can sometimes be used as an easy way to check if parts of a room or area is airtight. Also know that can take off the helmet if want to. But not needed since the helmet uses outside air before the suit tank. (Thank you StyxAnnihilatorCommander!)

    For a small block (HV/SV) it is the "airblock" at helmet/head position that can trigger it. Normally this is block height/level 3 from a surface/floor. Might use this when building a vessel with compartment to just have that level or a section of blocks airtight, where the floor and level 1 and 2 are not airtight.

    As long as there is an unbroken "chain" of airtight blocks, then areas can receive air from a ventilator. (Not sure if there are a max distance).

    Option 2: By pressing the N key, the Building/Debug window pops up. is to check “Show Airtight Blocks”. Select and press N again to close that window, but the setting remains in effect. If the ship is airtight, on the outside it will be covered with a green color. Any area without green completely around it indicates a leak.

    Option 3: if you ship has O2, you can select “Show Oxygen”. Every block on the inside of the ship, should have a blue O2 icon. The interior of the ship will be covered by a matrix of blue O2 icons. If it’s not, you have a leak. What can make this challenging is that if you have a leak, there maybe no O2 icons showing anywhere in the problem compartment.

    * How to Setup a Switch Door Combo

    - Install the switch on the wall using a Sensors and Signals Block. Place the door(s) if not already done so.

    - Look at (put your cursor on the switch) and press P. This switch will be highlighted under the Devices Tab. Create a new group. I’m creating a control for my Flight Deck Shutters so I named it “Flight Deck Shutters).

    - Add the Switch and the shutter door(s) to the group.

    - Once they are in the group, click on the switch (Device Tab), and name if if you desire in the name box.

    - While still looking at the Switch, select the Signal Logic Tab. In the Tx Signal Box, create a name for this circuit. I named it “FDS Door Control” (Flight Deck Shutter Door Control). Under On/Off I selected “FDS Door Control” and next to that, selected “Follow” and clicked on Add Circuit button. Before you leave the Device tab, make sure that the switch is Active. On the right side of this page is an Active slider.

    - Under Devices, select the Shutter Door(s) in this group and name each of them (optional) I used names like FD Shutter 1, 2, etc.

    -Then under Signal Logic Tab, under the Open/Close window, I selected the Circuit “FDS Door Control” which I created a few steps back. Under Select Circuit, I selected “Inverter” and then clicked on the Add Circuit button. I had multiple shutter doors so I did this for all of the shutter doors.

    - That should be it. When you close the Control Panel, the switch should have a red light. When you toggle it hitting “F”, it will turn green and your doors should either open or close.

    * How to Setup a Sensor Light Combo, so the light comes on when the sensor is triggered. (July 2018, Thanks to GasBandit!)

    - In this example I’ll put a light in my cargo bay that comes on automatically when I walk into the cargo bay and the sensor is activated.

    - Place a motion sensor- Then while looking at the motion sensor, select P to open the Control Panel.

    - Put the sensor in a group: Under the Device Tab, Device groups will be listed on the left side of the page. If you have not set any up, it will be blank. It’s convenient to select the Auto Group icon at the top of the page. This will place all existing devices (in the ship or base) into groups, even if they are groups of 1.

    Note: This section updated. It no longer says the Auto Group will delete custom names, you've created, because that was not correct.

    - Name the sensor: Under the Device Tab. Naming to something other than the default name is not required, but if you have multiple sensors this makes it easier to keep track of which sensor it is. I named the sensor: Cargo Bay Sensor: Motion Sensor Cargo. Make sure the sensor is toggled to Active.

    - Configure the boundaries of the sensor: On the right side of the page, select the size of the detection signal coverage. Choose Interactive Setup or manual setup.

    -Interactive Coverge Setup: A Red Box illustrates the size of sensor coverage.

    - Enlarge- Left Ctrl + Numpad
    - To Shrink- Left Ctrl + Left Alt z= Numpad.

    The NumPad can be confusing. When placing a sensor, if you stand in front of it and facing it:

    - Num 4 expands or shrinks the left boundary.

    - Num 6 expands or shrinks the right boundary.
    - Num 8 raises or lowere the ceiling limit.
    - Num 2 raises or lowers the floor limit.
    - Num 5 shrink or extends the sensor area distance in front of the sensor

    -Manual Coverage Setup- A list of settings can be adjusted using the slider. When one of these items is adjusted, a red box appears showing how the coverge is being changed. A list of settings under Configuration:

    - Front- Distance in front of the sensor.

    - Side 1+ is the right side of the coverage box.
    - Side 1- is the left side of the coverage box.
    - Side 2+ is the ceiling height of the coverage box.
    - Side 2- is the floor height of the coverage box.

    - Select the Signal Logic Tab to name the circuit: under Tx Signal (transmission signal). I named it Cargo Lighting.

    - Place a light. As with the motion sensor, put the light in a group to name it. I named my Cargo Light: Cargo Light because I only have one in the cargo. Configure the light as far as intensity, and range of illumination. If the range is max, the light will ignore walls and illuminate adjacent compartments.

