Showcase - WiP Eclipse II Super Star Destroyer

Discussion in 'Showroom & Submissions' started by GBK214, Apr 8, 2020.

  1. GBK214

    GBK214 Ensign

    Jul 27, 2017
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    Hello, right now i'm working on building the Eclipse II Star Destroyer from the Star Wars expanded universe, the ship is really big and as i'm not sure if im gonna finnish it any time soon, i was wondering if i should still upload it unfinnished on the workshop. So im starting this thread to show you how much has been built so far, and to ask if there is people interesting on getting it, even unfinnished.

    I would like to know if there is people liking that kind of build, even tho empyrion doesnt fully support this gigantic vessels, before taking time to put it on the workshop.

    First, there isnt much pictures or informations to find on the internet about this ship as it isnt canon, so my biggest inspiration has been the 3D model from EckhartsLadder's video:

    Then, i didnt start building it from scratch as im not that great at designing big structures, so the base blueprint that im heavily modifying is the "Star Wars ECLIPSE dreadnought" by devestator3838, that you can find here:

    Now, a few pics of the ship at his current state:




    So far, i've modified the whole back of the ship to add the gigantic thrusters of the Eclipse II, the front to add the super laser control tower and the top by completly rebuilding the bridge.It also pushes the building size limit to its maximum with its length.

    Next thing i'll be working on is rebuilding the bottom of the ship to give it an "Eclipse II" shape more than Eclipse I and adding hangars as right now there is none. About the interior, i've only made a draft of the bridge so far, i wanna start from the hangars but for this I need to modify the whole bottom of the ship wich is gonna be hard and time consuming. It also pushes the building size limit to its maximum with its length

    Don't worry about the ton of turrets you can see on the pics, im gonna be adjusting it, i was just testing various positions for turrets, in the end it will have way less. Actually lots of things are subject to changes as its already the second bridge shape i've come with, and im still not sure if i like the details on top of it.

    So here it is, tell me what you think and if you're interested in having it on the workshop (even uncomplete) or not. I will of course ask and give credits to devestator3838 before making any upload.
    ion_storm, Fractalite and Germanicus like this.
  2. Rammzez_CR73

    Rammzez_CR73 Ensign

    Mar 25, 2020
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    Excuse my ignorance or if I make some inquiries, maybe it is something silly or I do not know ...
    That ship is really big, but I am concerned that in the current state of the game it does not meet many restrictions.

    For example:
    -You can not put all the turrets you want, there is a limit .....
    -You can only install a shield, would it cover that large ship totally?
    -Do the motors that are seen in the photo really exist? Because moving that great weight with current engines would be somewhat titanic ...

    They are only a few small doubts, because I am have my moment have thought of creating a great capital ship, maybe urnot as big as that, but I was reluctant to think of such a job for something that would not work ...
    Germanicus likes this.
  3. GBK214

    GBK214 Ensign

    Jul 27, 2017
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    Hi @Rammzez_CR73, as I said for the turrets, i have put as many as i could to test out wich emplacements seems to cover most angles, in the final build (or even an uncomplete relase), it will have way less than on the pics ! It may even have a totally different turret placement as im wondering if i should rebuild the top and bottom of the hull.

    For the Shield Generator, I've tested it with the current turret loadout and the best shield generator available in game, there has been no problem so far. The only thing that will obviously get in the way is the new CPU system, but i got it disabled since its release just like the weight limit for cargo capacity, I absolutely hate those features, therefore my blueprints doesnt support them.

    About the thrusters, no its not actual empyrion thrusters, I've made them using blocks of different shapes and a custom color to make that red glare ! Along with the light panel texture, this create a "false" thruster impression. The real thrusters are hidden inside the ship.
  4. KRanKO5

    KRanKO5 Lieutenant

    Oct 17, 2019
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    HI everyone! Nice see what´s going on in the fórums :) @GBK214 That ship looks great! Let me know if you´d like any help with it cause it looks massive. I´m currently building an Acclamator Star Detroyer, pretty small compared to other Destroyers out there, nonetheless I´m putting as much detail as I´m able to ;) I got it under Friends only while I´m building it, send me an invite if you wanna check it out ;) I´m KRanKO5 in Steam.

    Size class 15 already, I hope it doesn´t skyrocket by the end of it :p

    Attached Files:

  5. GBK214

    GBK214 Ensign

    Jul 27, 2017
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    Nice @KRanKO5 ! Looks pretty neat, I started reworking the Acclamator from Arturius a while ago, as I really liked his hull designs but not the interior, but never finnished it, I only got the hangars done along with the overall interior structure. I also have a Venator rebuilt from the hull (base blueprint from Arturius again) on my workshop, the forum thread about it is here, if you're interested:

    I also got a project of making the LAAT/c with the new ability to dock HVs to SVs, altho I havent posted it yet on the workshop:

    By the way, having some extra help may come in handy, I'll contact you if I encounter difficulties rebuilding the hull, thanks for the proposition !
    KRanKO5 likes this.
  6. boo

    boo Commander

    May 8, 2019
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    welcome to the OCD builders squad :D

    my own venator, class7 at start before adding device and turret , docked near galactic trading station in official EU server :D
    (with my pvp fleet)

    i'm not a good fan of star wars empire or republic ship, but this one have a good head, i always spawn it in most all alpha, just to have it in the game, next time, maybe next patch i would go for the mandalorian keldabe battleship. (i already have made the kromkar, the basilisk and the starviper )

    atm, big ship would be very hard to move and play, because most everything cost CPU, and the block too !

