Reforged Galaxy

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by Vermillion, Dec 24, 2019.

  1. Mawkee

    Mawkee Ensign

    Jul 24, 2020
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    I've noticed that original post was 1.50a, and now it's 1.50b. Was there anything else that was changed? Do I need to re-update, or am I just missing something?
  2. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    There was a minor update. If you're using the scenario it'll update itself, otherwise yeah. You'll need to update.

    The changes between versions were:

    - Reduced CPU consumption of Small Constructor (CV/BA) from 10000 to 5000, but increased the power draw while active.
    - Enabled CV Pulse Laser Turret on Planets (Both firing modes).
    - Enabled Secondary Firing Modes of CV Flak Turret and CV Plasma Turret on planets (manual only).
    - Plasma's particle beam mode and Pulse Laser's high-output mode have reduced range in atmosphere to compensate.
    - Reduced EXP gained from Abominations and Overseers.
    - Zirax Turrets when retrieved/salvaged will return BA Laser Turrets or their components instead of projectile turrets/components.
    - Zirax Rocket and Artillery Turrets will return BA Rocket Turret Blocks/Components.
  3. Comp625

    Comp625 Lieutenant

    Jul 24, 2020
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    Hi Vermillion,

    We just installed your mod but are having some trouble. Running a Public Stable v1.0 3047 dedicated server through Nitrado with Reforged Galaxy 1.50 (not sure if it's "a" or "b" but I downloaded it today).

    1. When trying to construct weapons and ammo in an advanced, large, small constructor, the entire weapons tab is blank (see screenshot).
    2. When going to a food processor, all of the food tabs are blank. Can't make anything (see screenshot).
    3. Player's personal Survival Constructor is also blank.
    4. We can't loot troop corpses but can loot wildlife.

    There may be more issues but these are the ones we know of one hour into Reforged Galaxy 1.0.

    We installed the RG files exactly how you described it -- copying and pasting the files into the Empyrion/Content/Configuration folder (see screenshot of my FTP - you can see the file timestamps matching your ZIP). Same thing with the Localization file -- copying and pasting it into the Empyrion/Content/Extras.

    For what it's worth, we're using an existing save game though these issues seem like they'll impact even new saves. My friends and I don't want to start a brand new save/universe.

    Thank you in advance!

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  4. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    I have no idea how to configure a server, so I have no idea what's going on.
    In most cases when there's no recipes it's because something is trying to interefere with the recipes and is throwing an error.
    Check the console log ` and see what errors are appearing.

    DJNOOB Ensign

    Jul 15, 2020
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    What's happening is the scenario configs that you are using for your save are conflicting with the configs from RG. Overwriting the stock configuration files really is not a good way to install. It requires both the server and anyone connecting to it to have exactly the same files. Steam will also overwrite the files when the game/server updates. (Vermillion I'd suggest changing those instructions)

    Here's what you need to do
    A) go and put the configuration files back to stock. (if you didn't make backups like you should have, just run the steam update and it will put them back to stock) Both for clients and the sever files.
    B) Shut down your server and go to your dedicated.yaml file on the server and under GameConfig find the line CustomScenario and note what scenario is being used. (most likely it's Default Multiplayer)
    C) For this time only because you're trying to keep your current save....... on your server go to content/scenarios/*scenario name*/configuration
    D) Copy the RG files and paste them there overwriting and files there. Then restart your server

    At this point if you are still having some issues, try placing down a new constructor. Some items might not update just from there being new files (although they should). If that still doesn't work then I don't what the issue is.

    In the future, like when you guys start a new game, you should just run the mod using a custom scenario and not overwrite the default multiplayer files. ( again, when the server gets updated it will overwrite those files)
    Normal69 and Kassonnade like this.
  6. Comp625

    Comp625 Lieutenant

    Jul 24, 2020
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    Thanks both for the reply! I just re-downloaded the mod and loaded the files again into my server and it works! Must have been a weird glitch or a file got corrupted/didn't transfer correctly.

    Can you guys help explain in simple, lay terms how the new CPU system works? For example, I have a base that has 4 T4 CPUs. Previous to RG, I was at CPU Efficiency: 100% and Allocation at 884,831 (well under the 1.2M limit).

    With RG installed, CPU is stuck at Active Tier 1. My allocation is 1.8M, which is about 100,000 over the Tier 4 limit of 1.7M (but again it's still "stuck" at Tier 1). My CPU Efficiency is now at 1% and generators are blowing up if I run 2 advanced constructors at the same time.
  7. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    There are no CPU tiers in reforged.
    Instead, each and every CPU extender you place increases your CPU. You can place 1 T2, 2 T3, and 4 T4 extenders, PLUS additional quantum T5 extenders.

    Simply add more extenders of different tiers.
    Normal69 and Kassonnade like this.

    DJNOOB Ensign

    Jul 15, 2020
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    Look at the mod description. Lots of items have had both their power and cpu usage changed. This is especially true for things like constructors, furnaces, and turrets.