    - Set Light Signal Logic under the Signal Logic Tab. You want this light to be connected to the Cargo Lighting Circuit so that it comes on when that circuit is activated by the motion sensor. Under ON/Off click on the drop down list and select Cargo Lighting. On the right side (just under On/Off) , click the drop down menu and select Follow.

    Note: for Ramps, you want to put a check in the small box to the far right in the On/Off section, a box with an “I:” next to it.

    That’s it! As long as power is on the aircraft, and the motion sensor is active, when you walk into the cargo bay, the Light will auto illuminate.

    * Bright Lights- Are your lights too bright? You look at the light, hit P, scroll to your highlighted light and adjust it's intensity and distance. If your light illumination distance is set to a long distance, they will illuminate adjacent spaces regardless of walls.

    *Godmode or Building Drone? F5 starts up the building drone making it easy reach high places for building. However in your solo game/ or with admin, god mode allows you to fly making it very easy to move about for building purposes, even moving through walls to modify items otherwise unreachable without disassembly. For Godmode, open the consol (~), type in “Godmode”. The consol will say “God mode is enabled now”. Close the consol.

    -Note: If you lights are set at the default high setting, and located in a relatively small space, they will illuminate neighboring compartments.

    * Modular Building:

    Added possibility to build in a modular way and separate mother base from child bases

    How modular building works: Look at your mother base, open "Building Tools" menu (hotkey N) and select "Connect to" -> you can now place the next block freely on the terrain in a grid (i.e., 90° with respect to the mother base). The new block defines the foundation of the "child base" which will be the same structure as the mother base but the child bases can be physically disconnected from the mother base (and you do not need an extra core). Since the mother and child bases are the same structure, they can be controlled together via the Control Panel.

    * Merge Bases/Merging Structures:

    Added "mergestructs" and "setposition" console commands (Creative mode): you can now download different bases from Workshop and merge them together in one base (e.g. to build an outpost with several separate buildings or a small city)
    How "mergestructs" and "setposition" console commands work:
    1. mergestructs ID_mother ID_child
    -> this will position child into grid of mother (child and mother can still be adjusted)
    2a. setposition ID y+/-OFFSET
    2b. setposition ID x+/-OFFSET
    2c. setposition ID z+/-OFFSET
    3. mergestructs ID_mother ID_child -ex
    -> this cmd will execute the merge command. You can now save the new structure as a blueprint. Please note that this is the first iteration of modular building and structure merging - we will improve & refine these features over time.

    * How to Put a creative build onto a Survival map? Not sure how this is better or worse than designating blueprints, but I don’t know anything about making blueprints yet.

    * Base Guide Gamepedia:

    * To start a new buiding on a map, use a Base Starter Block, not a Core Block.

    * V- Base Basics:

    * V-Hanger Doors:

    * How To Build Floor Correctly?

    * How to tell what a block is made of? Point your multi-tool at it for a read out. Unfortunately it won't tell you what shape it is

    * How to build a Wall- Pick a building block says Steel, then RT Click, and pick the shape labeled Wall.

    * Multitool- Can be used to recover material, put items back in inventory. Uses Multicharge for ammo (1 Steel Plate, 10 Promethium Pellets)

    * How to fit windows into corner- Pick a Window block, Right Click and select the Verticle L shaped or Verticle Corner window.

    * How to Build Celings Correctly?

    * Can’t Break Remove Blocks

    * How to wear armor? Build an Armor Locker at your base and access it.

    * How to Power Water and O2 Generator? They use Fuel Cells directly.

    * How To Load Base Turrets? You need a Ammo Box placed in base.

    * How to Repair an entire Structure? Did you notice some wavy blocks? They may be damaged. Check them out with the multi-tool. You can’t shoot one block and reapair all of the blocks or like blocks. You have to hunt down each damaged block, but damaged Devices and Turrets can be seen in the Control Panel (P). Dec 2017-

    Salvaging Bases/Ships
    * How to Find Devices in a Base or Ship- When in a large vessel where devices are hidden, you can find them easily by opening the ship/base control Panel (P), select the Device Tab, click on the device in the list that needs to be found. On the right side of the page, click on the “Show on Hud” button, turning it green. This will pop up a label which you can see and easily navigate to, especially if God Mode is available (creative mode, or solo/server with Admin abilities.) Thanks Te5la!

    * Turn off SI (Structural Integrity) in the console before salvaging any wrecks planetside. They have a tendency to disintegrate unexpectedly if you don't.

    You can turn SI back on after you finish salvaging. It's not a cheat because SI still has some bad habits. Removing one innocent looking block will often cause a whole wreck to disintegrate. (Thanks to binhthuy71!)

    Personal Gear

    * Armor:

    • Bandages- A medicine made in the food processor?

    * Multi-Tool- Used to repair, salvage, recover back to inventory whole.

    * Stomach Pills- Food Poisoning Aloe Vera Leaves + Cobra Leaves.

