Feedback Required Three things you absolutely DISlike about Empyrion

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Hummel-o-War, Jul 9, 2020.

  1. Genesis92x

    Genesis92x Ensign

    Sep 6, 2016
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    1 - Unable to walk around in a CV while it's moving. (This prevents all sorts of cool interactions. Imagine AI ships that spawn units when you attempt to board them. Or other players docking a ship in an attempt to take it over, etc)

    2 - NPC races do not expand territory, rebuild, or etc.

    3 - You cannot take offline friends with you, the Mod EmpyrionPassenger from ASTIC does what Vanilla should be in the game to take friends with you on the trip.
    tony hug likes this.
  2. The Flying Dragon

    The Flying Dragon Lieutenant

    Oct 19, 2016
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    1. Cpu system too bulky and restrictive. I never play with it on ever. should be in a separate realistic mode
    2. Lack if zoom in a sv or cv along with the super short range on ship based weapons and the inability to tweak weapons convergence range with crosshair adjustment
    3. Lack of information displayed when searching servers. Is cpu on or off? whats the size class limit? is w/m/v off. Info that would make it easier to choose what kind of play suits you.
    4.The lack of visibility in the hud to identifying faction players or allies with name tags. It use to be good but last long while you have to really point right on the person and be close in to see who it is (super annoying really)
    5. lack of option in creative to just have like a arcade mode or realistic mode to make it easier to have a set play for cpu off wmv off (the advanced core really buggy). oR have a realistic mode that has all the other not so fun stuff on. Pending what you like.
    6. Lack of capture the flag or something objective like in pvp built into the game.
    7. Having to pay for sv miners on servers when sv drill should have been on those since Alpha 1. I dont mind donating to servers I like but I do not like having to buy one to just get a sv mining laser.
    8. You cannot take offline friends with you, the Mod EmpyrionPassenger from ASTIC does what Vanilla should be in the game to take friends with you on the trip. ( took copied this suggestion from above)
    9. The flight model in space isnt good and should be weightless and not counting against you in your ship once you have momentum.
    10. Lack of proper rotational type thrust that does the angles properly.
  3. Joij

    Joij Lieutenant

    Nov 24, 2019
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    1.) The 250x250x250 block size for structures. Especially on CVs where it prevents me from making 1:1 scale replicas of Star Wars ships.

    2.)There is no special building block where you can cut little pieces off of it and shape it into whatever shape you want. This would allow near infinite shapes and styles for building blocks instead of the few dozen pre selected block shapes we have now.

    3.)We can't put small blocks on CVs and Base structures. Tis a shame as I can't quite get proportions right on a base if I'm copying it from a real life building.

    4.)I know this is more than three but we really need framed windows and manual knob doors. I'm stick of making a nice house but having to give it automatic doors like what you would see at a grocery store. The current window selection doesn't help with the aesthetic as well.

    5.)Ok last one, I promise! The Talon style decorations look nice but we can't craft them in survival. Crafting them would go a long way in increasing aesthetically pleasing designs.
  4. Bansheedragon

    Bansheedragon Commander

    Mar 31, 2016
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    1. Not being able to place auto miners on gold deposits.

    2. Tiny corsshairs and not being able to change size and colour.

    3. No Joystick/HOTAS support, we have gamepad support so why can't we have Joystick/HOTAS as well?
    We used to be able to bind joystick controls as if it where keybindings for a keyboard, I would be happy if just that was possible again.
    I'm reluctant to use third party applications/scripts just to be able to use it because of problems with such software in the past.
    And not being very tech savvy means if something goes wrong I'm usually stuck.

    4. Static universe, nothing ever changes everything is always in the same place and looks the same way.
    There may not much that can be done, but there has to be something that can be done?
  5. Spoon

    Spoon Captain

    Jun 27, 2020
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    Just to add to mine, since @Bansheedragon brought up Auto Miners:
    4. Not being able to place Auto Miners on Asteroids.
  6. Addy

    Addy Lieutenant

    Apr 12, 2017
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    It needs work, can't see it, especially as I am colour-blind, more options for size and colour.

