Thank you Germanicus... I spend two hours to understand why my ship wasn't airtight anymore, and i saw this (a bit late, apologies) : - O2 calculation is now done on 0.5m voxels instead of 1m voxels. With that change, structures will get oxygened in much more detailed areas. Ahah, just have to re-think many of my ships one more time. Please, could you add some airtight ramps to the game ?
And/Or some Angled Forcefields, and with more size ranges. x+1 x y+1 from x=0, y=0 to x=10, y=10 for both straight and angled force fields. Same thing with ramps. It's pretty common to find the ramp you really WANT to make a nice looking exit from your ship is perpetually 1 length too short in the width you want it to be - and I can't speak for anyone else, but I've grown weary of building bases with "holes" in landing pads to receive landing gear, so I don't wind up with a one-block drop to the ground. Even that can be painful on high-g planets.
Dual Universe has forcefield ramps that can be toggled and extend either to a fixed max length or to the nearest solid object (or terrain). Seems Empyrion could use some of those.
I was reading this and started thinking about the forcefield blocks. Perhaps have 1 block type you CAN fire through?
I havent seen the forums updated in about a month now. I was looking to see where the discord information is. If someone knows let me know.
Just got an update for the Dedicated Server without change of version or build number. Does anybody know what it does? Latest update the OP knows is from last weekend.
If your build number did not change... it could be a Scenario Update like that of @Vermillion or @ravien_ff
The entry usually says "Workshop Update" though in the downloads list. My game updated its self yesterday, a tiny one sure, but it was showing as a game update, not a Workshop one. Scoob.
No, it was no workshop update for me, I know how they appear in the download list. It really was an update for "Empyrion - Galactic Survival Dedicated Server". And it was for Dedicated Server only, usually they update both, main game and server, but this time it only was a server update. Last time I've seen this is more than 2 years ago.
Cool, we get new and better goodies as well So Santa says I am off his list, apparently I am not getting any presents this year, because I been naughty so you got to step up to the mark, and make it like Christmas day on the 15th with lots of festive cheer, if you don't, I may become naughty again, you won't like me when I am naughty.
I'm still on v1.2, so thought I'd post here... I notice that I can no longer use the Detector on my CV while weapons are Off. I always cruise around with weapons off to save power, so I've used the Detector many times with weapons stowed. Indeed, I can still do this just fine with HV's and SV's, so why the change to CV's? Anyone else noticed this? Scoob.
No, at least not on SV's and HV's. De facto is the Scanner a Weapon. But that should not be a problem when only the Scanner is active. 'More Information's are needed'...
Are you sure? I can jump into my SV right now, weapons stowed, and the Detector will Ping just fine. Not on the CV though. I always stow weapons when I don't need them, specifically on SV's as I'd be Pinging regularly, get out of the vessel to do something, then Ping again but the game resets the highlighted item on the quick bar of course, so I'd accidentally waste ammo. Hence why I started always stowing weapons when exploring, only turning them on as needed. I used to do the same for CV's - usually when arriving on a new planet - but that was more about not having turrets firing at every enemy unit on the ground, though it also saved some fuel of course. Perhaps I'm seeing some modded behaviour? I am using Reforged Eden, which I know makes a lot of changes, though I didn't think it'd impact something like this. Scoob.
I just double-checked, with both my SV and HV I can fire off the Detector with weapons stowed, just not on the CV. Scoob.
The CV detector is classed as a weapon and can be toggled off with the weapon toggle as being able to turn it off was a common request for vanilla which as usual, went ignored. Mainly because the power consumption of the CV Detector is massive and being unable to turn it off was killing idle ships. I'll try and improve it for the next update.
That explains things. I'd never actually noticed that the CV Detector used a lot of power, though I had thought my CV seemed to be lasting longer with weapons disabled, so that makes perfect sense now. It's a shame the detector can't be set to just use power when it actively sends out a Ping. However, that would then have the potential to overload generators when giving it a fair amount of power use overall, but all taken in a split second. I wonder if some sort of charging mechanic would be possible for the CV Detector? I've no clue what's possible and what's not. Though now I understand your reasoning for the change on the CV, I think it's a better solution than vanilla. Scoob.
I've been running into this same issue with the detector. Go into your devices list, Equipment group, and make sure the detector is active. I have no idea what causes it to turn itself off, but that's usually what's going on.
I just used a custom toggle to turn it on when my weapons are off. seems to work fine that way for me at least.