    * Armor Boosts
    Trader Page with Boost Links (May 2018):

    Armor/Boosts Insulation Boost Mobility Boost Armor Boost Jetpack Boost Multi Boost Oxygen Tank Boost Radiation Protection Boost EVA Boost Medium
    11 KB (92 words) - 08:05, 21 June 2018

    * Radiation Protection Boost

    Radiation Protection Boost is a Booster for Armor. Radiation Protection Boosters can only be applied to armor by inserting them into an available slot
    742 bytes (84 words) - 01:06, 17 January 2018

    * Multi Boost

    Multi Boost is a Booster for Armor. Multi Boosters can only be applied to armor by inserting them into an available slot in the armor by using an Armor
    736 bytes (94 words) - 08:17, 26 June 2017

    * Mobility Boost

    Mobility Boost is a Booster for Armor. Mobility Boosters can only be applied to armor by inserting them into an available slot in the armor by using an
    726 bytes (93 words) - 08:14, 26 June 2017

    * Jetpack Boost

    Jetpack Boost is a Booster for Armor. Jetpack Boosters can only be applied to armor by inserting them into an available slot in the armor by using an
    623 bytes (73 words) - 08:17, 26 June 2017

    * Insulation Boost

    Insulation Boost is a Booster for Armor. Insulation Boosters can only be applied to armor by inserting them into an available slot in the armor by using
    669 bytes (81 words) - 08:15, 26 June 2017

    * Oxygen Tank Boost

    Oxygen Tank Boost is a Booster for Armor. Oxygen Tank Boosters can only be applied to armor by inserting them into an available slot in the armor by using
    662 bytes (84 words) - 01:06, 17 January 2018

    * Armor Boost

    Armor Boost, displayed in-game as ArmorBoost, is a Booster for Armor. Armor Boosters can only be applied to armor by inserting them into an available slot
    782 bytes (102 words) - 08:19, 26 June 2017

    * EVA Boost

    EVA Boost is a Booster for Armor. EVA Boosters can only be applied to armor by inserting them into an available slot in the armor by using an Armor Locker
    809 bytes (93 words) - 18:34, 25 June 2017


    Armor Boost Jetpack Boost Multi Boost Oxygen Boost Insulation Boost Mobility Boost Radiation Boost EVA Boost Alpha_6.x.x :
    1 KB (92 words) - 09:03, 17 May 2018


    * How to Set Turret Behavior- Inside or looking at your base open the Control Panel (P), select the Devices Tab, scroll down to your turrets, and for each one set their behavior Configuration> Attack and select what you want to be attacked. (May 2016)

    * Tell turrets what to Attack: (Jan 2018) If you're not playing pvp, then you can safely uncheck "other faction." For coop pve I set my turrets as follows: Alien, Turret, Mounted weapon (though I don't think the ai even uses their fixed weapons so you can probably uncheck this too)

    I uncheck: Other Faction, Predator, Warp drive, Thruster

    * How To Group Weapons: Open Control Panel in Base (P), select Devices. You will see the individual for my example Rocket Turrets Listed. At the top of the list click on “+” the Add Group Icon and name the group (Rocket Turrets). Now at the top of the list select the icon that looks like a piece of paper with the folder folded over, labeled “Add to Group”. A window pops open with a drop down menu of existing groups. Scroll down to the group “Rocket Turrets” and add it. Now does this control them as a group? Apparantly not. :p

    There is no reason for your turrets to target those in pve play unless you're using your turrets to try to disable an alien patrol vessel but you're better off attacking it with an sv anyway.

    * How to tell what your weapons fires? Simply highlight it. The description will tell you what ammunition it uses.

    Creative Mode Controls

    * To remove a block: select a block from inventory, you will see the block ready to be drawn with a green axis line through it. Look at the block you want to remove and hit Space-Rt Click. No need to use the multi-tool to chip away at it.

    * To place multiple blocks: Hold Left Click down and pull the mouse. A line of items will be drawn. If in survival, it will draw as many blocks as you have mats for.
    * To place a plane of blocks (length, width): Hold Left Click plus Control and drag out to shape. If in Survival, it will draw as many blocks as you have mats for.



    * Pick up One item- Right click

    * EAT- Shift/Right Click to consume food from inventory. Or put in tool bar and select.

    * ESC- Menu/Exit Game

    * Equip Item from Slot - 0-9

    * V- Change View

    * Pause Game- Pause button on keyboard

    * LMB- Fire Wep, Place Block

    * RMB- Secondary Fire, Sniper

    * Secondary Fire/Sniper Zoom- RMB

    * Reload- R

    * Forward -W

    * Back- S

    * Right-D

    * Left- A

    * Rotate- Arrow Keys

    * Auto Rotate O

    * Auto Brake I

    * Roll Left Right- QE

    * Jump/Up- Space

    * Down- C

    * Run- L Shift

    * Jetpack- J

    * Open/Use- F

    * Inventory- Tab

    * Map- M

    * Control Panel - P (Turn on devices)

    * Creative Menu- H

    * Score Board B

    * Primary Action ?

    * Secondary Action ?

    * Drop Items- Z

    * Lights- T

    * Main Power Switch-Y

    * Helmet- U

    * Warp Drive- K

    * Global Chat- .