    Base attacks
    Needs more work, there should be a variety of attacks with various combinations of troop and air strikes over time.

    Animal life
    More dangerous and sneaky predators out in the world, ones to fear, not one to just harvest for stuff.

    Ability to use more kinds of power production, including wind, nuclear, neutron thingy's etc, more choice.

    Tec tree
    I can fully max out the Tec tree in no time, it needs to be much bigger and have more choices that will lead to tactical choices, what type of power and why, new kinds of radar and food production equipment, power relays more types of shields more variety to choose from, even diplomatic abilities would be of interest.
    Not forgetting things like mining drills that can be focused for some minerals with mining lasers that need to be changed after some use, etc.
  7. Lord Ganjanoof

    Lord Ganjanoof Commander

    Jun 12, 2020
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    1) Solar Panels limited to 15 units per base, and this :

    2) Opening the map causes the ship to stop (add cruise mode at least for CV's). Would fix this too :

    ... Can't find a 3rd one I 'really' dislike :D
  8. Lord Ganjanoof

    Lord Ganjanoof Commander

    Jun 12, 2020
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    1) Solar Panels limited to 15 units per base, and this :

    2) Opening the map causes the ship to stop (add cruise mode at least for CV's). Would fix this too :

    3) No block shape/type identification when hovering with the multitool.
  9. Treeshell

    Treeshell Lieutenant

    Feb 29, 2020
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    1: The flight model and CPU, especially thruster placement. Really put me off building my own ships.
    2: Drop down menus for logistics. So much clicking, so unimmersive.
    3: Crosshair. It's tiny and with certain textures as background almost invisible.
    Siege Inc. likes this.
  10. Brimstone

    Brimstone Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2017
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    Hold L Ctrl + direction key, watch the right vertical bar on your HUD

    You can open the map while cruising
  11. michaelhartman89

    michaelhartman89 Rear Admiral

    Oct 2, 2016
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    1. COMBAT: lack of npc tactics, pathing, dumb aimbot firing, overpowered turrets and spawners. I hate the idea of all the enemies coming only from spawners. I believe enemy numbers should be finite and be placed on timers during the build phase.

    Think Halo; we need tough enemies that have different capabilities and require different tactics. Bullet sponges are boring! I want groups of zirax to flank the individual and rush into combat. The zirax have improved a little; but not to the standard gamers expect; they move like they always did and only hip fire. I'd like to see some more animations, climbing, crouching and prone.

    2. All models for the animals look terrible. The zirax look good, but there's no real feeling of terror, bc I'm laughing at the terrible model quality of the enemies ( especially the screamers). Nothing in this game seems likes it is grounded to the environment, everything just glides and skirts across the ground.

    3. Besides the sluggish start and the building of vessels, Empyrion is still missing a major gameplay component: npc interaction and trade. Random fetch quests and trade to start wouldn't be terrible, but some well thought out lore building missions and terminals are always appreciated. Good thing that we are seeing this in the game: the more the merrier!

    Once it fills a major part of the game and the player is drawn to the story and cares about whats going on, I think this game will be a lot more successful. Building, shooting and survival only lasts so long if the story and lore of the world is missing or is too hard to follow. Maybe some additional tools are needed and an in depth log and encyclopedia like kotor and skyrim is needed.
    Cleff likes this.
  12. Miznit

    Miznit Lieutenant

    Jul 23, 2020
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    I'll throw my hat in here. First, I have only played SP and some limited local COOP. Having said that, these are what bother me the most about the game:

    1) Would like the ability to have CLEAR windows, as well as being able to tint them any color. (I do like that you can change change the level of tint for the inside AND outside. All It needs is the absolutely clear option, and a color picker for custom tints.)