    , my venator is blocked at 88% cpu efficiency, it need a update of the cpu system cost to be fully playable without penalty, need about 2-3 millions cpu more to be good.

    waiting for the next alpha to finish the leviathan too , a sith battleship fropm Kotor.

    i have made the blueprint with hull and design with minimum devices to be able to spawn it on any server with cv class 7

    20200410172200_1.jpg 20200410172255_1.jpg
    GBK214 likes this.
  7. KRanKO5

    KRanKO5 Lieutenant

    Oct 17, 2019
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    Great job with those ships! we're all waiting for that A12 to tweak the builds, lets hope it doesn't take too long for it to come out
  8. Maxime Gallant

    Maxime Gallant Ensign

    May 7, 2020
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    i definitively would like to see that in the worshop add to my pve personal server :) great job !
  9. GBK214

    GBK214 Ensign

    Jul 27, 2017
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    After a big pause from Empyrion for 6 months, I'm back to work on this blueprint. I've completly reshaped the top of the hull to make it look closer to the Eclipse 2 model. Its still pretty much an empty shell but once im done with the bottom of the hull, I'll start making the hangars and Ill be able to start the interior. Im also gonna need to make some space for turrets.
    Tell me what you think about it, In the background you can see previous versions for comparison.

    eclipse2_1.jpg eclipse2_2.jpg eclipse2_3.jpg
    Germanicus likes this.
  10. GBK214

    GBK214 Ensign

    Jul 27, 2017
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    With the top of the hull pretty much finnished, at least in term of general shape (details will probably be added later) , I reworked the side and started to completly remake the front bow, making it thicker and better. Now that i got more space in that area, I may add a main laser control room at the location of the light textures, but first I need to start the interior so we'll see later.
    20201225120128_1.jpg 20201225115512_1.jpg
    At this point, there is pretty much nothing left from the original blueprint by devastator3838.
    Germanicus likes this.
  11. GBK214

    GBK214 Ensign

    Jul 27, 2017
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    Working Super Laser:
  12. GBK214

    GBK214 Ensign

    Jul 27, 2017
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    So I made some progress, the exterior is nearly finnished. The hangars entrances have been done, first I tried to make it as the model in the video but I couldnt make it look good AND be practical, it was either too small for most ships to enter, or if I made it bigger it ruined the overall shape of the ship. So in the end I decided to go for the classical Star Destroyer type of hangar, still need to add lights, details and some texture work though:
    I wanted to have a medium hangar for TIE Fighters and smaller ships, and a bigger one for big SVs and small/medium CVs. I made it so you can park up to a Gozanti Cruiser inside it. (Used Arturius blueprint for reference).

    I've put up a lot of turrets, half of wich are probably gonna be cut before the final release, I was just trying out various spots. I also really like how the round Zirax turrets looks like on the ship, kinda sad we can't used them on blueprints. I may try to modify config files later so I can put them instead.

    I've also reshaped the super laser conduit's end a bit so it looks better, and made the super laser control room:

    If you have ideas or critics on anything, I'm always taking. This is kind of a first draft, lots of things may change.
    Germanicus, Kassonnade and Taldalas like this.
  13. Taldalas

    Taldalas Ensign

    Jun 30, 2019
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    I just found this by googling "Empyrion Star Destroyer" and by god, I love it. Can't wait to see a release on the workshop. Been wanting one in game for so long, but never had quite the building talent to make it happen. Excellent job!
  14. GBK214

    GBK214 Ensign

    Jul 27, 2017
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    @Taldalas Thank you ! I didnt know google would lead you to my post with this search, as there is tons of different Star Destroyers blueprints for Empyrion already.

    For the moment I dont have much time to work on this blueprint, and there is still a lot to do to finnish it, so it might take a while before I can publish it on the workshop. If you guys really want to try it out even just as an empty shell, let me know, and I can upload a first draft on the workshop.
    Taldalas and Kassonnade like this.
  15. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Do you mind if I ask what weapon you modded to get this effect ?
    Taldalas likes this.
  16. GBK214

    GBK214 Ensign

    Jul 27, 2017
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    No problem, I modded the Pulse Laser CV Weapon to achieve this. I didnt want to remove the original use of the pulse laser to get my superlaser working, so I've added a secondary firing mode to its properties along with a new projectile. I used the Reforged Galaxy scenario files as a base to do this, as I didnt know how to to do it. I took a look at how Vermillion made its changes, and tried a few things untill I finally achieved what I wanted.

    To sum it up, I've made the secondary RMB firing mode as a "launcher", added a new projectile wich was just a copy of the Plasma projectile properties fired by Zirax turrets to be fired by the secondary mode, and changed its muzzle flash for the sniper's muzzle, in order to get a green flash when its fired.

    I hope it kinda makes sense, you can send me a personal message if you want more informations, I would be glad to help.

    Here you can find the thread where I asked for help to modify the pulse laser properties:
    And here you can find Vermilion's Reforged Galaxy scenario:
  17. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Totally! Thanks a lot!
    GBK214 and Germanicus like this.
  18. GBK214

    GBK214 Ensign

    Jul 27, 2017
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    No problem, I'm glad to help when I can !

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