    * Faction Chat- ,

    * Fly Mode- G

    * Roate Axis + Insert -Delete

    * Rotate Block + Home - End (8,4,5,6)

    * Raise Blueprint Page Up/Down

    * Look Around- Left Alt

    * Create Blueprint Alt-O

    * Build Tools- N This brings up both a window with both a Building and Debug tab. The Debug tal allows you to check structural integrity and oxygen, Airtight blocks, and Center of Mass (space ship)

    * Console- Back Quote

    * Console Shortcuts- CTRL + F1, F2, F3, F4

    * Pause- Pause

    * Player Shoulder Light- L

    * Toggle Tool Bar?

    * Toggle Run?

    * Open Radial Menu?

    * Next Belt Slot?

    * Previous Belt Slot?

    * Shift Modifier- LShift

    * Moving Items in and out of inventory

    * SHIFT+P = opens the settings menu for the item you are aiming at. A quick way to change colors for lights. Please note: You need to stand onto/have physical contact to the base or vehicle the item is attached to!

    *Pick up Whole stack from inventory- Left Click

    * Pick up Half Stack From inventory- Right Click

    * Transfer full stack of item to and from inventory- Shift+ Left Click on the item stack.

    *Consume item from inventory (food, oxygen, bandage, med-kit, etc)- Shift + Right Click on the item stack.

    *Put one Item at a time in a specific slot in inventory- Right Click on the specific slot while items are picked up and attached with the cursor.

    * Create a plane of blocks (opposed to create a line or a single block)- hold CTRL + left mouse button and move the mouse

    * Boosted Jump (Hover (Vessel)- Shift + Space

    * Flip upside down Hover Vessel)- Ctrl+ Shift.

    Vehicle specific Hotkeys/Combos

    * SHIFT+SPACE = If you are sitting in a Hover-Vessel, this will allow you to JUMP over obstacles or out of a canyon.

    * SHIFT = If you are sitting in a Hover-Vessel that is laying on the side or on its top, this will orient/upgright the vessel.

    * SPACE = Will increase your vehicle's altitude (distance between your HV and the ground) in discrete steps.

    * O = Hold O and your vessel will "orient" itself to the standard horizon in space and on planets

    * C = Will lower your HVs flight altitude in discrete steps

    * U = Take off helmet. Be careful. Only take off your helmet when you are in a cockpit or on Akua. Every other location will kill you quite fast!

    * V = Change to third person view.

    * ALT = Tap once to activate free-look when in third person view (crosshairs disappear). Tap again to return to follow view (crosshairs reappear).

    F Keys

    * F1- PDA
    * F2- Library
    * F3- Tech Tree
    * F4- Faction Menu
    * F5- Player Drone
    * F6- HUD
    * F7- Save Screenshot
    * F8- Toggle FPS


    Note: Most of the following descriptions are not mine and are found in one of the links.

    * Spawn Items- (In survival mode, solo game) Open Console (~), type itemmenu, close consol, Press H for item spawn list.

    * Player commands:

    * DI (abbreviation for Debug Info). When typed in it will give building info when you look one.

    * Spawnanyblueprint

    this command is a toggle, turn it on and the factory acts just like it does in Creative
    select a blueprint and click "Spawn"

    *Destroy Buildings “Destroy 1111”. How to destroy or delete a base from in game (as admin)?

    A. Open the Consol. Enter “di” in the console and an overlay will be added on top of your screen. Go close to a base or a vessel and point at it. The overlay will tell you the ID of the Base/Vessel, a number. Use the ID with the “destroy” command.

    Brings up a small window on the top of the player screen that lists
    Your Coordinates
    Your Level, Your Experience and Your Player ID
    The Number of Structures on the playfield and the Number of Entities on the playfield
    (Structures = Ships, Bases, POIs, Asteroids, Meteorites)
    (Entities = Structures + Players)
    If you are facing an entity and close enough to it you also see
    It's ID and It's Name
    It's Coordinates
    This command is useful for looking up your own coordinates or the ID of an Entity you want to manipulate.

    * Godmode
    Makes you invulnerable and allows you to fly.

    Hold Shift and you go fast
    Hold Ctrl and you go FastER
    Hold Ctrl and Shift to go FastEST
    you can fly thru anything and even transition from planet to space and back.
    press G to toggle godmode on and off
    you can now use ctrl and shift for vertical movement

    * Godmode Invisible
    Works Just like godmode but you are invisible and can access all structures as if they were your own. Constructorsm, cargo boxes, the control panel, light switches, power... It's all available to you. You can even deconstruct anything that doesnt have an Admin core or an Alien Admin Core.
    Pressing G Sometimes gets bugged out for the toggle.
    To turn it off you must use Godmode Off

    to teleport from one planet to another you have to use Sector to move to the destination's Orbit first.
    Sector 'Akua Orbit'
    note: this command is Cap sensative and requires single quotes if the name is more than one word.
    it Is possible to use just the first word in certain circumstances like Sector Akua

    can be used multiple ways

    Teleport toggles you (and ship) to be able to right click on the map to teleport to where you right clicked (a little buggy at times)

    *Teleport [coordinates]
    ... teleports you (and ship) to those coordinates.
    Usage: Teleport -451 124 475
    spaces between the X, Y and Z coordinates are mandatory and Commas are optional.