    2) Being able to select from different aiming reticles, resize them, and (again) CHANGE THE COLOR of it.

    3) Most importantly (to me), the whole save game thing....being able to select a save location, a NAME for it, and to do it whenever I want....the basic "Save As..." type thing that is available on virtually ALL modern software. Yes, you can make a backup, but it gets given the name it saving over old backups....and it saves on exit. But what if I want to save more often? And give it a descriptive name? THAT is what I truly like the least about this game.

    4) Seeds or seedlings to plant trees, be it in nature or a grow-pot.

    5) When looting a poi after killing the core and placing my own...WHY can't we have the drop down thingy for selecting the container remember what container it's on? Having to scroll through dozens of containers EVERY STINKING TIME is more than frustrating. (almost as bad as having 20 containers, but each only has a tiny little thing in it, like maybe a couple of steel plates, in a large container.)


    EDIT: Saw something in another thread that casued me to think of another, so added #4
    Added #5.
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2020
  13. Alendi Istari

    Alendi Istari Lieutenant

    May 7, 2020
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    How do you change the tint level on windows?
  14. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    A “sand in the britches” moment for me is adding O2 or fuel to a tank. I should be able too too it off even if the O2 bottle contains more than the container. I have a 2 gallon gas jug for my lawnmower that only has a 1 gallon tank...yet I can still add fuel. I wouldn’t even mind if the excess is wasted...just let me top it off
  15. Spoon

    Spoon Captain

    Jun 27, 2020
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    Use the Multi Tool T2. I think it's the Rotate Block option. It's been a bit since I've done it.
    It just swaps what side has the darker tint.
  16. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    4. Lava/Water entering an O2 pressurized BA (when built below water) or when a pressurized CV/HV/SV is parked in a lake.
    Nerd01, Wellingtoon and Love Is Flash like this.
  17. Bansheedragon

    Bansheedragon Commander

    Mar 31, 2016
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    Yes it's the rotate block option.
    You select that and just click with the mouse button, not need to rotate blocks.
    The new Heavy(double layered) Windows don't swap sides like the other windows do, they just swap between a darker and lighter tint on both sides.
  18. TGRF_Trainer

    TGRF_Trainer Commander

    Jun 12, 2019
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    It should be noted that I only play SP, and that this list therefore does not apply to MP. Below the list, I will expound on each point.
    1. Lack of incentive.
    2. The boring grind.
    3. Limitations on creativity.
    Lack of Incentive:

    Issue: I've mentioned this elsewhere, but this is the issue which single-handedly has ended EVERY playthrough I have EVER started. The game is fine from the point where you crash in an escape pod until you have your first CV, enough guns to take out most any POI, and enough resources to build anything you want. At that point, interest takes a nose-dive. Lately my interest has been fading further and further from that point. My last playthrough ended while I still had a starter CV and only a moderate amount of resources.

    At some point I start asking myself what the point is, and leave to play something else. The reason is simple: once survival is achieved, there IS no point, no ultimate goal, no final reward, not even anything along the way. Even if you get a massive end-game CV in, then what? You can fly around a bit? Maybe shoot up some POIs/cruisers which are ultimately powerless against you? Then what? There's just nothing there.

    Proposed fix: Incentive goes beyond having a simple goal. The early game works not because you're trying to get a CV out or take out your first POI. It works because there is the constant threat of you dying, whether from hunger, O2 depletion, wildlife - not to mention enemies like Zirax and the Legacy. Once that threat goes away - which consistently happens once a starter CV is procurred - interest dies off.

    If there was a constant threat, something actively hunting you, or threatening your survival, or even your hard-earned progress, that would keep the game interesting. The player would have to stay on their toes, and always have answers to every situation. This won't be added to the game through planet mechanics or AI. We need a force which is ACTIVELY coming after us, regardless of where we are or if we're in a base or a CV or on the ground running for our lives. Hunger actively goes down constantly. Diseases actively limit us and progress to worse things. We need an enemy which just as actively keeps coming after us, something which is hunting us without relenting, and which we can only stop at the very end of the game, when the playthrough is truly over.

