Generaters Should Not Explode.

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Israel, Aug 5, 2020.

  1. Israel

    Israel Commander

    May 8, 2017
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  2. cmguardia

    cmguardia Captain

    Mar 4, 2018
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    You're right. The current technology is very updated in terms of device protections.
    However, in the game I am more inclined to leave it as it is. I find it more fun and helps to keep the focus on the game, with negative consequences if you don't.

    Tienes razón. La tecnología actual esta muy actualizada en cuanto a protecciones de dispositivos.
    Sin embargo en el juego me inclino mas a dejarlo como está. Me parece mas divertido y ayuda a mantener la atención en el juego, con consecuencias negativas si no lo haces.
    Germanicus and EternalHeathen like this.
  3. Israel

    Israel Commander

    May 8, 2017
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    Yes but the negative consequences could logically be the short circuit where your generators shut off and stop working which means everything stops working which is a pretty big negative consequence. This also brings more immersion to yourself by experiencing real life negative consequences instead of something you know wouldn't happen in this day an age.
  4. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    Interesting that your trying to apply low powered systems to what should be a high powered generator.
    A short circuit can cause a system to explode. When your dealing with systems where the current can ride on the outside of a conduit things can become hot to the point of turning metal white hot and melt it. Circuit breakers don't always break and can get fused together. As things get hotter and hotter something can and will blow. Oil filled capacitors might be good, but get that oil too hot and they do explode.

    Even the generator on an aircraft can cause things to explode including themselves. Haven't any of you seen a transformer on a power pole explode? Why didn't the breakers stop that from happening?

    Power systems can and do explode! I have seen more then just one system explode. :eek:

    I haven't always worked in computers. :)
    cmguardia, tachyon and Germanicus like this.
  5. Don't Panic

    Don't Panic Commander

    Jul 5, 2019
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    Israel likes this.
  6. cmguardia

    cmguardia Captain

    Mar 4, 2018
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    I hope I don't sound aggressive, I just want a quiet chat.
    I have an electrical technician degree and a degree in electronic engineering above. I worked selling electrical protective equipment. And I work giving electrical and electronic maintenance to linear accelerators for ****** treatment (they are a type of particle accelerator). Only one of the team's spare parts costs $ 35,000 (which in South America is a lot of money). I know how things around us should work and I know how electrical and electronic protection elements should work.
    But this is a game. Otherwise the whole life would be asking how the solar panels and generators should behave, the lack of electrical wiring, the lack of an electrical protection panel, not to mention the disconnection of the electrical circuit and its good balanced distribution.
    Has anyone ever seen what it's like to have triphasic lines out of balance with the point of imbalance spinning? The lights of an entire block of houses go up and down in rhythm that look like Christmas lights! I can say that I have been working with electricity since I was 16 years old and today I am about 40 years old I think I can let this happen in a game.
    I highly recommend trying Planet Nomad. There you have to place a distribution box for the electrical connection, and when the power exceeds what the generator or batteries can supply, everything turns off. Very fun if you are in flight and fall into the void. It also has a collision, so that will have its consequences on impact.

    Espero no sonar agresivo, solo quiero una charla tranquila.
    Tengo titulo de técnico electricista y la carrera de ingeniería electronica encima. Trabajé vendiendo equipos de protección eléctricos. Y trabajo dando mantenimiento eléctrico y electrónico a aceleradores lineales para tratamiento de ****** (son un tipo de aceleradores de particulas). Solo uno de los repuestos del equipo tiene costos de 35000 dólares (lo cual en sudamerica es mucho dinero). Se como deben trabajar las cosas que nos rodean y sé como deben trabajar los elementos de protección eléctricos y electrónicos.
    Pero esto es un juego. De lo contrario estaría la vida entera pidiendo como deben comportarse los paneles solares y los generadores, la falta de cableado eléctrico, la falta de tablero de protección eléctrica, sin hablar del seccionamiento del circuito eléctrico y su buena distribución equilibrada.
    Alguna vez alguien vio lo que es tener las lineas trifásicas desequilibradas con el punto de desequilibrio girando? Las luces de toda una manzana de casas suben y bajan en ritmo que parecen luces de navidad! Puedo decir que trabajo con electricidad desde los 16 años y hoy apunto de los 40 creo que puedo dejar pasar esto en un juego.
    Recomiendo probar Planet Nomad. Allí tienes que colocar una caja de distribución para el coneccionado eléctrico, y cuando la potencia sobrepasa lo que el generador o las baterías pueden suministrar todo se apaga. Muy divertido si estas en pleno vuelo y caes al vacio. Tambien tiene colisión, así que eso traerá sus consecuencias en el impacto.
  7. Don't Panic

    Don't Panic Commander

    Jul 5, 2019
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    However, it would be more interesting for the gameplay if the generators switch off if they overload and can only be put into operation again after a rest phase. The current solution from Eleon is again a too fast and thoughtless integrated function in the game. Just because a player wanted something like that. But I have the guess that they did it this way because there is a small exploit in the way.

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