    *Teleport [playfield]
    teleports you (and ship) to the connected playfield if it is in the same "Sector"
    Usage: Teleport Akua
    teleports you to Akua if you are in either Akua Orbit or on Akua Moon.

    * Map lets you see everything that shows on the map (structures, Drones, Asteroids, Freighters, etc)
    must use Map Hide to turn this off.

    * Setposition
    This one is powerfull you can move Anything with an ID with this command
    Including Structures, Ships, PLAYERS, asteroids, POIs, meteorites... even Motorcycles
    Usage: setposition [id] x,y,z

    or use math like setposition [id] x+250
    examples: setposition 1048 y+100.12
    setposition 1048 -2249,111,915
    note: coordinates with NO spaces AND requires commas

    * Find
    lets you look up Coordinates and ID of any Entity (players, Ships, Asteroids, etc)
    doesnt require the whole name
    example: find Xango displays
    Found 'Xango2000' at (2602.5, 68.8, 4.1): id=1048
    Found 'Xango's Tank' at (2638.5, 67.8, -0.3): id=65018
    Note: only looks up entities on the current playfield

    * Ents
    lists all entities on the current playfield
    including their coordinates, ID, full name, Faction ID# and a bunch of other information I havent Identified yet.
    the section starting with p= is the coordinates

    * Itemmenu
    Itemmenu enables the H key to toggle the item menu like in creative

    *Spawn Items when in Survival Mode, solo or admin.
    Open Consol, Type “itemmenu”, no quotes., Close Consol, Press H to see spawn list.

    Honestly, i dont use this one anymore. Spawnanyblueprint works much easier
    the way this one works...
    select a blueprint
    click "To Factory"

    then open console and do Finishbp
    your blueprint is ready to spawn 2 seconds later

    you can set a time
    Finishbp 60
    to set the blueprint to be ready to spawn in 60 seconds... I have no idea why you would want to but it's in there...

    * Spawnanyblueprint
    this one is my new favorite to spawn blueprints
    this command is a toggle, turn it on and the factory acts just like it does in Creative
    select a blueprint and click "Spawn"

    doesnt do anything on it's own, you have to follow it with a sub-command

    Usage: list perm
    (lists all GM+ by group with their Steam IDs)

    *List Bans
    lists banned players and their time till unbanned automatically

    This one has quite a few sub-commands so I'll just describe the ones I know how to use.

    *faction list

    lists all factions, their abbreviations, their faction ID, number of players on and total as well as the tick (what is Tick?)

    *faction list [faction]

    lists all the members of a faction and their faction role
    Note: Requires the Whole faction name in single quotes and Doesn't work with certain punctuation.

    * faction Entity
    allows you to change the faction of the entity...
    faction entity Ply 104435
    would set entity 104435 to Ply faction (Public)

    * faction join [faction] [player id]
    puts player in specified faction (I forget if it requires Abbreviation or Whole faction name)

    * ModeratorGive (this does not work for me)
    lets you give credits to yourself. Only credits as far as I can tell
    Example: (This works by iteself:)

    * give credit 100

    *debugmenu lets you have a UI for teleport

    AND lets you spawn... things

    * Destroy
    usage: Destroy [Struct ID]
    Doesnt work on players
    Example: Destroy 4488115
    you can destroy and ship, base, motorcycle... anything with an ID except players.

    Admin Stuff

    * Setrole
    allows you to change the role of otehr players... GM, Moderator, Admin or Player
    doesnt work on faction roles.
    Uses SteamID or player name
    Example: setrole xango2000 Admin


    * remoteex a telnet command
    Short for Remote Execute allows you to execute commands on Other players games... so it says.
    remoteex cl=75 sector Akua
    uses Empyrion Client ID# (not SteamID, not PlayerID) which is set each time a player logs on

    This Is Buggy. When I ran the command above it teleported me to Akua orbit but wouldnt let me do anything. logging off then back on actually put me back where i was before the remoteex command was used and all the structs on the whole planet vanished a few seconds later... not just for me but for ALL players on the planet. Rebooting the server fixed it.
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2018
  2. Huntn

    Huntn Lieutenant

    Jul 5, 2018
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    Argent Spire (Prefab 5) Dissection Project.
    I find this building to be impressive. It is available in-game as an included prefab in the blueprint section of the game. There is a lot going on that a new player like myself might find hard to understand. Therefore I've decided to take it apart to learn and to illustrate how blocks can be combined to produce the resulting shape.


    Part 1: Examine the foot. To see how the bottom of the column and foot to the left of the ramp in the photo above are constructed.

    It can be difficult to make heads or tails of which blocks you are looking at and how they are oriented. First you have to identify the block, be familiar with the shape and then using the block rotation, you have to treat it like a rubix cube to get it in the right position oriented properly. See the diagram below for the names and positions of the blocks used.