    I will note that such an active antagonist might be something a lot of players don't want. That's why while I believe this is something the game very much needs, I also believe that such an addition should absolutely be an OPTION in the difficulty settings.

    I did lately ask Hummel if there were any plans to incorporate an end-game incentive, and he confirmed that there were, and that part of it was the Legacy homeworld. Until those plans come to fruition though, this remains in my mind the single biggest issue with Empyrion.

    Boring Grind:

    Issue: If lack of incentive and survival is the #1 reason I have quit all of my playthroughs, the boring grinding is what sped up losing interest the most. I expect a certain amount of grind. I expect to have to mine out the first few ore deposits with a survival tool. I expect to have to fly around in orbit and mine out bits of asteroids with a hand-held drill. I expect to have to salvage wreckages and POIs with a multi-tool.

    Proposed Fix: But that's all early game. Once we've done the grind, once we've gotten the resources, it should get faster and easier. We should be able to put a device on a captured POI (or space vessel) which will slowly deconstruct it for us. Now, I realize this is actually pretty well taken care of (aside from that auto-deconstructor I just mentioned). We already have auto-miners, and the CV drill turret can rip through an asteroid in no time. Those are great additions, and go a long way towards cutting down on the grind. Just handle the salvage part of things, and we'll be golden.

    Limitations on Creativity:

    Issue: I understand the need to balance weapons and the like, but I believe Empyrion has gone about it the wrong way. CV weapons too powerful? Can't use them on a planet. Stuff like that. The limitations on what can go in what vessel, and what can use which weapon, and how many of certain devices, just inherently don't make sense, and ultimately limit creativity.

    Proposed fix: Instead of trying to balance by limiting, balance by embracing creativity. CV weapons too powerful? Okay, give ground POIs better defenses. Instead of taking away options from creators, give them more.

    Ultimately, I would like to see the whole idea of individual vessels removed. There are simply two sizes of blocks, one small one large, which can be mixed and matched on the same structure. That would create a lot of building freedom right there. Additionally, any block can be put on any device. This means big CV turrets on HV tanks, thrusters and warp drives on bases, and anything else you can think of. Doing this would open up creativity to a whole new level, and remove illogical device and vessel type restrictions.

    And if you think it would be too OP and never work, look to Magic: the Gathering. MTG is a card game, meaning once a card is printed, they can't go back and change it. A lot of the cards are stupid OP. Is their answer to limit it by saying 'you can only play this card in certain formats'? Sometimes yes, in extreme cases. But usually, they just print more OP cards. At this point, every deck is equally OP, which means that nothing is therefore OP (in a general sense - some cards are banned). This is a principle which I would love to see Empyrion adopt. Doing so would allow builders a high level of freedom, and spawning in things like moving bases or massive HVs which actually have everything you need to live in, would be that much more fun.

    Below these three points, I would like to see logical additions, like liquid water and the ability to move about in it freely as a character, in a ship, and to build a base in it.
  19. michaelhartman89

    michaelhartman89 Rear Admiral

    Oct 2, 2016
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    Boy do I have you covered; I have pondered this many times:

    We both have similar viewpoints, great minds think alike!:D
  20. michaelhartman89

    michaelhartman89 Rear Admiral

    Oct 2, 2016
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    Basically if we had:
    • factions that would gain/lose ground and assault territories
    • NPC Companions
    • Player NPC Fleets
    • Working Economy with markets
    • Better Combat system
    • NPC Traders - Ship to Ship trading
    • Boss Enemies
    Then this game would be truly epic and the replayability would go through the roof. At that point you only have to add new classes for NPC enemies, factions and missions.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2020
    RhodeKill and TGRF_Trainer like this.

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