    Add crew to your base and it will reduce your cpu usage and allow you to add more power to deal with your issue with going over power.
    Normal69 and Kassonnade like this.
  9. Comp625

    Comp625 Lieutenant

    Jul 24, 2020
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    Thank you, that makes sense. Is there a limit to the number of T5 quantum extenders?
  10. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    No, you can use as many of them as you can get your hands on.
    See here:
    For comprehensive explanations on everything in Reforged Galaxy And/or Eden
  11. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Small Update, since my main PC will finally be back from being repaired tomorrow.

    Reforged Galaxy v1.51 for 1.0 - Visual update

    Dug into the particle index to see what I could improve combat's visuals. I expected it to be a boring endeavor but it turns out that as always, the best content in the game has been added, then promptly forgotten without ever seeing the light of day.

    Replaced the explosion effects for most ship weapons from the tiny little "poofs" of fire we get when something explodes for something bigger, brighter and that lingers a bit longer so you can appreciate your handywork of sticking a rocket inside the thruster cowling of a CV.
    > Flak rounds have larger versions of their old explosions.
    > Artillery rounds produce a huge explosion with a cloud of smoke, visible from over a kilometer away.
    > Rockets and Missiles produce a bright, expanding explosion with burning fragments. (Best explosion in the game, completely unused)

    Devices and blocks when destroyed have similarly impressive effects. You know you've taken out a turret when it produces a large explosion and trails fire and smoke for a few seconds.
    This also applies to thrusters, generators and fuel tanks. Goddamn shooting a fuel tank inside a POI makes such a nice explosion now.

    Fine-tuned the explosion mechanics vs armor so that explosive weapons will deal slightly more damage to armor instead of making a small hole and just a little bit of damage around the impact point.
    Oh, and I removed the radial menu for the handheld minigun and laser minigun and turned it into an automatic mode by pressing LMB+RMB like the SV gatling gun.
    RG Test_2020-08-11_15-32-19.png
    Nothing quite like having an entire ship blow up properly.

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    Last edited: Aug 12, 2020
  12. cpspok

    cpspok Commander

    Sep 3, 2016
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    To update my dedicated server with the latest version of this mod do i just install the new version into my content/scenerio folder on my dedicated server location ?
  13. Nikita70

    Nikita70 Ensign

    Nov 30, 2019
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    Hi Vermillion,

    Many thanks for the fantastic mod Reforged Galaxy! It's really super!
    A few days back i installed it on my dedicated server and it's running like a charm!

    Though i have a question about the SV thrusters. Because i'm building different SV's for different purposes, i always check at forehand what thrusters i will be using. I've made a table of these thrusters and their energy consumption, CPU usage, torque and force and some calculations to see the statistics of thrusters in relation to the Advanced large Jet (except for the Mk2 versions of the large jet thrusters and i see i'm missing the mass of the thrusters but for the question this has little impact).


    According to this table i can better use 2 Medium Jet engines then 1 Advanced large Jet because they deliver almost the same amount of force but use a little bit more energy for about a third of CPU usage.

    So i was wondering what is the benefit of using 1 Advanced large Jets over 2 Medium Jets besides more hit points and probably a little bit more boost?

    I'm asking this because i have trouble seeing the usefulness of the large jet thrusters and i've got the feeling that the force they deliver is relative speaking small. Maybe i'm missing something.

    DJNOOB likes this.
  14. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Well, they were better balanced relative to each other in the past, but feedback and constant changes has required the thrusters see a lot of changed.
    The only real disadvantage is CPU cost, which I suppose I can change in a future update.
    Normal69 and Nikita70 like this.
  15. DJNOOB

    DJNOOB Ensign

    Jul 15, 2020
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    Damn man, just when I was thinking I'd wait a while before updating. Awesome work on this.
  16. Comp625

    Comp625 Lieutenant

    Jul 24, 2020
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    Hi Vermillion,

    Is there a way to still use RG but revert back to the stock CPU and stock SV/CV/HV speeds? Perhaps if I load all of your RG files except BlocksConfig.ecf? We feel the CPU is too limiting (especially on SVs) and my group is pestering me about how slow the vehicles all feel now (they hate change).

    On the flipside, we particularly like the new enemy AI (it's lightyears better than stock AI) and all of the other QOL changes like sounds and explosions.

    Thank you again!
  17. Nikita70

    Nikita70 Ensign

    Nov 30, 2019
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    Thanks man! You're work is really awesome!

    At the moment i'm trying to get the most out of a SV without extension which is quite limited and challenging. I basically had to start over because most of my A12 BP's are not usable in RG. Only some T1 BP's could be made usable, though not performing as i would like, with a little bit of tweaking.
  18. DJNOOB

    DJNOOB Ensign

    Jul 15, 2020
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    There's are a lot more changes in the config files than just to the cpu. If you want to change it you'll have to do it manually and anytime there is an update, go in and redo those changes.
  19. Mawkee

    Mawkee Ensign

    Jul 24, 2020
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    Maybe playing without CPU activated?
    Honestly, my group ended up getting used to the new CPU mechanics. They make a little more sense (if you make a huge concrete landing pad on your base I honestly see no point in taking 20-30% of your available CPU), but they need to be understood, and most blueprints need to be reworked.
    Normal69 likes this.
  20. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    Noob question, but do these updates happen automatically? I.e. I subscribed to the mod a few weeks ago, returned to a vanilla game for a while, if I go back will all these updates be in that old game? Or will I need to restart or do something different to get your updates included?

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