    Last edited: Jul 15, 2018
  3. Huntn

    Huntn Lieutenant

    Jul 5, 2018
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    Argent Spire Dissection Part 2: The Jagged Column

    Last edited: Jul 12, 2018
    TK85, DuLux, Kaeser and 2 others like this.
  4. Huntn

    Huntn Lieutenant

    Jul 5, 2018
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    Two Direction Block Rotation
    Example of two direction bock rotation via the Green (Y) and Red (X).
    The labeling on this image could be better. Delete/Insert cycles through the different Axis: X (red) /Y (green)/Z (purple) axis.
    dichebach, DuLux, Theurgist and 3 others like this.
  5. binhthuy71

    binhthuy71 Rear Admiral

    Oct 17, 2016
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    This is an excellent and well written guide. Thank you for your hard work!
    dichebach, TK85 and Huntn like this.
  6. ViroMan

    ViroMan Commander

    Jun 16, 2018
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    Can I report @Huntn for being too awesome for making all this?

    This should go into a guide that is displayed for first time users.
    dichebach and Huntn like this.
  7. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    dichebach, TK85, Huntn and 1 other person like this.
  8. SilvRav

    SilvRav Moderator

    • Moderator
    Jan 13, 2017
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    Done and agree very nice guide!

    Think @Kieve would admire you admiring his work
    TK85, Huntn and Kaeser like this.
  9. Huntn

    Huntn Lieutenant

    Jul 5, 2018
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    Argent Spire Dissection Part 3: The Double Arch

    Here is the focus area:

    Here are two views of how this double arch is constructed. I've color coded all the same blocks:

    The Second Perspective View:

    TK85, DuLux and ion_storm like this.
  10. Huntn

    Huntn Lieutenant

    Jul 5, 2018
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    Yes, I think I was blown away by this design. :):)

    I've been looking at the workshop, and frankly guys it's overwhelming. It's both good and bad as in it gives you good ideas, but then it can possibly take away from your own original ideas, and finally it can make you realize HOW MUCH YOU DON"T KNOW! It's almost like, so many good designs, it can make you feel it's difficult to come up with something truly original. :p:D
    DuLux likes this.
  11. Huntn

    Huntn Lieutenant

    Jul 5, 2018
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    Adding new info to guide:
    Creative Mode Controls

    * To remove a block: select a block from inventory, you will see the block ready to be drawn with a green axis line through it. Look at the block you want to remove and hit Space-Rt Click. No need to use the multi-tool to chip away at it.

    * To place multiple blocks: Hold Left Click down and pull the mouse. A line of items will be drawn. If in survival, it will draw as many blocks as you have mats for.

    * To place a plane of blocks (length, width): Hold Left Click plus Control and drag out to shape. If in Survival, it will draw as many blocks as you have mats for.

    The Texture and Color Tools:
    * There is both a Texture Tool and a Color Tool. Not only that but depending on the block material, the texures will look different from block material type to block material type.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2018
    TK85 and DuLux like this.
  12. Huntn

    Huntn Lieutenant

    Jul 5, 2018
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    Building a Basic Ship, it's Basic.

    Watch and build along:
    Leoindas Small Vessel Basic Tutorial:

    You did not realize the right stuff came so easily! :cool: Some of my observations. I'll correct any errors, if you tell me.

    • How does it fly? It hovers and moves based on directional thrust. When you stop pressing a move button, the vehicle stops and hovers. Although i've not verified it, I'd say there is no traditional fly through the air flight model, so aerodynamic designs look nice, but...I think they are just for show.
    • RCS: The R-something Control System. Empyrion Gamepedia does not even know the name. ( I'll venture this is something like Rotation Control System. Seeing you can place them anywhere, they may act as gyros.
    • No Landing Damage? This video is a year old. Great job by the author. He says there is no landing damage, so if this has not been updated, you can careen in for your landings and not worry about it. But I would not be surprised if landing damage at some point, if it not already, will be instituted. If not, it would also mean landing struts are just for show too.
    • Vehicle Speed- The author reports that the vehicle speed is capped at about 40 mph no matter how many thrusters you add. So as you build bigger ships, you'll need bigger components, and possibly more thrusters are needed to achieve game limits.
    • Add Fuel to the ship by 1) look at the fuel tank, hit "F" and move a fuel pack from your inventory to the it. It will fill the tank and you'll get retain whatever was left over. 2) Enter cockpit (F), hit (P), and, see the Fuel Tank section, select Fill All. I assume this would come from your inventory. 3) Hit (P), select Devices, select the Fuel Tank, then select access to fill the tank.
    • Controls: Toggle Power On (Y). If not responsive, from the cockpit (F to get in), you may have to pull up the Control Panel (P) and in devices manually turn on items like the Generator.
    • Movement: Up: space, Down: C , WSAD. Auto Level (O)- this is important. After flying around, your vehicle can get off level. I honestly don't know if the game is modeled so a left turn would cause you to roll to the left. I just don't have enough experience yet. However, "O" acts as an auto leveler and will straighten you back up.


    Sorry, I just noticed the second picture, the ship is pointed
    in the opposite direction from the first. o_O
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2018
    TK85, Kaeser and ion_storm like this.
  13. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    So just a small word about small SVs, you actually just only need one RCS in such a small vehicle, that many RCSs may actually impair your capacity to drive it.

    Here my smallest SV to date, my hover bike I call it Brammo just like the bike.


    And the link, I actually didn't publish noting in quite a while...
    DuLux and Huntn like this.
  14. Huntn

    Huntn Lieutenant

    Jul 5, 2018
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    Added to Post 1:
    Misc Tips
    * How to Change the Time (solo or admin capable): If it’s night and you don’t want to wait for morning, open the consol (~) type in “time 2000, or 3000” to jump the day to the next morning. Close consol. I don’t how the day is actually divided up.

    * Minimum requirement to make a flying Machine
    Did you know that to make a vehicle that flies, you only need a vehicle starter block (that includes a core...all starter blocks include cores), and place these items on it: a pilot chair, a fuel tank with fuel, a generator, and some thrusters pointed up down, left right, front back?

    *Adjust Third Person View from Pilot seat
    When sitting in the Pilot Chair of a vehicle, adjusting the 3rd person view may be a must:
    -thanks to Binhthuy71!

    1) Enter 3rd person view (V key)
    2) Raise or lower view with PAGE UP or PAGE DOWN keys
    3) Adjust camera for distance by pressing and holding left ALT key for a second to free camera. Use mouse to adjust camera. Press and hold left ALT key for a second to lock camera back in place.

    Misc Building Tips
    *Godmode or Building Drone? F5 starts up the building drone making it easy reach high places for building. However in your solo game/ or with admin, god mode allows you to fly making it very easy to move about for building purposes, even moving through walls to modify items otherwise unreachable without disassembly.

    I love the simplicity of this!
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2018
    DuLux likes this.
  15. Huntn

    Huntn Lieutenant

    Jul 5, 2018
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    Added this note to Post 1:
    * Bright Lights- Are your lights too bright?
    Are your lights too bright? You look at the light, hit P, scroll to your highlighted light and adjust it's intensity and distance. If your light illumination distance is set to a long distance, they will illuminate adjacent spaces regardless of walls.
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2018
    DuLux likes this.
  16. Huntn

    Huntn Lieutenant

    Jul 5, 2018
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    Added to Post 1:
    * How to Setup a Sensor Light Combo, so the light comes on when the sensor is triggered.

    - In this example I’ll put a light in my cargo bay that comes on automatically when I walk into the cargo bay and the sensor is activated.

    - Place a motion sensor. Then while looking at the motion sensor, select P to open the Control Panel.

    - Put the sensor in a group: Under the Device Tab, Device groups will be listed on the left side of the page. If you have not set any up, it will be blank. It’s convenient to select the Auto Group icon at the top of the page. This will place all existing devices (in the ship or base) into groups, even if they are groups of 1.
    Note: This section updated. It no longer says the Auto Group will delete custom names, you've created, because that was not correct.

    - Name the sensor: Under the Device Tab. Naming to something other than the default name is not required, but if you have multiple sensors this makes it easier to keep track of which sensor it is. I named the sensor: Cargo Bay Sensor: Motion Sensor Cargo. Make sure the sensor is toggled to Active.

    - Configure the boundaries of the sensor: On the right side of the page, select the size of the detection signal coverage. Choose Interactive Setup or manual setup.

    -Interactive Coverge Setup: A Red Box illustrates the size of sensor coverage.
    - Enlarge- Left Ctrl + Numpad
    - To Shrink- Left Ctrl + Left Alt z= Numpad.

    The NumPad can be confusing. When placing a sensor, if you stand in front of it and facing it:

    - Num 4 expands or shrinks the left boundary.
    - Num 6 expands or shrinks the right boundary.
    - Num 8 raises or lowere the ceiling limit.
    - Num 2 raises or lowers the floor limit.
    - Num 5 shrink or extends the sensor area distance in front of the sensor

    -Manual Coverage Setup- A list of settings can be adjusted using the slider. When one of these items is adjusted, a red box appears showing how the coverge is being changed. A list of settings under Configuration:

    - Front- Distance in front of the sensor.
    - Side 1+ is the right side of the coverage box.
    - Side 1- is the left side of the coverage box.
    - Side 2+ is the ceiling height of the coverage box.
    - Side 2- is the floor height of the coverage box.

    - Select the Signal Logic Tab to name the circuit: under Tx Signal (transmission signal). I named it Cargo Lighting.

    - Place a light. As with the motion sensor, put the light in a group to name it. I named my Cargo Light: Cargo Light because I only have one in the cargo. Configure the light as far as intensity, and range of illumination. If the range is max, the light will ignore walls and illuminate adjacent compartments.

    - Set Light Signal Logic under the Signal Logic Tab. You want this light to be connected to the Cargo Lighting Circuit so that it comes on when that circuit is activated by the motion sensor. Under ON/Off click on the drop down list and select Cargo Lighting. On the right side (just under On/Off) , click the drop down menu and select Follow.

    Note: for Ramps, you want to put a check in the small box to the far right in the On/Off section, a box with an “I:” next to it.

    That’s it! As long as power is on the aircraft, and the motion sensor is active, when you walk into the cargo bay, the Light will auto illuminate.
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2018
    ion_storm and DuLux like this.
  17. Huntn

    Huntn Lieutenant

    Jul 5, 2018
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    I've updated the tutorial list in post 1, however, I'm trying to figure out how to consistently get You Tube videos in this forum to display as URLs, not direct video links. Anyone have a clue?

    My second question: Is there a way in this forum to look at a reply and create a url that points directly at the reply? Thanks!


    dichebach likes this.
  18. Huntn

    Huntn Lieutenant

    Jul 5, 2018
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    Added to Post 1:
    * How to verify your ship/base is airtight
    To do an airtight check, there are two methods to check for leaks. By pressing the N key, the Building/Debug window pops up. Plan A is to check “Show Airtight Blocks”. Select and press N again to close that window, but the setting remains in effect. If the ship is airtight, on the outside it will be covered with a green color. Any area without green completely around it indicates a leak.

    Plan B, if you ship/base has O2, you can select “Show Oxygen”. Make sure the O2 is on and doors closed. Every block on the inside of the ship, should have a blue O2 icon. The interior of the ship will be covered by a matrix of blue O2 icons. If it’s not, you have a leak. What can make this challenging is that if you have a leak, there maybe no O2 icons showing anywhere in the problem compartment.

    Some Gotchas
    Devices do not make an airtight seal if they are exposed to both the outside and inside of a ship/base wall. They must be covered by a building block to be airtight.

    Secondly, it has been reported that if the door is put on backwards, it may result in a leak by the door, but I have not seen this with metal doors placed either way. It appears that using the airtight check, the door oriented the right way, (so the sexagon that looks like a window is on the right side of the door, looking at it from the outside), using the “Show Airtight Blocks” will make the door look more green from the outside.
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2018
    dichebach likes this.
  19. Huntn

    Huntn Lieutenant

    Jul 5, 2018
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    Added to Post 1 in Misc Building Section:

    * How to create blueprints and then publish your Base/Ship in the Steam Workshop.
    After you have dotted all of your Is and crossed all of your Ts, it could be time to publish. My first published item is a small vehicle (SV), link:

    • Controls: Both F2 and Alt-O pulls up the library (blueprint) page.
      F6 toggles the HUD (User Interface) off and on.
      V toggles first/third person view.
    • Create a blueprint- To initiate the process, look at your vehicle and press Alt-O this will pull up the blue print page. Notice the image on the right side of this page when any blueprint is selected. If you have no ships/bases subscribed to there won't be any pictures. Take my word that using Alt-O creates the image associated with your blueprint. The screenshot of wherever you were standing and may include your toon if not previously placed in first person view (V).
    • When this item is eventually published, this is will be the first screenshot posted of your vehicle or base. However, after the blueprint is created, this image can be reset by looking at the vehicle again and hitting Alt-O a second time and overwriting the file. I would do this prior to publishing, but the screenshot might still be able to update the first screenshot after it is published, not verified.
    • Blueprint Page- there will be three choices, Save as, Overwrite, and Cancel. With a new blueprint, you must select Save As. A naming box appears and of course you want to give it a unique name, not the default name. I leave the class (SV or CB) attached, because I like to see the ship designation, but that is not required. Your blueprints will appear at the top of the blueprint list on the left side of this page along with items you have subscribed to in the Steam Workshop (for this game).
    • Update Blueprint- by using the Overwrite option.
    • Stage Your first and primary screenshot- as mentioned before, adjust the image associated with publishing a blueprint. Creative mode seems to be the best way to build stuff, because you learn how to build, without grind, and you can select "god mode" (open the consol (~), type in “Godmode”) which on a planet allows you to do things like move your ship to a location, allow it to hover, and quickly move outside the ship in fly mode, right through the walls, frame a shot, and then use Alt-O to overwrite the existing blueprint. To repeat, this process creates a new screenshot of your vehicle tied to the blueprint file.
    • Publish a blueprint- Using Alt-O as originally used to access the blueprint page, there was no publish button. Personal blueprints sit within your game library and are private. To publish this blueprint, access the Blueprint page by accessing your library (blueprints) via the F2 key to see the Publish button. When selected, there are 3 options- private, friends, public. Pick one. My personal preference is to choose private, or friends until I have set up the new Workshop Page that is created advertising your latest creation.
    • Setup the Workshop Page- Proceed to the Steam interface. On the main link section, next to Store, Library, select your user name, scroll to Content and select. Then select Workshop Items. Select your ship/base and on the right side of the Workshop page for your item, will be the Owner Controls, where you can edit the title and description, add/edit, images and videos, change visibility (select Public here) and delete it from the workshop, among other options.
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2018
    dichebach likes this.
  20. StyxAnnihilator

    StyxAnnihilator Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    Small addition to the O2 check methods: If on a non-O2 world/place, the HUD (down left corner of the screen) will show O2 if standing in a spot that is airtight. You or I (or mod) can delete this posting if needed.
    dichebach and Huntn like this.

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